Among the holy places, the closest to the Mountain of Despair is the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords. If Lin Fei is also tied up, then his chances at the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords will naturally be the greatest. .|

Tang Sanye was put aside by his own words, and he couldn't say anything more to protect Lin Fei, so he let go and said: "It depends on my nephew himself, he is a person who is used to being alone, if He doesn't want to go, and the third master can't force him..."

The Heavenly Demon King looked at Lin Fei: "Sir, don't meddle in this matter. I think Lin Fei will be happy to go with us. The Despair Mountains are of great importance. For the sake of the entire cultivation world, he has to go, no You have to go!"

"Why?" Lin Fei suddenly spoke, his voice a little low.

The Sky Demon King's face turned cold, he didn't expect that this junior would dare to bump into him, and hummed: "Since you are just a little monk in the Dao Palace, this king and everyone have already stepped into the Immortal Realm!"

Lin Fei only showed two eyes, and the internal fire was flowing, looking at the Sky Demon King: "You mean, you are the king of gods, and I am an ant?"

"His eyes are fine?" The Sky Demon King was shocked. He didn't expect a person's eyes to be full of flames, but he is a super expert who has been famous for a long time. How could he be afraid of a junior, and sneered, "In my eyes , you are not even as good as an ant!"

"Then I, an ant, will slaughter you, the god king!" Lin Fei was so angry that two real fires of the sun shot at the sky demon king in his eyes!

At the same time, a simple and unreal mirror appeared from the void and shot at the Sky Demon King!

"court death!"

The Sky Demon King was furious, and grabbed the void mirror with a palm, and two demon fires shot out from his eyes, facing Lin Fei's real sun fire.

"You two, please calm down..."

Seeing that something big was going to happen in this pavilion, Queen Bei couldn't just sit back and watch. A fairy phoenix flew out from the phoenix crown above her head, which turned into a barrier and absorbed all the real fire of the two of them.Kong left a void mirror and patted the palm of the Sky Demon King. What was unexpected was that the palm of the Sky Demon King was smashed by the mirror, and blood flowed horizontally.

"Saint Soldier!"

Everyone's eyes were terrified, and the void mirror hung back above Lin Fei's head, casting silver lights to protect Lin Fei's whole body.

"Damn it!" The Sky Demon King quickly recovered his palm, his face was gloomy, and he stood up straight to kill Lin Fei, but was persuaded by Queen Bei and others.

Everyone had their own ideas in their hearts, but they didn't expect that this stinky boy actually had a complete holy weapon in his hands. The power of a saint was unpredictable. If he hadn't stepped into the holy realm, he would never be able to imagine that kind of coercion.A holy weapon is enough to kill several people who are at the peak of Immortal Er, which is a complete level advantage.

Immortal San Zhan Dao, once he steps over, he can become a saint, cut off his obsession, and his strength will explode several times or even ten times!

The Heavenly Demon King is the peak figure of Immortal Er, one foot has already stepped into the holy realm, but the other half of his foot is doomed to make a fool of himself just now. .|

Facing holy soldiers with empty fists, they will definitely lose.

Han Tong, who was sitting not far from Lin Fei, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, was so gloomy that black water dripped from his face at this moment, and he said in his heart, "This raw animal is actually showing the holy mirror here, how can this old man eat alone! This It is determined that many people will stare at this holy mirror!"

Lin Fei's cultivation base is only in the second heaven of the Taoist Palace, but he holds a holy mirror. This is no different from a fool wearing a necklace worth hundreds of millions. Everyone wants to go up and grab it!

"I don't want to go, no one can force me!" Lin Fei's eyes were full of flames, no one could see his face, only his eyeballs that were breathtaking and blazing inside, he said loudly, " Although I, Lin Fei, am an ant with low cultivation, one day, I will trample all those arrogant so-called god kings under my feet!"

