Chapter 88

The iron whip was about the thickness of a thumb, more than three meters long, and had a force of nearly a thousand catties when swung. Ordinary people would definitely die without a place to die after being hit by such a whip. .|


To the shock of the armored sergeant, Lin Fei stretched out a finger out of thin air, and pinched the iron whip he threw out at high speed. Immediately, he felt as if his body flew out. The young man in front of him just waved his hand and flew away. out.

"Meet a master..."

The armored sergeant's face was ashen, knowing that he had suffered a disaster this time, and had met a monk.

Lin Fei pulled the armored sergeant off his horse, and threw the man high into the air with just one finger. In the end, he fell hard to the ground and vomited three liters of blood.

The rest of the dozen or so riders were shocked, and some ordinary people along the road were also frightened. Who the hell is this, and where did they come from with such great strength.

"In Hongyang City, Taoism is not allowed. This fellow Taoist is a bit too..." An armored sergeant in the middle rode forward, but he put away the iron whip and dared not raise it, for fear that Lin Fei would lose his temper again.

Lin Fei stared at him with fiery eyes. The sergeant was drenched in cold sweat immediately, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. His intuition told him that this man was terrible. He hurriedly got off his horse and apologized, "It's because the young man is not strict in discipline. Please ask the fairy Friends raise your hands..."

He knew that if he had any more arrogance, he would have to confess all of his team here today.

Recently, Profound Sky Cave has attracted a lot of disputes, and many experts in the cultivation world have been born. They are going to meet that crow, so is this young man too?

"The face changes quite quickly..." Lin Fei grinned, stood in the middle of the official road, swept towards the other dozen armored soldiers who were still sitting on their horses, and shouted, "Hurry up and get off the horse, don't you want me to get off the horse?" How about cutting off your heads and exposing them to the sun for three days?"



More than a dozen people seemed to be under a spell, a few fell off their horses, others rolled and crawled to the back of their leaders, all saying: "Don't dare, dare not... please forgive me ..."

In Hongyang City, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are majestic soldiers, and no one will track them down if they kill a few people.

But in the eyes of the monks, these people are just snobbish eyes, even more hateful than ordinary people, especially these brutal soldiers.

"Please forgive me, Shangxian. I was also ordered by the city lord to run into Shangxian..." The leader hurriedly apologized to Lin Fei, and at the same time signaled the people behind him to take out their things.

After a while, these people took out more than a dozen bags. Lin Fei glanced at them, and found that they were some low-grade spirit stones.

"Please accept the Shangxian with a smile..." The sergeant held up the bags, hoping that Lin Fei would let them go after taking the Lingshi.

Lin Fei snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with anger, and the bag in the hands of the sergeant leader suddenly burst into flames, which made him retreat several meters in fright, and fell to the ground, dripping cold sweat continuously, almost peed on his pants.

Hey, what kind of magic is this, I haven't seen it before...

"I still need a few rotten stones from you?" Lin Fei snorted coldly, "In broad daylight, if the whip fell on an ordinary couple today, it would really kill them." Flying away, you are the soldiers protecting the city, but you attack innocent people, you should be punished..."

"Shangxian, please forgive me..."

"I'm really ordered by the city lord to rush to Tianxuan Cave..."

"Shangxian, please forgive me, I have several elixir plants in my family, all of which can be given to Shangxian..."

A group of people hurriedly confessed their crimes to Lin Fei, their noses and tears frightened the people along the road. Normally, these fellows are fish and meat villagers, but today they are like dead dogs when they meet an expert. Extremely disgusting.

"Kill them! Kill these vicious dogs!"

"Yes, Shangxian, don't let them go. If Shangxian were not here today, how much innocent blood would be shed on the official path..."

"Shangxian, please take action and destroy these live animals that eat human bones. Their spirit stones are all bought with money from exploiting our people..."

"Pick off their skins and expose them to the sun for three days!"

All the people along the road suddenly surrounded them. One person shouted to kill, and the rest of the people were furious. Some women with blue baskets even threw at these soldiers. The scene was quite heated for a while.

A group of sergeants hugged their heads and wailed, none of them dared to raise their heads. At this time, there was a sound of orderly soldiers and horses in the distance, and many civilians began to retreat to both sides of the official road.

Lin Fei looked around and found more than a hundred armored soldiers running out of the city towards this side, and Xia Wanqing at the side also secretly transmitted Lin Fei's voice: "Why don't we hurry into the city, it's too ostentatious. As far as I know, in Hongyang City, there are also a few quite powerful Taoist monks..."

"I know..." Lin Fei nodded lightly, and Xia Wanqing said through voice transmission, "You go to the city first, there is Ziyang Building in the city, just wait for me there..."

"Okay..." Xiaoyan sneaked into the crowd and disappeared beside Lin Fei.


Hearing the rolling thunder of galloping horses behind them, the dozen or so sergeants raised their heads slightly, lowered their heads and kowtowed to Lin Fei, but at the same time they were secretly thinking, thinking that when the army arrived, I would turn my face immediately .

