I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 35 The fellow meets fellow

Chapter 35 The fellow meets fellow
It was the city guard who was wearing black armor, but there was no one in the black armor.

This time, three came in a row, and they landed directly from the air in the shape of "pin". The three long spears handed over, directly pressed on the old woman's shoulders, and suppressed her from the air.

Even after falling to the ground, the old woman was still screaming like a madman.

"Another crazy one."

A hoarse voice came from the black armor.

"It's hopeless, just erase it."

"it is good."

The three city guards quickly reached an agreement, and then they did not know what kind of spell was used, and a wall of fire suddenly burst out from the three spears, covering the old woman inside.

The flames were so bright and blue that Li Beimu could feel a rush of heat even from a distance.

between breaths.

The city guards flew away again, but the place was empty, and the old woman was no longer seen.

And he didn't even look at Li Beimu next to him during the whole process.

He first looked at the place where the old woman had been standing, and then at the direction where the three city guards disappeared, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Because just now he could clearly feel that the strength erupted by this old woman was almost the same as that of the Soul Eater Demon Tree, and it was all in the Sunshine Realm.

But these three city guards were only in the Moon Underworld Realm, but at that moment, the burst of strength directly crushed the old woman in the Bright Sun Realm.

Combo technique?

From the memory of the original owner, he had seen something similar in Xuantianzong's scripture storage pavilion, but that kind of combined attack technique was just better than nothing, and even 1+1+1=3 was difficult to achieve.

Not to mention the moon and the dark against the sun like this.

Looking at the empty ground, it is obvious that this dead soul does not have any soul species.

And the half-knowledgeable news that he finally got just now disappeared like this, so Li Beimu had no choice but to walk forward, hoping to find a few more dead souls to ask.

Walking aimlessly on the street, he also met a few dead souls exuding an aura that Li Beimu couldn't see through, which made him a little more cautious.

Although he is invincible against monks, Li Beimu is still a younger brother to the souls of the dead in this desperate ancient city.

But the sad thing is that the few dead souls I met didn't even bother to look at Li Beimu, so they left in a distorted posture.

He even followed one, but he was discovered not long after, and finally he could only leave under the threat of the eyes of that suspected Riyao dead soul.


Li Beimu raised his head suddenly, and looked at the two-story hut with a shed at the front door, "Wine shop?"

This is a great place!
What is the best place to inquire about the news, of course it is a place like Goulan, a restaurant, a teahouse, oh, the last inquiring news may not be serious.

Li Beimu had a thought, and just wanted to hurry with the Great Void Technique, but the strange thing was that no matter how he pushed it, the space in front of him was as solid as a rock, and he couldn't open the door of the Void at all.

It is strange that the space here is so stable.

Or is it because the space in the ancient domain is too fragile?

I think it's probably the latter, if not, how can I open the void with my mere fluctuating light?

What a joke.

But thinking of this, Li Beimu still has some doubts in his heart, that is, what he cultivated is obviously a secret skill that covers the sky, but why is it that he improved his cultivation level in this world?
This kind of feeling made him very awkward, and he always felt that he could not exert his original strength.

Hmm... In layman's terms, the car configuration is too good, but the engine is not powerful enough.

While thinking about it, he had already reached the entrance of the restaurant, and there was a lot of voices from dead souls.

Thinking of the previous situation, the dead soul couldn't detect his abnormality, so he walked in.

"Hey, it looks like a newcomer, what do you want to drink?"

There is only one shopkeeper in the restaurant, and he is full of fat.

"Come here for the most...cheapest drink." Li Beimu just wanted to say the most expensive, but thinking of the unknown here, it's better to keep a low profile.

"Okay, thanks for your patronage, one hundred top-grade primordial stones." After speaking, the shopkeeper casually took out a can of wine from behind.

"You're robbing!" The corners of Li Beimu's mouth twitched, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he found a corner and sat down after giving him money.

Pulling out the cork, he saw that it contained some cloudy liquid. Li Beimu didn't dare to drink it, so he poured a glass and put it in front of him, listening to the sounds around him.

"Have you heard, a black tide broke out again a few days ago, and many famous seniors died in battle."

"Who hasn't heard of it? It is said that even Zong Ze, who was half-powerful in the 'Mountain Fist', died under the siege of ghosts."

The drinker at the table next to him shook his head, "Immortal Zong is not dead, but was seriously injured, and was brought back by Ning Jianxian, but I heard that both his arms were bitten clean by ghosts. In this way, unless the city lord My lord, do it yourself, otherwise the iron fists of Zong Lao Shenxian will not be able to recover."

"What's the difference between that and being dead?"

Li Beimu listened, but he couldn't help but want to drink. Compared with the outside, it feels that this is the real ancient area of ​​despair.

A group of monks who were exiled from the Xuanming Continent gathered in this exiled city, unable to return home, and finally had to fight against endless ghosts and creatures, and even wanted to destroy them.

Is this the exile from another world?
Then he smiled wryly and continued to listen.

"What's the matter, Ge Laoliu, you drank so desperately today, could it be that you want to go home? Wake up, how many powerful sword celestials have died in this city of exile? Let's forget it."

"That's enough, let's have a good meal and drink, and then go to the ghosts for a while, maybe we will meet some chances, and we can live a few more years if we make a breakthrough." As he spoke, a thin and small man took a sip of his drink and swayed leave in a hurry.

Li Beimu followed his back until he left, but suddenly saw a figure walking in.

"Huh? Is it her?"

Looking at the familiar white skirt, Li Beimu was puzzled.

At the same time, he also remembered Taoist Letian's reminder that the person he met may not be true... Although there may be other falsehoods, Li Beimu believed this news.

After all, Taoist Le Tian even passed out the coded runes.

The former also found Li Beimu, his eyes were slightly astonished, and then he also went to buy a jug of wine, and walked straight towards Li Beimu.

"There is something to talk about, fellow daoist, shouldn't you do it directly?"

A strange voice suddenly sounded in Li Bei Muxin Lake, with a hint of maturity and stability in the magnetism.

Royal sister's voice?
This word suddenly popped up in Li Beimu's mind, and then he said with a voice transmission: "Am I so vicious? Everyone is a normal person. If you have something to do, fellow Daoist, it's okay to say it."

Zhao Wanqing smiled back and didn't see anyone else, and sat directly opposite Li Beimu, "Zhao Qing."

Zhao Wanqing?
Zhao Qing?

Li Beimu didn't bother to expose it, "You know it, Zhang San."

Zhao Wanqing also didn't bother to expose it, poured a glass of wine and looked at it, but didn't dare to drink it, and said casually, "Do you know the soul-seed, fellow daoist?"

"Soul seed?"

In Li Beimu's heart, he also had a little more certainty about the authenticity of Zhao Wanqing, but he just asked: "One of the last three secret keys is on the fellow daoist?"

 I am losing income every day, and my heart is cold and cold. Brothers, please give me support. I read books every day. I don’t ask for a reward. Give me some support for my follow-up.As for the plot...you don't have to worry, everything is beyond your expectations, but within your reason, don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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