Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 846 The promise with Concubine Yi

Chapter 840 Six

The girls are no longer clinging to him, mainly because Lin Fei doesn't seem to be in that mood, and they won't really have the cheek to pull Lin Fei's quilt.Lin Fei began to study the jade book of the Immortal Formation Pattern that he got from Xu Jialing, and the jade book of the Immortal Formation Formation that he obtained from Longnan Sea. Referring to the Spiritual Searching Book, he wanted to study some techniques of the magic circle.

Nearly half of the [-]-year period set at the beginning has passed, and Lin Fei urgently needs to improve his own strength. There is no doubt that if he can break these two fairy formations, even if he realizes a corner of the fairy formation pattern, it will have a great impact on his future strength. Ascension is also of great benefit.With the Immortal Formation in hand, Batian and the others also have certain advantages against Tang Sanye, so Lin Fei naturally needs to spend a lot of effort on research.

As for finding the next place for gathering spirits, Lin Fei is not in a hurry now, he wants to wait until the matter of the elder brother and Baixian is resolved before going to the place for gathering spirits.

When it comes to the next place where spirits gather, his goal is to break through the strongest level and enter the quasi-emperor realm.

Once he enters the realm of quasi-emperor, although he may be one or two days away from Batian Tang Sanye and the others, the advantages of the mixed-yang body will be fully revealed, and the defense and attack power, as well as the perfection of Tao Reached a peak state.


Five years passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in Lin Fei's room, he drew an extremely complicated spirit-seeking talisman in front of him with his bare hands, threw it into the void, and a white sphere with a diameter of five meters appeared in the middle of the room.

The sky eye was opened, and the white sphere was covered with dense lines, interlaced vertically and horizontally, with different shades, and the end and the end did not care about each other. It looked extremely complicated, and there was no pattern at all.

"It became..."

Lin Fei's eyes shone, and the white sphere dispersed, turning into a cloud and dissipating. Finally, what fell on the ground was a god stone the size of a washbasin, which was the eye of the sphere.

This is the result of Lin Fei's five years of work. He has finally researched a corner of the fairy array, referring to the method of seeking spirit charms, and successfully refined the horn array.Of course, what he tested in the room was only a very small formation, and he was just trying his hand at it. With the success of this corner formation, Lin Fei could draw a larger and more powerful fairy formation.

On this day, Lin Fei went out of the room, found Lao Long, and told him about his achievement.

"You really figured it out?" the old dragon said in shock.

Lin Fei nodded and said, "Why don't you follow me, Old Dragon, to have a try?"

"Let's go, let's go and have a look together..." Lao Long happily said.

The two called the girls, **, Baixian has not awakened yet, and is staying in **'s inner world, because **'s inner world still has many things like spiritual veins, which can be temporarily supplied he.

Everyone came to a place a hundred thousand miles away from Feilong Peak. This is a deserted forest, only some jungles of different heights.

"Honey, how big is your corner diagram?" Concubine Yi asked.

Lin Fei looked at the surrounding environment, and estimated: "The maximum radius is five thousand miles. Try it first, and then you can improve it. If you make it too big, the power will be weakened..."

"Old Dragon, are you ready?" Lin Fei turned his head and asked with a smile.

He wants to use the old dragon as an experiment to see if the old dragon can easily break through his corner formation. It's a heavy day, it's best to let him try it.

The old dragon said disapprovingly: "Just let it go, I'm not afraid of the fairy formation, let alone your small horn formation..."

"Hehe, then you have to be careful, my corner formation is a complete fairy formation..." Lin Fei chuckled, and three specially made red spirit-seeking charms flew out between his brows.


With a wave of Lin Fei's arm, the three spirit-seeking talismans flew in three directions, and soon sank into the void.

"Bang bang bang..."


After a while, three explosions sounded, and within a radius of a thousand miles in front, bursts of mist rose, and finally condensed into a silver ball, and the scenery inside completely changed.

Previously, that place was a jungle of different heights, but now there is a peak in it, surrounded by immortal energy, as if there is some treasure appearing in the aura of jewels.In addition, near the fairy mountain, there is a group of cranes soaring, a real dragon hovering at the foot of the fairy mountain, and a silver attic on the top of the fairy mountain. There is a big silver pearl on the top of the mountain. People who don't know it think it is a peerless secret treasure.

"Wow, is there a baby?" Miao Miao exclaimed, stepped forward and took Lin Fei's arm.

Lin Fei smiled and said: "There is a treasure, waiting for Uncle Long to pick it up..."

"You kid is bad enough, and you deliberately created such a fairy mountain, how many people have to drill into it..." the old dragon said with his mouth.

** also smiled: "Second brother, you really have an idea. Although the array is a little smaller, it can attract others in. It's a good idea..."

"Hehe, this is just a little bit of processing, I can also get hundreds of fake beautiful bubbling fairies in, hehe..." Lin Fei laughed strangely.

