Urban Abilities!Rise of Heroes

Chapter 205 Secret Room Puppet

Chapter 205 Secret Room Puppet

A ray of flame rose from Peng Jiang's hand, lighting up the lamps in the cave!

At this time, the three of them saw the scene in front of them clearly!
I saw that this is a secret room, the furnishings in the secret room are extremely simple, there is nothing but a table, chairs and benches!

A stone door is tightly closed!

"The walls of this secret room are inlaid with countless crystals, which can emit light, but cannot transmit sound. Presumably most people don't even know that this is a closed space!"

"This place should be the secret base where the treasure is hidden in the capital. Let's find the agency first to see if we can blast this secret base away!"


After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he began to carefully study the strange crystals inlaid on the stone wall!

Peng Jiang observed it carefully, and found that each spar exudes a faint red fluorescence, which looks very strange!
"It seems that we have to cut them piece by piece, and then use a knife to dig out their true colors!"


An Ye nodded, then grabbed a spar and began to beat it vigorously!

I can only hear the sound of "dangdangdangdang" incessantly!
"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!"

Under the percussion of the dark night, pieces of spar made the sound of metal clashing, but the stone door could not be opened!

"clang clang clang"

The three continued to smash hard!

"Boom boom boom!"

After a while, the three of them finally smashed the stone door, revealing the situation in the secret room!
The space in the secret room is very narrow, and can only accommodate one person to walk. The ground is full of all kinds of crystals. The crystals here should be the lowest in the capital!

"It seems that this Fang Nuo is really a poor ghost, these crystals are not even comparable to the most common things!"

An Ye said contemptuously!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly look for any mechanism in this stone room, and see if you can find the exit!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he searched the stone chamber carefully!
"Hey! There's a mechanism here!"

"What agency?"

An Ye said anxiously!

"Let me see if I've made a mistake first."

Speaking of that, Peng Jiang stretched out his hand and pressed on the small mechanism!
I saw that the originally calm stone wall slowly slid to both sides, and a staircase leading to the bottom appeared!
"Let's go down and see!"

Peng Jiang shouted excitedly!


Li Feng nodded and followed Peng Jiang down!
After walking down the steps, the three of them found that this place was not as simple as they had imagined. It was a circular space, and the surrounding walls were made of crystals of different colors!
There are countless crystals on the top of the surrounding walls, and the crystals are still transparent, which looks very beautiful!
And in the center of this circular stone room, there are many spars, and each spar is exactly the same size, even like a whole one, and there is a figure looming on each spar .

"These should be the puppets of the organs guarding this place, right? No wonder people in the capital are afraid of being breached, such a huge group of puppets!"

"Look, these puppets are already dead! It should be people killed by the blood race, and then made into puppets."

An Ye looked at a corpse in the corner, and said sadly.

"You can see that the eyes of this corpse can no longer be opened. It must have been dead for a long time, and it must have suffered very human pain when it died."

"There are so many puppets, they should be able to attack, right? If there is no attack now, it may be that some mechanism has not been touched. Let's be careful, these puppets are very huge!"

Peng Jiang looked at the mountains of spars on the ground, feeling very depressed.

"Look here."

Peng Jiang pointed to one of the crystals and said.

Li Feng took a closer look and found that there was still a glimmer of light in the spar!
"what is this?"

"This spar is spiritual and should be the core of these puppets. As long as you take it down, these puppets will turn into powder."

Peng Jiang explained.

"Oh, it should be like this! Then take this thing down quickly."

Li Feng urged.

Peng Jiang looked at the spar, then looked at Li Feng and An Ye and said: "Let me try it first, you all stand back a little, be careful!"

As soon as Peng Jiang's words fell, Peng Jiang quickly took out a dagger from the storage ring, rushed over quickly, and inserted it into the spar fiercely!
"Crack! Crack!"

A few seconds later, only a slight cracking sound was heard, and Peng Jiang saw that the surface of the spar began to break.

"Crack clap!"