Everyone's expressions were different, and the four princesses of Shenchao also sized him up. After touching his bloody eyes, they didn't dare to look at him a few more times.Those were a pair of eyes that were confused yet firm, passionate yet indifferent. Although everyone's cultivation was much higher than Lin Fei's, none of them could see through what Lin Fei was thinking.

"This son... is very dangerous..." Sitting in the center, the concubine Tianfei next to the Northern Queen, her beautiful eyes kept flickering, secretly transmitted the sound to the Northern Queen next to her, "What should I do now? If he doesn't want to Go to the Mountain of Despair, I'm afraid they will be suppressed this time..."

"Don't worry, I believe he will go..." The Northern Queen was very calm, a fairy voice wafted from the phoenix crown above her head, the fairy voice reverberated, making people's blood calm.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, don't be impulsive..." The Northern Queen had a noble demeanor, and her jade lips opened lightly, "We definitely don't want to force Fellow Daoist Lin to go. The Despair Mountain Range is one of the four major death places in the Tianyuan Continent, and it is definitely not a lie."

"The Mountain of Despair has existed since ancient times. It has existed since there were ascetics in the Tianyuan Continent. There is a elixir of immortality in the mountain. Tens of thousands of years ago, countless senior experts in the cultivation world went there just to pick up the elixir of immortality to continue. However, very few succeeded, and most of those who went there turned into a pile of dust in the Despair Mountains..." The Northern Queen looked at Lin Fei and explained the ins and outs of the matter to him.

Fifty years ago, bursts of elixir fragrance came from the depths of the Despair Mountains, and the fragrance of the medicine wafted across the entire southern region, shaking the cultivation world for a while.They all thought that the elixir of immortality in the depths of the mountains had matured, so a large number of hidden and current masters from the cultivation world went to the Mountain of Despair. In the end, dozens of masters from the secret realm of Sendai were trapped in the Mountain of Despair.

Originally, people thought that they died in the Despair Mountains and became a pile of dry bones, but they did not expect that a few years ago there was a faint cry for help from the depths of the mountains. Leave a trace of spirit.

The main purpose of this Tianchi Holy Meeting is to discuss how to re-enter the Mountain of Despair and rescue those seniors.

The Concubine Tian even sent a message to Lin Fei in private, hoping that Lin Fei could go to the Mountain of Despair, because she had three sisters who were also trapped in the Mountain of Despair 50 years ago, Concubine Rong, Concubine Jing and Concubine Xi.

Lin Fei, who was originally regarded as an ant, fought a beautiful turnaround. Not only did the Sky Demon King suffer a great loss, but even the True Buddha Mo Yan, the digital holy masters, and His Majesty the God Dynasty had to re-examine him.

This person is a tough guy, he would rather break than give up, but he is a monk with a backbone. The rumors about him killing his father and seizing the treasure are mostly framed by someone about him torturing and killing girls.

After learning the truth of the incident, Lin Fei readily agreed that he would go to the Mountain of Despair with the large army to rescue those ruthless people from 50 years ago.However, because the large army had to leave in three months, Lin Fei did not leave Tianchi Holy Land immediately, but communicated with Mo Yan, the real Buddha.

"Dare to ask the true Buddha, is the Lord of Lingshan Tathagata?" Lin Fei asked the true Buddha Mo Yan excitedly.

Tathagata Buddha, in those Buddhist scriptures on earth, is a figure who is often mentioned, and can be said to be the strongest in the three realms.

If there is a Tathagata Buddha here, is this Tathagata the same as the Tathagata that people on the earth chanted? If the two are the same person, then the Tathagata from the Lingshan Mountain has been to the earth, and I can find my way home through him?

True Buddha Mo Yan was stunned, and then put his hands together and said, "There is no Tathagata in this world..."

"There is no Tathagata?" Lin Fei's heart jumped, and he asked, "Who is the owner of the Lingshan Mountain? I heard that the true Buddha said it as 'Amitabha Buddha'. Isn't the Great Emperor Amitabha Buddha the Tathagata?"

