Chapter 91

one round!

Lin Fei's definition of this person is just an enemy in one round!

Although he has the green fire that can fight against the real fire of the sun, and even though he has the treasure seal, Lin Fei's void mirror has not returned yet, but he still thinks that this person is just his one-on-one enemy!

"Waste body, you are too arrogant!" The man grinned coldly, with green fire in his eyes rushing towards Lin Fei. .|

Lin Fei didn't dodge, but went straight up, and Tiandao Fist directly covered it without reason!

"Do you think I'm still afraid of this?" The man sneered again and again, and the seal on his head released silver light to protect his whole body, facing Lin Fei's fists!

Just now I was injured by Tiandaoquan because I was careless and didn't have time to guard against it, but now I have sacrificed the secret treasure, how can I be afraid of this waste body of the same level as myself!

He leaned forward, and rushed out a sword between his eyebrows. With the sword in his hand, he slashed at Lin Fei with the sword.

"Cut the sky!"

A sneer sneered at the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, the power of Tiandaoquan suddenly changed, and a pair of iron fists suddenly transformed into two huge dragon heads, which slammed down on the person below.


The man was stunned for a moment, the pressure of the two dragon heads above his head was so strong that he couldn't resist, the green fire in his eyes disappeared inexplicably, and the seal above his head shattered in an instant!

"Could it be that he has the power of four poles?"

This person's face was ashen ashes, as if he saw a quadrupole force stepping towards him. He had the strength of the third heaven of the Dao Palace, but he had no power to fight back in front of the quadrupole force, so he could only wait. die.

He closed his eyes, and the two dragon heads slammed down, killing him instantly.

"That's...a dragon..."

Not far away, Xia Wanqing also covered her red lips in shock, her beautiful eyes sparkled. Just now she thought that Lin Fei was bragging, but she didn't expect that there was really only one round, so she killed Lao Shi's second disciple It's gone.

Lao Shi only brought this second disciple out on this trip, and he also likes this second disciple very much. The seal was found by Lao Shi for him, and it was refined by a master in the late stage of the Four Extremes Secret Realm, but Said to be a rare secret treasure.

But Lin Fei killed him with just one punch, which really shocked her.

At this moment, she was not only surprised, but also felt a little inferior.

In front of Lao Shi's second disciple, his own strength is also vulnerable, as long as he moves his fingers, he can pinch himself to death, but in Lin Fei's eyes, this Lao Shi's second disciple is just an ant .In Lin Fei's eyes, how humble he must be, how weak his strength must be...

"Wanqing, don't think about it anymore. This kind of person deserves to die. Let's go into the cave quickly..." Lin Fei waved to Xia Wanqing who was behind him. mood. .|

But he didn't expect that he would be wrong. Xia Wanqing didn't feel sorry for Lao Shi's second disciple.


Xia Wanqing responded blankly, with an inexplicable warmth rushing through her heart, she said to herself, "He actually called me Wanqing..."

"Does he really think highly of me?"

She shook her head and forced to drive away the distracting thoughts in her mind. This time should be the time to take revenge instead of thinking about these messy things!What's more, this guy is from He Huan Sect!


The two came to the cave, the outermost passage was only more than fifty meters away, and the real cave was inside.

Stepping into the passage outside, Lin Fei took out a jade token as he walked, and took out another one to Xia Wanqing, saying: "Wanqing wears this jade token, it is a talisman to break the magic circle in front. With this card in your body, you will not be afraid of being accidentally injured by the magic circle..."

Xia Wanqing's face was a little gloomy, she took the jade tablet and put it on her neck, and nodded expressionlessly.

"For a while, you pretend to be subdued by me. I will throw you beside that old woman. You wait for an opportunity to attack her with a snake-shaped sacred weapon..." Lin Fei reminded Xia Wanqing again that these things happened when the two of them were in Hongyang City. It was discussed.

"Hmm..." Xia Wanqing put the snake-shaped holy artifact into the sea of ​​wheels, and then with a flash, she nestled into Lin Fei's arms.

A burst of fragrance entered his nostrils, Lin Fei was still a little dazed for a while, but soon he acted, locked her neck with one hand, and led her to the front of the magic circle. The two of them had a talisman on their bodies, so they went in directly .

"Don't move! Or I'll kill her!" Lin Fei shouted loudly, attracting the attention of everyone in the cave.

"Scum, you're not dead!" Xiao Ling'er exclaimed while holding the fairy sword, she probably didn't hold it firmly, and the fairy sword flew out.

Yuan Ye guarded the three women behind him. At this time, the distance between the old woman and the other four was only a dozen meters. Yuan Ye supported the last formation in the cave and guarded hard.

"Haha, my junior brother is here, you can't run away this time, if you dare to touch my junior's wife, you're tired of living!" Yuan Ye waved the mace in his hand, laughed loudly, and shouted at Lin Fei, " Junior brother, it's time for you to show your power, I just need to guard this formation, if you can't even keep your wife, then don't come in..."

Xiao Xueer and Xiao Qianer's two daughters had different expressions, Xiao Xueer was smiling slightly, while Xiao Qianer was somewhat resentful.

"Smelly scum! Pretending to be dead! This made me use all my strength to find you, an incompetent male favorite!" Xiao Linger cursed through gritted teeth.

Lin Fei's face turned dark, and he almost lost his temper. What is a man's favorite, he is not competent. This young master risked his life to save you!

The old woman and the other three turned their heads and stared at Lin Fei and Xia Wanqing. The old woman laughed strangely, "It turns out that you are that ancient waste body. I heard that He Wudao has already made alchemy for you. You escaped, but it's a pity that you met my old lady, and my old lady just happens to be in need of such blind medicine as you..."

