I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 42 The Sea of ​​Bitterness and the Fountain of Life [Please read on, my treasure~]

Chapter 42 The Sea of ​​Bitterness and the Fountain of Life [Please read on, my treasure~]

Feeling the golden sea of ​​bitterness that appeared in his body as big as a fingernail, Li Beimu's mind sank.

In an instant.

He only felt that he was standing on top of a vast ocean, with divine light above his head, which was as gorgeous as a rainbow, and there were golden waves surging in the golden sea of ​​bitterness below, accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder, and a violent explosion was taking place The tsunami, the waves are soaring!

"And this is... the Wheel of Life?"

Feeling the life force contained in it, Li Beimu suddenly looked up.

On the golden sea of ​​bitterness, a golden page was slowly turning, with a golden divine light emitting from it, and one could still see the profound texts on it if one looked intently.

Li Beimu tried to run the "Tao Jing" recorded above, and then a mysterious aura flowed through his body, and finally gathered in this golden sea of ​​suffering, and he could even feel the edge of this sea of ​​suffering, with a little expansion.

In the next moment, a wave of life essence radiated from the wheel of life, lingered over the sea of ​​suffering, and finally overflowed to all parts of the body, nourishing the flesh, viscera and bones, and strengthening the flesh shell.

And this is just running the "Tao Jing" once to have such an effect.


Or only the method of covering the sky, only the "Tao Sutra" practiced by Ye Tiandi, can be worthy of this ancient holy body!

However, as far as the present is concerned, in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Bridge of God, and the other shore in the four realms of Lunhai, I have just entered the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

The next realm is the fountain of life.

What is the fountain of life?

The only way is to open a path in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, reach the bottom of the sea, communicate with the wheel of life, let the massive life energy come out vigorously, and prevent the erosion of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the exuberant life energy surges and eventually gathers together and will turn into a liquid, forming a fountain of life and rushing into the sea of ​​bitterness.

In the dry sea of ​​bitterness, an eye of the spring of life is dug out, connected to the wheel of life, and the divine spring flows. This is the second state of the wheel of the sea...the spring of life.

With a familiar and mature system, Li Beimu finally settled his mind.Immediately, he sat on the sand, running the "Tao Jing" continuously.

Feeling the essence of life rising from the bottom of the bitter sea, and finally residing on the bitter sea, and even flowing into the blood and viscera, continuously strengthening the body.

And what he didn't know was.

The blind old man was always sitting outside the hut, watching the scene of his cultivation, his face full of disbelief.

In this world, is there really another way of cultivation?

Instead of cultivating the outside world, cultivate your own body instead.


I don't know how long it took.

Li Beimu woke up from his cultivation, not for any other reason, but because he felt a strong sense of hunger in his body.

Is this the disadvantage of the Ancient Eucharist?
While being stronger than others, it also requires massive resources.

While he was thinking about it, he felt a powerful source of life overflowing from behind and pouring into every part of his body. Of course, most of it was poured into the wheel of life.

"This is……"

A gleam of joy flashed in Li Beimu's eyes.

"Is this the holy pattern on the back?"

He clicked on the system panel and found that the original row on the top [Desolate Ancient Eucharist Promotion Progress] had disappeared.

'System, what's going on here? '

After a while, the answer was given on the system panel.

[Originally, what the host cultivated was the cultivation system of the Xuanming World. The system was digitized for the convenience of the host's cultivation.Now the host has rebuilt the method of covering the sky, so there is no need for these. 】


The emotional system will automatically match the needs of the host's cultivation?

So the essence of life just now came from what I stored before?From the holy pattern behind?
Li Beimu guessed for a moment, then fell into penance again.

Although this world is a thousand times faster, there is enough time for self-cultivation.

But he didn't forget that he was in jail now!

Who knows if the old man will appear in front of him again in the next second, giving him a lot of errands?Even slap yourself to death?

After only a week.

