The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 59 The Mystery of Lu Mingfei's Life Experience

Chapter 59 The Mystery of Lu Mingfei's Life Experience
"Brother, you are about to see through all my cards. If you don't stud all in, you will definitely lose! If you want to appreciate the underpants, you can also bet on them. It's still the original flavor, hehehe."

The little devil Lu Mingze's handsome face was full of indifferent and wretched smiles, and he had an attitude of "I'm a bachelor who is afraid of others".

But then he straightened his face again, showing an unprecedented seriousness. It's just that this height and appearance, even if he pretends to be old-fashioned, in the eyes of Lu Mingfei, who is not intimidated by the coercion of his blood, will only look cute and want to be rua .

"Stop messing around with you, brother. Didn't you always want to know why I said you said the biggest monster in the world? Now, it's time to tell you your true identity!" The little devil's tone was deep and dignified.

A shocking secret suddenly broke out, Lu Mingfei was a little dumbfounded by the shock, and subconsciously complained:
"What...What? Why... why so suddenly, didn't you always refuse to tell me in your last life? I always thought that Lu Mingze, you old bastard, would fight till the end.

People are not ready for this sudden situation, so be gentle with the concubines! "

"Didn't you always refuse to tell me in your last life? After hiding it for so long, why are you suddenly going to expose your ID card now?"

"Damn, it's not because you're afraid of hiding it any longer. You are going to kill me, a loyal and loyal minister, as a traitor. Besides, there is a reason why I didn't tell you in my previous life, just like you used to be a waste of time to eat and wait to die. , I’m afraid that if you find out, you won’t be able to accept the reality and die of fright.” Lu Mingze put on a heartbroken and loyal look.

"Besides, the devils are no longer trading the Riddler now, they are all shouting for the Riddler to get out of Gotham. So I have to set an example and reject the Riddler, starting from me! Brother, before you identify your identity, you must first popularize the background of the story, So do you know Norse mythology?"

"Uh, if you're talking about the ones on the wall, I should probably understand something about it?" Lu Mingfei scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed. "In this life, I have been busy honing my sword skills and improving my strength. There is still a slight shortcoming in my knowledge reserve for the time being."

"A little shortcoming? I think brother, you are the fish that slipped through the literacy campaign! The old man in Angers is also true. He makes you perform tasks all day long, and doesn't give you tuition on the history and culture of the Dragon Clan."

After the little devil Lu Mingze finished complaining, his tone turned distant, as if he had penetrated the dust of history, bringing an ancient aura, "Brother, have you heard of the World Tree Yuktra Hill?"

"What the hell? I've heard of the World Tree, so could it be that my real body is the tree from the age of mythology? Then can I grow grass on my head like a slow sheep?"

"Shh! Don't be noisy, brother. You don't need to use bad words to relieve your panic and tension. Just listen quietly, and I will tell you about everything that has been buried!"

"In the age of mythology, the branches of the world tree Uktra Hill, a towering giant tree, supported the entire world, and nine kingdoms were derived from the tree. Among them are the "atrium" Midgard where humans live, and the place where the Black King lives. Niflheim, the land of mist in the Nibelungen, "Asgard" where the protoss live, "Jortunheim" where the giants live, and "Helheim", the kingdom of the dead of the queen of the underworld, etc. ..."

"On the World Tree, there are still some animals living. There is an eagle named Vedfernir on the top of the tree. Under the tree, Nidhogg, a black dragon, is eating the roots. Oh yes, there is also a squirrel , its name is Ratatosk, and it is close to the World Tree. His pleasure is to sow discord, and make Vedfornir and Ned Hogg enmity with each other."

"Nidhogg means "despair" (Nidhogg). The Black King is entrenched under the World Tree, gnawing at the roots, plundering the original power and authority. When the roots are eaten up and the World Tree decays, it is A harbinger of the end of the world, "Ragnarok" will follow."

"At the end of the holy war, the fire giant Surtur threw the sword of light in his hand into the sky before dying, turning it into a world-destroying red lotus flame, igniting the kingdom of the gods, the tree of the world, and spreading to the entire world."

"The fire of calamity runs through the universe, and the thick smoke engulfs the mountains and seas, and the immortal greatness: the world tree that supports the universe-Yuktrazil also collapses under the flames of the red lotus.

Stars fell from the sky, time no longer existed, and the scorched ground shook and sank into the surging sea bottom.As far as the eye can see, there are only huge waves, and there is only a dead silence and eternal darkness in the world.

In the endless fire and waves, Ned Hogg crawled out from the bottom of the world tree, and devoured all the remaining bones that were poisoned. "

The little devil Lu Mingze sang, his delicate and handsome face was distorted and ferocious, with tear stains all over his face, and his whole body exuded a huge sadness like a suffocating sea tide.

"So brother, of course you are not the World Tree. Because of that great and loving existence, He is already dead! He fell into that selfish and ugly Ragnarok that is called holy war..."

"And you are the new existence in the dead body, the child of His hope! You are the embodiment of the original power and authority of the World Tree, and you will be born into this world when the time comes, preventing the prophesied end times."

"It sounds like I will be a hero who saves the world from birth, a righteous giant of light." Lu Mingfei laughed at himself, and then couldn't help asking, "Then what is your identity, my dear brother? Why do you want to It's called Lu Mingze, isn't that the real name? You purposely use the same name as my cousin."

"No, my real name is Lu Mingze. You have always had Lu Mingze with you in your life, but that's me, not the little fat guy from your uncle's house."

Little devil Lu Mingze's eyes are full of nostalgia and memories, "Of course, you can also call me Ratatosk, that's my former name!"

"Oh, so you are that little squirrel, no wonder you are so tall... um, cute! But then why do you call me brother?"

"Because World Tree is not only a respected elder to me, but also a warm role like a father. He raised me, so we should be brothers. Out of the love of His breath in you, I I respect you as elder brother, so I will always call you elder brother!"

Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help thinking of Fenrir, who was obviously the elder brother in his previous life, but always called Xia Mi his elder sister because of his stupidity.Love and nostalgia, this is really a warm and beautiful reason!
"So, are you willing to work side by side with me to fulfill the will of the World Tree and avenge him, brother?" Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei with tears in his eyes, as if he couldn't find anything. The owner's stray puppy is generally pitiful...

 Please read it first, I have to pass my own level in the quality of Dragon Race, this second volume paves the way for an original world view, with various easter eggs, it is absolutely beautiful, please recommend and support for collection and investment.Alas, I owed it all due to the busy days during the Chinese New Year, and I will try my best to make it up.


(End of this chapter)

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