Chapter 219

"Who is this girl?

So rich and powerful!

He even directly bid 500 million yuan! "

Peng Jiang's mind was spinning rapidly, imagining Li Li's background,
But he thought about it, and he didn't think about who Li Li is!
Li Li is not from this world, and no one in this world knows Li Li at all!
The auction continues,
Then an item appeared on the stage!
A small white sapling looks like a grass,
But Peng Jiang knew,
This little sapling is the colorful stone I was looking for.

Li Li looked at the little sapling, and a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes!
"Everyone, this is the last auction item in this auction.

This is a plant seed cultivated in Shenwu Continent!

The value of this plant seed is definitely not lower than that of multicolored stones, so I will stop talking nonsense and start bidding now! "

After the host finished speaking, he opened the small wooden box!

I saw a small white sapling lying in it, the branches were very small,
Can't see the leaves clearly, but exudes a faint halo,
This little sapling exudes bursts of strong aura,
This caused everyone in the audience to talk about it!
"This seed looks weak!"

"No matter how weak he is, I will offer 800 million!"

"I offer 3000 million!"

Li Li ignored the people in the audience,

Looking at this little sapling, the expression on his face became a little dignified,

Because Li Li smelled a familiar smell from this little sapling,
This taste is exactly the seed that Li Li had seen in Shenwu Continent!

"This seed is indeed not a colorful stone, but the seed of a colorful tree!

It is said that this multicolored tree is a rare treasure.

It can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and repair the wounds of the body!

And its fleshy body is very hard!
It is only possible to attack it with soul power,

This colorful tree has reached the metamorphosis stage,
But because its seeds are too small,

So monks can't cultivate it into a vessel, they can only keep it in the auction,
This seed is our auction item tonight! "

The host's words immediately aroused the exclamation of everyone in the audience!

Peng Jiang listened to the explanation of the host on stage,

I couldn't help but gasped,
It turns out that the multicolored stones are the seeds of the multicolored tree, no wonder they are so expensive!
This seed can be said to be the treasure of this world!

Peng Jiang thought in his heart,
If you have the seeds of this colorful tree, your cultivation will definitely be faster!

At this time Li Li said:
"I want the seed of this colorful tree, you can offer 2000 million!"

Peng Jiang heard Li Li open his mouth to bid,

His mouth opened into an O-shape,
A seed of a colorful tree was actually photographed by Li Li?
How is this possible!
Everyone in the audience heard Li Li's offer,

Disappointed expressions appeared on each face,
"2000 million."

Li Li saw the disappointed expressions of everyone in the audience,
His eyes narrowed slightly,
It seems that the seeds of this colorful tree are really expensive.
Li Li looked at Peng Jiang beside her, a cunning flashed in her eyes,
"2000 million, is there a higher price than this?
If not, I will ask for a price of 4000 million~"

Li Li pretended to be innocent,

She wants to try the cultivation sects in this world, how many families are there who are cultivation families!
When a man in black clothes under the stage heard Li Li's words, a stern look flashed in his eyes, then he took out a storage ring and said:
"I offer 5000 million!"

The man said loudly,
"I offer 6000 million!"

Another man followed suit, loudly,

They also took a fancy to the seeds of this colorful tree,

Of course you don't want to miss this opportunity!
"Hehe, since someone wants to grab something from me,
Let's see whose fist is bigger!
7000 million! "

Li Li's voice raised twice again,

"8000 million!"

The man's voice was a little higher,

"200 million!"

This voice is also loud,

The voices of the two were at a stalemate with each other, and neither of them would back down!
"Hehe, let's compare the size of our fists, if you lose, how about giving us your seed?
After all, both of us are cultivating families,

Maybe I will need your help in the future! "

"Okay! I will accompany you to the end!"

Neither of them would back down!
"500 million!"

"9000 million!"

Both are raising prices like crazy,

These two people are not others,

It was the two of them just now!
"Two hundred and thirty million!"

The two are still fighting!

Li Li looked at Peng Jiang,
Peng Jiang shook his head!

"2000 million for the third time! Anyone else want to pay more for this seed?"

The host shouted,
"I pay 5000 million!"

At this moment, a voice came from the crowd,
It was a man's voice,

The sound is thick and magnetic, full of temptation!
"This voice is so familiar!"

"I know this man, he is the man who stopped Miss Li on the street just now!
His name is Zhao Yunfeng! "

"What? His name is Zhao Yunfeng, he is from a family of cultivators?"

