I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 28 All characters are secret!

Chapter 28 All characters are secret!
Did you know again?
When Li Beimu heard this, his first feeling was this, and at the same time, he became more and more firm in his view of Taoist Letian.

This old cunt!
However, after the breakthrough of this magic tree, its strength has not improved by a single bit.

Originally, when Li Beimu punched down, a large number of branches were smashed, but now?A punch down, just smashed a few.

Even he is like this, let alone others.

Jian Jiu's superb swordsmanship is no better than a saw at the moment, and it often takes a few strikes to smash a branch, and it is extremely embarrassing to dodge.

And the cooked copper stick that Yuanhuo was holding was no different from a fire stick.

Most of them are still monks in the Shaking Light Realm, and it is extremely difficult to fight against the Moon Underworld Realm, let alone the Sun Yao Realm that can reach the sky step by step.

What's more, it's the Sunshine Realm of the ancient heterogeneous Soul Eater Demon Tree?
"The poor come first!"

Taoist Le Tian let out a soft drink, and immediately formed a seal in his hand, and another talisman that had been stored for a long time flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows.

As soon as it appeared, thunderclouds began to gather in the void, bursting with purple thunder.

Thunder Talisman!

It is still a very high-grade Thunder Talisman!
Li Beimu and the others pulled back, but the magic tree was limited by its body and could only stay where it was.

Le Tian Taoist stood in the void, with seals on his hands, and the thunder talisman flashed to the magic tree.


Le Tian Taoist's black hair fluttered, and he spit out a positive sound from his mouth, and the Thunder Talisman shattered in response.

It seems that a god pulled out a thunderbolt from the nine heavens, which was extremely thick and smashed on the top of the demon tree with the power of the terrifying divine thunder.


In just an instant, the demon tree shook violently, and even the large branches in the north were directly smashed by the divine thunder, emitting billowing smoke. The demon tree struggled repeatedly, but was unable to grow again to recover.


The magic tree, which was half destroyed by a divine thunder, let out a piercing scream, which made people feel distressed.

Li Beimu was about to take action when he saw Yuanhuo stepping on the canopy of the tree and soaring into the air again, cursing: "Damn you paralyzed!"

Immediately, he threw a golden feather from his hand, and flew towards the tree trunk like a streamer.

After Jin Yu left his hand, it turned into a purple-crowned golden eagle with a wingspan of tens of meters. With a scream, it hit the trunk of the magic tree with an incomparable hurricane momentum.


With a roar, the golden eagle turned into powder.

The magic tree was also knocked out of the gap in the avenue, emitting thick black smoke.


Yuan Huo still wanted to beat the dog in the water, but Li Beimu's eyes flashed with gold, but he yelled, his figure disappeared, and the next moment he took Cang'er into the void.

Taoist Le Tian was also prepared, and left quickly with Jian Jiu.

When Li Beimu arrived, he also saw that Yuanhuo had already crushed a talisman and disappeared.

Sure enough, on the surface he is careless, but behind his back he is also a sixth child!

None of them are good stubble!

Even before they had time to escape from the floating continent, everyone felt the violent vibration.Li Beimu looked towards the ground through the void.

It can be seen that the magic tree shattered the entire floating continent with a sudden force, and it had already established itself in the sea.

At the same time, it screamed, carrying sound waves one after another, deep into the void.

Taoist Le Tian and Taoist were forced out of the void in an instant, spitting blood from their mouths.

Fortunately, Jian Jiuyu raised a sword light, barely dodging the flying fragments of the continent.

"How to fight..." Cang'er looked at the doomsday-like, infinitely rampant magic tree, and whispered.

Li Beimu also had a heavy expression on his face. Could it be that he really wanted to sacrifice a wisp of sword energy now?
This is too fucked up!
"You wait here."

While speaking, Li Beimu put Cang'er on a lone boat, and with a wave of his hand, the set of golden armor obtained from the fairy soldier covered Cang'er's body, and he stepped out, covered in silver armor , with one move, the golden epee started.

The name of the sword [Suppressing Nightmare]!
When it was in good condition, it was a prestigious mysterious weapon. As for now, time has passed for a long time, and there is only a half-step forbidden weapon left, and even the spirit of the weapon has fallen into a deep sleep.

But for Li Beimu, it was still enough!
"Kill again!"

Li Beimu shouted angrily, jumped up from the surface of the sea, holding a large golden epee in both hands, and a golden mysterious light suddenly appeared on his body.

A black handprint faintly appeared on the top of the magic tree, and Li Beimu's figure disappeared instantly. In just a few seconds, he had shuttled around the body of the magic tree hundreds of times.

Several people looked at Li Beimu, who looked like the god of war, and were a little dazed.

It was at this time.

Suddenly there was a "cracking" sound from within the Demon Tree, and black smoke continued to emerge from the wound, and its tragic roar could be vaguely heard.

a time.

Li Beimu couldn't figure it out either. Just as he was about to retreat, he saw a black shadow jumping out from the top of the magic tree, and then disappeared.

What followed was the slow collapse of the magic tree, as if it had encountered some great horror.Even his own breath was sluggish for the most part.

Obviously hit hard.

When Cang Er saw this, the corners of his eyes were crooked, he raised his head slightly, and let out a "hum".

"Is it Zhang San's method?"

Sword Nine Legends Music Heaven Taoist asked.

The latter looked serious and shook his head slightly, "It's Rakshasa. Her status in the cat-human clan is probably not low."


Li Beimu suddenly saw a cyan streamer the size of a palm falling from the black leaves on the top of the tree, and without hesitation, his body disappeared into the void in an instant.

at the same time.

Taoist Le Tian on the sea level also noticed the cyan streamer, and just wanted to move, but realized it was too late.

The secret key that was drawn into the body by the magic tree has already fallen into the hands of Li Beimu.

[Ding, the task is completed, and the reward is obtained: "Jie Zi Mi"! 】

In an instant.

An obscure and mysterious memory appeared in Li Beimu's mind out of thin air, and as soon as it appeared, it was connected with his physique and energy.

In the breath, it is completely integrated.

Since then, one of the nine secrets, the "Jie" character secret, has finally been obtained.

He raised his head again and looked at the hopeless demon tree. His eyes were already burning with fighting spirit, and he no longer had to worry.

Cang Er, who has been staring at him, seems to have noticed the change in him.

next moment.

An incomparably huge chaotic green lotus emerged out of thin air. Once it appeared, it stretched across the sky and earth, and a terrifying aura emanated from it.

The few people below can even feel the heavy pressure in their hearts, which is the absolute crushing from strength.

"How is it possible! How could his strength suddenly become so much stronger?!"

Not only Jian Jiu had such doubts, but even Taoist Le Tian was suspicious. Could it be some kind of forbidden technique that burns life?

But seeing how decisive he is, it doesn't look like...

Only Cang'er, smiling sweetly, felt that it was only natural that Li Beimu was so strong.

"This sword will kill you!"

Li Beimu said softly, but the vision behind him suddenly wrapped the epee in his hand, two holy patterns appeared on his back, and his aura reached its peak.

talking room.

The magic tree also felt the threat of death, a cloud of black mist, and branches began to cover itself.


After Li Beimu finished speaking, he jumped up from the canopy again, reached a higher place in the sky, and slashed down with his sword.

Qinglian trembled behind her.

The sword light cut across dozens of miles, like opening the sky!
 Thanks to book friends 20200305014630481 for the reward

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(End of this chapter)

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