Chapter 840

"Can I be the same as you kid? You are from the lineage of fairy beasts. After all, you are more fierce than beasts. You are all fairy beasts..." Lin Fei said.

Bai Xian said to himself: "Boss, you are right. We are from the lineage of immortal beasts. We are definitely gifted in this aspect. Why don't you, boss, transform your bloodline and incorporate a little bit of blood from the lineage of immortal beasts?" How about liquid? I guarantee you will not fall overnight..."

"Go to hell, I don't need that, I'm already very strong..." Lin Fei flatly refused.

His ability may not be as good as that of Baixian, but it is enough. Sometimes he can fight with a wife all night without feeling too tired. [

If it is really the same as that of the fairy beast, and it can last a night in every battle, it will be a torture to my wives, and there is no need for that at all.

Love love, the most important thing is the harmony of everyone's hearts, and it doesn't feel like the longer the better.

"Hey, the boss is of course mighty and domineering..." Bai Xian laughed strangely.

"By the way, explain it to them carefully, don't hate me in the future, and say that I put them into the fire pit..." Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question.

Anyway, Feng Mingming's four daughters will become his younger brothers and sisters in the future, if he holds them grudges against him because he caught them, then he has failed too much as a big brother and will inevitably fall into the shoes of others.

Bai Xian snorted, "Don't worry, Boss, I have disciplined them well. If they are disobedient, I promise to discipline them well..."

"Besides these few days of hard work, I have transformed Feng Mingming's bloodline. Now she is also the bloodline of the fairy beast. Although she still abuses me, I feel that she has softened in my heart." Bai Xian said again.

But Lin Fei said: "Be careful, kid. She is a female quasi-emperor. How could she compromise so easily? The pure yin body that has been preserved for thousands of years was broken by you once. If you don't hold grudges, you will be damned. Don't be serious." If you think you are poor in charm, if you put him to sleep, he will fall in love with you completely."

"Anyway, you have a lot of minds, kid, don't untie the seal in a muddleheaded way, when the time comes, Empress Zhun will suddenly come to you and kill all the more than 1 wives in your inner world, don't blame me for not reminding you You." Lin Fei solemnly reminded.

In just a few days, Feng Mingming's four daughters had compromised, and they would not believe it if they killed Lin Fei.

Even if it is the blood of the fairy beast, as a female quasi-emperor, she probably won't care too much about it. Now she must hate Baixian more, and she won't soften her heart so quickly.

"Uh, Boss, you reminded me..." Bai Xian's face changed slightly, a little scared.

When He Feng Mingming made love last time, he was almost deceived by her expression, almost listened to her and broke her seal.

If it is really solved, er, it is really scary. I am afraid that all of my more than 1 wives will be shot to death by her. She is the quasi-emperor, most of my wives are still great saints, and my inner world will also be captured by her. smashed.


Regarding Lin Fei and Baixian, the two thieves who stole the spiritual veins, their story is far from over. After drawing about a thousand spiritual veins in Majiapo, the two were almost discovered again.

Fortunately, they had the bodhi coffin in their hands, and the two of them narrowly escaped a catastrophe. In Majiapo, a super powerful quasi-emperor triple heavenly master passed by, and almost spotted the two of them.

Fortunately, the quasi-emperor was just passing by and didn't stick to the two of them, otherwise the two of them would really have finished their game.But even so, the news that they stole the spiritual veins in Majiapo was known by the Ma family, and the Ma family spread the news, and soon the Feng family also knew. Nearly ten female quasi-emperors killed Majiapo.

Feng Bingyun not only brought ten female quasi-emperors, but also brought no less than two hundred peak saints. Most of the strength of the Feng family was exhausted, which made the people of the Ma family a little afraid. They had never heard of the Feng family before. so strong. [

As soon as Lin Fei and Bai Xian came out of the bodhi coffin, they found a large number of people from the Feng family coming, and they quickly got into the dual world and hid inside.

"Boss, it's so dangerous..." Bai Xian patted his heart carefully and said.

Lin Fei snorted and said, "It's not that you kid is messing around, there's a knife on the word 'color', so be careful..."

In the sky not far ahead, there are a few quasi-emperor lights flashing from time to time. It is the quasi-emperor powerhouses of the Feng family and the Ma family who are leading their respective troops to search for Lin Fei and Bai Xian in this area. trail.

Now the Feng family and the Ma family seem to have formed an alliance to find out the two Jiangyang thieves who stole the spiritual veins. The Feng family even vowed to kill Lin Fei and Bai Xian to save Feng Mingming's four daughters.

The four daughters of Feng Mingming are the second generation disciples of the Feng family, and Feng Mingming is the only young female cultivator among the second generation disciples who has stepped into the quasi-emperor realm. Unexpectedly, she was captured a few years after breaking through to the quasi-emperor go.

"After dark, let's go out to see the situation..."

Lin Fei and Bai Xian heaved a sigh of relief when they were not discovered in the dual world. With this hidden sky secret technique, it is still very easy for the two of them to escape.

