Chapter 81

In a blink of an eye, the four black-robed Taoist priests were slaughtered by Hei Ba, and all the internal organs of the four were swallowed up by He Wudao.

Hei Bachao cupped his hands at He Wudao, and shouted: "Since someone has killed for you, I will go first. If you want to break the contract, then just try..."

He raised the blue sound transmission crystal ball in his hand, and showed He Wudao a demonstration.

"Hehe, the old man will do what he said, you can go..." He Wudao chattered, threw the last piece of liver in his hand into his mouth, and chewed it.

With cautious eyes, Hei Ba stepped back and said, "That would be the best, let me take my leave first..."

Just like this, retreating while staring at He Wudao, Hei Ba withdrew for a few miles, turned around and drove Hei Yun to leave quickly.


As soon as he turned around, something pierced his back, blood gushed out frantically, and a palm went through his chest, grabbing his internal organs.

"Old thing..." Hei Ba spurted black blood from his mouth, trying to crush the blue crystal ball with all his strength, but unexpectedly the other palm came around and snatched his blue crystal ball away.

He Wudao came behind him, chattering and laughing evilly: "Thank you for helping me and letting me go on another road..."

"You didn't believe what you said!" Hei Ba spat out a mouthful of black blood again, and the black robe on his body was a little loose.

The arrogant He Wudao didn't notice this, he just took out Hei Ba's five internal organs, brought it to his mouth, and said with a sinister smile: "The taste should be better than those of those people, it's not easy for the third heaven of the Dao Palace , being able to let the old man take a small step forward is also your last value..."


The corner of Hei Ba's mouth was twisted, and he lost his breath. To He Wudao's surprise, the guy's body exploded by itself.

Some black blood stained his clothes, He Wudao cursed: "This bastard, I want this old man to change his clothes before he dies..."

After saying that, his figure flashed, and a new black robe floated out between his eyebrows, and he changed into this one again.

"It's a pity that Lin Fei's little animal ran away, otherwise I can refine a batch of Yangyang Pill for this old man, so that I can drain the yin energy in my body, and this old man can live another five hundred years..." He Wudao slightly Sighing, his figure flashed into the night.

It turns out that He Wudao's magic devouring skill is not omnipotent, and it also has many side effects. The yin energy is too heavy, and the yang energy must be replenished to keep this body alive.



After nearly an hour, a pair of black clay hands stretched out from the swamp, and Lin Fei slowly rose from the swamp.

There is a small valley nearby, surrounded by mountains, mostly primitive landforms, wild beasts howling at night, belonging to an uninhabited area. .|


There was a sparse grove next to the swamp, and an old bird made piercing calls, which made Lin Fei frowned.

"They should all be gone..."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, his body was very weak now, and the golden book between his eyebrows floated out automatically, hanging above his head to protect him.

Lin Fei looked up at the golden book above his head, couldn't help showing a knowing smile, and said to himself: "It seems that I have a good character, not only rescued the three princesses, saved my life, but also got a Page Immortal Book..."

From the outside, this golden book is indeed a wordless golden book, but its attack power is astonishing. He Wudao also accidentally found it from the treasury of Wei State. He has obtained this golden book for at least 50 years.He has always guessed that this is a fairy book, and a specific condition is required to see the content on it, but he has tried countless times to no avail, so he can only use it as an attack secret treasure.

Only Lin Fei knew that this was indeed a fairy book, to be precise, it was half an imperial weapon, because this golden book was a treasure obtained by the Sage Emperor, and only the blood of the Sacred Sun Emperor, that is, the body of the sun, could be opened.So when He Wudao used it to attack Lin Fei, it was equivalent to letting Lin Fei go.

"My body of the sun has not yet fully awakened, and I can only see the simplest nine ancient characters on it, which fall on a small line in the middle of this golden book. If you analyze the number of words and the number of lines, this page of golden There are at least ten more lines in the book, and it seems very likely that there are more than ten kinds of secret techniques to be passed down..."

Lin Fei thought to himself, and at the same time, he thought of a person, God King Xiao Wentian.

The reason why he succeeded in sneak attack just now is not entirely because of the strength of the Nine Peaks, but mostly because he used the secret technique of attacking and attacking that Xiao Wentian passed on to him, cutting down the sky!

Cutting the sky, known as the secret technique that has been the number one attack in the Tianyuan Continent for thousands of years, is by no means a lie!

Just at the moment when he cut the sky, the power of Jiufeng Mountain was more than ten times stronger, and only then did He Wudao's quadrupole body be destroyed!

The golden book exuded beams of faint golden light, enveloping Lin Fei completely, and a layer of white mist floated on the outer layer, making the beasts in the forest dare not approach, and Lin Fei was resting quietly.


In the middle of the night, you can't see your fingers, and it's even more difficult for people to find a jet-black black fur shell flying in the air.

"Damn it, is Xiao Linzi really dead?"

This black fur shell is naturally Baixian. He walked around the palace a few times, but he didn't find Lin Fei's shadow. Instead, many black-robed Taoist priests appeared above the palace. These people searched for He Wudao and Lin Fei all over the city. Fly, it seems that the same is not found.

