Chapter [-]

The woman's body exudes the phoenix fire of Taotian, and she is a real descendant of the divine phoenix.

"I really come here for whatever I'm afraid of..." Lin Fei's face was solemn, he could feel the violent shaking of the dual world, as if the phoenix fire from Taotian could burn the dual world.

Bai Xian was also very depressed, and hummed: "I'm too amazing. If I say Shenfeng, I will come to Shenfeng. Boss, you should be short of a Shenfeng queen. Why don't you accept her?"

"Stop talking nonsense..." Lin Fei glared at the bastard. [

Bai Xian said with a smirk: "The offspring of Shenfeng are not so beautiful. It is said that all of them are peerless. In the fairy court, there was even a legend that the emperor wanted to marry Shenfeng."

"Brother, can you be the same as those emperors? You underestimate me too much..." Lin Fei said boldly, "Don't talk about these things, and be prepared if the binary world collapses, let's hide in Go to Bodhi's coffin."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fei held up the Bodhi coffin with his palm, placed the Bodhi coffin on the ground of the dual world, opened the coffin board, and the two of them lay on the entrance of the Bodhi coffin, staring at the situation of the dual world outside.

"Has the breath of the ancestor of the Phoenix..."

The woman muttered to herself, as if she was sensing some aura, the phoenix fire on her body also faded a bit, and slowly disappeared, replaced by a graceful body.

This woman's figure is really not ordinary, she has a big waist, thin skin, tall figure, long legs and perfect shape of her legs.

She didn't wear a lot, and it could even be said to be a little "showy", revealing her fragrant shoulders and collarbone, which was also so round and perfect, not at all like the perfect body that grew out of the flames.

Faced with such a perfect woman, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little bit moved. This kind of woman is probably a rare beauty in the fairy world.

The woman's face was covered with a red veil, so it was impossible to see her appearance clearly, but with this jade body, one could imagine that her face would be equally beautiful, and it would definitely not be any worse.

She sensed the surroundings for a while, and did not leave immediately, but finally locked her eyes on Lin Fei and the two.

"It's right there..."

Under the woman's red veil, there was a pair of beautiful big eyes, and the jade hand directly patted it.


With a bang, half a corner of the dual world split open, and the woman stepped in with one step. At this time, Lin Fei and Baixian had already covered the bodhi coffin, and the bodhi coffin led them into the void and disappeared.

"Bodhi Coffin..."

The woman's eyes showed a different color, and the red veil on her face faded, revealing a beautiful face.

She didn't leave right away, but sat down here cross-legged, looked around at the dilapidated dual world above her head, and muttered to herself: "It's really rare that there are people who know this kind of secret technique..."

If Lin Fei could hear it now, he would also be shocked. This woman actually knows the existence of the dual world.

"The bodhi coffin can hide, but it stays in the same place in the three-dimensional world. I don't believe you can hide in it forever..." The woman muttered to herself, crossing her legs and closing her eyes to rest here. [

Lin Fei really kicked the iron plate this time. This divine phoenix woman not only knows the dual world, but also knows the origin of the bodhi coffin.

It turns out that this world is not just one-yuan, but also two-yuan and three-yuan worlds.

The ordinary world is only one-dimensional, but secret techniques like the secret art of submerging the sky create a dual world, and ordinary people can't see its existence at all.Without a strong oppressive force, the dual world will not collapse easily, and the world inside a treasure coffin like Bodhi's coffin may be a three-dimensional world.The ternary world is even more difficult to find. The phoenix woman in the dual world can smash it with one palm, but in the ternary world, she can do nothing. She can only wait outside for Lin Fei and the others to appear.

At this time, Lin Fei and Baixian had just escaped into the bodhi coffin, and Baixian said with lingering fear: "This divine phoenix is ​​too terrifying, to know the location of the dual world..."

"It's mainly her eyes. If I'm not mistaken, her eyes must be a pair of special celestial eyes, probably able to see some shadows of the dual world..." Lin Fei doubted.

Bai Xian thought for a while and said, "You mean the divine phoenix's heavenly eyes?"

"I know this. The heavenly eyes possessed by pure phoenix blood are blood phoenix eyes. This kind of heavenly eyes is indeed very powerful, but it's just heard..." Bai Xian recalled.

Lin Fei said worriedly: "I'm afraid that this woman can also see our current location, maybe she is waiting for us outside."

"No way? She can also see through the bodhi coffin?" Bai Xian obviously didn't believe it.

Lin Fei said: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. This time we may really be in big trouble."

His intuition has been very good recently. Whenever there is a big crisis, Lin Fei will feel an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. Right now, there is a sense of a crisis that is approaching.

