Chapter 850 Three

The cave appeared in the depths of a trench, surrounded by long aquatic plants, some of which were even tens of kilometers long, and in the center of the aquatic plants appeared such a secret cave with faint light.The three of Lin Fei came to the outside of the cave, and after carefully removing the surrounding aquatic plants, they were able to enter the ancient cave.

"It seems that there has been a formation here before..."

Walking in the passage leading to the depths of the ancient cave, Feng Ming muttered to himself, found some traces of formations here, and some formations were hidden here.

Lin Feitian's eyes were also opened, and he saw the dense pattern along the way, and said in a deep voice: "From the pattern, it may have been laid before ancient times, but it's all useless now, I don't know if there is any harvest. .”

"Whatever it is, as long as it is an ancient cave in the ancient fairyland, there must be something..." Concubine Yi chuckled, as if seeing a bunch of big treasures.

The three of them walked forward cautiously, and after nearly three hours of going deep, they finally came to the center of the broken ancient cave in front of them, and there was a circular space in front of them.The space is not particularly large, just the size of a basketball court on Earth. In the middle is a hall-like place surrounded by stone chambers, but most of the stone chamber doors are cracked, and there are spiders and other things everywhere. This ancient cave has obviously been around for some years.

Lin Feitian opened his eyes wide and scanned the surroundings of this ancient cave, refusing to let go of the slightest bit, for fear of missing any key points.

"There seems to be nothing, the aura is gone..." Feng Ming was a little lost, he didn't expect to find anything.

Concubine Yi was a little unwilling, and she was still searching while muttering to herself: "It shouldn't be, there are so many magic circles outside, although they are all dilapidated, but at least it proves that the identity of the owner of this ancient cave is different. With so many magic circles for self-defense, can there be no treasures?"

"Baby, maybe there were quite a few of them before, but now maybe all of them are gone..." Feng Ming spoke, and the two phoenix fires in his eyes burned a large spider in front of him.

"Yeah, what is this!"

She screamed, and after burning the spider, she found something.

"What!" Lin Fei and Concubine Yi were also overjoyed, and immediately moved over to them, only to see a strange stone appearing in front of them, with the eyes of the sky, there seemed to be something shining in it.

"What's inside?" Since she could only see the general idea but couldn't see what it was, Concubine Yi guessed, "It can't be the Taoist fetus left behind by the immortal, right?"

Lin Fei said: "It should not be the Taoist fetus of a fairy, it has been dead for so many years, why do I feel that it looks like some kind of weapon..."

"I'll use my blood phoenix eyes to see..." Feng Ming's eyes flickered with phoenix fire, he opened his blood phoenix sky eyes, and a mirror of light appeared in front of him.

Soon some patterns appeared on the light mirror. The patterns were a bit sharp. The things inside the stone were not particularly big, only the size of three or four palms. what.

"It looks like a weapon..." Feng Ming also nodded, looked up at Lin Fei and said, "Do you want to open it?"

Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "Opening is certain, but we should be more careful. It might be a fairy weapon in millions of years. Let's use the bodhi coffin to defend ourselves..."

Carefully sailing for thousands of years, Lin Fei took out the bodhi coffin, and took out the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram. The three of them supported the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram together, and Lin Fei used the real sun fire to break the stone open.

The real fire of the sun hit the surface of the stone, but it didn't break open all at once, it just created a small pit. The hardness of the stone was beyond everyone's expectations.

After nearly an hour, Lin Fei finally peeled off the outer surface of the stone with the real sun fire, and the dark thing inside also shamefully revealed its true colors.Judging from the appearance, this is a remnant mirror, all the edges are incomplete, and it should be more damaged.

The back of the mirror has a lot of decorations from ancient times, and Lin Fei and the three of them don't know the ancient characters on it. What makes them most surprised is that there is no light stone on the front of the mirror, which means that no one can be seen at all. An engraved picture.

The engraved picture on the front is obviously a human figure, but the strange thing is that this figure only has the lower half, not the upper half.

"What picture is this?"

Lin Fei felt a little strange. Judging from the degree of preservation of the mirror, this portrait does not seem to be incomplete, but indeed only the lower half of such a person.

As the real fire of the sun peeled off all the stone skin on the outside of the mirror, Lin Fei and the others saw two small characters engraved on the front and back of the mirror respectively.



They do know these two words, and Lin Fei is definitely no stranger to these two words, they are called Taiyin when they are combined.

"What does this mean? Could it be that it belonged to the ancient Emperor Taiyin?" Concubine Yi said with a serious expression.

After the stone skin was peeled off, the mirror appeared in front of the three people. It was different from what they saw in the light mirror before. Although the mirror was damaged, the mirror surface was still very round and smooth, without any rust or damage. scratches.It's just because the surroundings are broken, and there are a lot of black and brown spots on the edge of the mirror, which makes this mirror a little bit worse.