Coupled with the cooperation of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, it shouldn't be a problem for the two of them to escape, but now it is broad daylight, and there are strong people flying around in this area, so it is easy to be spotted when they go out now.

Soon time came to night, Lin Fei and Bai Xian put on strong disguises in the dual world, Lin Fei was dressed as a gray-haired old man, and Bai Xian was dressed as a burly middle-aged man. Young man.

The two came out of the dual world wearing Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagrams carefully.


Lin Fei's perception was fully activated, and he found that there were no masters within a radius of two thousand miles. He immediately led Bai Xian to flee to the north, and Bai Xian followed Lin Fei closely, not daring to leave even half a step.

But just after rushing to the north for more than 2 miles, an abnormality appeared in front of him. Several strong men who were shining all over appeared, and one of them was a female quasi-emperor, who was the female elder of the Feng family.


A light flashed in the female elder's eyes, and she swept thousands of miles away. Suddenly, two figures flashed in her eyes, and they were holding a strange black picture together.


The elder female elder pointed her finger, and the seven or eight female disciples beside her immediately rushed over. Lin Fei and Baixian, who were thousands of miles away, changed their expressions and immediately hid in the dual world .

"Bang bang bang..."


The seven or eight female disciples were very vigorous, and they were all female disciples at the pinnacle of the Great Sage. As soon as they rushed over, they were killed with a series of combination tricks, but it was a pity that they all hit the void. When they came over, they didn't notice The traces of Lin Fei and Bai Xian.

"Where are people!" [

The female elder also came over, her sky eyes scanned every inch of the void in this area, but she really didn't notice a ray of breath from Lin Fei and Bai Xian.

"Could it be that he was blasted to death?" The female elder herself didn't believe it. The other party could even capture a quasi-emperor like Feng Mingming. Could it be that seven or eight female disciples of the peak saints could have killed the other party just now.

"Elder, what should we do?" A female disciple asked.

The female elder said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and contact the ancestor and other elders, let them all come here, we will stick to this place, maybe they are hiding in this void..."


The female disciple left immediately and used a special method to notify the other Feng family members, but the female elder stayed here with the rest of the female disciples and did not intend to leave.

"Boss, what should we do? It's not good. If the ancestor of the Feng family is very good at writing, a bunch of quasi-emperors may find us!" Bai Xian worried.

Lin Fei also said in a deep voice: "There is no other way, before those quasi-emperors come over, let's go out and have a meeting with this female elder..."


Bai Xian also nodded in agreement. If the female Zhundi of the Feng family and the Zhundi of the Ma family had come here, then a dozen or twenty Zhundi would stay here, and they might be able to find them.

If there is another super strong person at the same level as Feng Ming, who blocks Lin Fei to death like he did when he discovered Lin Fei, then he will really faint.Now Feng Ming is still in Feilong Palace, he didn't come here at all, now there are only Lin Fei and Baixian, but he really has to take it easy, if he overplays, it will be over.

The two discussed briefly, and then immediately took action.

The female elder of the Feng family was still scanning the area with her heavenly eyes, and the woman's intuition told her that the other party had not left this world, and had been hiding in this area all along.She believed that when the ancestor and several other elders came, with everyone's efforts, these two bastards could be found and put to death.


The female elder's eyelids twitched suddenly, and a strange multicolored halo hit her. She dodged the halo with a flash.

"Ah..." She dodged, but the two female disciples beside her did not dodge. Lin Fei and Bai Xian turned into two streamers of light, and suddenly teleported over.

The two female disciples were caught by Lin Fei and Bai Xian, and they were pulled to the side. Just as the female elder was about to make a move, Lin Fei yelled, "Stop! Or I'll kill them!"

A purple sword lay across the necks of the two female disciples. This purple sword was the Ziyang Sword.

After Lin Fei's continuous improvement with the Nine Dragons over the years, now this Ziyang sword has become a quasi-emperor-level divine sword, and because of his mixed-yang blood, this Ziyang sword It is much more tyrannical than the general Emperor Zhun's sword.


The strong bloodlust frightened the two female disciples, and they didn't dare to utter a breath.

"Who the hell are you guys!" The female elder didn't panic, she responded to Lin Fei and Baixian with a deep voice, but when her eyes were sweeping over, Baixian showed the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, and put the two of them and the two female disciples together. It's all wrapped up in it.

Therefore, the female elder can only see their faces after makeup, but not their real faces. The female elder's face is ugly, and she can also see that this may not be their true faces.

"Fellow Daoist, it's best to stay here. We are just two field cultivators. There is nothing worthy of your waiting here...Go..."

Lin Fei and Bai Xian giggled, and immediately teleported out with the two female disciples.

"Don't chase me! Otherwise, I'll do it right away!"

Lin Fei continued to warn the Feng family and the others. Seeing that Lin Fei and the two of them left with two disciples, the female elder immediately said in a deep voice: "You all go to contact the elders, I will go after them myself!"

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