Lin Fei greeted several people from Tianchi Holy Land, and then went to rest with his eyes closed. He wanted to sort out his recent practice experience and come up with a feasible long-term practice route. .|

Recalling these few battles, he himself didn't get much improvement, either because of the help of Void Mirror, or because Tai Chi Yin Yang Tu came forward to make a rescue, his Dao Palace's strength didn't have any test at all.

The more Lin Fei tidied up, the more frightened he became. Only then did he realize that he really had no means of attacking. He only had a set of boxing techniques called Tiandaoquan, and he hadn't fully comprehended it, so he couldn't hit the Dao realm at all.In addition, there is a pair of burning eyes. Although the real sun fire inside is powerful, its attack range is very limited, and it cannot be used repeatedly, which will damage the original power.

Other than that, he didn't have any secret attack skills at all, he just used the Void Mirror and Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram to set up his pen a few times.


Three days later, the big auspicious cloud over Tianchi Holy Land finally drove into the depths of a mountain range.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged to enlightenment three days ago, and he has not woken up since then, so he has not seen the magnificence of this mountain range.

Yu Niang led everyone to the Xuanmen under the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land. No less than a hundred monks had gathered here, not all of them were from the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, but there were also some young disciples from other holy places and hermit families. Because they are all below the secret realm of the four poles.

"The saintess of Tianchi Holy Land and all the fairies are here..."

"Fairy, please stay still. Something happened in the Holy Land, and it will take a few days before you can enter..." The saintess of Wanjian Holy Land came over to meet Yu Niang Wu Qingying and the others, but saw that she was wrapped in black and was closing herself. Lin Fei, who was recuperating, asked, "Is that fellow Daoist Lin Fei Lin?"

"He is..." Wu Qingying, as the saint of Tianchi, spoke to the saint of Wanjian on an equal footing.

The voice of the Wanjian Saintess was a little anxious, and she said: "Then please ask Lin Daoyou to enter first, the head teacher and the Tianchi Virgin are waiting for him inside..."

The Saintess of Ten Thousand Swords is also a peerless beauty, but there is some sharpness on her brows, which is due to the swordsmanship she has learned.But at this moment, she was rather anxious, and hoped that Lin Fei would go in to help first, because something serious happened in the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is enlightening, why don't we take her in together..." Wu Qingying was familiar with Saintess Wanjian, and pulled Saintess Wanjian over to take a look at Lin Fei, and found that he closed his eyes and meditated without any movement.

"Okay, that's all I can do..."

After all, the Wanjian Saintess can only decide to open the Taoist door again, Yu Niang, Wu Qingying led Lin Fei, and the Wanjian Saintess into the Xuanmen together.

The ancestral gate of Wanjian Holy Land is also located in a Mysterious Xiaojie, but this Mysterious Xiaojie is completely different from the Xuanjie of Tianchi. There are bursts of sound of swords, this is a world of swords.


Lin Fei's ears were buzzing. He woke up from his trance, and what he saw when he opened his eyes was nothing but a pair of slender, long and slender legs.

"The legs are so beautiful..."

Lin Fei looked up along his legs, but he saw a more beautiful scene, and couldn't help moaning softly, there was even a small pink dress inside.

The Saintess Wanjian suddenly heard a strange sound, and then her face froze. She looked down and saw that Lin Fei beside her had moved under her dress at some point.

"You!" The Saintess Wanjian was ashamed and angry, she dodged tens of meters away, and raised her hand to strike at Lin Fei.

Wu Qingying and Yuniang hurriedly stopped her. Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, Lin Fei immediately closed his eyes tightly again, and muttered to himself: "There is no color, no form, no illusion, no form, no reason, no self, no emptiness, no extinction. bright and clean……"

He remembered a Buddhist saying that his master Ziyang used to say when he was doing fortune-telling in the city, but it was this Buddhist saying that made Wanjian Shengnv run away.

"Colorless and formless?" She blushed, did this animal see the color of her little clothes?Otherwise, why would you say that!

"Damn you!"

Five emerald green fairy swords rushed out from between the eyebrows of the Wanjian Saintess, immediately blocking the void, and the roar of the fairy swords was the same as the Dao.

These five fairy swords were transformed from the five Taoist palaces of the Saintess of Thousand Swords. She did not refine the gods, but five natal fairy swords. Qingying was on par, even better than Wu Qingying.

The five swords came out together, and the maiden Wanjian was furious, her pretty eyebrows raised, and she wanted to kill Lin Fei with one sword.

Lin Fei, who was pretending to be asleep, also felt a strong coercion at this time. This Saintess of Thousand Swords is not simple, but he is not in a hurry to make a move.

A treasure book appeared, and quickly flew in front of the Maiden of Thousand Swords, pulled out a ray of divine soul from her body, and locked this ray of divine soul into the second goddess cage.The four divine chains bind the limbs of the soul of Wan Jian Sheng, from which one after another fiery red aura is drawn out, and at the same time, a picture of Wan Jian Sheng Nu appears on the Baojian scroll, and the fiery red aura gradually nourishes Wan Jian Sheng on the picture female.


The five flying swords were taken back almost at the same time. It wasn't the Wanjian saintess who took it back automatically, but a slight change in her soul, which caused the flying swords to slip back into the Taoist palace due to improper control.

"Saint, don't worry, there must be a misunderstanding. The most important thing right now is to take Fellow Daoist Lin to the Demon King Peak..."

Yuniang knows some secrets of the Holy Land of Wanjian, and also knows why she brought Lin Fei in, and stepped forward to dissuade the Holy Maiden of Wanjian.

