Chapter 840 Eight

Concubine Yi was finally accepted, and Lin Fei heaved a sigh of relief. Among the women, only the third general, Xiangxiang and Dong Xiaojiao, have not yet become Lin Fei's women.Lin Fei's pressure suddenly decreased a lot, and there were only the last two people left. It was Lin Fei's long-term goal to be able to pull all the girls to roll the sheets.

Now we are one step closer to this goal. If we want to attract everyone, we must first do a good job in everyone's thinking, otherwise how can we get together.

After chatting with Concubine Yi for a while, the two fell asleep hugging each other. The next day Concubine Yi came out of Lin Fei's room when she ran into Xiangxiang and was discovered by Xiangxiang.

"Sister Concubine..." Xiangxiang was stunned, she didn't expect Concubine Yi to come out of Lin Fei's room.

Concubine Yi forced herself to be calm and said, "Oh, Xiangxiang, you got up so early..."

"Huhu, it's getting late now, it's already noon..." Xiangxiang said speechlessly.

"Ah, is that so..." Yi Fei said with a rosy face, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to go to the top of Feilong Peak. How about I go with my concubine? Were you tired last night?" Xiangxiang asked suddenly, teasing Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi's pretty face instantly turned red, and she scolded: "What a girl, you dare to make fun of me..."

"Hey, concubine, you want to consummate the house with your husband, and you didn't even tell me beforehand. It's really bad. This should be considered stealing, right?" Xiangxiang was not afraid of Concubine Yi, and started to fight with her in the hall.

The two quarreled for a while, and Concubine Yi asked, "Where have they all gone, why is there no one?"

"I've all gone to the top of Feilong Peak. Brother Long said that there will be a spectacle of fire clouds at noon today. Everyone went to the peak to see it..." Xiangxiang thought for a while.

"Fire cloud spectacle?" Concubine Yi thought for a while, looked back at Lin Fei's room, and thought to herself, "Should I call him together? Let him sleep for a while, because he worked so hard last night..."

"Should I call my husband together? The spectacle of fire clouds only appears once in a hundred years. I heard that the whole sky is like a raging fire, and there will be some palaces of fire..." Xiangxiang laughed strangely for a while.

Concubine Yi poked Xiangxiang's forehead, and reprimanded: "You still dare to make fun of me, I will let my husband consummate the house with you tonight, and see if you still dare to make fun of me..."

She knew that Xiangxiang is still a pure yin body, Xiangxiang said helplessly: "Sister Concubine, don't pull me, I'm not ready yet..."

"You are not ready yet? Who made the century-old contract with him back then, and now it has been more than 200 years, and you are not ready to fulfill the promise..." Concubine Yi found a chance to fight back and began to tease her.

The bet that Xiangxiang and Lin Fei made more than 200 years ago is known to all the women. When Lin Fei first received Xiangxiang, Concubine Yi was quite a bit reticent.After all, she was the third general god in the Demon Immortal Realm back then, and no one knew what the hell was going on in the Demon Immortal Realm.But now more than 200 years have passed in a blink of an eye, and there is already a deep sisterhood, and the past is no longer mentioned.

"Oh no, he doesn't remember the past..." Mentioning this, a blush crept up on Xiangxiangqiao's face.

Concubine Yi laughed and said: "Why don't you remember? When I was with him yesterday, he even mentioned you, saying that you were very ruthless to him, and you didn't dedicate yourself to him after so long. Someone else..."

"How can there be..." Xiangxiang said anxiously, "I don't have others, I won't stay here if there are others..."

"Look, look, have you shown your true feelings?" Concubine Yi said with a smile.

Xiangxiang slapped her, and snorted: "Sister Concubine, you are really bad, making such a joke with others..."

"I'm not joking with you, Xiangxiang, my sister advises you, if the time is almost up, it's fine..." Concubine Yi put her arms around Xiangxiang, and comforted her, "Look at me, I used to be because of my physique. The reason is that there is no way to consummate the room with my husband, as soon as I was able to do it yesterday, I made an appointment with my husband..."

"You said that everyone is his woman, but you still guard your body like a jade. After so many years, he must have thoughts in his heart, and he will inevitably think of some messy things. Although he doesn't mention it, it doesn't mean he doesn't like it. I would think, so as a woman, I have to learn to be considerate of men..." Concubine Yi leaned into Xiangxiang's ear and said earnestly.

As if overnight, she understood many truths, became a real big sister, and also became Xiangxiang's mentor in terms of married life.

Xiangxiang was speechless for a while, and sank into a chaotic state of mind, thinking to herself, could it be that he really thought that way, that he really wanted my body?Want to be my man?

But why didn't I see him express anything usually, and he didn't have any hints, I only saw him messing with Ling'er and the others, and he didn't come to tease himself.

