Chapter 830 Eight

"Can it still be like this?" Bai Xian said a little bit, "Boss, do we want to do it?"

"Nonsense, why are we here if we don't do anything? Don't look at this ghost's strange behavior, but his cultivation is only at the level of the first-level great saint. I..." Before Lin Fei could finish speaking, the white fairy over there turned into a Liu Guang, shuttled in the sea and killed the past.

"Little Ghost Xiu, fight to the death with your grandpa Baixian..."

Hearing these words, Lin Fei almost didn't spit out, this Baixian is really shameful! [

After all, you are also a great sage of the peak, okay, he is just a ghost cultivator of a novice sage, it is not easy for him, you still have to find him for a duel!

Of course, Bai Xian is just such a bird, Lin Fei doesn't bother to talk about him, even if he is frightened, he won't die.

Soon this ghost cultivator was taken care of by Bai Xian, and ghost cultivators were also attached to many nearby spirit veins, and they all ran around in fright. Lin Fei didn't let them go, and took them all into his pocket. After entering the fairy tower, it is better to refine it.

The resources of spiritual veins on this seabed are very rich, and the sea area is also very wide. The two of them have been continuously extracting spiritual veins from the bottom of the sea.


Seven days later, when they drew five hundred spiritual veins, the seabed suddenly changed.

The sea water began to change color, from pure blue to red, and finally black again, and the whole seabed became a world of light.

"What's going on! Could it be that there is a peerless power coming?" As soon as the seabed changed color, Bai Xian suddenly felt that his eyesight was much weaker.

Lin Fei said: "It's not that the peerless powerhouse came, it's because we took away most of the spiritual veins in this area, and now the spiritual energy support here is out of balance, didn't you see that some small fish and shrimps are dead over there? "

"Uh..." Bai Xian noticed it now, glanced over there, and found a large number of dead fish and shrimps floating in the sea, and hurriedly muttered, "Little fish and shrimps, don't blame your grandpa Bai Xian... "

Lin Fei said embarrassingly: "It's weird, don't draw the spirit veins here, you put out dozens of them, otherwise this area will die..."

"Release dozens of them?" Bai Xian was not happy when he heard this, "What are you doing, let's go, go to other places to extract spiritual veins..."

"Silly boy, why are you so stupid? If you release dozens of spiritual veins, the balance in this area will not be broken, and the operation can still be maintained here. Let's go to other sea areas to extract spiritual veins, don't do it for immediate benefit. Some bad things have been brought in, there are still many spiritual veins in this area..." Lin Feinai said.

"Uh, do you want to do this..." Bai Xian was 1 reluctant to part with it, and it was really not easy to release the spiritual veins that he had finally obtained.

Lin Fei said: "Let's just put [-] out, and it's not bad for these [-]. If the waters here change and attract the most powerful people from the Feng family, it will be really troublesome for us to draw the spirit veins."

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Bai Xian was unwilling, as if he had twenty wives in his arms, and now he wanted to give his wife away, of course he was unwilling.

However, in order to continue drawing the spirit veins, he followed Lin Fei's suggestion and took out twenty spirit veins, and evenly threw them in the sea area with a radius of [-] li.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate. After only half an hour of release, the color of the sea water began to change from black to blue. After about two hours, the water quality here improved completely.Some fishes that were not seriously injured have come back to life, and the area has returned to its previous bustle, but some of the dead ones have no ability to come back to life.

"It's really like this..." Bai Xian was very surprised. [

Lin Fei said: "Maybe this is a balance line. If it exceeds that balance line, the underwater world will be in chaos. After all, many fishes can be regarded as half monks, and they also need a lot of spiritual energy."

"Let's go, let's go to another sea area to extract spiritual veins..."


In a blink of an eye, two months have passed.

Lin Fei and Baixian have gained a lot. They have drawn nearly [-] spiritual veins in the sea area with a radius of several million miles, and nearly [-] in each sea area.

On this day, the two finally left the sea and saw the land.

A huge island appeared in front of it, with a radius of about 50 li. After some inquiring, the two of them found out that the entire Luofeng Ridge was this continent, which was also called Luofeng Continent.

Most of the monks in Luofengling are land monks, thanks to the fact that they don't have many people practicing on the seabed, so they didn't find out what Lin Fei and Baixian were doing.However, the sudden drop in the concentration of spiritual energy in the nearby area still attracted the attention of some big bosses of the Feng family, but because the time was too fast, it only took a month or two to become like this, and now they found that it was too late late.

"Boss, are we really not going to visit Feng's house?" Looking at the Luofeng Continent in front of him, with a large number of splendid buildings on the edge, Bai Xian felt a little bit reluctant.

He has long heard that the women of the Feng family are all magnificent and beautiful, and now it's a pity that they can't win over a few beautiful girls from the Feng family after finally coming here.

