Chapter 8 Who Are You? !

"Baiku, you are pretending to be a fool! If you don't make a move, believe it or not, the labor and management will kill you later!"

Li Beimu stood at the highest point of the forbidden area, his robes rattled in the wind, and roared loudly.

He didn't believe that the White Skull in Yaoguang's late stage would be so suppressed by this bronze kid that he couldn't move at all without any strength cards.

When Baiku, who was still singing a one-man show in the distance, saw such a scene, the will-o'-the-wisps between his brows danced endlessly.

After a moment of deliberation, he finally made a bold move. He jumped up from the spot with a gray cloak swaggering on his body, and then turned into a towering ancient tree out of thin air, standing in the center of the forbidden area, covered with bones.

White bones with black shadows.

With the thought of the white skull, black phantoms fell one after another, and rushed towards the bronze monks.

as of now.

Cang'er didn't stay in a daze anymore, a mysterious and mysterious wave emanated from his body, and a large group of bronze monks nearby froze in place for an instant.

And she also held two daggers and disappeared in place.

Afterwards, one can see that the monks fell to the ground like seedlings.

And Li Beimu lost his spiritual weapon, the long stick, and completely let go of his style of play, raising his fist and rushing out.

The bronze kid didn't expect that his attack would be blocked by the other two. With a roar, he summoned a blue flying sword and dropped it from the sky.

He stabbed towards Li Beimu.

There was no way he could dodge it, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he punched the bronze kid fiercely, bearing the pain of the flying sword piercing his body like a dragon.

The latter, just like before, slammed towards him fiercely.

But this time.

Li Beimu punched out with his right fist, and the bronze kid stepped back a few steps before stopping the castration.

Looking at the right fist that was dripping with blood, and even the bone could be seen faintly, Li Beimu was not afraid, and made a fist again.

As for why he didn't use the vision "Chaos Seed Green Lotus", he also had his own considerations.

Of course it can be used now, but if this method fails to kill this ghost, it will be a trouble.And what he was waiting for now was that opportunity.

That escaped one!

The two sides exchanged fists and fists, constantly exchanging positions on the mountain.

Occasionally, the air leaks out, and the tomb is smashed into pieces.

Cang'er had already had a clear understanding of Li Beimu's strength, but this was the first time he had seen Baiku, so he, who was transformed into an ancient tree at this moment, was also extremely shocked.

nothing else.

It was exactly what Li Beimu said at the beginning. Judging from his current strength, if he really wanted to fight for his life, he might not be his opponent.

After all, a monk with such a physique is a first-class expert wherever he goes!
A puppet, a body repairer, both sides are fisted to the flesh.

The two fought faster and more fiercely.

Even the mountain buns are getting smaller and smaller.

Of the remaining monks present, those who could keep up with their moves were no more than a handful.

Almost a stick of incense time has passed.

Li Beimu's body was also covered with scars, but his fighting spirit was not weak at all, and there was even a faint tendency to fight more and more fiercely.

The bronze kid on the opposite side was also densely covered with fist shadows, but he was still brave enough to die.

This is the benefit of puppets.

While breathing, the two sides exchanged punches again.

Perhaps the fight was too intense, the bronze kid finally got stuck and his movements froze.

Li Beimu, who has been waiting for a long time.

Finally seized the opportunity and let go of his own suppression in an instant.

"Anomaly—the chaotic green lotus!"

In an instant.

Above the endless void, a ray of light suddenly lit up, and a chaotic green lotus stretched across the void. Although it only had three leaves, it meant that Tao gave birth to all things.

Looking at this sudden vision.

Although it was not the first time Cang'er saw her, she still stared blankly at Qinglian above the sky.

At this moment, in front of Weili, she felt so small.

The White Skull had also withdrawn his spells long ago, and turned into a skeleton-like body, looking at the chaotic green lotus in disbelief.

With his background, he naturally knew what it was.

But it was because he thought he knew that he was so surprised now.

"Could it be that this human race boy actually came from there..."

"This is impossible. The elders of the clan have clearly said that it will take at least a hundred years before they can come out."

"If not, where did he get this physique?"

White Skull muttered to himself.

Li Beimu put all his heart and soul on this little bronze ghost. When the vision was released, he felt the vigorous energy and blood in his body.

He had already disappeared in place.

Appeared again, already above that bronze imp.

Immediately, he stretched out his left hand and gently placed it on its head. The little ghost who was struggling but still wanted to take action suddenly calmed down.

next second.

Li Beimu's right fist fell hard with endless fisting intent.

A huge fist figure appeared from his hand, shining with dazzling golden light.And behind him, the chaotic green lotus swayed gracefully, exuding a majestic spirit.


Li Beimu roared angrily.

The fist finally hit him, and in an instant, there was a crisp sound.

The little ghost who was originally a bronze man turned into a pile of broken copper and iron in an instant, and did not move anymore.

Li Beimu also landed beside it, retracting the vision, panting like a cow.

To be honest, this battle has reached his limit.

If this little bronze ghost had mastered a little more in the art of change, today's battle would never have ended so easily.

But unfortunately, there is no if.

Glancing at the key lying in the mud, he moved his hand, but before he could check it, he put it away with his backhand, and then sat on the ground to adjust his breath without saying a word.

A hint of task completion also appeared in the mind, and a deep and difficult memory appeared in the mind.

Around the body, primordial stones appeared, and another primordial stone turned into powder.

He glanced at Cang Er who fell beside him.

"Take out all those natural treasures."

"Huh? Okay."

Cang Er immediately honestly took out the packed herbs and spiritual fruits.

Li Beimu swallowed the dates to recover from his injuries, and asked, "Why, why don't you take the opportunity to give me a shot and see if you can kill me?"

"Huh? Huh?"

Cang Er, who was in a daze, was a little surprised when he heard this question.

"I... I didn't think so."

Cang'er watched him cautiously while speaking, for fear that he would suddenly violently murder someone.

Although he is also ruthless...but not as ruthless as him.

The bones are exposed.

When the two were pregnant with ghosts, the white skull who had been hiding in the distance slowly moved over.

Cang'er took a step forward calmly and stood in front of Li Beimu.

The latter was aware of it, but also kept silent, but the speed of absorption became faster and faster, and the golden holy pattern appeared faintly on his body.

Shengwei was not angry.

"Fellow Daoist is brave."

Baiku also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, so he didn't step forward, but stood still and shouted.

Li Beimu was recovering, so he didn't care.

Cang'er knew he wasn't talking about herself, so she didn't say anything.

For a time, the scene was a little awkward.

But in a blink of an eye, Li Beimu stopped recovering, his eyes widened, and he looked at the Taoist priest who was swaying from a distance in disbelief.

"Wuliang Tianzun, Xiaodao is very polite. Hey, this friend of Daoist looks familiar. Have we met somewhere? It's just that your injury is too serious, and it hurts just looking at it. Come, come, try. Try the elixir of Xiaodao, don't worry, you don't need money if you don't die." Taoist Le Tian shouted from a distance.

Li Beimu got up suddenly, and once again let out a rushing momentum.

"who are you?!"

 As usual, please collect, please recommend tickets

(End of this chapter)

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