Chapter 830 Six

Tang Youyou, who was hundreds of millions of miles away, was visiting a powerful mountain region, and suddenly felt something strange in her heart.

"Damn it, has that bastard appeared again!" Although she didn't have a strong feeling, she could still sense that it must be that bastard Lin Fei who was playing tricks.

The corners of my clothes and all over my body seemed to be scratched by a little ant, but you still couldn't catch this little ant, it's really disgusting.

However, since the feeling was not too strong at this time, she didn't care so much, she still communicated with the strong men in this area without changing her face, and had to prepare for a big operation by the book making office. [


The old dragon took a sip of wine and explained: "There should not be many people going there. As far as I know, there are estimated to be more than 1 mountain masters attending the Panlong Conference this time, and not all mountain masters will buy books. It's accountable."

"I think so. If they all go, it will take many years to get to the main hall of the book making office..." Lin Fei sighed.

The old dragon said: "It's not necessarily true, because the Book Making Office has set up their special teleportation formations at many gates of Panlong Pass, and can take a small number of people to the main hall of the Book Making Office."

"Huhu, could it be that there are ancient alchemists among them?" Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Panlongguan is really too big. If teleportation is to be realized, at least some long-distance ancient teleportation arrays are needed. If you want to set up ancient teleportation arrays, if you don't have accurate geographical coordinates and the means of ancient alchemists, I'm afraid it's impossible. Achieved.

The old dragon said: "This is not very clear, maybe it has mastered some teleportation arrays, but it probably won't be transmitted to an exaggerated distance, or else it won't be spread everywhere. Five thousand such secret points. This is also the reason why the book making office is very important, not because they are too strong, but because they are well informed. It’s too far away, and it will take a long time to get there, a waste of time.”

"That's true..." Lin Fei nodded.

Speaking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but think of his tearing skill, so he asked the old dragon: "Old dragon, do you have the geographical map of Panlong Pass?"

If you have the geographical map here, then you can use the tearing skill to teleport it over a long distance, so it will save time, effort and much safer for you to rush to the next gathering place.

A tearing skill passed, and it was directly teleported there, which is too troublesome.

"Geographic map?" The old dragon hesitated slightly, shaking his head and said, "There is no such thing on Jiulong Pass, do you want to use some space secrets to teleport? It won't work on Jiulong Pass, and the starry sky outside here is not the same place." On the other hand, it is said that this place is connected to the fairy world, and ordinary space secrets are useless. Especially some long-distance teleportation methods, if you are not careful, you will be involved in the "turbulent" flow of space, and even the Zhun Emperor will be torn apart..."

"Uh, there is such a thing..." Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

**Nodded with a smile: "Second brother, I have tried the tearing technique before, and it really doesn't work..."

"Hehe, you guys told me about the tearing technique. I tried it and it really didn't work. It's very risky to use it on the Nine Dragon Pass..." The old dragon also smiled.

Apparently they had already communicated with each other, so Lin Fei could only give up with a wry smile. There are capable people everywhere, and the method he thought of has already been thought of by several people before him.

"Come on, Baixian, let's go together, and I will accompany you to draw the spirit veins in a few days..."


The four of them drank for a day, and it didn't come to an end until the next night. [

Finally, he left the ghostly place of Longnan Sea. Although his cultivation had greatly improved there, it was not a comfortable place to live. Lin Fei still liked places like Feilongling.

Especially the Flying Dragon Hall, where hundreds of dragon veins are gathered below, and it is a holy place for practice.

On the third day, Lin Fei and Bai Xian went out, while the girls stayed in the Feilong Hall to consolidate their cultivation. Of course, part of it was for comfort, and they didn't want to go out with Lin Fei to draw any spiritual veins.

Drawing spiritual veins is the most talked about, because most of the spiritual veins are deep underground, there is no light all year round, dark and humid, it is not a good place.

"Are there any nearby areas that haven't been smoked?" Lin Fei asked Bai Xian after leaving the Dragon Palace.

Bai Xian thought for a while and said, "Old Dragon and I have smoked all the five or six areas around Feilong Ridge, and now we're almost done, so let's go to a further area to smoke..."

"That's true, we have to keep a low profile since the old dragon didn't come..." Lin Fei also nodded.

With the old dragon in charge, the other mountain masters would not dare to take action, at most they would warn and dissuade them, but if the two of them came out, if they saw you stealing their spiritual veins, they would definitely go crazy.

"Let's go to Luofeng Ridge. I heard that the quality of spiritual veins there is good, and there are a lot of them..." Bai Xian thought for a while and said, "The most important thing is that there are good mountains and rivers, and there are many beauties..."

"Hoo hoo, Bai Xian, how many girls have you accepted in the past ten years?" Lin Fei asked a little bit.

