Chapter 860

"This kid won't die, will he?"

Shi Xianjun's complexion changed, his eyes scanned the void below, and finally found a small ball of chaotic light in a corner, and then he was relieved. Fortunately, there is still a ray of origin, otherwise it will really be over.

"Hey, kid, don't blame me. Originally, you only needed to be hit by five heavenly dragons for this breakthrough. I decided to release nine for you. Tsk tsk..."

Shi Xianjun laughed loudly, and the human form of the Nine-Dragon Heavenly Emperor disappeared, leaving only a small ball of chaotic light floating in the void, and a long picture scroll floating not far from it.

"Uh, there is another girl here who is breaking through. No, she was knocked unconscious. It seems that the coercion was too strong just now. I'm sorry..."

"Hey, why is my physique so..."

Shi Xianjun discovered another person floating in the void, it was Tang Youyou. The coercion of the explosion just now affected her breakthrough and knocked her out.

"I really didn't expect that there is an inheritor in the line of the emperor and empress, and she is also the boy's woman. Forget it, let me help you too, and let you pass..."

After finishing speaking, a divine light descended from the sky, and directly penetrated into the center of Tang Youyou's eyebrows. Tang Youyou woke up suddenly, and immediately scanned her surroundings.

"Where's that bastard!"

Tang Youyou's face turned pale, and she didn't notice Lin Fei's figure, but only found the long scroll, which seemed to be swallowing something, and the treasure mirror was getting longer and longer.

It was still about a kilometer before, but now it is a full 5000 meters long, and it is still getting longer.

"Where did he go? Could it be that he was hacked to death by the Heavenly Tribulation? The terrifying Heavenly Tribulation just now seems to be the Humanoid Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor of Nine Dragons. He won't die, right?"

Tang Youyou's face was extremely ugly, and he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. The guy who had been tossing and turning with him for a few days before died like this.

The scene of Lin Fei standing in front of her, blocking the Red Cloud God Venerable for her kept flashing through her mind, thinking that she could no longer suppress her tears, and two lines of hot tears flowed down her cheeks.


Not long after, Feng Ming came here with the girls, and they also saw the goddess Baojian for the first time.

"Lin Fei!"



The complexions of the girls also changed. Those who saw Baojian but did not see Lin Fei seemed to have signs of falling.

"Don't worry, we are all on top of his list of gods, and there is no sign of dissolving the relationship with the list of gods. He should still be alive, maybe his body was smashed to pieces. Let's find out if we can find his origin." Feng Ming started After reacting, her beautiful eyes scanned the void.

Sure enough, she found a small ball of silver light over there, and immediately approached it cautiously, successfully holding it in the palm of her hand.

After receiving her voice transmission, the girls immediately surrounded her. Xiao Ling'er wiped her tears and said, "Is this his origin? Why did he become like this..."

"Lin Fei isn't dead?" Tang Youyou also squeezed over at this moment, the tears still haven't wiped away from his eyes.

"What a beautiful person..." When Tang Youyou came over, all the women couldn't help being a little surprised, this woman was indeed bubbling with beauty, and they were also a little ashamed of themselves as great beauties.

"You are..." Feng Ming's eyes showed vigilance, and she put away Lin Fei's small group of roots. Emperor Three Heavens.

"Are you that fellow Taoist who survived the tribulation in our husband's ancient mirror?" Feng Ming recognized Tang Youyou.

"Husband..." Tang Youyou was slightly taken aback, her pretty face blushed for no reason, and then she remembered that these women were Lin Fei's wives, and said, "Yes, that bastard, oh no, is Lin Fei okay? "

Thinking of what she and Lin Fei had done, and facing Lin Fei's wives, she really felt a little guilty.

"I remembered, aren't you the one..." Xiao Ling'er suddenly patted her head and suddenly realized, "Aren't you the ghost king, one of the six supreme beings in Fenglin, why are you here? ..."

Feng Ming's heart sank, no wonder the Six Supremes of Fenglin's cultivation base is so strong, almost as good as himself.

Tang Youyou blushed slightly and said, "So you still remember me, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiao Ling'er, that bastard Lin Fei is my male slave..." Xiao Ling'er said triumphantly, blinking at Tang Youyou, "If you also like Lin Fei, then you have to call me Say big sister, I'm here before you..."

"Uh..." The black lines on the foreheads of the girls, Xiao Ling'er said this, what does it mean to come first.

"Hoohoo, my name is Tang Youyou, you can just call me Youyou, I should not be much older than you in terms of age..." Although Tang Youyou was embarrassed, she still forced herself to introduce herself with a smile, "The little group just now is Is it Lin Fei's origin, how long will it take for him to recover?"

She didn't say whether she liked Lin Fei, but she didn't deny it either, and the girls naturally understood what she meant.

