The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 34 Please Be the Lone Brave and Break This Fucking Life

Chapter 34 Please become a lonely brave man and break this fucking life (seeking collection and investment recommendation!!!)

"To the whimper and howl in the night,

Who said that those who stand in the light are considered heroes! "

The boy's passionate roar and singing echoed in the quiet and dim Cowherd's shop, and the reverberation lingered endlessly.

The song ended for a long time, there was no sound around, and everyone was silent.Everyone was immersed in this peerless performance, and it was only after a long silence that they suddenly woke up.Immediately, the applause was like thunder.

"Zhufeng, I love you so much!" "It's great, Zhufeng, a shocking singing!" "Bravo! (Excellent)"

At this time, the humpback whale flapped its wings and appeared in the center of the stage with Wia hanging. It roared passionately, "Welcome to our bamboo wind, a boy who fell here by accident. He is like a cloud in the sky, occasionally projected on you. Bo Xin!"

"So are you willing to accept his embrace? Are you willing to leave this lost young man behind with your affection?"

The man was condescending and shouted wildly, "Just tonight! Right now! Use your love and tenderness! Keep him!"

"Let's call out his nickname loudly, and use the flower ticket in our hands to keep this peerless handsome talent!"

"Bamboo wind! Bamboo wind! Bamboo wind!" The crowd swarmed frantically, throwing large amounts of banknotes and Japanese yen on the trays of the waiters who walked through the booths holding trays.

The banknotes were raining down, and the waiter was like a crumbling boat in the storm of banknotes. There was no time to hand over the envelopes like envelopes with pink love hearts to the guests, so they could only bow and apologize.

The crowd fell into a carnival, and the women shouted "Bamboo Wind I love you!" crazily while swaying the banknotes in their hands, and even saw a few men generously donating. Kansuke and all the other cowherds in the shop.

A song "The Lonely Brave" evoked the laughter and tears of everyone in the past.No way, everyone has their own story. It is the charm of "The Lonely Brave" that makes different people fall in love with this song at different ages.

Of course, it is also inseparable from Lu Mingfei's handsome appearance and affectionate performance, which has the effect of shocking all the audience and lingering in the beams.

Who is crying the most among the seats, the store manager Ah Jing's suit is wet!Of course, this is not only because he is touched by the scene and is touched by the song, but also because he sees in Lu Mingfei the hope that his dream of being a man will come true.

The most important thing is, the banknotes flying all over the sky!The humpback hadn't wanted the mundane desire to raise money in this tender moment.

But they give too much!He is not interested in money, but the store has been losing money, and it is only through his own pocket and borrowing that he gritted his teeth to support it. If this continues, it may not last for a few years.

Therefore, for the sake of men's ikebana, let the storm of banknotes come more violently!

Lu Mingfei, who was devoting himself to singing, was already sweating profusely.But in the dim environment, everyone didn't notice that the sweat mixed with tears flowed down Lu Mingfei's face quietly.

Looking at the enthusiastic crowd buying tickets, Lu Mingfei bowed and thanked:
"If life is as short as the bubbles in Coca-Cola, then how can we live it? Life is short like a dream, I hope everyone can live their own splendor!" Lu Mingfei's tone was heartfelt and sincere.

"Zhufeng, thank you for your blessing!" "Zhufeng is such a gentle boy!" "I don't care, Zhufeng, I love you so much, you have to be responsible to me!"

Amidst the noisy din of the women, Lu Mingfei was in a trance, lost in memory:
Suddenly, I seemed to see Miyamoto Isshin's weak and pale face with a gentle smile again:

"I don't smoke or drink, I just hope I can live longer!"

"Actually, my dream is to be a little policeman, patrolling every day, and helping the neighbors solve some trivial matters. But since I was born in Sheqibajia, it is doomed to be impossible!"

"Dreams are still necessary, what if they come true! If a person lives without dreams, how is it different from a salted fish?"

"Good morning! Miss Jiajia." "Fool, it's noon now."

"I've been a coward all my life, but I didn't expect to become a hero in the end, and die without regrets, hahaha!"

"Jiajia, don't cry, the sky is about to dawn, and you are about to be saved! This time I shouted correctly.

Jiajia, please give me a smile next time we meet!
Jiajia, if it snows, come and see my tombstone, and I will live forever with you!

Jiajia, I love you..."

"Actually, I'm just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary..."

Lu Mingfei burst into tears and smiled, "Mr. Xin, you are such a liar! An ordinary person, why don't you pretend to be a hero of Liangshanbo here with someone!"

"No, I put myself in it, and I have to avenge you, brother, my life is miserable, it's my bad luck to know you!"

Lu Mingfei looked up to the sky to hold back his tears, looked at the hustle and bustle of the world in front of him, stepped off the stage and walked silently into the dim light.

"Xinjun, suddenly I miss you a little bit."

Beside the wine table in the Cowherd's shop, Lu Mingfei was pouring champagne.He has many words hidden in his heart, but he doesn't know who to tell them.Who in the world listens to you?
Lu Mingfei picked up the wine glass, and drank the moonlight with the shadow, saying everything to himself:
"Hey, Lao Gong, let me toast you a glass. This situation should be understood. I respect your bravery, and you respect me for the years I spent with you. Xinjun, this cup is to you! "

The wine glass was put down and raised again, filled up again when it was empty, Lu Mingfei poured himself glass after glass.Alcohol irritated his stomach, turning his face into a blush.

"Brother, why are you drinking alone here?"

Time seemed to stop, and there was silence all around.Lu Mingze suddenly appeared, crossing his legs and sitting on the chair next to him.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't push me, drink with me." Lu Mingfei lowered his head, raised the wine bottle with his right hand and placed it in front of Lu Mingze with a "dang".

After thinking about it, I felt it was wrong, and suddenly put the bottle back, "Forget it! Minors are not allowed to drink."

"Brother, you are drunk! You are also a minor, and this sentence was taught by that guy Miyamoto Isshin, don't use it to prevaricate me. Besides, I am a devil! To be honest, I don't even remember how much I am. Years old."

"Hahaha, Xinjun, that guy is dead, he can't control me anymore!" Lu Mingfei was hysterical, crying and laughing, like a child who would roll around if he couldn't get candy.

"Did you know? Xinjun, my brother, he is dead!" Lu Mingfei would only release his true self in front of Lu Mingze, making trouble like a child.

"I... I've worked so hard! This fucking life! I've worked so hard, but why, why..." Lu Mingfei's tears couldn't stop flowing.

Looking at Lu Mingfei who was crying bitterly, Lu Mingze said indifferently, "Let's vent, brother! You have been suppressed for too long since you were reborn. If the strings are too tight, they will break."

Sighing, he turned gentle again, he tiptoed and gently touched the boy's head, "You've done a good job!
It’s just that you have had a smooth life in this period, and it’s a good thing to encounter a blow, at least it can break your blind self-confidence. After all, rebirth doesn’t necessarily mean that God will block and kill God, and everything will come true!
When you are done crying, just wipe away your tears and step into the battlefield again!Erika, your beloved girl is still waiting for you! "

 The authors of the song "The Lonely Brave" have deep intentions. When a boy is reborn, the wind always goes smoothly at the beginning, and a beautiful dream will come into being, but the reality is always cruel. The breeze of a butterfly flapping its wings is enough There is a storm in the distance.In this fucking life, you can't take it lightly. You can only reach the other side of your ideal if you forge ahead carefully!Finally, please collect the investment recommendation ticket, hello! ! !The author works so hard every day, why do you have the heart not to support it.Please encourage me, thanks to the author




(End of this chapter)

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