"Don't be arrogant, hurry up and hand over all the magic weapons, otherwise I will kill you, I gave you a chance!" Lin Fei snarled and grabbed Xia Wanqing's throat, Xia Wanqing gasped for breath , Pretty face flushed.

The old woman raised her head and laughed loudly: "If you want to kill you, just kill it, we don't care about such a little bitch, killing it just saves us trouble..."

"Master, help me..." Xia Wanqing's face turned blue, and she begged the old woman for help with difficulty.

The old woman opened her mouth and cursed: "You little bitch, you should have died a long time ago, and it is your good fortune to die in the hands of this waste body today!"

"Unexpectedly, you are still rebelling against each other..." Yuan Ye laughed in the magic circle, "Xiao Linzi, don't kill this girl, what a pity if you kill her, if you want to kill it, don't kill it in front of the three younger siblings Face to face..."

"That's right, I'll pay you back this girl..." Lin Fei laughed, and pushed Xia Wanqing forward violently, Xia Wanqing fell not far from the old woman.

The old woman cursed in a low voice: "Useless things!"

She slapped her, and Xia Wanqing was slapped and rolled over ten meters on the ground, hitting a stone table over there, bleeding from her head.

Xia Wanqing bit her jade lips tightly, turned her head away with difficulty, and quietly clenched her fists.

Lin Fei here is also a little distressed. If he knew it earlier, he would have pushed Xia Wanqing away a little bit. However, this is a crime she must suffer. Compared to her hatred, this is just a small crime.

The strength of this old woman should not be underestimated, and the other three are also monks from the third heaven of the Taoist Palace. It can be said that this is a team that is not weak, especially this old woman, who is almost at the peak of the fifth heaven of the Taoist Palace. Entered the quadrupole secret realm.

"Waste body, donate your chaotic blood..."

The old woman sneered coldly, and in a flash, she appeared on top of Lin Fei's head in an instant, with a pair of withered feet slumped towards Lin Fei's head.


Lin Fei stepped on the chaotic steps and moved to the left, narrowly avoiding the old woman's foot.

"The speed of the dead old woman is not bad, but I don't know how much strength is left, let's go to the ground and be safe, don't harm people in this world..." Lin Fei laughed, and swung his fists to cover her.

"Wow, scum, you are so cool!"

Seeing the power of Tiandao Fist for the first time, Xiao Linger shouted excitedly, the fiery red shadow of the fist filled the cave, only the few of them standing in the innermost magic circle could clearly see the battle outside.

The fiery red fist shadow is more like a dazzling red glow, which is unusually dazzling and very eye-catching.


There was a muffled sound, and the figure of the old woman sprang out from the shadow of the fist, and kicked Lin Fei in the stomach, kicking Lin Fei into the air, hitting the outer magic circle, fortunately, he had jade on his body. card, otherwise you will be injured by mistake.

"Overestimate your own strength! A trash from the third heaven of the Daoist Palace dares to be arrogant in front of my old lady!" Yin Linfei got up at the same time, moved closer to the old woman, and said in a low voice, "Master, Master met an unknown master outside, and asked me to tell you, but unexpectedly, he was restrained by that crippled body." ..."

"What..." The old woman's eyes turned cold, and she snorted, "You trash, why didn't you say that just now?"

Panic appeared in Xia Wanqing's eyes, she hurriedly bowed her head to explain: "Just now I was frightened by the waste body, I didn't remember it for a while, please forgive me..."

This old woman is that Lao Shi's partner, both of them are not good guys!

The old woman turned her head, looked at Lin Fei who was vomiting blood not far away, and said with a sneer, "I heard that the old dog Wu Yazi killed Prince Hei Lian for you, and now he is going all over the world to find He Wudao, look Come on, you are a useless body that is very favored by him, your value must be much stronger than those girls..."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand and signaled the three people beside her to go and arrest Lin Fei. The three sisters of the Xiao family and Yuan Ye were still hiding in the magic circle, which was difficult to break through for a while.It's better to arrest Lin Fei and force Wu Yazi to submit.

Xia Wanqing whispered to the old woman: "Master, let's leave here as soon as possible, people from Tianxuan Cave must be coming soon, the battle between Master and that expert must have attracted the attention of the headmaster of Tianxuan Cave and others... ..."

"Hmph! I want you to remind my old lady, you bastard!" The old woman glared at Xia Wanqing angrily.

She had killed Xia Wanqing a long time ago, just because Lao Shi often protected her, saying that she had some value to be discovered, but every time she asked herself, Lao Shi avoided talking about it, so she always thought that Lao Shi was sure Have an affair with this scumbag!That's why he couldn't bear to kill this bastard whose cultivation was only in the realm of Shenqiao!

Three male cultivators from the third level of the Dao Palace pressed towards Lin Fei, and Xia Wanqing stood beside the old woman with her head down. Seeing the three male cultivators pressing towards him, Lin Fei snorted angrily, "You really are not afraid of death! ?”

"I'm afraid of being hanged to the sky..."

One of them laughed loudly and said, "You are the only trash who dares to fight with us, go see the King of Hades..."

"Don't kill..." The old woman stood aside and pointed, but before she finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

"call out……"

Her whole body was cut off from the waist and divided into two parts.

A little golden snake suddenly appeared and bit her off by the waist. Two gods rushed out from between the old woman's brows, slashed at Xia Wanqing, and scolded sharply: "You bastard, you actually collude with outsiders! My old lady will end you today!" !"

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