The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 11 Entrance Counseling Goodbye Lu Mingze

Chapter 11 Entrance Counseling Goodbye Lu Mingze
"Come on, Mingfei. Sign this confidentiality agreement first." Professor Guderian took out a strange document in Latin mixed with English from his bag and handed it to Lu Mingfei.

Looking around, the room of the Red Star Hotel was full of people: Lu Mingfei, Min Shibo, Chu Zihang, Xia Mi, and Finger were all there.

Guderian carefully collected the document signed by Lu Mingfei as a treasure, cleared his throat, and said loudly.

"Since Mingfei and Xia Mi chose to refuse to enter the preparatory department in advance, they need to provide freshman orientation counseling for them. Except for Lu Mingfei, the rest of you are called here to let you sit in and understand the situation first. When the time comes, you can choose a tutor. , and he will explain it to you again."

"I believe you already understand the simple worldview issue, so I won't say more.

Kassel College is a university whose purpose is to slay dragons, and the ultimate goal of all forms is to slay dragons.

So I won't talk too much about those mystifying things, and I'll just give you the hard stuff! "

As he spoke, Professor Guderian tore open the curtain behind him, revealing a majestic impasto oil painting.

Everyone's eyes directly and involuntarily converge on the screen.Immediately, his heart twitched violently as if being grabbed by someone, and he seemed to hear a dragon chant that pierced his soul in a trance.

On the screen, bloody red flames flow from the blue dome, and densely packed pale bones cover the cracked fields.

Between the sky and the earth, a rotten towering giant tree stands upright, its branches spread out to prop up the sky, and its roots are tangled vertically and horizontally, covering the earth.It reveals the desolation and sadness from ancient times.

Next to the tree, a huge black dragon rose from the ground, its wings spread out and covered with skeletons.He raised his head and roared, spitting out the world-destroying black flame.

"Brother, you are finally here!"

The sad voice of the little devil Lu Mingze awakened Lu Mingfei's consciousness immersed in the picture.

"Lu Mingze? You're still alive! Great, great, really great!" Tears welled up in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Since his rebirth, he seldom loses his composure like this. He knows that he must bear the burden of humiliation and humiliation, so that he can successfully make up for his regrets and achieve a perfect ending.

So he had to be strong. Lu Mingze didn't cry when he disappeared, Chu Zihang didn't cry when he was seriously injured, and he didn't cry when he saw his teacher goodbye. But when he reunited with Lu Mingze, he burst into tears.

"My stupid brother, I guess you must be crying with excitement now, because without me, what explosive seeds are you using to pretend to be a hero, hahaha!" Lu Mingze laughed with a mocking expression on his face.

"Just kidding, I'm actually just projecting this, this time I'm here to give you cheats. If the other protagonists have them, my brother should have them too!
After all, you are the protagonist of the world in my heart. "Lu Mingze made an expression of displeasure, which looked a little cute.

"Something for nothing is open to you without restriction, but how strong it is depends on your improvement and control of bloodlines. But this time the core ability it brings to you is the refinement and control of the source."

"In short, the primary ability is to refine and retain the opponent's speech spirit for your own use when you kill the opponent. At this stage, you can only keep two of them and they cannot be activated at the same time.

In the future, with the gradual awakening of your bloodline, the number of reserved words and the right to use them at the same time can be increased.

And your second ability is the extraction and utilization of the original source. Its function is to extract the blood of the dragon to improve yourself, and even gradually awaken through the blood to improve others. "

"Brother, you are actually the biggest monster in the world! These two perverted skills belong to you from now on, and you will have to go the rest of the way by yourself..." Narusawa's figure drifted away with the wind in the middle of Echo .

Just as Lu Mingfei entered the overwhelming, avalanche-like sadness, Lu Mingze's disappearing figure suddenly reappeared like a flash.

"By the way, there is one more thing, brother, I forgot to tell you that I am not dead, but if you work hard to awaken your bloodline, you will have a chance to see me again!" After saying that, he disappeared again.

Lu Mingfei wants to cry but has no tears, my emotions are well prepared, now you give me this whole thing, he can't help complaining
"Question: The dead who was about to die suddenly came back to life. Should I cry? Wait online, I'm in a hurry!"

"One more thing, in the future you can say that your Yanling is an evolved version of Jingtong, and you can be an S-level aboveboard." Lu Mingze strobes again, and the hippie smile disappears



"Come on, isn't this just to tease you? Can you be more humorous. In the end, brother, do your best to make sure we meet each other as soon as possible." Lu Mingze waved his hands lightly, turned and left step by step.

Lu Mingfei didn't turn his head to say goodbye, but said in a shy voice, "Don't worry, I will, even if I'm alone, I won't hesitate."

"Lu Mingfei? Lu Mingfei!"

Suddenly, Professor Guderian's call brought Lu Mingfei back to reality.

"Lu Mingfei, you have finally come to your senses. You can only say that you are worthy of being an S-rank hybrid, and you can resonate with the screen for such a long time!"

Professor Guderian looked at Lu Mingfei with excitement in his eyes, as if he saw a rare treasure.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he blurted out
"Teacher, I'm afraid if I am the first to come back to my senses, you must be worthy of being an S-rank, and get rid of the attraction so quickly. If I wake up in the middle, I will resonate with the painting but not be controlled by it..."

"Hahaha!" Professor Guderian smiled awkwardly, "It's obvious that you are really good! You have to believe in yourself."

Lu Mingfei thought to himself: Even if I don't believe it, I will be convinced by your teacher, "the number one road in Kassel College".

"Students, what you saw just now was Dragon Emperor Ned Hogg.

According to Norse mythology, on the day of Ragnarok, Nidhogg will bite off the root of the world tree Yggdrasil, bringing about the end of the world.

Kassel College has inherited the will of the dragon slaying heroes since ancient times, and is dedicated to slaying dragons, trying to change this doomsday. "

"I'll show you two more things, dragon scales and red dragon cubs." Guderian started his lecture with great interest.

Chu Zihang took the black dragon scale, drew his knife and chopped it off, making a sound of metal and iron clanging, "Very tough." He commented.

Sure enough, for Senior Brother Chu, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

And Lu Mingfei also took over the nano-quartz glass jar containing the red dragon cub.Vaguely, he felt as if he could extract the blood power of this little red dragon without any resistance.

As if feeling Lu Mingfei's will, Little Red Dragon twitched immediately, came to his senses, and shivered in the corner of the jar, his eyes full of fear and pleading.

After a while, it couldn't hold it anymore and passed out, with its white belly facing upwards, like a goldfish that turned its belly up.

"Oh my god, what did I see, Mingfei, you are worthy of being an S-rank, and your bloodline is suppressed, so I knew I was right about you!"

 In this chapter, Lu Mingfei cheated on the account, well, it’s not a hang-up, but I thought of a way to improve his ability step by step through Lu Mingfei’s own efforts.Finally, ask for votes and votes, thanks to the author.I have a story wine please

  ∧__∧[fruit wine]))
  (ω) [Beer] has signed a contract to seek votes and invest


  Shi J

(End of this chapter)

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