Lin Fei snorted, "Take it easy, kid. We have drawn more than 2 spiritual veins, and the entire Luofeng Ridge will explode. If you are found, you won't be crushed into meat..."

"Uh, this is also..." Bai Xian said with a chill on his neck, "Then let's get out of here quickly, it's a bit scary to be told by you."

"It's not strange..."

Before Lin Fei could finish his sentence, he suddenly unleashed the Secret Art of Hiding Heaven, pulling Bai Xian into the world of duality.

Not long after entering the world of duality, streaks of silver light rose from the continent in front, and after a while, more than a dozen powerful figures appeared in midair.

"Wow, you're in such a good shape..."

Bai Xian praised her, and her saliva was about to flow all over the place. A few thousand miles ahead, there appeared more than a dozen tall female cultivators, all of them were wearing tight battle armor, showing off their excellent figures to the fullest.

"It's really..." Lin Fei also sighed secretly in his heart, these women's figures are indeed very hot, just like those agents of the underworld that they have seen in Longnan Sea.

If he had to find someone to compare with, Lin Fei had seen many western girls in many western magazines, with extremely hot bodies.The most eye-catching ones are probably the two big hemispheres. Their battle armor is also very well designed. There is a long career line in front of them. The wheat-colored deep groove reveals doubts. There is only a small layer, which is tightly attached to their bodies, and their figures are undoubtedly perfect S-shaped.

"Hoohoo, I have to go to Luofeng Continent to buy several hundred sets of armor like this. It's okay for Ling'er and the others to wear this. It can be used as sexy underwear..." Lin Fei's eyes also flashed a few times. Dao splendor.

Bai Xian laughed and said: "Boss, I'm not telling a lie, the girls from the Feng family are all magnificent, with that figure, that big rice, tsk tsk..."

"You have some promise, okay? Your more than 1 wives are not bad, none of them are worse than them..." Maybe it's because he has seen more beauties, now Lin Fei's immunity is much stronger than before. [

"Hey, no matter how similar a woman's figure is, she still has her own unique parts. Boss, your understanding in this area is far behind..." Bai Xian laughed and became a teacher.

Lin Fei frowned and said, "Where does this start?"

"Let's make a simple analogy. Look at the first and third ones on the left. Those two girls are both at the peak of the Eighth Heaven, and they look very similar, and their bodies are similar. But you see The first one on the left, her hair is darker, the third one on the left has slightly curly hair, I bet if you put them together, the third one on the left will definitely be more wavy..." Bai Xian bet road.

"You can also see this?" Lin Fei really didn't study this aspect.

Bai Xian said confidently: "As long as you bring them to me, Boss, I can perform for you..."

"Your sister, you are so vulgar..." Lin Fei said contemptuously.

Bai Xian said disapprovingly: "Boss, this is not vulgar, but refined and vulgar..."

"Okay, let's just think about it here..." Lin Fei shrugged, took out the spirit wine and took a sip in the dual world, while his sky eyes were still shining, staring at the dozen or so fiery women outside , said in a deep voice, "The four female quasi-emperors and the twelve peak saints are all at the peak of the eighth or ninth heaven. It is not easy to get started..."

"It's definitely not easy to take them all, but boss, you are so mighty, when they disperse, it's no problem for us to catch a few peak saints..." Bai Xian moved to Lin Fei's side and smiled sarcastically. Said, "Boss, please help me, I have never played such a hot game, how many can you get me?"

Bai Xian took out the barbecue again, handed it to Lin Fei, rubbed his shoulders and beat his back, trying his best to please Lin Fei.

"Your boy will die on a woman's belly sooner or later..." Lin Fei scolded with a smile, "Let's see how these dozen or so women will go together. If they go together, we will have no chance. If we go separately, I will give you Get a few..."

Although this kid is a big stallion, but who is his own horse boy, the horse boy still needs to be taken care of properly, Lin Fei will naturally find a way to help him.

"Hey, thank you boss, my admiration for boss is like the waves of the river, endless and unstoppable..." Bai Xian hurriedly flattered, laughing so hard that he was about to jump up.

"Stop!" Lin Feiyang stopped his flattery with his hand.

At this time, outside the dual world, above Luofeng Continent, the dozen or so women finally made a movement.

Sure enough, just as Lin Fei and the others guessed, they left in four groups. Each group was led by a female Zhundi, and a female Zhundi led three peak saints, and they separated in four directions to investigate the situation in the sea area. .

"Let's go to the south side later..."

Lin Fei stood up and put the spirit wine into the inner world. He had already judged the cultivation bases of these four female quasi-emperors. The one in the south had the lowest cultivation base, and it might be the quasi-emperor who entered in the past five years or so. Emperor's Realm.

"Hey hey, I respect the arrangement of the boss..." Bai Xian rubbed his hands excitedly, as if he had pressed the four girls from the Feng family under his body, lingering in the gentle village.

"This promising..."

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