Chapter 222
After all, Peng Jiang's momentum swelled violently!

His strength has already broken through to the innate stage, but he is not in a hurry to show his strength, but slowly restrains his aura.

"Peng Jiang, don't forget your mission."

"Blood ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely finish it."

The corner of Peng Jiang's mouth slightly outlined a sinister arc, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty excitement!
"Peng Jiang, I will entertain you well."

"Hahahahaha, Blood Ancestor, your words really make me feel good. I haven't heard such words for a long time. I don't know if I will be lucky enough to taste it!"


"Okay, Lord Blood Ancestor, please wait for a moment, I'll make some arrangements, and then we will have another showdown, so that Lord Blood Ancestor can taste how wonderful these blood races are."

"Well, I'm waiting for good news from you."

"it is good."

Peng Jiang turned around with a wicked smile on his face.

"You blood races are so weak, you don't even have the qualifications to lick the shoes of Lord Blood Patriarch."

"Blood ancestor, can you see who I brought?"

The leader of the blood clan, Xuezu, heard Peng Jiang's words, and his face sank slightly.

People brought by Peng Jiang?What can he bring with him?Could it be a group of ordinary blood races?He really overestimated his eyesight. The group of people he brought were all practitioners, and they were all practitioners in the innate realm. They could be regarded as masters among masters in the whole world.

The group of people brought by Peng Jiang are members of an organization called "Blood Clan Alliance". The members of this alliance are all composed of the top experts in the blood clan, and a dozen of them are even in the late stage of congenital cultivation. Those who brought them this time are all elites, the elite among the elites of the blood clan alliance, and among them there are more than a dozen innate peak-level masters. These people belong to the top level in the entire blood clan. Although not as terrifying as Peng Jiang, they have all reached the level of the initial stage of foundation establishment. Among them are several innate peak masters, and their cultivation base is even higher than that of Peng Jiang.

The blood ancestor didn't put these people in his eyes, but just glanced at them lightly, with a hint of sarcasm on his face: "Peng Jiang, I thought you would bring some powerful characters here, but I didn't expect it to be just There are just a dozen of them, you don't think that you can stop me with these people, do you know how far my current strength has reached."

There was a faint smile on Peng Jiang's face: "Master Blood Ancestor, this is unquestionable, because I already know that your strength has broken through the innate late stage and reached the strength of the transformation stage."

"In this case, you people should go to hell too."

"Oh? Really? Then try it."

Peng Jiang still had a faint smile on his face.

"Peng Jiang, is this your plan?"

"So what? Does Lord Blood Patriarch think that with these dozen or so trash, he can block the attack of the Blood Alliance?"

"Really? It's a pity, you are doomed to fail, because you met me."

The Blood Ancestor smiled contemptuously. He didn't pay attention to those congenital masters, because the congenital masters were not threatening to him at all. In front of him, the congenital masters were ants!

"Then let's see if you have the strength!"

With a light wave of Peng Jiang's hand, the dozen or so innate masters immediately rushed in all directions.


Peng Jiang uttered the truth, and a huge spell instantly condensed in his hands.

"Blood escape!"

With a loud shout, a strong air current fluctuated in the air, forming ripples that spread towards the surroundings.


A violent explosion sounded.

Groups of red flames emerged from the center of the explosion and spread in all directions.

Peng Jiang flicked his fingers, and the flames flew around in an instant, directly enveloping a house.

The furniture and electrical appliances in the house were instantly burned up.

"Peng Jiang, I'm going to tear you apart!"

The Blood Ancestor roared, opened his hands, and vortexes appeared on his arms, and the vortexes spun to form a giant tornado.

"go to hell!"

The Blood Ancestor opened his huge bloody mouth, and suddenly devoured towards Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang saw the movement of the blood ancestor, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, he shook his right hand lightly, a golden long sword appeared in his hand, a golden light burst out from the long sword, and went straight to the blood ancestor go.


The two attacks collided together, and the sound of the explosion resounded through the sky.