"He Wudao, what kind of method did that old dog use? Why can't it detect any breath? Could it be that it wiped away the odor?" Bai Xian was suspicious, sighed, and muttered to himself, "Xiao Linzi, early I’ve advised you that it’s not so fun for a hero to save the beauty. If you want to save the beauty, you have to do what you can. Now, let’s play too big, and put yourself in. But don’t worry, this fairy will take good care of you for you Three wives, I will find He Wudao to avenge you when I have a chance..."

Since Lin Fei couldn't be found, Bai Xian turned around and went back to Wanglong Inn.

In addition to the three sisters Xiao Xueer, there were two more men in the guest room, one was Wu Yazi dressed in white, and the other was a barbarian Yuan Ye who was over two meters tall.

"You are Bai Xian?" Wu Yazi's eyes were sharp, looking at Bai Xian like two flames, and Bai Xian immediately got goosebumps.

He stuck his little head out of the black fur shell, and hummed, "You are Xiao Linzi's master, Wu Yazi, right?"

"Damn it, this dead old man is probably more terrifying than He Wudao, his strength is unfathomable, but it seems that he has not yet entered the four-pole secret realm, and the qi of his limbs has not been condensed. He is really a freak..." Bai Xian cursed Wu Yazi secretly in his heart.

Yuan Ye swung the silver mace in his hand, cursing: "You bastard, did you find my Junior Brother Lin Fei? Who was the one who didn't open his eyes and robbed my Junior Brother Lin Fei..."

"Uh..." Bai Xian was stunned, looked at Wu Yazi, and said embarrassingly, "Just now I went around the imperial city for a few times, but I didn't find Xiao Linzi's breath, not even He Wudao's breath... "

"What!" Xiao Ling'er's tender body shook and almost fell, Xiao Qian'er supported her, Xiao Ling'er's face turned pale, and she muttered to herself, "Is that scum really dead?"

Crow's body was also startled, and then he stepped in front of Baixian, and asked in a deep voice: "Why did that old dog rob my apprentice?"

"Yes..." Wu Yazi's aura was terrifying, which made Bai Xian somewhat entangled, so he could only nod obediently.

Wu Yazi looked back at Yuan Ye, and shouted, "Go! Kill that old dog and avenge your junior brother!"

"Well, kill that old dog!" Yuan Ye had a bad temper, picked up the mace and followed Wu Yazi.

Xiao Ling'er suddenly shouted from behind: "Senior, you take me too, I want to kill that old dog with my own hands to avenge the scum!"

"Take us too, senior..." The two sisters Xiao Xueer and Xiao Qianer also echoed.

Bai Xian didn't make a sound, just floated aside, naturally ready to go.

Wu Yazi glanced at the three sisters, nodded and said, "That's right, as his partners, you naturally want to go!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Yazi waved his hand, and everyone went out of this room to the sky above the Wanglong Inn, and boarded a jade boat parked outside!

"It's really weird that this old guy has reached this level of cultivation. He is only a person at the peak of the fifth heaven of the Dao Palace, and he has not yet stepped into the four great secret realms. Could it be that he is cultivating a special chapter in the Dao Palace?" Bai Xian's eyes stopped on Wu Yazi's body and turned around several times, and finally found that Wu Yazi's cheekbones were a bit special, as if they were concave.

"No wonder..." Bai Xian thought to himself.

Wu Yazi had an extraordinary bearing, and he didn't engage in any sneaky things, and directly drove the jade boat to the Wei Palace.


"Stop, who the hell!"

Before advancing a mile, two black-robed Taoist priests appeared in front of them, blocking the way of Wu Yazi and his party.

"Huh? It turned out to be the three princesses, please follow us to the palace!" Both of them were excited, and the others were frantically looking for the three princesses. Unexpectedly, they got a good deal. This time, they can get a big reward. .

"It's you, it's you who sneaked up on the scum from behind and killed him, you all deserve to die!"

Xiao Ling'er suddenly became frantic, a picture flashed in her mind, Lin Fei was hit by two black water polo in the stone room, so he didn't enter the trapping circle, and was captured by He Wudao.

"Third princess, don't shout like crazy here, tomorrow you will be His Majesty's women, you can't be like this..."

One of them hadn't finished speaking when he slapped him with a palm. He wanted to escape, but things were weird. No matter how he tried to escape, he couldn't escape that palm.

"Ghost, you shouldn't live in this world!"

Crow's face sank like water, and he struck out again to kill the other person.

"Wuzhishan?" Bai Xian stared at Wu Yazi's five fingers on his right hand with his small eyes wide open. He found that Wu Yazi's five fingers were actually the same length.

After the two died, Wu Yazi and his party moved forward again.


In a short while, Wu Yazi and his party arrived in front of the west gate of the imperial palace. After a journey of about thirty miles, Wu Yazi continued to attack and killed nearly 35 black-robed Taoist priests in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace in cold blood. Killed.

"Who is fellow daoist!"

In front of the west gate, there appeared three rows of monks in black robes, no less than 50 of them, they all hurried over after hearing the news, and the leader was a tall guy wearing a golden mask, about the same height as Yuanye.

"Your grandpa..." Yuan Ye stood in front of the jade boat, and without a word, he waved the mace and created a super gust of wind, forming several giant vortexes and rolling over.


The golden-masked man let out a low cry, and the two black-robed monks beside him rushed out, spit out two balls of black fire and extinguished two of the whirlpools.



But what frightened them was that the two vortexes regenerated on the spot and merged with several others, forming a super vortex that sucked them in, and their bodies were quickly dismembered!

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