Zhenfo Mo Yan shook his head and said, "My Buddhist emperor is Amitabha Buddha, the Tathagata is just a gust of wind, and the wind leaves no trace..."

"According to the words of the true Buddha, the Tathagata did exist, but where did he go with the wind?" Lin Fei still didn't give up and wanted to ask the truth.

"The poor monk only knows that the Tathagata has gone with the wind. As for where he went, the poor monk doesn't know. It's an ancient thing..." Mo Yan Zhenfo seemed unwilling to tell Lin Fei the truth, and he was a little perfunctory.

But Lin Fei continued to ask: "If you dare to ask the real Buddha, do you know Sakyamuni?"

"Amitabha..." Mo Yan Zhenfo's face changed drastically, and he moved to a distance and walked away. "There is no Tathagata in this world, and there is no Sakyamuni. Only my patriarch, Amitabha, once saved all living beings..."

Mo Yan went too fast, tearing apart the void and fleeing in just an instant, obviously he didn't want to communicate with Lin Fei about "Tathagata" and "Sakyamuni".

"Could it be that Tathagata and Sakyamuni are taboo words in Buddhism?" Lin Fei's face was serious, and he couldn't catch up with Mo Yan at all. Even if he did catch up, he might not be able to ask any questions.

Not far away, two golden sword lights arrived, and it was the Holy Master of the Thousand Swords Holy Land and Han Tong's old dog, blocking Lin Fei.

"What's the matter? You still want to do something in Tianchi Holy Land?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram was already condensed between his eyebrows, as long as these two guys dared to do something, he would use the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram to destroy them.

Tang Sanye had already left the Tianchi Holy Association first, saying that he had a business to do first, and before leaving, he had pointed it out to Lin Fei, saying that his strange picture was most likely an imperial weapon.With the imperial weapon in hand, Lin Fei is confident now, not to mention Han Tong coming up to seize the treasure, even if he goes up together with the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, once the imperial weapon is released, they will be completely wiped out.

The activation of the Emperor Artifact is equivalent to the Great Emperor's attack. The Great Emperor is the most powerful person in the universe, and only then can he prove the Dao and become the Emperor. The two guys in front of him are still far behind, and they have not even stepped into the Holy Realm.

Lin Fei's body was wrapped in black, only showing a pair of fiery eyes, and he looked very arrogant. Han Tong wanted to ask Lin Fei for some advice, but was stopped by the Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords.

"In three months' time, I invite Fellow Daoist Lin to move to the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, and then all comrades will go to the Mountain of Despair together..." The Wan Sword Sage is a handsome middle-aged man, and his words reveal a sense of elegance. It is difficult to see that this person is actually the Lord of Thousand Swords.

Han Tong added with a sneer: "Don't be so scared that you pee your pants and run away halfway!"

"Pissing your pants is not enough. If I can piss on your old dog's face, I would be very happy!" Lin Fei laughed.

"The boy is looking for death!" Han Tong couldn't hold back any longer. He stretched out a withered palm after being so insulted, and the shadow of the palm appeared in the sky, wanting to smash Lin Fei's head.

Lord Wanjian didn't stop him, but stepped aside, Lin Fei sneered in his heart, it seemed that this guy thought he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Heavenly Dao Fist..."

Lin Fei didn't release the Void Mirror right away, but stretched out his right fist, and punched out a fiery red fist shadow in the air, intending to fight Han Tong head-on.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!" Han Tong sneered again and again, the shadow of his fist was pressed down, and the surrounding space was also distorted by the blow. The Great Cultivator of the Secret Realm of Sendai was not blown out.

In his opinion, Lin Fei's fist to fist is tantamount to sending him to death. If he can't get out of the holy mirror, he is courting death himself!


There were bursts of terrifying howling sounds in the void, and the shadows of fists collided, shattering the entire space.

A pair of golden fists broke through the fist shadow in front of Han Tong, and blasted towards Han Tong's Tianling Gai!

"not good!"

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