Bai Xian chuckled and said, "Actually, I didn't confiscate much. I only collected a few hundred. They were all introduced by the old dragon..."

"Uh, how many hundred have you received in ten years?" Lin Fei felt very inferior.

Bai Xian said in desperation: "Actually, I didn't accept them. They sent them to my door on their own initiative. You said I was on my way in broad daylight. Sometimes girls posted them. I couldn't bear to reject them. When I saw their earnest eyes, I was embarrassed to say no, I could only reluctantly say no."

"You just have to be pissed off, what kind of cultivation are they?" Lin Fei pouted.

Bai Xiandao: "The cultivation base is not too high, they are all high-ranking saints, and there are dozens of peak saints..."

"You're not bad..." Lin Fei was a little surprised, and snorted, "I'll appreciate you more if you're less cute, isn't it a dinosaur?"

"Look at what you said, Boss, is Baixian my eyesight bad? All of them are top quality, otherwise I wouldn't accept them..." Baixian laughed.

Lin Fei nodded and said: "Well, this is like my little brother, continue to carry forward your style..."

Sometimes Lin Fei is really proud of Baixian. This kid is a super big stallion, but the quality of this guy's collection is really good. Just take the more than 1 pieces he has seen in Baixian's inner world. siblings.Let's put it this way, all of them are of national beauty, even if they are not of the super-excellent level like Concubine Yi and the others, they can all be said to be top-notch.

The so-called extreme quality means that she is far superior to other female cultivators in terms of body and appearance.

As for the super best, you have to count temperament, cultivation base, and blood, these other aspects, and Baixian's wives are worse in these aspects.

Of course, this kind of super best is not available everywhere. To be able to find so many top-quality wives and make them obediently convince you, this is what Lin Fei needs to learn from Bai Xian. [

"It's not that I don't know, it's shocking..." Lin Fei sighed suddenly, "You kid has received more than 300 yuan in ten years, and you are relatively conservative and self-disciplined. If you are given 100 years, wouldn't you There will be more than 3000 more high-level saints, and even the wives of the peak saints..."

"It's terrible, you can form a super army of women in the future..." Lin Fei was taken aback by the number he calculated.

Bai Xian proudly said: "Boss, you made a mistake. If wives like me become female quasi-emperors in the future, haha, even if the emperor meets me, he will have to give up three points..."

"Uh, to say you're not bad, you're really out of breath..." Lin Fei scolded with a smile, "You're so tired now because of the wives of 1 great sages. The soul flies away..."

"Hey, just think about it, but if they all become empresses, I don't need to find resources for them, let them find it by themselves..." Bai Xian laughed.

Lin Fei praised: "It makes sense, women have to support themselves, and they can't rely too much on men."

"By the way, I've always had a question that I'm curious about. Baixian, you said you have so many wives, so they won't pester you? They won't cuckold you everywhere after you're released?" Lin Feilu Let out a wicked smile.

Bai Xian snorted: "They dare! Whoever dares to cuckold me, I will punish her!"

"Don't be so fierce, people also have physical needs, who told you that you can't do it..." Lin Fei laughed strangely.

Bai Xian said angrily: "You can't do it, brother, I'm very talented, okay..."

"Isn't it just [-] to [-] wives? I sleep with a hundred of them a day and share it with each of them. Each person can enjoy it three times a year. Let them practice hard in the rest of the time..." Bai Xian said carelessly.

"Uh, sleep hundreds of them a day?" Lin Fei was stunned, and said, "Do you think you are a superman?"

Bai Xian didn't take it seriously, and took a look at Lin Fei's back, and said naively: "Boss, you can't sleep a hundred a day, right? Then I have to despise you, isn't it just a hundred, what a joke..."

"Uh, I'm really not as good as you, but I can't sleep a hundred..." Lin Fei gave up.

Sleeping one hundred a day, what kind of concept is that.

In other words, counting 24 hours a day, you need about four sleeps per hour.On average, it takes 15 minutes to sleep one, and the key is that you have to keep running, and if it is more vulgar, if you sleep for one and enjoy it once, then you have to vent a hundred times a day. back.Even if you are very talented, one person can fight four or five people, and you have to vent more than twenty times a day, Lin Fei thinks that it is too much for him, and he will be wiped out long ago.

"Boss, aren't you?" Bai Xian looked at Lin Fei in shock and said, "Boss, you are so cowardly, so the sisters-in-law didn't complain about you?"

The two brothers have known each other for more than 200 years, but they have never communicated on this kind of issue. Looking at Bai Xian's eyes, Lin Fei felt that this kid didn't seem to be teasing himself. Could it be that this kid can really control a hundred girls for a day?

"Aren't you kidding me?" Lin Fei couldn't believe it.

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