Chapter 73 being revised

Fiction Inspiration 6
You don't have to grow into a rose, if you want, you can be a jasmine, a daisy, a nameless flower, thousands of thousands.

(Dad Strangers betrayed Deadpool, source denies
If life is as short as the bubbles in a Coke, then how is it ever lived?
"Then... can you get a lighter sentence if you confess and report the accomplice first?" Lu Mingfei asked. "But we are your accomplices," said Caesar. "Isn't it a little too frank for you to ask us?"

Sevenfold Sorrow of Pluto

The Sorrows of Young Werther You Are Like a Cloud in the Sky
Can't save the S-class, human nature

The secrets of the world are like stars in the sky.Traitor Zhang Quan, Odin's past (misleading) is too perfect.That 1000 years.Mom, Dad controls.A humble thing dares to be called a god.

During the criticism meeting, the principal went into a rage.God's secret.For the sake of profit, he refused to save Lu Mingfei.

Herzog, the mouse in the maze.Alpha: Plan ahead, it doesn't matter if Caesar is abolished, we have a more perfect child of him, Guerweger
The Cooking, Move Away Guide with Aloe Vera

Those souls of the old times should all be swept into the grave of history.crucify their coffin lids

Infinite loop must boss love?Chu Zihang?

I can forgive your absurdity, the absurdity is that I can't forget you go forget me
Don't just write about love, family, brotherhood, "Mother"

A mob criticizes heroes
My name is Lu Mingfei, an ordinary person.If you keep persecuting me, I don't mind being a godslayer.Because, I am a person who occasionally goes crazy.

Look for Lu Mingfei.Indulge in illusion.

Because Chu Zihang was saving Xia Mi himself, it was actually Xia Mi who was saving him.Reincarnation, time limit, in order to make Xia Mi believe in him wholeheartedly.Go to the aquarium again

Brother Zhang Quan, the love of fireflies.must be fuller

Drawing you can't draw your bones.The old man weaves bamboo dragonflies.Fang Siqi's secret.Little girl's teacher.Teacher, aren't you a teacher by example, don't you like to generalize the truth?
Lu Xun's criticism,
Don't call me God King.How can a boat be carried without water, and how can a king be called a king without a people.Sadness is overwhelming.

My dream now is to graduate from university in a few years, to be able to have more choices like other authors, to have the confidence to say that the income from writing novels is not bad, and to find a job can at least find a place to relax, and don’t let others say, write novels what's the use

Madmen are also afraid of indifferent people.I've finished the battle I should have fought... I didn't die.The battles to be fought are all over.

I admit that it is all caused by the moon, the night is so beautiful and you are too gentle, that in an instant, I just want to grow old with you, I admit that it is all caused by vows, but it is like sugar like honey, the most touching thing to say , no matter how hard your heart is like steel, it will turn into soft fingers, no matter what kind of emotional business, two people will take a lifetime as a promise,

When the thread of memory is entwined and the past is fragmented, panic occupies the heart, and people wander quietly in the dead of night, when happy lovers send red to share their joy, they close their eyes and feel sad and dare not look back, still picking all the cold branches and refusing to rest with slight regrets,

Before I met you, I was an isolated island, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. No one knew about my miserable life. No passing bird docked at me. I was always looking for it. Boundless loneliness is a kind of suffering, but this world , the crowded crowd, it took a thousand sails to find you, I quarreled with loneliness day and night, why did you come here after so many years, the miserable life has escaped, it turns out that you are the antidote to my life, look at him I am dancing for you, Shanchuan is also obsessed with your smile, time flies, I want to grow old with you, you are making trouble, I am laughing, just right, I think about it, let everyone know, your smile is like a vast As beautiful as the sea of ​​stars, the years are quiet and beautiful, leave you alone, I only know that I will never forget your name,

I think I'm dumb, I can't tell a single lie, secret love is a matter of one person, everyone knows this secret except you, you are obviously a dream that I have never had, but I seem to have lost you countless times , I think I'm a fool, I can't tell a lie, don't blame you for the jet lag, just treat me as your passerby,-
.Fiction Inspiration 7
When the 1000 years are over, Satan will be released from prison, and he will come out to deceive the nations of the four corners of the earth, that is, Gog and Magog, so that they will gather and fight.They are as numerous as the sand on the seashore.They went up and filled the whole earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and consumed them.The devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were.They will be tormented day and night forever and ever..."