"Peng Jiang, let me show you my real strength today."

The blood ancestor's body rotated rapidly, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and a strong air flow radiated from his body.

A violent air wave centered on the Blood Ancestor and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

"Peng Jiang, you can go to hell with peace of mind."

Peng Jiang's eyes were indifferent, without any trace of fear.

"Hmph! I, Peng Jiang, never make any preparations. Just like today's scene, I have already thought of a way out."

"What retreat?"

Gently raised Peng Jiang's hand, a huge phantom appeared behind him. This phantom was more than three feet long. He was wearing armor and a crown. He was tall and burly. He held a stick in his hand. The golden scepter emanated an unparalleled power from it.

"It's the golden dragon! It's the real body of the golden dragon!"

After the blood ancestor saw this figure clearly, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Blood ancestor, it seems that you know who I am, yes yes, I am the real body of the golden dragon, you can die in the hands of the golden dragon."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Peng Jiang's mouth.

"Do you think you can hurt me with your trash? It's a joke. Just relying on you trash to try to stop my footsteps. It's a dream! Today I will let you see how powerful I am, Xue Dun !"

Following the Blood Ancestor's command, streams of blood-colored mist emanated from his body, and lines of blood converged under his feet, forming a blood-colored circle.

"Peng Jiang, I want you to see how powerful Jinlong is!"

"The Golden Dragon Comes to the World!"

As soon as Peng Jiang's voice fell, the golden body suddenly sped up and rushed towards the blood ancestor.

A huge coercion swept across the entire pavilion.

The speed of Peng Jiang and Xue Zu was so fast that everyone around could only see afterimages.

"Peng Jiang's speed is so fast. This is his real strength. This human being should not be underestimated."

"We all underestimated Peng Jiang! Peng Jiang is worthy of being a congenital master in the late stage, and he is really extraordinary."

"No, Peng Jiang's strength is too terrifying. I must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. I can't stay here anymore, otherwise I will be implicated!"

"Peng Jiang's strength is indeed very strong, but the blood ancestor's strength is even more terrifying. I believe that the outcome of the two of them should not exceed five strokes. Peng Jiang will definitely lose!"

Everyone discussed and doubted Peng Jiang's strength.

In everyone's mind, although Peng Jiang is powerful, the Blood Ancestor is even more powerful. Peng Jiang's chances of winning are really too small.

Peng Jiang's eyes were fixed on the blood ancestor who rushed over, and he had no intention of dodging, because his goal was to kill the blood ancestor.

He wanted to use the blood of the blood ancestor to pay homage to his relatives, and let the blood clan know that if he dared to provoke him, he, Peng Jiang, would definitely make them pay a heavy price.

The two quickly exchanged one time, and Peng Jiang had cut several deep scars on Xuezu's body.

Peng Jiang was also having a hard time, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

However, Peng Jiang's body recovers quickly, and he will fully recover after a short rest.

"Blood ancestor, your strength is not very good, but your blood is very strong. I will use your blood to refine potions now. When I suck all your blood, you will slowly age. Then I will see how arrogant you are, hahahaha."

Peng Jiang's arrogant laughter filled the entire hotel, and everyone stopped to watch their fight.

"Peng Jiang, don't be rampant. I'll see how long you can last. Go to hell!"

"go to hell!"

Peng Jiang raised his long sword again, and he wanted to chop the blood ancestor into pieces.


The two stabbed at each other at the same time, and the moment the sharp swords in their hands touched together, there was a sharp scream.

Peng Jiang's long sword drew an arc in mid-air, and then pierced blood ancestor's chest fiercely.

There was an unbelievable expression on Xuezu's face.

He never thought that Peng Jiang would have the guts to hurt him. He is the ancestor of the noble blood clan. He can mobilize the blood of the entire blood clan, make them submit to him, let them obey his orders, and become his slaves.

But Peng Jiang dared to kill him in front of so many people, which was a great shame to him.

(End of this chapter)

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