Chapter 24 Looking for cats to cause an underground secret

"Miss Yaye thinks what's going on with Xinjun. I, the new leader, don't know the actual situation, so I need to ask you people more."

Lu Mingfei resorted to tricks and started his own divine assist.

"Xinjun is a very nice person!"

"Miss Yaye, it's embarrassing for me to speak so vaguely, but Mr. Xin has threatened you not to speak nonsense!" Lu Mingfei pretended to be serious, with a straight face.

"Don't be afraid, if you are dissatisfied with him, just tell him, the family can remove him and punish him severely."

Hearing this, the simple Meano Ruojia hurriedly explained anxiously.

"No, no! Xinjun is a very good person! He is polite and helpful, and he is often very enthusiastic to help our nearby businesses. Both the uncle and mother Sang here like him very much..."

"Then what do you think, do you like Xinjun too? If I don't like it, I have the right to transfer him directly." Lu Mingfei interrupted suddenly, asked a question, his eyes were cold and sharp, like knives, slightly releasing blood to suppress the momentum.

"I like it, I like it. None of the previous managers are as approachable and gentle as Xinjun. Please don't punish Xinjun!"

Meano Ruojia has always been very afraid of the underworld in her heart, only Xinjun gave her a warm feeling, making her forget that he is a figure of the underworld.

Meano Ruojia couldn't help turning pale when thinking of the ruthless punishment methods of the underworld that he had heard.

For some reason, she didn't want to see Lord Xin be punished no matter what.

"Hahahaha!" Lu Mingfei's face suddenly turned angry into joy, "Miss Yaye, it was just a test without any intention of offending, and now Xinjun passed the test thanks to you."

"Xinjun, it's up to you to appease Ms. Yaye. I'll go out to get some air." After saying that, leaving space for the two of them, he got up and went out.

Standing at the door, Lu Mingfei chuckled lightly: I never imagined that I, who had never been in a relationship in two lifetimes, would actually pick up someone else, but my acting skills were really good just now!

In the inner room, Miyamoto patted Mei Ye's back with all his heart, and comforted him.

"It's okay, Miss Jiajia. Mr. Lu just likes to joke."

But Yaye's face was pale, and she grabbed Miyamoto's generous palm in shock, and the warmth from the palm made her feel a little more at ease.

"If the test is passed, then Xinjun won't be punished and dismissed again?"

"No, no, but Miss Jiajia, why do you care about me so much?" Miyamoto spit out these words out of nowhere.

"Who cares about you anymore? I'm afraid it's not easy to get along with the manager."

"Then why do you ask if I will be punished first?"

" are so annoying! It's not that we are so familiar, what's wrong with you." The woman's face was flushed like the evening glow, and her voice was like a mosquito...

Outside the door, just as Lu Mingfei was counting the clouds in the sky boredly, a mother-in-law walked over tremblingly with a cane.

"Young man, is Lord Xin in there?'s Isshin Miyamoto, the manager here."

Seeing that her mother-in-law was unable to move, Lu Mingfei hurriedly pulled over the stool and helped her to sit down.

"Mother-in-law, sit down first, Mr. Xin is inside, I'll call him."

A while later, Lu Mingfei and Miyamoto, who was supporting Ms. Meano, whose complexion was still pale, walked out together.

Looking at the mother-in-law sitting here, Miyamoto Yixin hurriedly said, "Grandma Nakajima, why are you here? You can't see clearly. Didn't I tell you to move less?"

"Mr. Xin, my cat Xiaomi went into the drain and disappeared. I couldn't get in because of my inconvenient legs and feet. I had no choice but to trouble Mr. Xin.

I really can't live without Xiaomi, Mr. Xin.She is my granddaughter and my eyes, I really don't know what to do without her! "

Miyamoto listened intently, with a serious expression, "Grandma, don't worry, don't be impatient, let Miss Meano take care of you here first, we will go to the drain immediately to check and bring your cat back!"

The mother-in-law heard the words, raised her eyes and barely saw Yaye, and was a little happy, "Xinjun, thank you so much! Only a good boy like you is suitable for a virtuous woman like Miss Yaye!"