As soon as Lin Fei's hand touched it, a strong force suddenly struck away, violently ejecting Lin Fei hundreds of meters, and slammed into the stone wall of the cave.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from Lin Fei's mouth, Feng Ming and Concubine Yi's expressions changed drastically, the two girls rushed over immediately and took Lin Fei off the stone wall.

"Are you okay?" Feng Ming asked with concern.

Concubine Yi took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from Lin Fei's mouth. Lin Fei looked at the mirror over there and said in a deep voice, "Maybe it really belonged to the ancient emperor of Taiyin. We made money this time..."

"It doesn't matter if you make money or not, it doesn't matter to you, you didn't get hurt?" Concubine Yi asked.

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "There's no damage to the Tao, it's just that the power of the road just now was too strong, it really has the power of an ancient emperor, but luckily the mirror was broken and didn't show its full power, otherwise it would have been really dangerous just now..."

If he is really hit by the power of the ancient emperor, Lin Fei is in danger of falling. The ancient emperor is a figure of the emperor level, which is equivalent to a great immortal in ancient times. There are only a few great immortals in a fairy court, and his strength is naturally Zhengu Shimmering today.

"Does it really have the power of the ancient emperor? Could it be that it really belonged to the Taiyin ancient emperor?" Feng Ming also turned his head to look at the mirror, feeling a little unbelievable.

Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "Even if it's not the ancient Emperor Taiyin's stuff, I'm afraid it has something to do with him, and only the power of Taiyin can hurt us, because we are the body of the sun, and we are born and restrained but blend together..."

"But the ancient Taiyin emperor only exists in legends, no one knows whether he really existed." Concubine Yi did not believe it.

Although the Ancient Taiyin Emperor is famous, he is only in the legend after all. No one knows whether he existed or not, nor does he know what his background is.Because the legend about him is not in the modern period, nor in the ancient period, but in the distant creation period of heaven and earth, together with Taishi and Taiyi, they are also called the three emperors of ancient times.

"It should exist. There is a Holy Land of Absolute Beginning on Tianyuan Continent, and there are also Holy Lands of Taishi and Taiyi. They must all have their origins, and they may be related to these three ancient emperors." Lin Fei stared straight at Looking at the ancient mirror, he said in a deep voice, "Get out of the way, I'll try again..."

"Is there any danger?" Concubine Yi was a little worried.

Lin Fei said: "Don't worry about it, I won't force it, I can get the best, if I can't get it, I have to give up."

"Okay, be careful, we'll guard it..." Concubine Yi and Feng Ming didn't want to give up a treasure just like that, so they could only let Lin Fei take it and try it out.

Lin Fei circulated Yang-mixing Qi, repaired the damaged internal organs, and walked towards the ancient mirror again.

He came to the ancient mirror, but this time he did not directly use the real fire of the sun to get it, but took out his own sun and stars, poured out a wisp of the sun's breath from the inside of the stars, and turned into a pair of slender hands to grab the ancient mirror. .


When the palm formed by the breath of the sun was about to touch the ancient mirror, a circle of white light was found on the surface of the ancient mirror, and there was a buzzing sound. This sound was not like a mirror, but rather like an ancient clock being struck. the sound of.


Lin Fei let out a soft drink, and while opening his sky eyes, he grasped the ancient mirror with his solar hand.


As soon as he held the ancient mirror, Lin Fei's mind seemed to explode, and he stayed in place for a moment, blank. There seemed to be a vast world inside the ancient mirror, and a large amount of solar energy gushed out from it, and immediately plunged into Lin Fei. In the sea of ​​wheels.


Lin Fei couldn't hold back all of a sudden, a mouthful of blood spewed out, part of the blood spilled on the ancient mirror, the ancient mirror stopped humming immediately, and finally became quiet, and Lin Fei also knelt down on the ground .


The second girl's face changed drastically, she rushed over immediately, supported Lin Fei, and asked anxiously, "How are you, is it okay?"

Feng Ming transmitted strands of phoenix breath into Lin Fei's body, repairing his damaged internal organs. She looked solemn and found that Lin Fei's internal organs were all shattered.

"Why are you digging like this, there's no need to fight to the death with this mirror..." Concubine Yi was also very distressed, she was on the verge of tears.

Lin Fei forced himself to laugh and said, "Honey, we really made money this time, this mirror is a big treasure..."

"No baby is as important as life..." Concubine Yi said angrily, "Did you recognize the origin of this thing?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said: "I don't know the origin, but there is a vast inner world in this thing, and there is a lot of yin energy in it. If I refine them all, hehe, I really want to make a fortune gone."

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