Seeing that Xiangxiang was in deep thought, Concubine Yi seemed to be able to guess her thoughts, and sighed: "He has many women now, and sometimes he is busy with them and taking care of their daily needs, so he might ignore our existence as a result. .Maybe it's because we stick to the bottom line, so he can't find fun with us for a while, and he will ignore us, so it's still the same sentence, you have to pay to get rewards. Besides, you know that kind of thing Yes, it's really comfortable, otherwise Ling'er and the others wouldn't be pestering him often, it's all a physical need, we're all at this age, it's time..."

As she spoke, Concubine Yi blushed and sighed again: "It's better not to call him, let him rest well, I will go to the peak with you..."

"Uh, has the time really come?" Xiangxiang didn't think about anything else as she walked away with Concubine Yi, only what Concubine Yi said just now was in her mind.

Thinking about my reaction these days is really weird, especially every time I see a sister entering and leaving Lin Fei’s room at night, I feel a little bored in my heart, and I can’t sleep for no reason at night, and I am always fantasizing about my sister What will they and Lin Fei do in the room.As a result, she slept very late every time, just like today, she found out that Concubine Yi had entered Lin Fei's room last night, so she didn't fall asleep all night.

Especially the target is Concubine Yi, because Concubine Yi, like herself, is one of the few who have not yet consummated their marriage with Lin Fei.Now that Concubine Yi is also with Lin Fei, only myself and Dong Xiaojiao have not consummated their marriage, and my mood is even more messed up, maybe I really want to follow in Concubine Yi's footsteps, so I should hurry up and consummate the marriage with Lin Fei.Otherwise, I have to think wildly every night, sometimes women are like this, maybe it is really a biological need, and I am not young at this age.

With this physique, I can live up to four thousand years old. Even if I am now in the quasi-emperor state, it is the limit to live five thousand years, but now I am almost fifteen hundred years old.It has reached the middle stage of life, as Yifei said, the physiological needs should have been met, and it will be really bad if you hold it back any longer.


Naturally, Lin Fei didn't know about Xiangxiang's thoughts. At this moment, he was still sleeping soundly in his room, and he had no chance to see the spectacle of fire clouds over Feilongling, so he overslept this time.

When they all came down from the peak, Lin Fei came out of the room, and after arguing with the girls for a while, Lin Fei and his wife got together.

"Brother, let's go to Miaojialing in a few days, it's about time..." Lin Fei thought for a while.

** is a little worried: "I don't know if Yanni is still alone, it's been so many years..."

It has been more than 30 years since I came out of Miaojialing, and I am not sure about it, because the ancestor of the Miao family said at the beginning that they would find a good husband's family for Yanni.

"Brother, don't think about it too much. When we arrive at Miaojialing, everything will be clear." Lin Fei sighed.

At this time, the old dragon came in from the outside, and said with a smile: "Yes, this time, I will accompany you to go personally, the old dragon. I want to see how arrogant the ancestor of the Miao family is..."

"Hehe, Brother Long, maybe you will fall in love with the ancestor of the Miao family. She is a beautiful woman at the level of a queen mother..." Lin Fei laughed strangely.

The old dragon snorted and said, "If it's true, I'll put the ancestor of the Miao family to sleep, and then the matter between you and Miao Yanni, Xiao Linzi, will be settled easily?"

"That's the best..." Lin Fei laughed.

He couldn't help thinking about the scene more than 30 years ago. At that time, the ancestor of the Miao family was indeed very noble, and his clothes were very luxurious. At first glance, he looked like a figure like the Virgin.

"Thank you everyone..." ** said with a toast.

"It's hard work, sister, Xiao Linzi, you are always so polite, it's really boring..." Lao Long also used Shi Mao's curse words.

"Haha, I don't have a younger sister, you are going to be disappointed, old dragon..." ** was also amused, it was rare to be so happy.


Three days later, everyone packed up and set off for Miaojialing together.

This time there was a big commotion, Lin Fei didn't hide in the inner world anymore, just like this, he and the girls had sex together, and the old dragon flew slowly towards Miaojialing together.

Dozens of Zhundi appeared at the same time, and there were also dozens of beautiful female Zhundi. The sudden appearance of such a large group of powerful monks made everyone in the surrounding mountains dumbfounded. Out of nowhere.

Feng Ming and Lao Long have long been famous, and their bloodlines are even more powerful. They have already made a name for themselves in this area, but Concubine Yi and the others have never been seen before, and they don't know where they came from.

All the Lords of the Ridge who passed by would take the initiative to pay a visit to the pedestrians. The old dragon also introduced to the Ridge Lords and strong men. ** is his second younger brother, and Lin Fei is his third younger brother. As for these women, they are all the wives of the third brother.

Lin Fei, the name finally came into being, and it was a blockbuster.

It's amazing that a little-known kid, whose cultivation base is only in the middle of the peak Great Sage Jiuchongtian, actually has more than 20 wives of quasi-emperors, and even Feng Ming is his wife, it's really unbelievable.

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