I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 13 Daoist, I will do as you say!

Chapter 13 Daoist, I will do as you say!
Do it!

If you don't do anything, Li Beimu will really feel insecure when the secret key falls into Niubi's hands.

But just when he was about to make a move, Taoist Le Tian suddenly withdrew his hand and muttered, "Hey, it turned out to be a counterfeit."

Xiong Chu finally came to his senses, and the moment he turned around, he punched hard.

Taoist Le Tian's figure is the same as when he came, disappearing abruptly.

until this time.

As they got closer, Li Beimu realized what was the method by which this Taoist repeatedly appeared out of thin air and then disappeared out of thin air!
One in the void!
Just now, Li Beimu sensed a trace of void fluctuations where he was standing!

But this is also the void fluctuation that he can only perceive after he has practiced the "Void Mahamudra".

"How rare is this technique related to the void?"

From the memory of his predecessor, Li Beimu could only know that the techniques related to the void were extremely rare, like the Xuantian Sect he was in before, and he was not even qualified to touch such techniques.

So at this moment, I can only ask Cang Er, who seems to have some background.

"Void technique? This must be at least a power of the Holy Land?" Cang'er's crisp voice sounded from the depths of Li Bei's Muxin Lake.

holy place...

The Xuantian Sect where Li Beimu belongs is only a fifth-level sect.

It's still four levels away from the Holy Land!

Thinking about it this way, I can't blame my predecessor for dying so quickly.

"Then what level of power is the cat-human clan you belong to?"

Looking at the furious Xiong Chu on the base of the stone tortoise, Li Beimu was not in a hurry to do anything, so he chatted with Cang'er.

And hearing this question, Cang'er was also a little puzzled. She felt that with Li Beimu's background, he shouldn't have heard of the cat-human race's reputation, right?

"It's almost a holy place, right? I've been in this ancient domain of despair for two or three years. I don't know how my father is doing."

Cang'er knew everything and answered.

Li Beimu also accurately caught the point of her words, "Are you the princess of the cat-human race?"

"Oh... right?"

Cang Er tilted his head, looking at Li Beimu, who didn't seem very smart.

Available in the next second.

She almost fell off his shoulders.

Because Li Beimu's figure flickered, and he fled the island in the middle of the lake in an instant.

Still in the air, Li Beimu turned his head to look, and finally saw the bronze three-headed wolf leaping from a very far away like a hill.

"What the hell is that big? Then what was that old bear killed just now?"

As soon as Xiong Chu finished speaking, he took out the bronze key to take a look, but found that his body gradually became cold.


Xiong Chu didn't say a word, a thick black light burst out from his body, and a huge black bear phantom appeared behind him.


In just an instant, he left from where he was.

But the legs were still petrified, staying in place, and fused with the stone turtle.

Naturally, Li Beimu also saw this scene, and was a little startled.

Although this old bear looks like he has no brains, but he is really in the late stage of shaking light, and he got caught so easily.

From this point of view, it is better for me to be a little more steady.

And after the three wolves fell into the island in the middle of the lake, they wanted to go again, but a Taoist priest appeared above them out of thin air, stepped on them lightly, and directly pushed all three of them into the lake.

"It's all here, why run away?" Taoist Le Tian smiled lightly.

Then he looked up at the clouds, "You who carry a sword, hide on it and watch your fart! Don't try to take advantage of the poor."

After finishing speaking, he stomped his feet again, pushed down the bronze three-headed wolf again, and looked down at Li Beimu on the distant island, "And you, you took advantage of the poor last time, why don't you help me this time?"

Li Beimu ignored him and looked up at the cloud.

Then I saw a young man with a sword stepping out of the clouds and landed on an island in the distance.

"Didn't it mean that the ancient domain of despair is forbidden?"

Li Beimu felt more and more that he had too little knowledge, but fortunately, he was ashamed in front of Cang'er, so he wouldn't throw it outside.

"This person... should be from Sword Mountain."

"Sword Mountain?"

This Li Beimu has heard about it, but it is a holy land in the southern border of Xuanming Continent. Since it comes from the holy land, it is normal.

Born in the Holy Land, there must be some unique magic powers that ordinary monks don't have.

"Okay, you wait here now, I'll go and have a look."

"it is good."

After speaking, the black cat fell to the ground and re-formed into a human form, with a high chest, but only a tight grip at the waist, and its figure was extremely graceful.

"What do you want?"

Jian Jiu glanced at Li Beimu, frowned slightly, and then said.

Le Tian Taoist still stepped on the bronze three-headed wolf, and said to the two: "Simple, this secret key belongs to me, and you two share the rest."

"Fellow Daoist, don't go too far, the last secret key is still given to you by the poor Daoist."

Before Li Beimu could speak, Taoist Letian directly blocked his way.

Jian Jiu also took another look at Li Beimu when he heard the words. He didn't expect that this person already had a secret key just after the restricted area was opened, and it looked like this, and he had plans to compete for other secret keys.

Could it be that it was prepared for the little princess of the cat-human clan?

Thinking about it, he looked at Cang Er from a distance.

"I just want this key."

Jian Jiu said coldly, and his words seemed to carry an irrefutable meaning.

Li Beimu looked at the two of them, and said after consideration: "Okay, you two will fight for the secret key, but all the treasures in this secret room must belong to me."

Jian Jiu nodded.

Taoist Le Tian yelled strangely: "Fellow Daoist, this is going too far. Even if this secret key is handed over to Brother Jian again, does it mean that the poor Taoist has no share of the treasure?"

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Li Beimu spread his hands, extremely free and easy.

"It still doesn't work. Fighting and killing is too hurtful. Anyway, only the three of us can talk in this restricted area. Why don't we sit down and have a good talk."

Hearing this, Li Beimu's expression suddenly became weird, and then he wandered back and forth between the remaining two.

It was so weird that even Jian Jiu noticed his strangeness.

But in the next second, Li Beimu made a bold move, and the golden light all over his body suddenly appeared, turning into a golden streamer and rushing towards Jian Jiu.

"Daozhang, just do as you say, fuck him!"

Li Beimu's voice exploded.

Taoist Le Tian's face changed, "Fuck! When did the poor Taoist talk to you!"

That being said.

But the shot was unambiguous, he stepped out, let go of the restraint on the bronze wolf, and rushed towards Jian Jiu.

"Brother Jian, I see that your sword is very similar to the one I threw last time!"

The voice did not fall.

The sword light rises like a dragon, and streams of sword energy drift away from the sky, and the momentum is extremely powerful.

Xiong Chu, who was hiding in the distance, was still resentful at the beginning that several people didn't take him seriously, but now seeing this situation, he ran away without saying a word.

It's terrible, if this sword is poked on the bear, it will kill the bear in just a few strokes?
A trace of worry flashed in Cang'er's eyes.

Could the name of this holy place be boasted?
As a little cat-human princess from the half-step holy land, how could she not know how strong her brothers and sisters are?
Although this guy looks quite powerful, she always feels that compared with her brothers and sisters, she is still a little bit worse.

What's more, the one who is fighting against him now is from the real Holy Land!
Although Cang'er was worried, he had no choice but to avoid his sharp edge and run towards the periphery.

As for Li Beimu?

Standing in the middle of the swordplay, he looked down at the fine wounds and golden blood oozing from his skin, his eyes full of fighting intent.

"Come, come, eat your big brother Zhang San's big handprint first!"

Li Beimu laughed loudly.

 It’s New Year’s Eve Chapter 2, please do me a favor, let’s vote, thank you for the fourth day~!

(End of this chapter)

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