The bodhi coffin is not like the dual world. In the dual world, you can see the outside situation, but staying in the bodhi coffin is blind, and you can't see the outside situation at all. I don't know if there is a divine phoenix. Walk.

If she had been guarding outside, once the two of them appeared, they might be subdued by her.

But I can't stay in this bodhi coffin forever, there is no aura in it, no living soul, Yangpo for my own refinement, staying here can only be a normal practice and a waste of time.

The divine phoenix outside can afford it. I don’t know how old it is now. It’s no problem to spend decades here, but I can’t afford it. Decades of time are too precious, especially for the present For Lin Fei, every minute and every second must be used well.

"Boss, do you want me to go out and try first?" Bai Xian said.

Lin Fei shook his head and said: "As long as you go out, you will be shot to death, and your whole family will be finished by then..."

If Baixian dies, it is not just one person. He still has more than 1 wives in his inner world. If he dies, the whole inner world will collapse, and then his more than 1 wives will also be finished. It is really 1 Many lives were lost.

"Then what should we do, we can't just sit here and wait for death..." Bai Xian also had some words.

Lin Fei said: "Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought, maybe she didn't find us, so she wouldn't be foolishly guarding outside..."

Although he said so, Lin Fei felt that the "possibility" was extremely high in his heart. The pair of eyes of the divine phoenix just now were indeed very strange, and Lin Fei felt as if he was being targeted by someone.

"Huhu..." Bai Xian's face turned slightly pale, and he said depressedly, "If that bitch stays outside for a few years, my spiritual veins won't be enough..."

It took the two of them nearly five months since they came out, and now they have only drawn less than [-] spiritual veins.

But the more than 1 wives in Baixian's inner world will consume nearly [-] spiritual veins a year, and the more they consume, the [-] spiritual veins will definitely disappear within three years.

Once there are no spiritual veins, no spiritual nourishment, the monk's cultivation will stand still, and there may even be a phenomenon of regression.

Lin Fei frowned and said, "I can only stay here for a while longer, I hope that woman won't really be guarding outside."


The two inside the bodhi coffin were at a loss, but the phoenix outside was very leisurely. She sat cross-legged in the dilapidated world of duality, took out delicious food and wine, and set up a few powerful magic circles here without haste. .

As soon as the bodhi coffin appears, these magic circles will be added forcefully, and Lin Fei and Baixian can't help it if they think of it for a while.

"I heard that the holy bodhi tree is very powerful in breaking the magic circle, so I will add a few more for you..."

While drinking, Shenfeng added magic circles to the void, as if she had done the work while playing a game, appearing very calm.

In less than two days, Shenfeng planted more than a dozen powerful quasi-emperor magic circles here. Just as she guessed, the bodhi coffin can break the magic circle, but it is impossible to destroy the magic circles of these dozens at once. The Dao magic circle was broken.

When Lin Fei and Lin Fei came out, she would have enough time to deal with it.

"Pure Phoenix bloodline, I've been waiting for so many years, and it's finally about to appear..." After drinking a lot of spirits, Shenfeng's pretty face couldn't help but blush.

The reason why she refused to leave was not to punish Lin Fei and Bai Xian, but because she smelled the pure phoenix blood. phoenix.

Although she claims to be a divine phoenix, and her strength is among the best in Panlongguan, after all, she is only single and has no descendants. The lineage of the divine phoenix has really declined.Just like what she overheard before, the lineage of Shenfeng is dead, and up to now, there is only one person left, which is really too lonely.

What she never expected was that those two people actually had the aura of a phoenix on them, the real aura of an ancient phoenix, and there might be hope for revival of the phoenix lineage.


Time passed, and it was another two months. Lin Fei and Bai Xian stayed in the bodhi coffin for two full months without coming out.

On this day, Bai Xian finally couldn't hold back anymore, and suggested: "Boss, why don't I go out and find out the situation, it's not a solution for us to stay here..."

In just two months, nearly a hundred spirit veins in the inner world have been consumed, and the speed of spirit vein consumption has far exceeded Bai Xian's expectations. If he stays like this, he really can't support it anymore. There are many spirit veins.

"No, I can't go out now..." Lin Fei shook his head, the sense of urgency and crisis he hadn't got rid of, and he couldn't go out to take risks at this time.

Originally, there was no conflict between the two parties, but Baixian's big mouth said that the lineage of the divine phoenix was dead. As a descendant of the lineage of the divine phoenix, how could that woman allow such wild words.

"But the spiritual veins are used up too fast, and now there are nearly two spiritual veins a day, and it's getting faster and faster..." Bai Xian looked depressed.

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