"Bible Revelation 20"

"Mission: Impossible" is their plan this time, a plan that only Lu Mingfei, Zhang Quan and Nuonuo know about.

Sensing Zhang Quan's struggle and entangled emotions, Nuonuo was afraid of misunderstanding, so he chose to report to the team leader Lu Mingfei.Out of mutual trust in his own strength and in Zhang Quan's character as a follower in Ang.Lu Mingfei found his senior brother and had a face-to-face conversation.

After learning that the Fengshenhui threatened Brother Zhang Quan with the condition of saving Linna and showed the serum leech as definite evidence.Lu Mingfei decided to follow his tricks and play a scene with Zhang Quan: first he pretended to agree to the conditions, and then turned his back after defrauding the serum to catch them all.

The outline of the action is like this, the rest is just a trick. After all, for the sake of authenticity, Lu Mingfei didn't tell the rest of the people, so it can be said that it is a coin.

But never expected that "Mission: Impossible" was forced to end halfway through the spy, and no one thought that the small manor actually hid such a shocking secret as the Nibelungen.It's really not as good as man's calculation...

What's worse, Lu Mingfei sensed a strong will to die from senior brother Zhang Quan.He knew that senior brother was planning to sacrifice himself in exchange for everyone's safe escape from the very beginning.

Brother Zhang Quan always felt that he was the one who deserved to die back then.The guilt and longing for his wife made him decadent, and the disappointment of his teacher Ange's cultivation and expectations tortured his wounded heart.This taciturn man has shouldered too much himself, so that he looks gray-haired and old in his prime.

"Senior brother!" During the run, Lu Mingfei suddenly said, "What do you think of me as a senior brother, do you trust me?"

"Junior brother was joking, how could I not believe you. You are the successor strongly recommended by Teacher Anger, and after getting along with each other, it is worth paying for your life!" Zhang Quan said decisively.

"Okay, since it's what you said, senior brother. Then your life belongs to me for the time being. If I don't let you die, you won't be allowed to die. Think about it in another way. If you die, do you want me to treat Lina like you did?" Do you live the rest of your life with your own responsibilities like a senior? So, please live on, brother!"

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang Quan. Did you get the things?" Lu Mingfei asked sneakily while fleeing around the corner.

"Well, I got it! Lina has been saved hahaha." Mentioning this, Zhang Quan swept away his decadence, and his expression was full of excitement.

"Junior brother Mingfei, hold it for me first, and wake up my wife Linna when the time comes!" Zhang Quan stuffed the bottle into Lu Mingfei's arms.

Lu Mingfei quickly waved his hand and refused, he knew that Zhang Quan was determined to die now, this time there was a loophole in their plan, the senior brother wanted to save them with his life.

"No, no, you have to do it yourself to save your sister-in-law. I, a junior, have nothing to do with it! Hahahaha, work hard to survive, senior brother..."

"Bang bang!" The sound of fighting suddenly came from the radio.After a while, the voice of the man gnashing his teeth sounded, "Damn, lunatic! What a f*cking lunatic, he insisted on running in to die! It's over, the king ordered that this man is still useful, don't hurt his life..."

Some people roam the rivers and lakes, some study hard, some are flattering, some have long been numb, some hate the poor and love the rich, some are mercenary, some plan carefully, and some don't care. If you want to find treasures in the ordinary world, you will cry and smile and pretend to be confused. Some people are rich but still cry bitterly. Some people are penniless but live comfortably. Trying to stand out, some hide and don't want to attract attention, some hide their faces but still pretend to be well-dressed, some are blind in love, some have no eyes, some give everything, some don't have a penny, some insist on happiness, some rejoice in being alone, some break through Heads, some people hesitate in place, we, eyes wide open to guess the world, sharpen our teeth to learn to talk, but we want to find treasures in the ordinary world, so we cry and laugh and pretend to be confused, some people climb high-rise buildings and jump to death, Just to let those who owed him suffer a life lawsuit, when he fell down, he saw how hard it was to talk about in the building. Some people smiled during the day to meet people's trend of inflammation, and when they woke up, they continued to grit their teeth against life, day after day, but they didn't know it Many years later, the old man looked at the way he came, some people regretted the past, some people were so confused, some people were full of emotion, saying that you and me are nothing more than a handful of soil,

(End of this chapter)

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