Chapter 870 Five

"Didn't you say that you can see it when day and night cross? Why can't you see it now?" Bai Xian felt a little shocked, this kind of thing was unheard of.

They have been staying here all these years, and they can see the cloud when they look up. How could they have thought that it is a sky-reaching ladder, and there will be a fairy on it.

The old Ah sighed: "I was injured by the Dao 500 years ago. Every time I open the big sky eye, there is a danger of falling. How dare I look at it a few times? The one I saw 200 years ago almost killed me. ..."

"Hoohoo, it's true..."

Bai Xian muttered, feeling that all this was too exaggerated.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll see in a few years. There are a total of 32 immortal jade tokens, and each of them will have their own at that time..." Old Ah Yao looked at the sky-reaching ladder and whispered to himself, " The most difficult thing to fight for is the last [-] immortal positions among the [-] immortal positions. Among the [-] upper immortal positions, there are only [-] immortal monarch positions, and only three great immortal positions. I don't know who will take the position of the supreme emperor of heaven..."

"The position of Emperor of Heaven will also appear? Let everyone fight for it?" Lin Fei and others were shocked.

The old man sighed: "Yes, how can the fairy palace have no owner, but I guess the position of the emperor of heaven may be the last to appear. After the war between the human world and the underworld, someone will use this battle to sublimate and sit on the throne of emperor of heaven .”

"That day will come soon..."


There are only two short years before the centenary.

As soon as the Nine Dragons Pass is opened, there will be countless powerful people pouring into the Nine Dragons Pass, and the Nine Dragons Pass will inevitably lead to a new war.

At the same time, some people related to the underworld also appeared in various parts of the Kowloon Pass. These monks in the underworld are all extremely tyrannical, and each of them is above the realm of quasi-emperor.

They appeared from various dangerous places and exits from the human world. Although there were not many of them, there were more and more of them.

These people did not take the initiative to provoke the monks who closed the Nine Dragons, and did not cause any major killings. The monks who closed the Nine Dragons did not care about them.

Lin Fei was also not idle. For two years, he and the girls crazily refined the small light spheres, stepping up the refinement of the tens of billions of small light spheres that were captured from the Luoxia Immortal Vein.

At the same time, he deciphered the fifth page of the Book of the Three Realms, and successfully integrated the fifth page into the Immortal Pagoda.

Today's Immortal Pagoda is even more unfathomable. Although the tower is only less than a hundred meters high, there is an infinitely terrifying world inside. If ordinary quasi-emperors enter it, they will be terrified.

In the immortal pagoda, there are scriptures of the great emperor, some emperor-level attacking magic circles, and various ghost springs. If you are not careful, you will be contaminated and you will be left with Taoist wounds, and you will not be able to go any further in this life.

The terrifying Immortal Pagoda has finally become a real magic weapon. Even Tang Youyou and the others feel that this thing is very terrifying.The most important thing is that this magical weapon is a weapon of destruction in a large area, which can bring in many strong people at one time, and can also refine others.

The most important thing is that a golden existence appeared in the fairy tower. The god of war back then had evolved to the extreme. Even Lin Fei didn't expect that the fused god of war in the fairy tower is now stronger than his own deity. , reaching the height of the Emperor Zhun's sixth heaven.

In two years, now Lin Fei's cultivation has also broken through the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun, and stepped into the second small realm of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun, a big step forward in his cultivation.


On this day, Lin Fei and others set off from Miaojialing and went all the way to Wangjialing, where there was a branch altar leading to Panlongguan Bookmaking Office.

The appearance of Lin Fei and others made the members of the Wang family nervous. They didn't know when so many quasi-emperors appeared all at once. What shocked them most was that there were dozens of female quasi-divines.

"So it's the Ghost King, long time no see..." Seeing Lin Fei and others appear, the Patriarch of the Wang family was also a little nervous.

Among Lin Fei and his party, there are many Patriarchs of the Wang family who can't see through their cultivation, which shows that they are much stronger than themselves. Could it be that these people are all created by Panlongguan?I've never heard that there are so many female quasi-emperors in the Record Making Office...

"Patriarch, you're being polite. When I come back to Guidi, I want to borrow the Temple of Heaven. I want to bring my friend back to the book making office." Tang Youyou directly explained the purpose of coming.

Compared with 50 years ago, her strength has improved a lot, and now she has reached the height of the quasi-emperor, much stronger than the head of the Wang family.

The Patriarch of the Wang family naturally did not dare to say no: "Please wait a moment, I will immediately order someone to prepare to send the Temple of Heaven..."

"This fellow daoist seems to be a little familiar. I wonder if he has seen him somewhere?" After speaking, he felt that Lin Fei looked familiar, so he greeted Lin Fei with a smile.

Before Lin Fei could speak, Tang Youyou smiled and said, "This is my Taoist companion..."

