Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 869 Three Ghost Immortals

Chapter 860 Nine

All the girls put their palms together and made a wish under the shooting star, hoping that it would come true.

Lin Fei also folded his hands together, and said reverently, "I hope all my wives will be well and live happily ever after. Everything else is not important."

"Bastard, it won't work if you say it..." Xiao Ling'er patted him, saying this, but she was flattered in her heart.

The rest of the girls also felt the same way. Listening to Lin Fei's heartfelt wish made them feel extra satisfied.

After all, they are just a woman. The biggest wish of a woman is naturally to find a good man who loves her. Although Lin Fei is a little bit promiscuous, he is a rare good man.He cares very much for each of his women, and will not look down on them just because they are strong or low. All his wives are treated equally.

At the same time, he also regards his wives as his life. If any accident happens to his wife, he will rush forward regardless of life and death to protect his wives from wind and rain.

Isn't this kind of man what women want? They are lucky to have found such a man.

"As for the wish, it's better to say it to be more effective..." Lin Fei smiled slightly, then turned to ask Xiao Linger, "Linger, what wish did you make?"

"I won't tell you..." Xiao Ling'er curled her lips and snorted.

"Do you want me to marry you sooner and give you a grand wedding?" Lin Fei grinned.

"Fuck you, stop being narcissistic. You are just a male slave of this fairy, how dare you marry this fairy?" Xiao Ling'er said triumphantly, "The wish of this fairy is naturally to sweep all over the world. , stepping on the Three Realms and Six Paths, compared with such a great goal, your affairs are nothing to mention..."

"Okay, I know your wish." Lin Fei already knew about Xiao Linger's playfulness, and asked Concubine Yi, "Concubine Yi, what wish did you make? Tell me..."

"My..." Concubine Yi smiled slightly, blooming like a fairy lotus in the sky, she was extraordinarily beautiful, "I don't have any wishes, I just hope that we can return to Earth as soon as possible as you wish."

"Look, Linger, look, you should learn from Eldest Sister, you know?" Lin Fei gave a thumbs up in great satisfaction, and said with a smile, "This looks like my Lin Fei's woman..."

"I don't want to learn from Sister Yifei. I'll hang on to you as a male slave for the rest of my life. That's so useless. I'm still thinking of going to the emperor, and I can just pretend to be an empress..." Xiao Linger pouted.

"Yeah..." Just as he finished speaking, Lin Fei hugged him into his arms, and Lin Fei threatened, "Okay, I still want to cuckold my brother, it seems that you are not enlightened, you little girl. No, I will take you to guide and guide..."

"Bastard, let me go, you go to Sister Yifei for enlightenment, I won't mess with you." Thinking about being taken to have sex by this guy in front of everyone a few years ago, is this scene going to repeat itself today? ?

"Uh, I'm going to go on your own, I have to go back first." Hearing that Xiao Ling'er wanted to drag her into the water, Concubine Yi quickly got up and teleported away.

"Ling'er, you guys talk about life slowly, I'll go first too..." Xia Wanqing smiled and teleported back.

"Hey, I'm not feeling well today. I have a stomachache. Let's go first." Nicole also flashed.

"Let's go, let's go play cards..."

Lei Yunlei pulled Xia Zisu and the others together, saying that they were going back to play cards. As for where the cards came from, it was a jade card made by Lin Fei. After teaching them the rules, they would already know how to play.

"Then let's play a few rounds of mahjong..."

Xianyu and the others also exchanged glances and left the scene one after another, causing Xiao Linger's complexion to change drastically, and he said angrily: "You guys, you guys are too disrespectful!"

"Ah, bastard, what are you doing?" Before Xiao Ling'er could finish speaking, the bottom of her skirt was suddenly attacked, and Lin Fei's salty pig's hand had already slipped into the bottom of her skirt, touching the most sensitive part.

"Don't stay here, someone will see..."

She quickly pressed Lin Fei's hand with her hand to prevent him from messing around here. If someone saw him, he would really be ashamed.

As for being ashamed in front of the girls, this was not the first time, and she was not so nervous anymore, anyway, it was not like they had been bullied by Lin Fei alone in front of her.

"It doesn't matter, just set up a magic circle..." Lin Fei ignored her, and raised a huge magic circle with his left hand, covering the two of them.

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram was also propped up, wrapping the two of them in it, so that no one else could find it.

"Asshole, it hurts, asshole... just come in..."

"I'm sorry Ling'er, I'll be fine soon..."


Life was so ordinary, Lin Fei and his wives were living happily, two years passed in a blink of an eye.

The time for the Soul Seizing War finally came. Mary and the other five daughters took another step forward, and Concubine Yi even reached the second level of quasi-emperor, taking a big step forward on the road of quasi-emperor.

Lin Fei also went from the third small realm of Zhundi Triple Heaven to the current sixth small realm, which can be said to have increased significantly.

The rest of the girls have improved to varying degrees, compared to their normal practice speed, it is dozens of times faster, and they still like to refine the small light ball to be honest.