Li Beimu's Sea of ​​​​Bitterness has undergone amazing changes. At the very center, colorful mist is transpiring, surrounded by countless divine lines. Under the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, it seems that there is a "volcano" recovering. drop.

In his previous life, Li Beimu was a well-known Shrouding Party in a certain bar, so he was not confused about it.

A monk in the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Realm has to go through several processes.At first, there was only a small amount of life energy lingering above the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. As time went by, the amount of life energy increased, and it would condense into a divine pattern, straddling the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

When the sea of ​​bitterness continues to open up and the cultivation base deepens day by day, there will be bubbles gushing out, and clouds will form when they burst.Until later, the bubbles under the bitter sea were like springs, like the recovery of a volcano, and the clouds rose and filled the air, dazzling.

When one day, the "volcano" under the sea of ​​bitterness completely recovers, and the gorgeous clouds gradually turn into liquid, you can try to enter the realm of the spring of life.

Li Beimu has only gone through a short week of penance, and it is the last process that has reached the state of the sea of ​​suffering.

It is enough to impact the realm of "spring of life".

He didn't waste any time, and with a thought, he began to try to attack.

As soon as he exerted his strength, the brilliant clouds above the sea of ​​bitterness began to drip continuously. At first, it was just a little bit, but as soon as he fell into the sea of ​​bitterness, he was swallowed up.

But afterward, it was like a waterfall falling down from the clouds, straight into the sea of ​​bitterness. Although the sea of ​​bitterness was still swallowing, it was much slower.

at the same time.

The "volcano" at the bottom of the sea of ​​bitterness finally erupted, and the upper and lower springs suddenly attacked the sea of ​​bitterness at the same time.

In an instant.

The center of the Sea of ​​Bitterness kept erupting, like a submarine volcano erupting, and lightning pierced the sky amidst the clouds.

After a long time.

Thunder bursts suddenly came from Li Beimu's body, and a golden brilliance emanated from the sea of ​​bitterness in his body. In the center of the sea of ​​bitterness, a spring appeared, communicating with the wheel of life. The divine spring was gurgling, surrounded by misty colorful mist .

"Is this the Fate Spring Realm?"

Li Beimu got up slowly, his whole body was crystal clear, with a little bit of luster shining, his flesh and blood were clean and clean, like a piece of precious jade, which gave him a feeling of being reborn.

With a slight clenching of fists, one can feel a surge of divine power coming out of the sea of ​​bitterness in the body, which is endless.

While feeling the divine power in his body, he did not forget that when he reached the realm of the Spring of Life, he could fly by relying on divine power.

And just as he was about to try it out, this divine power flight, and the previous vitality flight... oh no, when he was in the outside world, it was just a realm of insight, and he couldn't fly at all.

After entering the Ancient Domain of Despair, only when he learned the Great Void Art did he experience a thing or two.

But right now.

The figure of an old man suddenly appeared in front of him, with a stooped figure, empty eyes, and a sophisticated expression on his face.

"Are you going another way?" The old man smiled slightly.

Li Beimu froze in place, the thing he was most worried about happened.

"Don't worry, just like you think, it won't take so much trouble to kill you."

"As for the inheritance of chance on you... I don't need it even if I'm old."

Seeing that Li Beimu was still in doubt, the blind old man continued: "The old man is just curious about your cultivation method, how about this, in exchange, you introduce your cultivation method to the old man, and the old man will lend you the mangy dog ​​at the door." Use it once."

"Yo, still look down on that mangy dog?"

Li Beimu didn't say a word, but the blind old man saw through all his thoughts.

Finally, after thinking about it for a long time, the blind old man said slowly: "In the era of Shenluo, that old dog once bit down the entire Shen Dynasty."

 Thank you for the reward of "Guarding the Spike", thank you boss!
  Finally, please follow up, please give me a reward, the new book list will disappear after the new Monday, please follow up and give me some support~
(End of this chapter)

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