Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 873 The Immortal World Is About to Open

Chapter 870 Three

"Jiulongguan is not only the cornerstone of the collapse of the fairy world, but also the passage between the fairy world and the underworld. As long as the Kowloon is revived, the passage between the two worlds will also be opened. It is conceivable that there will be a large influx of monks from the underworld at that time. It will become a battlefield of killing, blood will flow like rivers, and countless powerful people will fall."

"Yesterday I had a chat with your concubine Yi's wife, and I looked at her face. If I'm right, she will meet a strong rival within ten years. If no one is by her side, she will be extremely powerful." May fall." Lao Ah talked about Concubine Yi again.

"Do you know who that powerful enemy is?" Lin Fei felt a little puzzled, Concubine Yi didn't have any enemies, except Ba Tian and others.

Lao Ah shook his head and said: "I didn't see this. If you force the divination, it will be against the peace of heaven, and my Yangshou can't support it. Unless you find me a few small magic medicines to make up for it."

"Forget it..." Lin Fei said helplessly, "I can only let her stay by my side for a while, and I can't let her go out alone."

"Let's not talk about your wife. Anyway, there is still time to calculate. I just said that this place will become a killing field. This is just the beginning. Nine Dragons will recover, the passage between the two worlds will open, and the Immortal Palace will reappear after a million years. At that time, the Immortal World will also truly open, and tens of thousands of Gods Lists will descend from the sky. For the monks on this side, the most dangerous thing is not the army of the underworld, but the coming of the Gods List."

"There are only more than 1 righteous immortals, but there will be more than hundreds of millions of monks here. In order to compete for the more than 1 gods, I don't know how many heroes will have to be killed or injured." The Immortal Realm has always been stronger than the Underworld and the Demon Realm as a whole, but it almost collapses every time, because the people in the Human Realm and the Immortal Realm have not completely transformed into immortals. Most people are too selfish and only want to compete for treasures and positions. "

"The Immortal World has not been opened for millions of years. There must be countless fairy treasures in it, and there may even be countless elixirs and medicines, because it has been a million years now, and it is just an ordinary clover , if you live in it for millions of years, it will also become a fairy medicine. In order to fight for these fairy medicines, the battle will be bloodier and more terrifying."

"Medical herbs from a million years ago still exist?" Lin Fei felt incredible.

Although the fairyland collapsed, the scope of the fairyland was extremely wide at the beginning. If there were really a lot of fairy grasses left behind, after millions of years of evolution, it is really possible that there will be fairy medicine everywhere.That would be really crazy. By then, everyone would be able to pick up the elixir and live an extra life or two.

"Although it is impossible to turn all of them into immortal medicines, some of them must have survived. The world is always balanced, and there have been no immortals in millions of years. In the ancient fairy pavilion, there must be some immortal treasures and immortal medicines left. After coming down, they absorbed the spiritual energy in the fairy world and made the real immortal medicine." The old man said with a look of longing, "If I can let the old man take a few plants of the immortal medicine, maybe there is no need to worry about the longevity. , then you can predict the future at any time.”

"Huhu..." Lin Fei was quite speechless, he suddenly asked Lao Ah, "Have you ever heard of a fairy named Barefoot in the fairy world?"

"Barefoot?" Old Ah frowned slightly, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at Lin Fei, "Why are you asking that person? You don't have anything to do with him, do you?"

"Uh, you know him?" Lin Fei said in surprise, "His hometown and I should be in the same place. I always wanted to go back to my hometown, but I couldn't find the way home."

"That guy has a bad reputation. He was a fool when he was in the fairy world, and he seems to have unclear connections with the underworld..." Old Ah said in a deep voice.

Lin Fei was speechless: "Is he related to the underworld?"

He hadn't seen bare feet with his own eyes, but bare feet left him with a reminder that after arriving at Asgard, he might get a reminder to go to Earth.

Old Ah sighed and said: "How can I know this, but there have been such rumors that it seems that the bare feet of the battle between immortals and demons back then were the details of a demon world arranged in the fairy world. As for what happened back then, no one knows." People know that time cannot be turned back..."

"You said you and him came from the same place?" Lao Ah looked at Lin Fei and said speechlessly, "Is that called Earth?"

"Uh, do you know?" Lin Fei was startled, did this old man know?

Old Ah's face darkened, and he said: "Very few people know about that place, maybe even some great immortals back then, but I have deduced something about the origin of that place."

"What's going on?" Lin Fei asked.

Old A Dao: "It's been a few years since I talked about it. It was hundreds of years ago that I calculated that place in my sleep. If I guessed correctly, that place may be the legendary Fourth Realm."

"The fourth realm?" Lin Fei asked puzzled, "Is there a fourth realm besides the three realms of humans, immortals, and demons?"

Lao Ah said: "Not only is there a fourth realm, there are seven realms according to legend. What we have now is the human realm. The human realm is connected to the fairy realm, but the demon realm is on the other side of the fairy realm. The underworld is also called the demon realm. Except for this person Outside of the Three Worlds of Immortals and Demons, no one knows where the other four worlds are, and even the former Immortal World is still in a state of collapse. But according to my calculations, you and your barefoot hometown, the earth, may be located in the fourth world."

