Urban Abilities!Rise of Heroes

Chapter 207 The original battle

Chapter 207 The original battle

"Isn't this my former comrade-in-arms! Why are they all lying here, who did it?"

Peng Jiang thought suspiciously!

"Whoosh~" sound!Just when Peng Jiang was wondering!

The spear flew over his head and directly plunged into the wall next to him!
"What is it that sneaked up on me!"

Peng Jiang yelled loudly, and then stepped back quickly!

Peng Jiang was surprised when he saw the spear just now!
"There is a faint light on that spear, it seems to be a treasure?"

Peng Jiang guessed in his heart!
"whoosh whoosh whoosh"

When Peng Jiang saw the corpses that fell just now, all of them opened their eyes wide, staring at him with remorse!
At this time, a voice sounded, and Peng Jiang looked back at the corpses, seeing that their eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, and their faces were full of fear.

“What are they talking about? Who killed them?”

Peng Jiang thought very curiously.

Peng Jiang carefully recalled the words of those corpses, trying to know what those people were saying from their language, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what those corpses said!
These corpses are the corpses of the soldiers and warriors of the Knights. The clothes they wore have long been tattered, but the logo embroidered on them is indeed their emblem!

"I know what they're talking about, these are soldiers and warriors of the Knights! Who killed them?"

Peng Jiang recited silently in his heart!

"No! No way! These people are all the top [-] warriors and knights in the sanctuary rankings a hundred years ago! How could someone kill them so easily!"

After thinking about it, Peng Jiang shook his head and denied what he thought!

"There is only one possibility, and it's all done by the blood race!"

Peng Jiang couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Peng Jiang soon confirmed that there were only blood races!To have such an ability, these corpses are the soldiers who were killed by the blood clan invasion after he disappeared!
"However, more than 50 years have passed since that battle, and what I see now is an illusion!"

Peng Jiang murmured!
Peng Jiang didn't dare to think about it anymore!Because he was afraid that he really believed his own reasoning.

Just as Peng Jiang was thinking, he felt a strong wave ahead!

Peng Jiang's heart was calm!Stand where you are!

Peng Jiang saw a white shadow slowly walking towards him.

That's a person!A man in red!
The person in the red clothes has a scar on his cheek and a tear mole under the corner of his eye!
This person is Takina from the Knights of the year!
Peng Jiang saw her at a glance!

At this moment, Long Na exuded a cold and arrogant temperament, as if she was born with this kind of momentum!

She holds a transparent crystal bottle in her hand!Peng Jiang took a closer look and found that the bottle was filled with red liquid!
"Blood of the blood race, this bottle is full of blood!"

Peng Jiang said secretly in his heart!
Long Na looked at Peng Jiang, walked in slowly, and finally stopped in front of Peng Jiang!

"Master Vulcan, you are finally here, Knight Order Takina is meeting with Lord Vulcan!"

Long Na's icy voice resounded throughout the altar!
Hearing Long Na's words, Peng Jiang felt excited. He never expected to see her again!
Peng Jiang looked at each other excitedly, and couldn't help but shed tears of excitement!

Seeing Peng Jiang crying, Long Na felt a little distressed for some reason.

Peng Jiang approached her step by step, and he was about to touch her body!
"Wait a minute!"

Takina suddenly shouted!

When Peng Jiang heard the other party's words, his heart trembled, and he quickly took back his steps!
Seeing Long Na's beautiful blue pupils, Peng Jiang didn't know how to answer her, so he lowered his head!

"Master Vulcan, what you see now is just a remnant soul. I stay here just to wait for you, because we have always believed that you will definitely come back!"

"At the same time, I'm sorry, the Knights didn't protect the sanctuary well, and let the vampires take it away!"

Thirty years after you disappeared, the blood race began to attack the capital. Due to the defense of the formation, the capital has persisted for more than 30 years. At that time, Master Linger and Li Mi sisters guarded the sanctuary with us!
The blood clan didn't get any advantage, until one day Fang Nuo suddenly rebelled and destroyed the formation from the inside, and the blood clan army rushed into the capital!

Because it happened so suddenly, Sister Li Mi led us to fight to the death, but the other party came in person, the king of the blood clan, we lost to the other party!
On that day, the capital city was filled with blood. Many ordinary people and warriors were massacred, and some were assimilated. I led a team of thousands of people to fight to the death with the blood general Xue Ning, and finally died in battle!