"Uh..." The Patriarch of the Wang family was stunned, and exclaimed, "It turns out that she is the Taoist companion of the Ghost King. You are really lucky. The Ghost King is the most beautiful woman in our Panlongguan Bookmaking Office..."

"Lin Fei..." In the blink of an eye, 100 years later, when Lin Fei saw the Patriarch of the Wang family again, his mind was much calmer, and there was no so much sternness in his eyes.

"So it's Daoist Lin..." The Patriarch of the Wang family still didn't think of such a person, and he was trying hard to recall, when did Lin Fei become an extra person in the Nine Dragons Gate recently.

Tang Youyou's grandfather has a very high status in the Panlongguan Bookmaking Office, and this kid is also terrifyingly powerful.


The members of the Wang family prepared for about half an hour, and then prepared the materials needed to transmit the Temple of Heaven. Tang Youyou offered the corresponding reward, but the Patriarch of the Wang family refused to accept it.

With a flash of silver light, dozens of people were sent away by the Temple of Heaven. The Patriarch of the Wang family heaved a sigh of relief, and finally nothing happened.

"The head of the family is not well, all the spiritual veins have been taken away from the north of our Wangjialing..." He just let out a bad breath, and a disciple came to report.

The head of the Wang family's face darkened and said angrily: "Have all the spiritual veins been drawn? How is it possible!"

"I also think it's impossible, but within a radius of 500 million miles to the north, the trees are starting to wither, and people can't practice in time..." This disciple was also very depressed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Patriarch of the Wang family thought of someone, and said bitterly, "Could it be Lin Fei's good deed!"

"Lin Fei? Where is Lin Fei?" The disciple was puzzled.

The Patriarch of the Wang family said angrily: "Don't care who it is, don't spread this matter, transfer all the people in the north, and give up the north..."

"Patriarch, that's a quarter of our territory..." The disciple felt distressed.

The Patriarch of the Wang family sighed: "The entire Nine Dragons Pass will be in chaos, and you still care about the territory of the ass. At that time, a large number of people will rush to the fairy world. I don't know if there will be any... Forget it and you... Just do it... ..."


With a flash of silver light, Lin Fei and his group came to the sky above a large blue lake, and they had already moved from Wangjialing to Blue Lake Ridge billions of miles away.

As the name suggests, the Blue Lake Ridge area is full of such clear blue lakes, it is a very good scenic spot, and it is also a branch of the Panlongguan Bookmaking Office.

"Boss, you are too awesome, you took out so many spiritual veins in an instant..."

In the void, Bai Xian was still talking about what Lin Fei had done just now, and the old Feilong also sighed: "Not only has your cultivation base soared, but your spirit-seeking skills have also reached the peak, we really can't catch up... "

Just before they went to Wangjialing, Lin Fei used the evolved spirit-seeking technique, and pulled out all the spiritual veins in the northern part of Wangjialing in an instant, and he moved thousands of spiritual veins into Baixian's inner world middle.

Bai Xian said bluntly, it was the first time he felt so happy, a year ago he stepped into the realm of quasi-emperor, just as Lao Ah predicted, he stepped into the realm of quasi-emperor.

After having sex with hundreds of wives the next day, more than 100 of them have successfully conceived babies in a year, but women of the fairy and beast lineage take about five to eight years to conceive. Unable to give birth.

This guy Baixian sneaked into the inner world whenever he was free, and fought vigorously with his more than 2 wives, claiming that he wanted each of them to conceive a baby. The babies were proud and rushed to Baixian one after another.

In one year, more than 100 people were pregnant. It is indeed extremely terrifying to go down at this speed.

He used to extract spiritual veins for his wife, but now he has begun to consider extracting spiritual veins for the next generation, but obviously it is much easier now, because Lin Fei, the boss, has improved a lot in his spirit-seeking skills.

"If I'm not mistaken, you got the spirit-seeking book, right?" Everyone was lamenting that Lin Fei's spirit-seeking technique was terrifying, but the old man secretly transmitted Lin Fei's voice and laughed.

"Uh..." Lin Fei was stunned, and then replied via voice transmission, "You old bastard is really scary, what else do you not know?"

"Well, I basically know everything about you..." Old Ah Chuanyin said, "Looking for the Heavenly Book was the supreme secret treasure left by Emperor Ling back then. This is the only book in the entire starry sky, and you can get it too, really. It's too heaven-defying."

"Based on your current strength, coupled with the powerful spirit-seeking technique, I think that the Zhun Emperor's sixth heaven or even the seventh heaven's powerhouse, you kid may win..." Old Ah Chuanyin Lin Fei sneered, "I think the most powerful ones are those two strange pictures of yours. One is a picture of Taiji Yin and Yang, and the other is called Goddess Baojian. They are both very terrifying."

"You old bastard..." Lin Fei glared at Lao Ah, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

The old man smiled disapprovingly, and said via voice transmission: "You boy is reluctant to kill me. As I said, I can budget for your catastrophe, especially those of your wives..."

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