Chapter 830

Moha said: "It is reasonable to say that it should be possible, but the risk is relatively high. If Bawei escapes from it, we can't control it..."

"That's true..." Lin Fei was also caught in a dilemma.

Bawei was a character who dared to challenge the Yao Emperor back then. Although he was thrown into the abyss by the Yao Emperor's finger, it shows his strength, and he must be a fluke among the quasi-emperors.Maybe he could have reached the seventh or eighth heaven of Zhundi, or even tenth heaven, otherwise he would not have dared to challenge the Demon Emperor.

If such a character is resurrected, he will really be blinded by then. [

Bawei's character can be seen from Batian, they are all a family, and they will not be any better.

"Then forgive him first, and we'll talk about it later." Lin Fei thought for a while.

The two had a long discussion on many other issues, and Moha returned to the double-hinged golden mace to work again after Lin Fei had figured it out.

And Lin Fei also started, he was in the process of consolidating his cultivation.


Three years flew by in the blink of an eye.

The time has come to Lin Fei's eighth year in Longnan Sea. During the three years, Lin Fei and the women did not continue to refine the small light spheres. There are still billions of small light spheres crowded inside the world in the picture of Taiji Yin and Yang. .

For three years, all the girls stayed in the palace. The girls discussed their cultivation with each other, and those who wanted to retreat went back to their own rooms. During the past few years when everyone lived together, the atmosphere can be said to be quite harmonious.

That night, Lin Fei was in his room reading the Spirit-seeking Heavenly Book that he had read several times, and he had read it no less than ten times from beginning to end in the past three years.Of course, Lin Fei didn't give up. In the past three years, he had a new definition and new understanding of the spirit-seeking technique, and the inspiration came from the blocked spirit-seeking magic circle on the outskirts of Longnan Sea.

Those two envoys from the underworld set up a blockade here, but in fact they provided an excellent example for Lin Fei to learn from. Lin Fei would stay at the edge of Longnan Sea for a few days every once in a while.After a certain amount of comprehension and discovery, Lin Fei would return to the palace and review it again with the book of searching for spirits. It can be said that he has learned many things that he had not discovered before through this blockade in the past three years.

Seeking spirits not only requires talent, but also requires hard study, a lot of time and energy, and a certain amount of inspiration.

From this point of view, it is a good thing that Lin Fei has been locked up here for ten years, and it has made his improvement in spirit-seeking skills.

"I still have to improve..."

On this day, Lin Fei came to the outer edge of the Longnan Sea again. He stood here wearing a Taiji Yin-Yang diagram, and no ghost dared to approach him.

These ghosts have all learned how powerful they were before, and now they still have lingering fears about the world in the picture. Standing in the sea, Lin Fei carefully looked around the blockade outside.

The sun was really on fire in his eyes, and Lin Fei could vaguely see a series of dense lines, and at the same time, there were a large number of grids, which were superimposed one after another in a very complicated way.

This is the formation pattern of the blockade formation. It is not particularly difficult to see the formation pattern. As long as your sky eye is strong enough, the difficulty is that it takes a lot of kung fu to calculate a safe path from these complex formation patterns chapter.This blockade formation is comparable to a real immortal formation. Of course, those two old women are messengers from the underworld, so this formation might have to be called a magic formation.

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged, he took out the paintbrush, and began to draw these formation patterns on the drawing paper, each stroke was very clear.

He couldn't fit on one piece of paper, so he started to draw on the second piece of paper. This painting took a whole day, and there were no less than a thousand pieces of finished drawing paper piled up in front of him. [

"someone is coming……"

In the middle of the night, Lin Fei frowned suddenly. With drawing paper and tools, he unleashed the secret art of submerging the sky and entered the world of duality.

After a while, two black-clothed women came from a distance. They were both as hot as Hua Die back then, and they were both first-class beauties, but there was nothing strange in Lin Fei's eyes.

"Is it that guy again?"

One of the women muttered to herself, and the other said, "It must be him again..."

"Then should we report to the messenger?" one person asked.

"What's the point of reporting? Didn't the underworld envoy give a notice? They can stay here for ten years. We don't need to provoke them..." an agent of the underworld said.

"Yes, we can't find them even if we want to provoke them. They have a kind of hiding technique. Look at how much weaker they are than us, and they disappear in a blink of an eye. Where can we catch them..."

"Forget it, let's go..."

However, a woman still stood there and shouted: "Heir of the Holy Emperor, I hope you don't do anything out of line, otherwise we will be more embarrassed..."

"This is the Heavenly Demon Formation, so don't try to break it, just wait patiently for a few more years, you can leave as soon as the ten-year period is up..." Another person also said loudly.

Lin Fei didn't respond to their yelling from the air, and he continued to draw an unfinished piece of paper in the dual world.

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't respond, the second daughter also acted a little angry. She didn't expect that the other party didn't appreciate it at all, but they couldn't find Lin Fei, so they could only leave with hatred.