Miss Yaye's face turned red when she heard it, but she didn't deny it, she just stood beside her mother-in-law silently to take care of the old man.

"Let's go, mother-in-law, Miss Jiajia."

Ms. Meano's eyes revealed tenderness and a little worry, "Be careful!"

In the drainage tunnel, Lu Mingfei and Miyamoto groped forward wholeheartedly.

Miyamoto insisted on taking the lead, so Lu Mingfei had no choice but to stay in the rear, so as to protect Miyamoto's safety in time.

As they moved forward, the two felt that the tunnel was getting wider and wider.

"Meow." Suddenly there was a faint cat meow in front of him, and Miyamoto rushed towards the sound with all his heart, followed closely by Lu Mingfei.

After running for a few steps, a black, white and gray shorthair cat suddenly appeared in front of him lying on the ground shivering.

And behind the cat, there was a snake-tailed monster, and the scaled monster was sliding with great interest.

Seeing that the prey in front of him completely lost the sense of resistance, Deadpool lost his interest in playing tricks, and swung his claws to kill the cat.

Miyamoto became anxious when he saw it wholeheartedly, he jumped towards the cat, snatched it into his arms, and rolled to the side.

Lu Mingfei was shocked, and hurried to follow, the pressure around him dissipated, and he cursed inwardly: Are you a reckless man with a brain?
The overwhelming dragon's power came, and Deadpool ran away directly. His beast-like intuition told him that if he stayed, he would be sent to death.

Lu Mingfei didn't care about chasing him, so he hurried to see if Miyamoto Isshin was injured.

"How about it, Lord Xin? Do you have no brains? A civil servant is so reckless. Are non-combatants rushing to die?" Lu Mingfei was a little out of breath.

"Ming Feijun, I was wrong! I made you worry. But I have to save Xiao Mi, mother-in-law and children have run away, no one to take care of her, her legs and eyes are not good, only this cat is with her, and she is gone. Xiao Mi, mother-in-law may not survive!"

Miyamoto's eyes shone with unwavering determination.

Lu Mingfei was stunned, speechless and moved, "Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing, your heart is upright and mighty, you are my despicable villain!"

Miyamoto listened intently, and explained at a loss, "Ming Fei-jun, that's not what I mean, and I believe that you would save it without hesitation."

His eyes were full of seriousness, "Because we are the same upright people!"

"Okay, okay! Don't be lyrical between big men. You can send the cat back quickly, and I'll check on Deadpool."

"No, there is only one way for us to come. It has been confirmed that it is safe. Xiao Mi can go back by herself, but I can't let Ming Feijun take risks alone."

Saying that, Miyamoto put down Xiao Mi and patted her on the back, "Xiao Mi, go back and find your mother-in-law, mother-in-law is waiting anxiously after you haven't seen her for so long."

Xiao Mi meowed at the two of them as if to thank them, and then left quickly.

"Let's go, Ming Fei-jun!"

At the junction between the tunnel and the Temple of the Sky, Lu Mingfei and Miyamoto Isshin hid close to each other.

The sound of boats breaking through the water and conversations came from the Temple of the Sky outside.

"What's wrong, how did one come out?"

"Maybe I didn't pay attention when I changed the ship, and it's fine to catch it now."

"Be careful next time!"

The two who watched the wall for a while discussed the countermeasures.

Miyamoto closed his eyes with all his heart, and said "Ling Ling·Tian Yan", open it!
After a while, he said, "Four people, the guard changes every 5 minutes. There is a utility room at the stern that can be opened and hidden. We only have 30 seconds between guard changes."

"Then, are you ready?" Lu Mingfei pulled Miyamoto Yixin and asked softly.


"Three, two, one! Go!"

 Thrilling and exciting plots are about to debut. The author needs your encouragement to be able to write like a fountain. Please collect investment recommendation tickets, hello!If I want to see the author write more exciting dragon stories, my friends have to give me some motivation!If you are capable, you can give a reward in paragraphs, and you only need two coins to be on the fan list!Thank you for your support, thanks to the author!


(End of this chapter)

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