The outer skin of the spar was peeled off bit by bit, and the spar inside also began to fall off slowly, falling to the ground bit by bit.

"Okay, no problem!"

Peng Jiang clapped his hands and said!

"Wow, it's amazing, such a big puppet was destroyed by you so easily."

"Look, you two, although these puppets are made of spar, the material inside is very strong, so it's not so easy to destroy those things!"

Peng Jiang said solemnly!
"That's true!"

"Anyway, it's better to be careful."

Looking at Peng Jiang's performance in the dark night, he also felt that it was not easy.

"By the way, let's get out of here quickly, there must be many people waiting for us outside!"

"Well, that's what I mean too!"

Li Feng nodded and said!

"Wait a minute, these puppets seem to be moving, you two don't move!"

Peng Jiang reminded the two loudly.

"Brother Jiang, you are not fooling us, are you?"

An Ye frowned and looked at Peng Jiang and said.

"If you don't believe me, look, I didn't lie to you!"

Peng Jiang pointed to the puppets in the corner and said.

The two looked in the direction Peng Jiang pointed, and sure enough, the puppets were moving slowly, and they were moving towards them.

"Brother Jiang, what should we do?"

An Ye looked at the calm Peng Jiang and asked!
"I can't help it, I can only bite the bullet and rush up!"

"But in this way, we will risk being attacked by puppets! We must ensure that we cannot be attacked!"

Peng Jiang said solemnly.

"Well, that's right, that's the only way!"

After the three of them glanced at each other, they nodded at the same time and said!


Li Feng and An Ye rushed towards the moving puppets alone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

An Ye and Li Feng waved the weapons in their hands, attacking those puppets, and ran forward!
"Boom! Boom!"

One after another puppets exploded under their feet, but it didn't cause any practical effect!
"It seems that these puppets are not wise!"

Peng Jiang said with some disappointment.

"Well, it seems that there is only one possibility! That is, this secret room is a mechanism trap. These puppets are only used to stop intruders, and they are not really intelligent!"

Li Feng looked around and said seriously!
"Then we have to be careful!"

"My lord, have you noticed one thing?"

"whats the matter?"

Peng Jiang glanced at Li Feng and said.

"Our source power seems to be restricted, and we can't use the source power!"

"Yeah! I feel the same way!"

Peng Jiang touched his nose and said!
"Could it be that these are all blood tricks?"

"There must be something wrong here, let's leave quickly!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he was ready to run away with Li Feng and An Ye!

Suddenly, a strong threat struck!

I saw those puppets stopped moving forward, raised their arms one by one, and rushed towards Li Feng and Dark Night!
"Damn it, what's the situation? It seems that someone has controlled these puppets? This is unscientific!"

Peng Jiang said with an incredulous expression.

"Anyway, let's evacuate here first!"

After An Ye finished speaking, she took the lead in running to the distance!

Peng Jiang and Li Feng also hurriedly followed!


Just after Peng Jiang and An Ye ran a few steps away, they were surrounded by a group of puppets!
"What's the situation? Why did another group of puppets appear?"

Peng Jiang looked at these puppets and said in surprise!

"The puppets are stronger than those chasing us!"

Li Feng looked at those puppets who were tireless and madly attacking them and said!
Peng Jiang and Li Feng desperately resisted these puppets that kept rushing towards them, looking for opportunities to escape while dodging!

Just when the three of them were desperately resisting, a white streamer fell from the sky and shot directly at the top of Peng Jiang's head!

Peng Jiang froze for a moment, seeing the giant ice arrow flying above him, his pupils shrank sharply!
"Be careful!"

Seeing the trajectory of the ice arrow flying, Peng Jiang shouted quickly.

Seeing the Frostbolt getting closer and closer, my heart almost jumped into my throat.

The three of them saw something bad and immediately adjusted their direction!

Seeing that he had no room to retreat, Peng Jiang could only bite the bullet and meet the attack of the giant ice arrow!
(End of this chapter)

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