After a long time, Lin Fei returned to the palace from here.

When he returned to the palace, it was already late at night, and most of the girls went to rest and went back to their bedrooms, but Lin Yiyi and Lin Lianlian were still sitting here in the hall.

"Why don't you guys go to rest?" Lin Fei came to them, seeing the thin clothes they were wearing, he quickly took out two coats from the inner world and put them on.

Lin Yiyi and Lin Lianlian opened her beautiful eyes, a red glow appeared on her pretty face, Lin Yiyi whispered: "We have something to ask you..."

"Let's talk about it tomorrow, you have to rest too..." Lin Fei said distressedly, stepped forward and patted Lin Yiyi's shoulder, and smiled, "Would you like to go to my room to rest?"

"Hmm..." To Lin Fei's surprise, the second daughter really agreed, but maybe she was too shy to look at Lin Fei with her head down.

Lin Fei didn't talk nonsense, and directly hugged the two girls from one left and one right, and carried them into his room.

Back in the room, Lin Fei didn't set up any anti-sound array, he just put the two girls on the ground, and said with a smile, "What do you sisters mean today?"

"Asshole, you know what to ask..." Lin Lianlian gave Lin Fei an annoyed look, which was really charming. [

Lin Fei was startled, and his eyes lit up. Could it be that the twin sisters have figured it out now and are really ready to become their own women, but this is too sudden and the officials are very busy.

Lin Fei worried again: "Did something happen to your practice? Were you hurt by the Dao?"

He hurriedly stepped forward to check on the second daughter, and muttered to himself: "You are not injured by the Tao, then why are you, um..."

Before finishing a sentence, Lin Yiyi who was at the side suddenly embraced Lin Fei's neck and kissed Lin Fei's big mouth. Lin Fei opened his big eyes and looked at Lin Yiyi in disbelief.

"There are so many reasons why, I just want to be your woman, don't be a mother-in-law..." Lin Lianlian who was on the side was not idle, and even took the initiative to step forward and grabbed Lin Fei's trousers.

"So mighty and domineering?"

Lin Fei absolutely did not expect that the twin sisters would be so active, the evil fire in his heart rushed to his forehead, Lin Fei hugged Lin Yiyi with one hand, and copied Lin Lianlian with the other hand.

"Then let's go straight to..."


After a night of tossing, the three of them finally finished their work.

Lin Fei lay contentedly on the blanket in his room, hugging the twin sisters from one side to the other. They enjoyed the night's absurdity to the extreme, and they were snoring slightly now.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell which is Yiyi and which is Lianlian..." Lin Fei looked left and right, and suddenly found that he couldn't tell which was Lin Yiyi and which was Lin Lianlian.

The two girls have exactly the same appearance, the same figure, and even the same body. They are really a pair of real twins.

To be able to spend a night with such a pair of beautiful twins, for a man, this life is worth it. Lin Fei used to fantasize about taking them away as soon as possible.

But because the relationship with him has not been particularly good, Lin Fei has never made a move.

It can be said that the opportunity last night came quite strangely. The second daughter suddenly wanted it. Almost without any reason, Lin Fei was knocked down. Even the anti-sound circle was not installed. As you can imagine, the whole palace Lin Fei's wives and Miaomiao all heard the fierce battle.


This morning, Miaomiao came out of her bedroom first, rubbed her eyes and complained: "Auntie Yiyilian is really, she is screaming so loudly that she won't let anyone sleep..."

"Dad too, sleeping with auntie, and he likes to scream like ghosts, it's really bad..." Miaomiao said to herself again.

"Yeah, Miao Miao, your father is a big villain, you must never fall for him in the future, you know?" At this time Xiao Ling'er came out of the bedroom and hugged Miao Miao directly.

Miaomiao glanced at Xiao Linger, and hummed: "Aunt Linger, you are the same, last time you sneaked into Dad's room, I saw it..."

"Ah... Is there..." Xiao Ling'er blushed pretty, and explained calmly, "I was also tricked by your father. I was going to cultivate, but I was tricked into it by him."

"Hmph, you yelled so loudly after being cheated, really..." Miao Miao said to herself, but Xiao Ling'er blushed from embarrassment.

Was it really loud that day?Why don't I think so.

"Ahem, Miaomiao, your mentality is not correct. You are still a little girl, and there are some things you shouldn't know." Xiao Linger pretended to be an adult, as if preparing to educate Miaomiao.

But Miao Miao said disapprovingly: "Yes, I am a little girl, and you are adults, but you have to restrain yourself a little bit, don't go into Dad's room all the time. I will let Dad decide, as soon as Dad comes back, you guys will be fine." Someone drilled into his room, and another time, you drilled with Xueer and Aunt Qian'er. Hey, that scream almost knocked the palace down, and the family didn't sleep well for three days." --

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