"Scum like you, don't be a soldier in your next life..."

Lin Fei raised his head suddenly, raised his hand and spewed out more than a dozen flames, and a dozen armored soldiers turned into fly ash immediately, and then Lin Fei disappeared on the official road stepping on Chaos Steps.


"Which soldier dares to kill Lao Tzu..."

Just as Lin Fei fled away, the more than 100 iron armored soldiers rushed over, but they came a step too late, and the dozen or so people had already been reduced to flying ashes.

The leader was a big man in silver armor with a vicious face, he was a well-known evil officer in Hongyang City.

"Caught by me, I will definitely kill your whole family..." The officer gritted his teeth, his veins exposed, and cursed at the sergeant beside him, "What the hell are you doing here! Hurry up and invite the city lord to come over and send All the immortal masters are invited to come over, and this villain must be caught!"


As soon as he finished speaking, his head exploded suddenly, and all the plasma exploded, leaving only one eyeball still spinning on his head, and then he fell off the horse with a thump.

"Murting the people, death is not a pity!"


In the middle of the night, in the small woods outside Hongyang City.

"You must come, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it..." Before parting, Xia Wanqing felt a little nervous and looked up at Lin Fei.

Xia Wanqing is about 1.7 meters tall, and Lin Fei is 1.8 meters. Now, it seems that high heels have not been invented in this world, so Xia Wanqing still has to look up at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was very calm, his reddish eyes were very bright in the night, as if they could illuminate people's hearts.

He smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will go after three days, and you should be more careful..."

"Hmm..." Xia Wanqing had already changed into her red dress, she was very enchanting in the night, but she looked reluctant to let go, she took her flying sword for a while and then looked back at Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei..." She said the name silently in her heart, looked at the pair of bright and fiery eyes in the night, and murmured to herself, "What's wrong with me? Could it be the beginning of love?"

"Damn, this guy's reputation is very bad. It is said that he is the young master of the He Huan Sect. Could it be that he was bewildered by him?" Xia Wanqing was stunned, and suddenly thought of Lin Fei's deeds, shaking her head in her heart He said, "It must be like this. Otherwise, why would he help me? It seems that I should be more careful. After killing those animals, I will fly away..."


Seeing Xia Wanqing go away, Lin Fei showed an evil smile, and said to himself: "There is nothing I can do if I have a good personality and a great charm. This way, I have found a peerless beauty. That's why handsome guys are so popular... "

This animal is very narcissistic, but he doesn't know that he has already been blacklisted.

In the night, he sat cross-legged in the void, his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​wheels.

In the sky above the Chaos Sea, the Goddess Treasure Book lay here, and the "Lingshi Tianshu" was placed beside it. Lin Fei unexpectedly discovered that a new blank picture scroll appeared behind the Goddess Baojian.

"This is?"

Lin Fei was surprised, because this scroll turned out to be exactly the same scroll as the main scroll of Goddess Baojian, and the attached scroll was also hundreds of meters long.

At the front of this attached volume, there seems to be a picture, which is exactly the Xia Wanqing that Lin Fei portrayed earlier. She is magnificent, but there is some resentment in her eyes, and even a trace of hostility. She wants to report and kill the whole family. revenge.

Lin Fei checked the picture scroll carefully, and found that the length of the picture scroll was exactly the same as that of the Goddess Baojian, almost a copy of it, but the strange thing was that there was no prescriptive words on this picture scroll, it was almost a blank picture scroll , without any introduction.

"What is this picture scroll for? Could it be another intangible secret treasure that came out of my mind when I was portraying Xia Wanqing?" Lin Fei would comfort himself, and immediately painted this new picture scroll Became a secret treasure.

"But Xia Wanqing is not a yin body, she has no yin energy in her body, and she is not a fairy body, what is the use of her appearing in this picture scroll..." Lin Fei was puzzled, concentrating on his grace, "Just now When I portrayed her, I achieved a state of harmony between man and nature. At that moment, I drew the most real Xia Wanqing. This feeling is more real than when I painted the city wall of Hongyang, and it can even affect people. The emotions made me sink into her experience..."

"Could it be a kind of mind fusion? At that moment, Xia Wanqing's mind merged with mine. I wanted to draw her appearance at that time, so I created this new treasure in my heart. Scroll..."

"It's no wonder that this girl is in a panic in front of me today. It turns out that there is a trace of mind blending with me. The so-called thought is born from the heart. After the blending of mind and mind, she must have an illusion. Thinking that I understand her daughter's heart, I will naturally have an inexplicable love for her..."

"However, I can't see through all of her thoughts, and I can only see through the time when I finished the painting. I still can't see through her little thoughts later on. It seems that the degree of blending with Xia Wanqing's mind has not yet reached a certain level... ..."

Lin Fei analyzed secretly, and quickly figured out a certain clue.

"Thinking about it this way, this new blank picture scroll is simply a treasure. As long as I make paintings for those women with yin bodies and reach a certain level of integration with their minds, then I can use real goddesses Baojian absorbed all the yin energy in their bodies, this..."

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