"Tian Zong is a fool, he can only attack once in an hour, so let's withdraw quickly..."

"My lord, hurry up and take us out of here, if those Yin-blood beasts come back again, it will be troublesome..."

A group of monks immediately sang bad faces. Lin Fei, who was still a hero in their hearts just now, became a good-for-nothing once again. .|

"Day of old man, you are so rigid! It's so realistic!" Lin Fei cursed in his heart, but he didn't quarrel with these guys.

Lord Dalei took a rare look at Lin Fei, and praised: "This time it's all up to Fellow Daoist Lin to take action. If you encounter a Yin-blood beast in front of you again, please ask Fellow Daoist Lin to show his might again..."

Others have no eyesight, but King Dalei can't be like them, besides, he is very close to Lin Fei, so he naturally knows that Lin Fei is talking nonsense, and why he can only attack once every hour is Lin Fei's nonsense.

"The lord thinks highly of the boy. This fire hurts my origin. If I want to send it again within an hour, I need top-grade spirit stones and elixir to trigger it. I'm poor boy, but I can't afford big ones. I'd better go..." Lin Fei Before the words were finished, that kind of "chichi" sounded from all around again, and the Yinblood Beast came again.

"You can't be too Lin Fei, you crow mouth!"

"Uh, Lin Fei, what kind of spiritual stone and elixir can arouse your sun's true fire..."

The dozen or so cultivators in the secret realm of the Dao Palace were the most terrified. With their cultivation base, as long as the Yin-blood beast passed through the middle, they would basically be wiped out. The masters gathered, especially Xiang Linfei, surrounded Lin Fei, and they all wanted to get some light from the real fire of the sun.

"You brat, you still don't forget to take advantage of the fire at this time!" The bald-headed third master chuckled, and said evilly in his heart, "But he has the style of the third master back then, thinking about light years away, oh my god..."

Before he could "think about" the past, a few Yin-blood beasts scared him so much that he jumped on Lin Fei's head, and the stinky black cloth on the waistband of his trousers made Lin Fei spit out the delicious food he ate a few days ago.

"Hurry up! Everyone help me with 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, I want to spark the real fire of the sun!" But at this moment, Lin Fei couldn't care less, and roared, his whole body was activated, which really scared the blood beast.

However, the Yinblood Beast didn't just retreat, but stopped at their periphery, spitting out black needles dripping with black water at these monks.

The people on the side of the Four Great Gods remained calm, but some young disciples also moved closer to Lin Fei's side. They had seen it just now, and the real fire in Lin Fei's eyes was extinguished when the real fire came out. A blood beast.

The Yinblood Beast is an extremely Yin thing, even if the strong in the Xiantai Secret Realm hadn't hit his lifeline, he would not have died immediately.The most frightening thing is that after they kill something, they will lay eggs inside, which will hatch within a few hours.These yin-blood beasts are not the first larvae, but at least the third or even second-generation yin-blood beasts. Their own strength is close to that of the fifth heaven or the fourth pole of the Dao Palace, and their defense is amazing. Moreover, the speed is weird and there is black fog and gloomy water everywhere, which is their unique battlefield.

"Friend Lin, take the spirit stone!"

"That's right, hurry up and release the real fire of the sun..."

"This is a spirit stone..."

The monks don't care about so much now, 100 yuan spirit stones per person is really not much, they can all get their hands on it, throwing out the spirit stones one after another, Lin Fei collected these spirit stones in a straight-faced manner Entered the Dao Palace.

"Okay! Thank you all for your help, the kid is working now!" He drank in a dignified manner, and two hot flames spewed out of his eyes immediately, and immediately drove away the surrounding black mist.

However, the flame had just spread out more than ten meters, and before it could burn the surrounding Yin-blood beasts, Lin Fei's breath suddenly lifted, and he shouted bitterly: "No way! I still need the ten thousand year elixir, which fellow Taoist can help me?" !"

"Ten thousand years panacea..."

"Who has the ten-thousand-year elixir, hurry up and give it to Fellow Daoist Lin..."

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't you still have another plant there, give it to Fellow Daoist Lin quickly!"

A burst of shouts erupted from the crowd, after all, the ten thousand year elixir is not a mortal thing, but now it is not so easy to fool around, these casual cultivators are of course rich, and there is still a ten thousand year elixir, but I just don't want to take it out.

The fellow daoist surnamed Han hurriedly shouted: "I used up the alchemy last time... Please ask the lord to give me the medicine, fellow daoist Lin..."

"That's right, there are all kinds of gods, treasures, heavenly treasures, fairy treasures and rare treasures, and ten-thousand-year elixir is nothing..."

"I also ask the lord to give me medicine..."

Now there are no more than 70 casual cultivators and monks from various sects combined, and there are more than 160 people in the Shenchao. Naturally, the casual cultivators are united and want to deduct something from the people of the Shenchao.

"take it……"

A master of the Great Xia Kingdom waved a ten-thousand-year elixir and flew over. Lin Fei brushed the elixir unceremoniously, and the elixir turned into a ray of light and penetrated into his fiery red eyes.



The two real fires of the sun were like two meteors from outside the sky, turning into two soaring flames and burning towards the Yin-blood beasts. The two Yin-blood beasts were unable to dodge, and were burned to fly ash on the spot, and the remaining ghosts also fled wildly. Then disappeared.

"Friend Daoist Lin is really brave!"