Miaomiao pinched her waist, and Concubine Yi also sent a voice transmission to herself: "Bastard, don't think about those disgusting things..."

"Hehe, I didn't think about it, I just thought about how beautiful you will be tonight, my wife, and how smooth your body is..." Lin Fei replied through voice transmission.

The agreement between him and Concubine Yi will be broken tonight. Concubine Yi will devote herself to him tonight, following him for hundreds of years, and finally she will become his real woman.

Thinking that Concubine Yi would spend a perfect night with him, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited. Coupled with the successful deciphering of the fairy array diagram in front of him, an inexplicable sense of accomplishment emerged spontaneously.

"If you're not serious, I won't follow you..." Concubine Yi blushed for no reason, the other sisters didn't know about it.

They didn't know that their elder sister was going to devote herself to Lin Fei tonight, otherwise she would definitely teach Concubine Yi some experience, and now they all have a lot of experience.

"Brother Long, let's go, I will open the array now..."

Lin Fei untied Miaomiao's arm, stretched out his hands, two flames shot out from his palm, and rushed into the silver ball world in front of him, the fairy mountain became more real, and the spiritual energy inside instantly increased.

"Okay, I'm going..." The old dragon's fighting spirit rose sharply, and he rushed into the silver ball with strides.

The girls also opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what kind of magical effect Lin Fei's formation had, and whether the old dragon could easily decipher the fairy formation, but Lin Fei had a confident expression.

"The fairy is so rigid..."

After about 5 minutes, there was a loud roar from the silver ball. It was obvious that the old dragon encountered something embarrassing and troublesome in it.

"Boom boom boom..."

Before he finished speaking, several streams of real sun fire rushed out from between Lin Fei's eyebrows, and penetrated into the array, causing a series of violent explosions, shaking the entire silver ball.

"Old dragon, I will fight..."

The old dragon let out a stern roar, and uttered a terrifying chant of the heavenly dragon. A real dragon broke the fairy formation, and all the phantoms in front of him disappeared, and the formation was broken.

"It was broken so quickly?" Miao Miao pouted, quite dissatisfied.

She thought she would trap the old dragon for at least half an hour, but she didn't expect to be broken so soon. The old dragon himself was a [-]-meter-long flying dragon, and in a blink of an eye it turned into his human form and appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he got in front of him, he scolded: "Xiao Fei, you are too cheap, how did you come up with such a cheap formation..."

"Cheap?" The girls didn't know what Lin Fei had set up inside. Even a strong man like Lao Long said such things.

Lin Fei smiled cunningly and said, "I've made concessions. Life is infinitely cheap. That's my motto. How do you feel about my formation?"

"One word, good!" The old dragon gave Lin Fei a thumbs up and praised, "You activated it by looking for a magic talisman, so make a few hundred for me, I'll keep it for great use ah……"

"Uh, a few hundred?" Lin Fei's eyelids twitched, and he said speechlessly, "You think this is a Chinese cabbage. It takes a lot of effort to make one, so I'll give you five at most..."

"Fifty..." Long Lao bargained.

"Eight..." Lin Fei said again.

The old dragon said angrily: "Come on, twenty cards will do, no less!"

"Ten tickets!" Lin Fei countered again.

The old dragon became even angrier: "Your whole family has lived here for so long, is there more than twenty cards? Well, fifteen cards, if less, I'm really angry!"

"Okay, I'll give you fifteen!" Lin Fei reluctantly agreed.

The other people present looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what was so strange about this fairy array, what kind of cheap things existed there, could it be that there were some primitive people in Luo Ben, or were there people and beasts interbreeding inside?

"Uh, second brother, what's so special about this fairy picture of yours, tell me about it carefully..." ** was also very interested.

Lin Fei smiled: "Brother, you can ask Brother Long, he has experienced it and knows it better than me..."

"Well, I don't want to go in myself anymore, just use it to deal with others, it's too disgusting, it's disgusting to think about it, staying in it for a while, I feel like I'm going to vomit all the juice in my stomach..." The old dragon said depressedly , as if there was something unbearable to look back on, he said anxiously, "I'll go outside for a while, you guys stay alone in the Dragon Palace..."

He seemed unwilling to mention what he saw, and ran away immediately.

Feifeng on the side scolded: "What kind of formation can this bastard make up, he must have conjured up many disgusting scenes, scaring away such a pure person as Uncle Long..."

"Brother Long is pure?" Lin Fei smiled disapprovingly, and secretly said to Feifeng, "Girl, is it itching again, do you want me to stop itching for you..."

"You have to be shy, now that you have the technique of transforming shadows, you are so arrogant, I am really not afraid of you..." Feifeng replied through voice transmission, but her heart was burning hot.

In this case, in the past, she would not have dared to say it.

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