Chapter 48 The Sin of Nirvana
If this punch had hit hard, the courtyard would have collapsed by more than half.

And Sewing never thought that Li Beimu discovered his real body so quickly!

It's really not a good thing to be sent in by the old man to practice.

Li Beimu naturally also noticed the huge slap that was slapped again.

The big palm of the void held the natal magic weapon of sewing, and the vision swept from behind. When the secret technique was completely opened, Li Beimu was not weaker than this Nirvana-turned sewing.


As soon as the vision came, the palm seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, the speed slowed down, and the sewing method also let out screams.

The vision supports the dharma.

Li Beimu's fist shadow fell heavily.


A bloody brilliance appeared above the pavilions, but it still couldn't stop Li Beimu's fist shadow.

The fist smashed everything, smashed the courtyard wall, and destroyed half of the courtyard.


The tailor let out a roar, and the dharma was much more transparent. As for the right hand that was caught by the vision, it withered like a flower and was retracted by it.

"You are courting death!"

Standing behind the courtyard, the ghost woman screamed and trembled, her body was continuously oozing out festering blood, she looked like she was insane.

next moment.

The courtyard in front of me seemed to come alive. The destroyed courtyard immediately recovered, covered with mist, and then the courtyard door opened, and countless blood men walked out slowly from it, walking stiffly, holding sickles and long swords in their hands, like hell evil spirits.

Li Beimu's divine sense flashed by, and he instantly understood that the cultivation base of these blood men was all in the Sunshine Realm!

Li Beimu stepped on Shenhong again, punched the sky, and directly overturned the scissors.

"Void Big Handprint!"

"Nine Heavens Thunder Prison!"

In an instant, the spells came out, and the divine thunder rolled down, like a punishment from heaven, and a black handprint suppressed it, as if it wanted to destroy everything.

Seeing the situation, the sewing is also terrified.

She hadn't seen Li Beimu's cultivation from the beginning, so every attack was a test until Li Beimu released the vision.

It was only then that she set his cultivation base at the Sunshine Realm.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, Li Beimu directly burst out the strength of Nirvana!

There is also a shocking spell, and his body is also extremely strong.

If you encounter such a ruthless person, why don't you run away and keep it?
Are you courting death?
After the ghosts that have entered the nirvana state have their own consciousness, none of them will be fools.

Therefore, after she released the blood puppets in the Sunshine Realm, all the figures of the pavilions and towers turned into a black shadow and fled towards the distance.

After fighting for a long time, Li Beimu's divine power and blood energy were also severely depleted, especially when the vision and the secret of all characters were opened, the consumption increased by dozens of times.

So seeing the tailor go away at this moment, he was powerless to chase after him.

But there is no rush, anyway, the cage is so big, where can she go?

Wait until the next time you find her.

Even if she screamed and broke her throat, no one could save her.

Li Beimu suddenly felt that he had become a big villain, but when he thought of his identity as a tailor, this feeling disappeared immediately.


So for the next time, the two chased and fled.

Until half a month passed.

The pavilion turned into a beauty, kneeling on the ground and crying, I feel pity.

"Don't, don't kill me, you can tell me to do whatever you want." Ewha cried while sewing.

At first glance, it seemed that Li Beimu had done something to her.

Li Beimu did not do anything to her before, but the next moment, he really wanted to do something to this sewing.

The man in black raised his hand, and a huge golden epee appeared in his hand, and he smashed it down.

Sewing wants to escape.

But this time, she, who was already at the end of her life, had no chance anymore, and was directly shattered by Li Beimu's sword.

And the blind old man seemed to have been watching a play in the clouds under the sky. As soon as he sewed his clothes, he immediately appeared in front of Li Beimu.

With one move of the hand, a thick bloody sin appeared in his palm.

Compared with the sins of the ghosts in the Sunshine Realm before, this is at least a hundred times more concentrated, almost liquefied.

"It's still a little bit close. If there was no mistake, you would have killed her at least ten days ago." The old man commented.

Li Beimu naturally understood what he meant, and also knew where he had made a mistake.

"Then this sin..."

The old man said: "It's difficult, your strength is still a little weaker. If you cast it, although it can be done, but after it is done, it will be very difficult for you."

Will it hurt?

Li Beimu can also feel the stinging pain in his blood now, like a needle prick, or like a burning fire, which is extremely unbearable.

Then he glanced at the system panel again.

The column of killing intent has also increased from the previous 4.5% to 15%.

And the sins of the nirvana in front of him... He glanced again.

After it really needs to be cast, its own strength can be increased to at least 70%.This is different from secret techniques such as Vision and Jiezimi, which is completely self-killing, with no side effects and no consumption.

"It's okay, I can take it."

After thinking about it, Li Beimu made up his mind.

"Are you sure?" The old man gave him another chance to choose.

Li Beimu nodded seriously.

"Okay, it may take a long time, but you can rest assured that it won't affect your other things."

As the old man narrated, the surrounding environment also changed.

The mountains and rivers that had been destroyed by the fight between a man and a ghost returned to normal. On the plain where the two of them lived, a stone platform was also raised, surrounded by eight thick stone pillars, with simple inscriptions carved on the stone pillars, exuding a heavy atmosphere.

The location of the two of them is also on the stone platform.

With a wave of the old man's hand, a bronze tripod with three feet tall appeared between the two of them.

"This is the Xuhuang Cauldron, which can make the temperature of those sins a little milder, and the rest depends on you."

"Thank you senior."

"Well, let's go in."

After speaking, Li Beimu stepped in one step. At first he thought it would be very small, but when he entered, he found that there was another world inside.

The surrounding clouds were misty, like clouds, and he landed on a white cloud.

Mustard Seed Technique?
Immortal soldiers?

Li Beimu immediately remembered the tomb of the Goddess Shenyin that he and Cang'er had experienced before. Could it be that this is also a fairy soldier?
If this is the case, then the old man's background is too deep, and any magic weapon he takes out is a fairy weapon.

was thinking.

But he suddenly let out a scream, and a pain that went straight to his soul hit him, and his whole body seemed to be torn apart.

And this Baiyun fairyland was also invaded by blood demons in an instant, each of them bared their fangs, and the blood they exhaled directly stained the clouds red.

The surroundings also turned from clouds to purgatory.

Li Beimu looked inside and clearly found that the ghosts were struggling to squeeze their own blood through the pores and skin, and the holy blood that was supposed to be boiling hot was also suppressed by the old man and turned into an ancient well without waves.

Then a greater pain hit.

Li Beimu couldn't bear it either, and fell into a half-dream and half-awake coma.

(End of this chapter)

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