Regarding the addition of such a new sister, Feng Ming and others naturally couldn't be too indifferent, Feng Ming said: "It's not clear yet, it depends on whether the damage to his origin is serious, I hope he can get it sooner." Wake up, by the way, what happened before sister Youyou? Why did Lin Fei break through the tribulation..."

According to their estimates, Lin Fei still needs to refine a large number of mysterious light spheres before he can break through and enter the Quasi-Emperor Realm, otherwise they would not plan to go to the Luoxia Immortal Vein, they just want to get the so-called immortal soul there.Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he broke through the tribulation. Success is naturally a good thing, but if he fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

"This..." Tang Youyou blushed slightly, a little embarrassed, and said, "Actually, I don't know what's going on. I was chatting with Lin Fei, and suddenly I was involved in the ancient mirror. middle."

"There is a huge Yin Qi in the ancient mirror. After Lin Fei's scroll absorbed the Yin Qi, his strength began to skyrocket, and I also benefited from it..."

She was ashamed to say that she and Lin Fei were messing around, and in the end both of them benefited. That would be a shame, especially when facing Lin Fei's wives.

"Actually, they are quite cute, and they are so beautiful..."

Thinking to himself, Tang Youyou secretly scolded Lin Fei that bastard was really lucky to accept such a bunch of powerful and beautiful effervescent wives.

Among the more than [-] people, more than a dozen have reached the quasi-emperor realm. Among them, Feng Ming is the strongest. He is obviously a super strong man who has already stepped into the third heaven of quasi-emperor, and he has committed himself to Lin Fei, a bastard. .

"It seems that the charm of the mixed-yang body is not so great. Even I was given by that bastard..." Tang Youyou blushed and thought wildly. Seeing Lin Fei's beautiful wives, she lost the previous momentum.

"So that's how it is..." Concubine Yi whispered to herself, "No wonder that kid Lin Fei said he wanted to go out first, what should we do next, should we stay here?"

As another general in Lin Fei's backyard, Feng Ming thought for a while and said: "Why don't we stay here for a while, after all, his treasure book is still here, we can't let it go, it's his treasure, If we lose it, it will be our fault."

"All right……"

The girls didn't think about anything else, and immediately started to form an array to hide this void, and it didn't take long to defend this place into an iron bucket.

"Hey, these women are so familiar..."

Tang Youyou was also a little dumbfounded. If it wasn't for his current cultivation breakthrough, he might not be able to discover the magic circles they arranged. If an ordinary quasi-emperor came here, he might be killed by the magic circles they arranged.

"Sister Youyou, are you not in a hurry to leave? How about waiting for him here with us, I think he will be very happy to see you after he recovers..." Feng Ming and others also invited Tang Youyou to stay, and they were not The fool naturally knew that there must be a relationship between Lin Fei and Tang Youyou.

They knew who that guy was, how could he let such a beautiful woman go.

"Okay, okay..." Tang Youyou originally wanted to leave, but after hearing what they said, she stayed. She also wanted to see if Lin Fei would be okay.

For Tang Youyou, her attitude towards Lin Fei was very complicated, but facing so many equally beautiful women, her defensive mentality was not so serious.Although all of them are not bad in cultivation, in Tang Youyou's view, they are still very kind and pure in heart.


Time flies, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye.

The girls didn't leave this place for half a step, and stayed here quietly, watching Lin Fei's small ball of origin getting bigger and bigger, and now it has become the size of a football.

However, it is obviously not so fast before Lin Fei wants to recover. Fortunately, Yuanyuan's condition is getting better and better, and the girls are relieved, and they will recover sooner or later. It is only a matter of time.

During this period of time, getting along with the girls made Tang Youyou feel at home. The girls treated her very well, and in just a few months, they became like sisters with her.

It's very interesting to stay with them, completely different from the boring monk life, Feng Ming knows a lot of secrets, Xiao Ling'er, Miao Miao, Lin Ke'er and the others are very cheerful, Meng Meng Feifeng and the others are very playful, Xiao Xue'er Xia Wan Sunny Nicole and the others are very gentle...

After three months of getting along, Tang Youyou didn't want to leave them anymore. Every day with them was a joy. Everyone helped each other, discussed with each other, and even played games. Telling stories was really interesting.

The women built a white jade palace in the void. Although the area is not particularly large or luxurious, it is enough for everyone to practice, chat and live in it.

On this day, the girls sat in the hall of the palace, and Feng Ming and Tang Youyou explained their practice experience to everyone. Every day, as long as they did not retreat, they would conduct such discussions. Feng Ming and Tang Youyou had the highest cultivation levels, reaching the third heaven , far better than them, naturally they are the two who give the most lectures.

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