"That's right, he is the grandson of the Zhao family, a family of cultivators!"

"Could it be that Ms. Li is going to fight this grandson of a cultivating family?"

Everyone in the audience was talking!
"I pay 5000 million!"

Peng Jiang stood up suddenly and shouted in the direction of the source of the voice!
As soon as Peng Jiang's voice fell,

A woman came out slowly from the backstage,

"Hehe, people in this world are all stupid,
This Li Li is a big idiot!
Her cultivation is worse than mine, I can crush her neck with just one finger!

This multicolored fruit, I am bound to get it! "

Peng Jiang looked at Li Li's arrogant appearance,
With a sneer in my heart,
"Do you think I'm afraid of you because you're like this?

I pay [-] million! "

Peng Jiang roared loudly!

"Hehe, Brother Peng, why are you bothering! Don't you just dislike me?"

Li Li's eyes flashed with anger,

"Do you think it's great if you win?
Isn't it just a broken fruit?
I tell you, your seed,

As long as I eat it, I can increase my strength five times! "

Li Li shouted loudly!

Hearing Li Li's words, Peng Jiang was puzzled:
"Don't she know that this seed can increase a person's strength by five times?
Why do you still say that you can increase your strength five times by eating it?

Doesn't she know that in the process of practicing, one must first lay a solid foundation?
Didn't she say that clearly to make the other party think he is stupid? "

Peng Jiang felt disdainful,

But still pretending to be puzzled:

"Of course it's true, why would I lie to you!

If you don't believe me, you can ask the people around you,

I have no reason to lie to you! "

Li Li shouted loudly!
Peng Jiang saw that the people around him nodded,
He knew that this multicolored fruit was indeed real!

Peng Jiang turned to look at Li Li beside him,
Found that Li Li was also watching him,
A trace of uneasiness flashed in Peng Jiang's heart:
Does Li Li know something?
So she's cheating on me!

Peng Jiang's face changed,

Peng Jiang pretended to be calm and smiled!
"Hehehe~" Li Li also smirked,

"Your guts are really not ordinary~" Li Li sarcastically said
Li Li looked at Peng Jiang's unpredictable expression,
I feel very refreshed in my heart!
She just wanted to anger Peng Jiang so that the other party would not dare to bid for this multicolored fruit!

Li Li wanted to anger Peng Jiang,
Peng Jiang refused to let the other party do what he wanted!
Peng Jiang looked at Li Li and said word by word:

"I am determined to win this multicolored fruit. If you want to bid, just wait until the two of us have competed, and then I will give up this seed!

However, if you lose, I advise you to quickly get out of my sight, or I will beat you to the ground! "

The ferocity in Peng Jiang's eyes was undisguised,

His eyes were already full of murderous intent, and he was warning Li Li on the other side, so that the other party would retreat in the face of difficulties!

"Hmph! Then let's have a competition. I wonder if Mr. Peng is ready?"

Li Li looked at Peng Jiang with a cold light in his eyes!

"Of course! But let me say it first. I just paid 500 million yuan, which doesn't mean I want to participate in this auction.
I just hope you don't lose the auction because you're jealous of me! "

Peng Jiang looked at Li Li with provocative eyes and said!

"Hmph! Mr. Peng, don't worry, I will never use those despicable methods!"

Li Li shouted loudly,

"You better be like this!"

After speaking, Peng Jiang took out a white jade tablet and put it on the table!

Then, Li Li put the multicolored fruit into the jade tablet!
"Okay, since both parties agree to the competition, I announce that the auction has officially started! Please take your seats!

Now, our referee will teleport these two monks to the ring!
I announce that the first round of bidding has begun! "

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Peng Jiang and Li Li were teleported into a mountain range!
Li Li saw the dense jungle all around her,
He frowned involuntarily,

There are no water, wood, or earth elements in this mountain range,

This is very detrimental to her strength improvement!
"Peng Jiang, you are from a family of cultivators,

I'll show you what a real master is! "

Li Li shouted loudly,
Then, a fiery red flame appeared at Li Li's feet,
Li Li clenched her right hand and waved forward,
A huge red flame fist hit the ground in front of it!
This fist pierced the ground in an instant,

Draw a long trace in midair!

After Peng Jiang saw Li Li's attack, his face became serious!

(End of this chapter)

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