Chapter 17
Great Void?

Hearing this familiar Taoism, Li Beimu was also overjoyed, because he was worried that he didn't have any escape skills.

Just like the previous battle with that Jian Jiu.

Although he is not weaker than him, but because of his speed and body skills, it is difficult to even get close.

In this way, what is the use of having a body?
As for how much water the Le Tian Taoist beat, I don't bother to say.

But thinking about it, they are all from the Holy Land, and they may have other interactions with each other, how could they kill them?
On the contrary, I need to be careful that they join forces to fight back. After all, I have offended both of them one after another after going through the restricted area.

I thought a lot in my mind, but my fists didn't stop.

But it seemed that it was about to fall to the door, but the door burst open, and the fog inside overflowed, and there was no space to be seen.

Standing in front of the gate, Li Beimu's eyes glowed with a faint golden light, scanning back and forth in the mist, trying to find a slight flaw.

"Want to go in?"

Cang Er asked.


Li Beimu responded, and stepped straight in. The mist rose like water waves, and then completely swallowed him.

Cang'er hesitated for a moment, clasped his hands at his waist, the daggers were in his hands, and then followed him in.

As the figures of the two disappeared, the gate closed again, as if swallowing them, and there was no sound in the forbidden area again.


The dilapidated village was looming in the mist, and the dark houses squatted in it like ghosts, opening their bloody mouths wide open, waiting for the two to enter the urn.Weeds can be seen everywhere, and a few crying and whimpering can be heard occasionally.

"Isn't it the courtyard? How did it become like this after entering?"

As soon as he entered, Cang'er didn't know what kind of spell he used, two jet-black streamers hovered around his body, faintly guarding it.

"Maybe this is the ghost paradise, let's go in and have a look."

Li Beimu entered the village in a few steps, followed by Cang'er.

The village is not big, and there are only about a dozen houses in total, three of which are completely dilapidated, even the top of the wall has collapsed, and it can be seen clearly from the outside.

The remaining six rooms are almost completely preserved, and even the doors are closed tightly, so it is obvious at a glance that they are unknown.

"Can you see what's in there?"

Standing in front of a room with a closed door, Li Beimu asked her.

"But... you can try."

As she muttered, a phantom of a black cat gradually rose from behind. The cat's pupils glowed with a faint green light, and its vision gradually enveloped the entire house.

Just for a moment.

Li Beimu saw a streak of purple light shooting out of the house, like an arrow, shooting towards Cang'er.

He was on guard and punched out.

The intention of the Golden Light Void Shadow Fist suddenly appeared, and it smashed the Zimang into pieces in an instant.

Before he could react, a pitch-black handprint appeared on the roof, and the void trembled endlessly.

"A mortal body dares to spy on the gods!"


A loud sound of panic suddenly sounded in the village, and then the two of them saw a bigger handprint protruding from the mist, crushing the big empty handprint directly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Li Beimu sneered, jumped up from the ground, and escaped into the mist.

Cang'er, who was standing in place, was about to keep up, and even his vitality was running, but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

It was icy cold through the body, and could even feel a slippery and fishy smell.

But what frightened Cang Er even more was the method of breaking through his own defensive spells without making a sound!
Said it was too late.

Just when she came to her senses, a mighty force erupted from her shoulders in an instant, and she didn't even have time to transmit the sound. She only felt dragged into the mist, and when her consciousness went dark, she lost all feeling.

between breaths.

Li Beimu fell back to the ground in a daze, and once vacated, he didn't even notice the boundary of the village, let alone anything strange.

As for the big hand that pierced through the fog and wiped out the fingerprints, it seemed to appear out of thin air.

Cang Er is gone!
Li Beimu, who fell back to the ground, was alert for an instant. He didn't speak by himself. Cang Er would definitely not act alone.

It's weird to be able to take away a late-stage Fluctlight without a sound, and even the strength is even the peak of Fluctlight...

Li Beimu stepped forward and kicked open the door of the first room.


Under his foot, the door of the house was intact, only it was open.

As soon as the door opened, he saw the square stone box placed in the center of the room. Apart from that, there was nothing else in the room.

He didn't even bother to check, and with a wave of his hand, he put the stone box back into the storage bag.

next second.

A hand was also on his shoulder, it was cold and slippery, and there was even a slight chill coming from it.

Before he could react, the ghost hand exerted force.

But he remained motionless.


There was a voice of doubt in the mist behind him, but Li Beimu smiled and said, "Interesting, you actually fought hard with me."

After speaking, the golden light overflowed from his body, and some of the fog that gathered was directly melted by the golden light.


Li Beimu let out a low cry, and exerted his strength suddenly, with holy patterns appearing faintly on his body.

And as he exerted his strength, the ghost hand on his shoulder was dragged forward faintly by him.In a blink of an eye, without any hesitation, he put his right hand on his left shoulder, grabbed the cold ghost hand, and turned his head to look suddenly.

In the empty mist, a pale ghost hand emerged from the void, resting on his shoulder, but his body was invisible.

And this moment.

The ghost hand was still exerting strength, and it was in a stalemate with Li Beimu, trying to drag him into the void.

Now that the weirdness has been caught.

Li Beimu no longer hesitated, and immediately released a vision.

Chaos species Qinglian.

In an instant.

A three-leaf lotus flower appeared from behind it, rooted in the void, and the majestic Taoism emanating from it spread the chaos around it, directly smashing the house into pieces, and he was also covered in golden light, like a god coming to the world.

Under the light of the vision, the ghost's hand withered and aged instantly, and even wanted to pull it away, but Li Beimu's right hand held it tightly like an iron hoop.

He gave a low snort and exerted his strength again.

This time, he directly pulled the ghost hand out of the void, even taking the body behind it, a corrupted ancient corpse covered in silver armor.

Weili dragged it down, and directly pressed it to the ground. Without hesitation, Li Beimu raised his left hand with a powerful fist, and punched it down.

The already rotten head was directly crushed.

Just when he thought nothing was wrong, he found a white light appearing across the whole body of the armor.

The ancient corpse, which had died just now, struggled to get up again.

There was even a sonorous sound of iron and stone, "Anyone who trespasses on the empress' tomb will be punished!"

"Go to your mother, Empress!"

Li Beimu yelled a national curse, and with a sudden force with both hands, he took off the armor directly.

Immediately after that, it was discovered that there was an orb filled with white light in the heart of the struggling ancient corpse.

Needless to say, I knew it was a good thing. After picking it off, the ancient corpse became silent in an instant, and even the carrion on its body disappeared, leaving only a pair of silver armor.

This is also a good thing, I didn't smash it with a punch.

Li Beimu picked it up and took a look, only to find that the word "General" was branded on the chest of the armor.

What the general wears?

Li Beimu couldn't understand it, but it didn't prevent him from putting it into the storage bag together with the orb.

at the same time.

He suddenly noticed that there was a sound of fighting on the other side of the village.

When the vision is shrouded.

He stepped across the void and descended directly.

(End of this chapter)

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