I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 23: Double Time Flow Rate

Chapter 23

Floating above the continent.

At the bottom of a vine-grown cliff, a vortex suddenly appeared, and then Li Beimu and Cang'er stepped out of it holding hands.

But as soon as he came out, Cang Er quickly withdrew his little hand.

snort!Don't think that Little Ear doesn't understand anything, and wants to hold hands without confessing to me, there is no way!
Cang Er, who was thinking about shameful things in his mind, suddenly woke up, grabbed Li Beimu's arm and asked, "When did you learn the void technique? It's still so advanced?"

Li Beimu smiled at him, but didn't speak.

Seeing his teasing smile, Cang Er curled his lips, "C'mon, it's not rare."

Immediately after releasing his consciousness, he smiled and said, "There is a baby!"


"follow me."

After Cang'er finished speaking, it turned into a wisp of black smoke and floated towards the cliff at an extremely fast speed.

Li Beimu followed closely behind, jumped up in one step, flashed a few times on the cliff, and followed Cang'er to the top.

On the top of the cliff, you can see a small tree half a meter high. The small leaves are green and pleasant, like carved sapphire. There are five or six finger-sized yellow fruits on it. The whole body exudes a strong fruit fragrance. People only take a sip, and they feel tired and relieved.

"Thousand-year yellow bright fruit!"

Cang Er said pleasantly, but after thinking about it, he frowned slightly, "This ancient land of despair is reincarnated every five years, where can we get the thousand-year-old natural materials and earth treasures?"

Could it be that the monks who came before were not found?
This is also impossible, how could it not be found if it grows on the top of the cliff in such an upright manner.

"The speed of time."

Li Beimu said in a deep voice suddenly, although he still couldn't figure out whether it was because of the formation or the magic weapon, but he, who possessed the ancient holy body, could clearly perceive the difference in the flow of time between this place and the outside.

Hearing this, Cang'er's face changed slightly, and then he took out a piece of tortoise shell, which was engraved with scratches, connecting with each other, making people dizzy.

Immediately after the injection of vitality, a phantom of a black tortoise slowly crawled out from above, dangling around on the tortoise shell.

After a moment.

She just raised her head, with a frightened expression on her face, "A thousand times the flow rate difference, a year outside, but a thousand years here!"

Hearing this, Li Beimu was also a little surprised.

A thousand years... What a long concept is this?Those who can live for a thousand years are all enshrined by the elders of the major holy places. As for the Xuantianzong where he belongs, the inheritance is only a few hundred years.

And being able to create such a millennium flow difference, no matter whether it is a formation or a magic weapon, is terrifying enough.

Who is manipulating this ancient realm of despair...

The two of them thought about it but looked back at the same time, and saw a strange man in snow-white clothes with a smile on his face, walking towards the mountain with a step of tens of meters.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is almost instantaneous to get close and stand still.

"Hu Shan, from the Qinghu family, who cultivated in the late stage of Yaoguang, and the forces behind him... are similar to me."

Cang Er explained through sound transmission.

Li Beimu nodded calmly, without hiding his aura. Anyway, it's just such a Shenxuan peak, and everyone looks like this.

"Raksha? What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be in this restricted area." Hu Shan smiled, looking extremely bright.

"I also noticed it on the way here. This restricted area seems to be mysterious. You can see treasures everywhere. Why don't you and I join forces? In this restricted area, even if you meet those two from the Holy Land, it won't be too bad. Too much." Hu Shan continued to talk, but his eyes were always looking at Huang Chengminguo behind him.

He didn't even look at Li Beimu during the whole process.

A mere peak of Shenxuan is not worth seeing more.

"Are you familiar with him?" Li Beimu asked Cang'er via voice transmission.

"I'm not familiar with him. I haven't met him a few times. I met him from a distance, and I didn't even talk to him." Cang'er obviously didn't want to talk to him, and said: "Forget it, let's go our own way."

Hu Shan's face changed slightly, but he still smiled, "That's fine, it's just that precious fruit, so it's still worth meeting people, right?"

"Is your face big?"

Li Beimu sneered, and said to him: "There is still time to go now, if you don't go, it will be reasonable."

It wasn't until now that Hu Shan took a serious look at him, but he looked quite handsome, could it be the face raised by a Rakshasa girl?
"It seems that you are not planning to leave?"

Li Beimu disappeared with a smile, and when he reappeared, he was in front of him, so fast that he couldn't even react.Li Beimu had already taken off the storage bag at his waist, and then kicked him directly in the chest.


After the sound, his figure disappeared on the cliff like a stream of light.

Li Beimu turned around as if nothing happened, put away the storage bag, "Now there is no one to disturb us."

Cang Er didn't think much about it, the corners of his eyes curled up, "Hurry up, we'll grab other people's after we pick this precious fruit."


The two left hand in hand again.


After three days.

Li Beimu and Li Beimu, who were already full of pot, sat on an old tree.

Next to it was a vine full of small purple fruits, full of vitality, and the two of them kept picking the fruits and stuffing them into their mouths while chatting.

Li Beimu sank into the system space, looking at the data on the panel with joy.

[Promotion progress of the Ancient Eucharist: 67.63%]

Through continuous collection in the past few days, countless treasures of heaven and earth have been devoured, and the progress of the upgrade of this ancient sacred body has finally achieved a major breakthrough.

Even after the progress has broken 60%, the second holy pattern can be activated, and the previous holy art has also been integrated.

For a while, Li Beimu didn't know how strong he was.

While the two were talking, they suddenly saw a cyan falcon flying out from the top of a high mountain far away. With a flick of its wings, it flew tens of miles away, cutting through the clouds far away.

After that, a beam of sword light flew out from the top of the mountain, screaming through the air, piercing the void, and with a dazzling red light, it slashed at the cyan falcon.

"The secret key has appeared!"

Cang Er said in surprise.

"Well, Le Tian and Jian Jiu also discovered it. Let's follow. This secret key belongs to you, and they can't take it away." Li Beimu whispered, not thinking there was any problem with it.

Cang Er's heart softened, like a deer bumping wildly.

In fact, there is one thing that Li Beimu hasn't said yet, that is, the two secret keys they got before are also yours.

But this kind of big talk is hard to say. It's okay if it succeeds. If it doesn't succeed, everyone will be embarrassed.

"The secret key has appeared!"

"I'll give you all to die!"

"Come on!"


A sound of scolding and shouting continued to rise from every corner of the forbidden area, followed by countless rainbow lights of Taoism, which continued to appear.

Obviously, as soon as the news of the secret key spread, the desperate people who were still alive went crazy.

After all who doesn't want to get out alive?

Who wants to die in this silent dead zone?

A loud roar resounded throughout the forbidden area, and even some low-level cultivators were directly shocked to death on the spot, and then countless people all looked towards a mountain peak.

I saw a big white ape with a height of nearly [-] meters squatting on the cloud-like mountain, covered with snow-white hair, flushed and ferocious.

As if aware of other people's eyes, the white ape stood up directly on the top of the mountain, blowing away the layer of clouds with his breath, and hammered his chest with both fists continuously, making a dull sound.

"This secret key, I want it!"

ps: Recently, some readers reported to me that this dungeon has been open for too long. In fact, it is not the case. Most of the plots will start after the opening of the ancient city of despair.And this first volume, please read it carefully, this first volume, this ancient land of despair, is not that simple, and it has been mentioned several times before.Hmm... this shouldn't be a spoiler, right?

But now that PS is turned on, please ask for follow-up, please collect, please ask for a recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, etc., woo woo woo, please beg for daily updates!
(End of this chapter)

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