I was at the top of the pile of corpses you saw just now, and at that time the two adults Manni and Jing were also taken away, and Linger retreated decisively!

"Lord Ling'er can't do anything about it. If you don't leave, everyone will die in the capital. This is also to preserve your strength and wait for you to come back to take back the capital and avenge us!"

"This is the only purpose of my stay here, to wait for your return!"

"Don't worry, I will avenge everyone, take back the capital and let everyone rest in peace. I also rescued Manni and Jing, but they were seriously injured. I put them in a safe place to recuperate!"

After listening to Long Na, she smiled happily and said, "I knew it would be fine for you to come back. Now that my goal has been achieved, I can leave with confidence!"

Her body slowly melted into blood!
Peng Jiang looked at what happened in front of him, and the anger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and his belief in revenge became stronger in his heart!

"The sins of the blood race, I must use their blood to wash away, this time I will not let anyone hurt my beloved!"

"I will not give up the person I love, I want revenge! I want to make the blood race pay a terrible price!"

Peng Jiang swore in his heart that he couldn't wait for a moment now, he wanted to fight back!To seek justice for your own people!
"I will definitely live, and I will definitely take back what belongs to me!"

Peng Jiang swore in his heart!

Peng Jiang's heart is full of fighting spirit!He wants justice for his dead warriors!

Everyone's smiles suddenly appeared in Peng Jiang's mind, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood in his heart!

"Cough cough!"

Peng Jiang coughed twice, with bright red blood on the corner of his mouth. He looked at the crystal bottle left by Long Na, and he knew that it was filled with the blood of his comrades in arms!

"I will definitely make them pay in blood!"

Peng Jiang's eyes were shining with raging flames!My heart is full of hatred!
The blood race is a devil, a killing devil, so many soldiers have been killed by them, and now they are still trying to dominate the entire continent!
Peng Jiang clenched his fists and his eyes were determined!

He will definitely stop it!
Peng Jiang held the crystal bottle tightly in his hand, turned and left the altar.

It was getting late at this time, and Peng Jiang came to the main hall of the sanctuary!
In the main hall, nearly ten thousand blood warriors stood there, and Fang Nuo sat on the seat in the middle of the main hall!

He pouted his chin and looked at Peng Jiang mockingly!

"I didn't expect that since you broke out of the mechanism of the secret room! You came here, but facing a team of ten thousand people, what can you do alone?"

Peng Jiang ignored the other party's words, and looked at Fang Nuo indifferently, as if he was looking at a dead person!
Fang Nuo saw that the other party's emotions were not affected at all, it seems that this person is unusual!
"Who are you? Why do you pretend to be our blood guardian? What is your purpose!"

Fang Nuo asked loudly!

"Hahaha, Fang Nuo, do you really want to know? Do you think you can stop me? I am here today to avenge the dead warriors of the sanctuary. I will let a traitor like you You can't live, you can't die!"

Peng Jiang's whole body erupted with fiery red flame energy instantly, the flame spread out from his body, the temperature of the whole hall suddenly rose, Fang Nuo felt the familiar power, and then saw the source force wheel appeared behind the opponent, and Four sources of power have been lit!
Fang Nuo was afraid, because there was only one person with these powers, but the appearance of the other party was much different from him, so he hoped it was a fluke in his heart!

At the next moment, Peng Jiang took off the ever-changing mask and revealed his original appearance. The God-killing Sword in his red windbreaker was burning with the real fire of samadhi, and Fang Nuo stood up instinctively!

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Peng Jiang' for the shocking success, rewarding the heavens with 30000 points."

He looked at Peng Jiang in surprise, the fear in his heart was indescribable!
"Fang Nuo didn't kneel down when he saw this god!"

Peng Jiang's voice reached Fang Nuo's ears, a powerful aura suppressed him, and he knelt down instinctively!
"Fang Nuo, head of the Knights, pays homage to Lord Vulcan!"

Fang Nuo knelt down, he didn't dare to look up, the fear this man brought to him was innate, even now he was already at the peak of legendary strength, and there were so many blood warriors around him!
He didn't dare to bet, because he knew the opponent's strength very well, and this powerful coercion seemed to be sent by a god, and his whole body was shaking!
The other blood warriors have never seen Peng Jiang, and they don't know why their king knelt down, and his whole body was shaking. The opponent's pressure is indeed very strong!

The blood warriors in the main hall are at least warriors with the strength of the sanctuary, and they are also suppressed by the opponent's coercion and use their weapons to support their bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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