"Then is there a way to get there?" Lin Fei looked forward to it.

Lao Ah thought for a while and said: "The seven realms of the world all have fixed passages. If you want to go to other realms, I think you may have to go deep into the fairy palace to get the answer."

"Uh, that's what that barefoot said..." Lin Fei whispered to himself.

"What! Have you seen that barefoot?" Old Ah was shocked, "Impossible, that guy should have been dead for more than a million years, is he still alive?"

"I haven't seen his real person, but the image he left behind. His image told me that if I want to return to Earth, there is an answer in the depths of Asgard." Lin Fei recalled.

Old A was shocked and said: "This barefoot is not simple. If it is really just the image left by him, it is equivalent to his calculation that you will come there and ask him this question in more than 100 million years. How terrifying is this?" His divination power, but I have never heard that this barefoot can do this.”

"I am not sure as well……"

Lin Fei also shook his head. He always felt that the bare feet were a bit tricky. According to what Shi Xianjun said back then, the bare feet were just a little fairy under him.

But if, as Lao Ah said, the bare feet might be from the underworld, that is, the devil world, then Immortal Shi should have peeled off the skin of the bare feet long ago, and would not let him live at all.But just like what Lao Ah said, if what I saw back then was only the image of bare feet, then the divination ability of bare feet is indeed too strong.

For more than 100 million years, I am afraid that only the great emperors have such divination ability, can they predict the changes of later generations, right?

The two sat and exchanged a lot. The old man knew many things that Lin Fei couldn't match. The old man knew a lot of secrets, probably much more than the old Moha.


A few days later, Lin Fei and his party finally got up and left the Luoxia Immortal Vein. As soon as they arrived at a large mountain area outside, Tang Youyou obtained important information by using her identity as the Panlongguan Manufacturing Office.

Three years later, Nine Dragons Pass will open Nine Dragons Pass, and Fenglin, like Nine Forests, will usher in a new batch of strong men to enter Nine Dragons Pass.

This naturally includes Tang Sanye, Batian and a group of peerless powerhouses who have not yet entered the Nine Dragon Pass, and a large storm will also begin.

At the same time, a news has been circulating since the closing of Kowloon that the Immortal World, which has disappeared for more than a million years, will be reopened.

At that time, tens of thousands of immortals will come to Jiulongguan one by one, and whoever gets the approval of the immortal will be the first to enter the fairy palace.

As soon as the news got out, all the powerful people in the human world flocked to Jiulong Pass. Now there are countless strong people waiting at the location of Jiulin. It is conceivable that when the Jiulong Tianguan opens three years later, there will be countless The powerful people in the human world use this to enter the Nine Dragons Pass and compete for the immortal position.

A peerless war is about to break out, and the hundred-year period that Fenglin set back then is about to come to an end.


A month later, Lin Fei and his group came to Miaojialing, where they met Grandma, Lao Feilong, Baixian and others.

After more than 40 years, the group finally met again. When they met again, the cultivation of Lin Fei and others completely shocked everyone.

Lin Fei and more than 20 wives were all above Zhundi's cultivation base, and Lin Fei's cultivation base had also reached the terrifying sixth stage of Zhundi's fourth heaven, which was much higher than that of the old flying dragon.

Lao Feilong and others thought that Lin Fei's strength was a little fake, so they stepped forward to test it out one after another, but none of them proved to be Lin Fei's single-handed enemy.

Lin Fei relied on the powerful vision of the falling stars. As soon as the vision came out, Lao Feilong and the others retreated directly, and all their ways were suppressed. They had no power to fight back in front of Lin Fei's vision.

"Xiao Fei, you are too scary..."

The old flying dragon wiped off his cold sweat, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed: "Old dragon, I have practiced hard for thousands of years, and I still can't catch up with your progress over the past few decades..."

"Old dragon, hurry up and find a crack in the ground and get in, don't come out again, forget about being a bug haha..." Seeing the old flying dragon slumped in front of his boss, Bai Xian looked extraordinarily happy.

** smiled and praised: "Second brother, you have finally ushered in an outbreak. It is really terrifying to step into the realm of quasi-emperor with a mixed-yang body. It is well-deserved to be invincible at the same level. The imminent immortal position is coming!" In the battle, second brother, you will definitely be able to snatch a good fairy position..."

"Boss already has a list of gods, so what are you going to grab? Hehe, he just freed up his hand to grab it for us..." Bai Xian smiled cheaply and winked at Lin Fei, "Sisters-in-law should all be on the list of gods, right? Now the only ones who don’t have a fairy position are me and Xiao Linzi, you and Lao Long just grab one for us, won’t it be over?”

"You have a good idea, kid. You have to grab the fairy seat yourself. If you don't get the fairy seat, you will run away..." ** said speechlessly.

Now it is true that he and Baixian do not have the immortal position. Lin Fei and Lao Feilong, the two perverts, already have the list of gods. It is natural for them to get the immortal position, and I am afraid that the immortal position is not low.

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