Thousand Swords Saintess was sucked away a sliver of spirit, and there was a lot of anger in that strand of spirit, and it was the anger in her body that was sucked away by the Goddess Cage.

The anger was drawn away, and the Saintess of Wanjian immediately calmed down. She looked at Lin Fei who was still pretending to be asleep, said nothing, and flicked her sleeves to control the weapon.

"This girl is quite hot-tempered, but I like it..."

Lin Fei closed his eyes and rested his mind, but an evil thought rose in his heart. Suddenly, one of the four divine chains in the goddess's cage swayed gently, and picked up a sleeve of the Saintess of Wanjian, revealing Its center sense of the collarbone.

"what happened……"

The Saintess of Thousand Swords in front suddenly sank in her heart, and a strange feeling came to her heart, as if her clothes had been ripped open.But when she looked at her right shoulder, she found that she was still wearing it, without any abnormality.

Naturally, Lin Fei sensed the slight change in the mood of Saintess Wanjian, and couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that this would really work.

"Should I take off her clothes and have sex in the cage for a while..."

A vulgar thought rose in Lin Fei's mind, and the Maiden of Thousand Swords in front of her felt her body tremble for no reason, as if something bad had happened.


Before Lin Fei could use the top-level room technique, Lin Fei's thoughts were dispelled by a roar in front of him. It was a roar that made people palpitate and tremble.

"Could this be that big demon? This coercion is stronger than that of the Northern Queen. Could it be the big demon at the Saint Realm?"

A burst of cold sweat broke out on Lin Fei's body, and his body was shaken open for a while. The Saintess of Thousand Swords in front sacrificed a jade handkerchief, which protected the four people's flying magic weapon.



"Kill all of you..."

The hoarse voice of the big demon still echoed non-stop. Although the jade handkerchief offset part of the prestige, the coercion that penetrated still made the four of them feel uncomfortable.

"Dare to ask Saintess, what do you want me to do?" Lin Fei suddenly asked Saintess Wanjian.

Wanjian Saintess snorted angrily: "It's your honor to invite you here. If you want to talk nonsense, you'll know when you arrive..."

"Ah..." As soon as she finished speaking, she screamed involuntarily. It felt as if her skirt was being lifted, but when she looked down, she found that the skirt was in good condition.

Lin Fei was laughing evilly in his heart at this time, dammit, do all the women who cultivated themselves have such a good figure, he had already picked up the skirt of the Saintess of Ten Thousand Swords in the cage, her figure is not so good.

"What kind of magic did you use!"

The Saintess of Wanjian glared at Lin Fei. Seeing the smirk on the corner of the boy's mouth, she guessed that this guy must have used some kind of enchantment to make her feel this strange.

Lin Fei shrugged his shoulders, and said with an innocent face: "I said Sister Saint, but I didn't do anything. Yu Niang and Sister Wu are watching here..."

"You..." The beautiful face of the Wanjian Saintess was flushed red, and she was speechless for a while.

Yuniang and Wu Qingying on the side were really confused. Lin Fei did nothing just now, and they didn't know why the Wanjian Saintess became so angry.


Suddenly there was a big shock ahead, a huge cyan ancient tomb rose from the ground, covering the sky and covering the sun, demonic clouds billowed, and the air waves billowed into the sky. Eighteen huge divine chains bound the ancient tomb, eighteen The top figures each pulled a divine chain to hold this ancient tomb.

"The Demon King's Tomb!" Yu Niang exclaimed, pulling the three of them back hundreds of meters.

The position they were in just now was shattered by the aurora, and the space was shattered, which is actually stronger than Shengwei!

"Eldest nephew, come here!"

Among the eighteen top figures was the bald-headed third master. At this time, he was carrying a magic chain, and he found Lin Fei coming from a long distance.

Eighteen top experts from the Xiantai Secret Realm jointly subdued a tomb of a demon king the size of a basketball court. A trace of demonic energy from the edge of the tomb has already caused the entire Ten Thousand Swords Profound Realm to be in turmoil. It is really appalling.

Lin Fei was quickly summoned to the Demon King's Tomb, but the Demon King's Tomb became even more riotous. The monsters inside were struggling wildly, and a sinister aura directed towards Lin Fei.


The Void Mirror flew out first, covering Lin Fei's whole body, and the devilish energy stopped and retreated just now.

"This is the legendary Taoist friend Lin Fei, who is the chaotic body, right?" A Supreme Elder from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stood beside the Northern Queen, and the Northern Queen said to him: "Friend Daoist Lin, I need to borrow your Chaos Blood..."

"Okay..." Lin Fei didn't talk nonsense.

Slashing his wrist, a small stream of blood gushed out, part of it was led by Queen Bei, and injected into the divine chain.

"The demon emperor..."

The monsters in the Demon King's Tomb let out a palpitating roar, as if they were extremely afraid of the chaotic blood, and their demon energy was restrained a bit.

"Haha, Chaos Blood is really useful!"

"Little friend, borrow Chaos Blood!"

"Borrow blood!"

More than a dozen old and immortal guys actually drew a stream of chaotic blood, Lin Fei's face suddenly turned pale, because he had just drawn too much blood.

"Eldest nephew, let me borrow your body..."

Just as Lin Fei was about to get out of the way, the bald third master suddenly flew over and took him high into the sky.

"You bald man, what do you want to do!" Lin Fei felt depressed for a while.

The bald third master was too powerful, and regardless of Lin Fei's objection, he brought Lin Fei to the sky above the Demon King's Tomb in a blink of an eye. Looking down, Lin Fei felt evil in his heart.

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