"You must be Lin Fei to be a man! The sun is so hot, it really is awesome!"

"Uh, can all the masters of the Shen Dynasty give Fellow Daoist Lin a few more ten thousand-year elixir..."

"That's right, if the Yin-Blood Beast attacks again, without Fellow Daoist Lin's True Fire of the Sun, it will take a lot of effort..."

"That's right, we have to reach the Black Dragon Pool before them..."

Many of these monks were secular people, and they still seriously retained their philistinism. Seeing Lin Fei drive away the Yinblood Beast, some sycophants followed.Among them were two graceful female cultivators, who pressed Lin Fei tightly to each other, wishing they could kiss each other right now.

"Do you want to have such a good figure! Do you want to be so elastic! Do you want to be so tight!" Lin Fei was complaining in his heart, but he continued to fool around with a calm face, "I think these bloody beasts may be They will attack again, more accurate elixir and spirit stones will naturally be prepared, these are only third-generation larvae, if dozens of second-generation or even direct-generation larvae come, then there will be big trouble."

"I don't know if there is a Taoist friend who has a medicine king over 5 years old, you can give me a few plants first, and then the boy can set up a big solar array and keep them coming and going..." Lin Fei said boldly.

Lin Fei opened his mouth to ask for the 5-year-old medicine king, which made everyone feel black lines. The faces of the people from the Four Great Gods were even weirder. Many people secretly cursed this animal in their hearts.

The ten-thousand-year medicine king is already a rare thing, and the medicine king over 5 years old can be regarded as a small fairy medicine, which can directly prolong the lifespan of a monk, and every time it is auctioned, it will fetch a sky-high price.The legendary immortal medicines are all rare medicines that are more than 10 years old. They have exhausted the spiritual energy of the world and already have their own spiritual consciousness.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and wanted a few plants. Everyone really wanted to go up and give him Hai Bian. In the end, he didn't want the medicine king over 5 years old, but he got three [-]-year-old elixir and tens of thousands of elixir. stone.

"Let's go!" King Dalei didn't say much, he didn't feel shameful about Lin Fei's almost blackmailing behavior.

Of course, for a country lord like him, it is still easy to get a few ten thousand year elixir, and ten thousand to twenty thousand spirit stones is even a drizzle.

"This time it's a small profit..."

Lin Fei, who was walking beside King Dalei, felt happy in his heart at this moment. He was born in a small family, so he had never seen so many good things.

Previously, he took a ten thousand year elixir in the imperial palace of the state of Wei, and as a result, he directly broke through into the realm of the spring of life, and the power of the medicine continued after that. After that, the three ten thousand year elixir that Mei Ji gave him has not been used up to now. I am not willing to take it, just to save some more quantity, and take it all by then.

The reason why the chaotic body is also passed down as an ancient waste body is mainly because the materials are too expensive in the early stage. The accumulation of spiritual energy required to break through a layer is ten times or even a hundred times that of other monks. That's why Lin Fei cheated these people so cunningly. Elixirs and spirit stones.


After walking for a day and a night in Lost Soul Valley, the pulling horse finally came to the outer edge of Black Dragon Pool. The thick black mist dissipated, and there was a steaming lake in front of it.

The lake water is crystal clear, and the lake water does not seem to be too deep, and the bottom can be seen with the naked eye.The bottom of the lake, which is less than [-] meters deep, is not difficult for these monks who have cultivated as high as the four-pole secret realm, or even the fairyland secret realm. You can clearly see that there are many blue stones and many emerald green corals at the bottom of the lake.

"Is this the Black Dragon Pool? Why is the lake so shallow?"

"This depth of water can't hide a real dragon at all. Could it be that the dragon really entered the shallows?"

There are only about 200 monks left here, and nearly a third of them have been lost along the way. Most of these people are cautious now, and naturally they will not rush into the lake rashly.

"Everyone, this place is the Black Dragon Pool..." Lord Dalei, as the captain, explained in time, "It is said that there is a black dragon entrenched in this pool. This black dragon has stayed here since ancient times. For thousands of years, its strength is even more unfathomable, and it is said that it has already passed the Great Saint Realm..."

"The ancient fierce beast of the Great Sacred Realm! The strength is too terrifying..."

"Yeah, manpower can't carry it at all. Even if we are all on it, it's not enough to put a gap between our teeth..."

"It's really terrifying to have such a ferocious beast as a town in the Despair Mountains..." The crowd immediately became agitated, and many people began to worry.

If he met this ancient black dragon in the pool, most of his people would never return, and they would become the black dragon's belly.

Lord Dalei let out a low voice, and said coldly: "These are just legends. No one has seen this black dragon for tens of thousands of years, but there are saints who have successfully walked from this black dragon pool to the nine dragon mountains. Besides, we have With ten teams, there is still a great chance of successfully entering Longshan..."

"That's right, the last record about the black dragon was 5 years ago, and it came from an unofficial history, so it's not true..." A national teacher immediately agreed.

"Even the great emperor of ancient times can't escape the years, how many years can a mere beast live?" Another master of the Xiantai secret realm also stroked his beard and said, "Records about this black dragon have been recorded hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now, can this black dragon still live for 10,000+ years? Even the ancient great emperor has only heard of living for the second time, and it is only 3 to [-] years. Could it be that this animal lived longer than the great emperor?"

"That's right, don't we still have to be afraid of a black dragon?" Another young monk was quite upbeat and interrupted at the right time.

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