Chapter 45
"Ahem, let me just say a few words..."

Everyone in the audience lowered their breath immediately, and their eyes were shining, looking forward to "Lionheart King" Lu Mingfei's introduction of his experience in carrying out missions or interesting stories he experienced in Japan.

"One, I wish you all a good meal. Two, I wish you all a good meal!" After speaking, Lu Mingfei put down the microphone with a smile on his face, bowed to himself and was about to leave the stage.

There was silence in the audience, and everyone was stunned.At this moment, the Minister of Affairs Lear asked with a silly face, "Is this the end, Vice President?"

"Yeah. Just say a few words, a man's promise is worth a thousand gold!" Lu Mingfei said with a righteous face, and gave a thumbs up to show that he was a big man.

Everyone was speechless, their eyes full of resentment.Dude, I've got my pants off, show me this.You told me it was over before we even started?
"Then I will refrain from saying one more thing." Unable to withstand the look of a group of people who are resentful women, Lu Mingfei felt goosebumps all over his body, so he had to speak again, "Then everyone, continue to play music and dance!"

The music immediately played, still the familiar tango.Caesar took the microphone and summed up at the right time, "Incisive! As expected of our S-level vice president Lu Mingfei, he explained the ultimate goal of our celebration banquet in one sentence. Friends, the dance begins!"

Caesar's voice was like a shot fired by a referee in a sprint event. In an instant, all the athletes, oh no, all the girls present raised their skirts and rushed towards Lu Mingfei.

hell!Who knows how they manage to run noble and elegant while stepping on high heels that are more than ten centimeters, and they even have sweet smiles on their faces.

"Vice President, choose me as your dance partner. I am a tenth-level ballet major."

"Brother, choose me, sister. Sister, I have long legs!" The American girl's eyes were charming and charming, and she showed off her slender and fair calves while talking. "Long legs are not only for dancing!"

"Mingfei, don't listen to her, choose me, as long as you dance, I'll buy you anything you want." This black-skinned beauty looked even more arrogant

Nonsense, fools can see that standing beside Caesar, who is like Apollo, is not bad at all, and Lu Mingfei, who is still sunny and handsome, seems to have no female companion.

Who doesn't want to go to the city first and take down the prey that countless female hunters have wanted for a long time but have no way to start.

Surrounded by a group of girls, Lu Mingfei seemed dizzy and at a loss.Looking at Yingying Yanyan, the group of beauties with yellow, white, black and red complexion, Lu Mingfei was numb.

He now feels like Tang Seng in Journey to the West, surrounded by beauties and goblins from all walks of life, he is about to lose his chastity, and stops everyone with one hand.

It was a girl with pale blond hair, wearing a white lace dress inlaid with silver crystals, her skin was almost transparent, and her figure was petite, between a child and a girl.

A cold and clear voice sounded, "He has a partner, and I am!" Zero's eyes were indifferent, as if he was in the palace, and he didn't pay attention to the girls in front of him at all.

I saw that she was full of momentum, as if she said silently: a group of coquettish bitches are also worthy of robbing me.

Lu Mingfei looked at Ling as if he saw a savior, with a look of admiration on his face.It seems to have met the Monkey King who helped him escape from the sea of ​​suffering, no, it should be King Arthur Saber!

After getting Lu Mingfei's acknowledgment, the girls had no choice but to leave angrily.After all, although Zero is less than 1.6 meters tall, her aura of the iceberg queen is not covered.

The boys who saw their female companions back to their side didn't know whether to be happy or sad.Obviously I came first!Why, why there is always a feeling that I am a rotten vegetable leaf left over from being picked, and people pick it up with disgust.

In the sound of music, dancing skirts fluttered.Everyone hugged their dance partners lightly, and the air was filled with the smell of luxurious and graceful perfume.

The students at Kassel College apparently all took the same dance class, and the moves were taught by the same teacher.The movements are elegant, and the dance steps are well-proportioned. Sometimes they form a rectangular array, and sometimes they spread out into a circle. The black boys are in the outer circle, and the inner circle is the girls in white skirts.

Lu Mingfei and Ling embrace each other without exception.However, the combination of moon white dress and white lace skirt is the only protagonist in the whole white and black "Oreo" color scheme.

"Didn't you say you won't come?" Lu Mingfei asked doubtfully while they were embracing and dancing.

"Don't misunderstand." Zero said coldly, "I only like boys under 1.6 meters. As for choosing you, it is because you are the only boy I know well, and you can help you out at will."

"Anyway, thank you!" Lu Mingfei's heart warmed up. He knew that Ling should have learned that there was a dance today, and he was afraid that he would be embarrassed if he didn't make an appointment with his girlfriend in advance.So, I came here to make a rescue.

"You're welcome. Have a good dance..."

The sound of tango music gradually became more and more exciting.Lu Mingfei is no longer the good-for-nothing S-class who was scolded by the dance teacher for his uncoordinated hands and feet.After various experiences in his previous life, he is already a good player who can be called the "Elvis Presley" of Kassel Academy.After all, how could he not dance as the president of the student council in his previous life?

What's more, the two cooperate seamlessly, and they can understand each other's hints through their eyes and subtle expressions.The dance is seamless with the rhythm, as if we have practiced together for a long time, so long that we forget the time and obliterate the space...

"It's still pornacabeza!" Lu Mingfei sighed slightly, history is always surprisingly similar, yet so different.

porunacabeza, Chinese name "Only One Step", the work of Argentine tango dancer Carlos Gardel. The song is featured on Scent of a Woman and Schindler's List.

"This is a noble piece of music, which is above everything else." Zero's voice was as cold as the snow and ice of the Arctic. "Since you know this piece of music, at the end of the piece, I will rotate 3600 degrees. Remember to hold my hand!"

"No, let's spin together, so that I can share some of the strength for you." Lu Mingfei smiled lightly, elegantly like a nobleman, "How can you not take me to pretend to be a fork!"

Looking directly at Lu Mingfei's firm expression, the coldness in Zero's eyes melted slightly, "Okay! Thank you for your concern."

In the final chapter of the passionate music that lingers on, the two hold each other's left hands around their waists, and hold each other's right hands straight up, so that their sides do not reach the top of their heads.Spin freely.Proud like green bamboo against the wind, poignant like the curtain call of residual flowers.

Even without the need for spotlights, the peerless dance of the two was like a vortex that firmly stuck everyone's eyes.

After ten laps, the two people who supported each other and exerted strength stopped with ease.At the same time, they took a step back, performing a classical and elegant court ceremony.The movement also pauses at this moment, the movement is flawless and the timing is just right.

"Bravo!" "Perfect performance!" "Oh my God, unbelievably elegant!"

The crowd forgot to salute the end of the dance, as if watching a peerless performance, only praise and applause in the field.

 Zero investment recommendation ticket, hello! ! !Xiao Zuo appeared, expressing his support for the author's zero are willing: "On this road, we will help each other, never abandon each other, until the end of death!".It's been terrible lately.I beg collectors to work so hard every day, how can you have the heart not to support it.Please encourage me, thanks to the author




(End of this chapter)

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