Luoxia Xianmai is divided into three large areas, Ghost Domain, Soul Domain and Corpse Domain. From the names, the approximate power distribution can be judged.

The area where Lin Fei and the others are located is a ghost domain. There are a large number of ghosts and yangpo here. Just like the soul domain, there are also a large number of ghosts and yangpo there.

After obtaining relevant information from the two quasi-emperor ghost cultivators seven years ago, Lin Fei and his group immediately teleported to the north, heading towards the Guiyu Luoxia League.

About a month later, they finally came to the main hall of the Ghost Realm Luoxia League. The gloomy aura here was even more terrifying, a hundred times stronger than the place they stayed in before.

Many powerful ghost cultivators have come here, including some quasi-emperor-level ghost cultivators, and even some quasi-emperor third-level powerhouses. And others did not meet.Of course, they don't want to encounter them either. If there is any conflict, their safety cannot be guaranteed.

Ghost Domain Luoxia League is actually a long, narrow and deep trench, nearly a million miles long and nearly a million miles deep. It is a very terrifying trench.

Since they are all ghost cultivators, they don't need to live on land, and they all exist in the form of clouds of various colors, so it seems that the trench below is like a smog drama, which is extraordinarily weird.

Lin Fei and his party didn't get too close. They stopped 10,000+ miles away, found an uninhabited island, and surrounded themselves with a tight magic circle.

A few ghost cultivators from the first level of Zhundi passed by them, and Lin Fei directly used the Hunyang Sky Eye to see through some of the information they knew.

It turns out that the Luoxia League of Ghost Realm is in the deepest part of the trench, and there is a huge blue palace. At that time, all the powerful ghost cultivators and ghost cultivators who will participate in the soul-snatching battle will gather there.

After their competition is completed, they will be taken inside the palace that day, and these people don't know what happened after that.

But after all, only the top five in the Soul Seizing War can get the secrets of the fairy tomb, so many ghost cultivators are still not eligible to obtain the secrets. Their main purpose of coming here is to communicate and get acquainted with ghost cultivators from other regions.The ghost domain is vast and boundless, with many boundaries, and all these ghost cultivators who dare to participate in the soul-snatching battle are the leaders of each small boundary.

Some ghost cultivators get good souls, and they will think about exchanging them here, and exchange them for souls they are satisfied with for refining.

There are also ghost cultivators who come to exchange skills. In short, the real purpose of most ghost cultivators is not really to participate in the Soul Seizing War. According to the news that these people know.

At least nearly ten thousand powerful ghost cultivators will participate in this soul-snatching battle, among which ghost cultivators at quasi-emperor level are estimated to account for as much as half, that is, as many as 5000 people. This number makes Lin Fei and others feel uncomfortable. Very surprised.

Panlongguan, in a powerful domain family, if there are more than a dozen quasi-emperor powerhouses in charge, it is considered very strong.

And here, there are only four or five thousand Zhundi ghost cultivators who came to participate in the Soul Seizing War, and there are still a large number of Zhundi ghost cultivators who did not come to participate. It can be seen that the strength of Luoxia Xianmai is far more than what the outside world thinks.


A few days later, the trench suddenly fell silent, and most of the ghost cultivators sank to the bottom of the trench and went to the top of the Blue Palace.

Lin Fei, on the other hand, was alone, pretending to be a ghost cultivator, turning into a cloud of red blood mist and appearing outside the blue palace.

"Hey, there are too many ghost cultivators here..."

Before, he thought that only nearly ten thousand ghost cultivators participated in this soul-snatching battle, but when he came to the treasure hall, he was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

The number of ghost cultivators here is probably more than 10, and the proportion of Zhundi ghost cultivators is estimated to be as high as [-]%, which means that there are at least [-] Zhundi ghost cultivators.

The treasure hall is a circular dojo, with a diameter of about [-] miles, not too long. With more than [-] powerful ghost cultivators gathered in such a small dojo, it even seems a bit crowded.

Lin Fei hid in the most inconspicuous corner, not conspicuous in the ghost cultivator group, what he wanted was this kind of low-key effect.

In the north corner of the treasure hall dojo, there is a red building about [-] meters high, which is the real treasure hall of the Ghost Realm Luoxia League, and the winner after the Soul Seizing War will be invited there.

"Everyone is here..."

When there was a quarrel in the hall, three clouds of unusually bright colors appeared above the hall, three clouds of red, black, black, and black appeared, and three faces appeared inside, which were three powerful ghost cultivators.

"It's the three ghosts who came out..."

"The powerful Three Ghost Immortals seem to be even more unfathomable than 50 years ago..."

"It's really scary. Could it be that they have stepped into the fifth heaven of the quasi-emperor?"

"Impossible, probably not, it's only been 50 years..."

There was a lot of discussion in the ghost cultivator group nearby, and many people knew about these three ghosts.

"The three ghost cultivators of the quasi-emperor's fourth heaven are indeed very powerful..." Lin Fei hid his body in the red cloud, restraining his aura to the extreme, not wanting to be discovered by the three powerful ghost cultivators above his head.

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