Chapter 230
After Peng Jiang cleaned up, he came to the living room.

"Xue'er, did you sleep well last night?" Peng Jiang asked with a smile.

"Well, very good, brother Peng Jiang, your cooking skills are really getting better and better, these dishes are really beautiful." Ye Xueer praised.

"Hehe, as long as Miss Xue'er likes it, then you can eat slowly. I'm going to school, see you tomorrow!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Brother Peng Jiang, I'll see you off tomorrow morning." Ye Xueer also stood up and said.

"No, you have a good rest, I'll do these little things, don't worry." Peng Jiang rejected Ye Xueer.

Seeing that Peng Jiang was so determined, Ye Xueer couldn't say anything more.

Seeing that Ye Xueer was no longer pushing herself, Peng Jiang turned and left the villa.

Ye Xueer looked at Peng Jiang's leaving back and sighed!

In her mind, Peng Jiang whispered in her ear last night: "Our future is still very long, I have been waiting for you, I hope you can give me a chance."

At this moment, Ye Xueer's heart was full of contradictions. She really liked Peng Jiang, but she didn't want to provoke him, because she was afraid of hurting him. She knew that Peng Jiang really liked her, and also loved her very much. My family also loves me very much.

Ye Xueer didn't know what to do!

Ye Xueer stayed in the room for a while and then walked out.

"Brother Peng Jiang, I will take you to school this morning." Ye Xueer said.

"Don't bother, Xue'er, I'll let the driver take me off today, I don't want to be too ostentatious." Peng Jiang declined.

"Okay then, brother Peng Jiang, I'll go to class first, and I'll find you after school in the afternoon." Ye Xueer said to Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang nodded and walked outside.

"Oops!" There was a scream, which startled Ye Xueer.

Peng Jiang turned his head quickly, and saw a beautiful girl in a white dress with shawl hair fell down from the stairs.

Peng Jiang hurried over.

"Sister Xueer, why are you so careless, get up quickly."

Peng Jiang knelt down to help the girl in the white skirt.


Suddenly a hand reached out to Peng Jiang's neck and pinched him. Peng Jiang quickly reacted and kicked towards the opponent, but the opponent seemed to have expected Peng Jiang's move and dodged the moment he kicked. opened.

Seeing this scene, Peng Jiang's face suddenly became solemn, this girl is not simple!

After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Peng Jiang couldn't help being stunned. This girl is somewhat similar to his sister, not only in appearance, but also in temperament.

This made Peng Jiang have to guess the identity of the girl in the white skirt.

"Little girl, let go of your paws, or I'll let you know how powerful it is!" Peng Jiang threatened.

After the girl in white heard this sentence, a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Little girl? Hehe, how dare you call me little girl, believe it or not, I will kill you!" After the girl finished speaking, a terrifying coercion rushed towards Peng Jiang, scaring Peng Jiang immediately. His face turned pale.

When the girl waved her hand, the skin on her arm glowed with a faint white light. Seeing this, Peng Jiang immediately felt a dangerous signal in his heart.

"Peng Jiang, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital!" Ye Xueer looked at Peng Jiang with concern and said.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" Peng Jiang shook his head and said.

Ye Xueer breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

Seeing Ye Xueer's expression, Peng Jiang couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Compared with the girl in white in front of me, my elder sister is so far behind, the difference between the two is simply cloud and mud!

Ye Xueer, are you really my destined wife?
Peng Jiang's heart was crying.

"Who the hell are you girl? Why are you here?" Peng Jiang asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I came here to take your life, because you don't deserve to have this skin, you don't deserve to be my fiancé, and you don't deserve to be my husband, so I want to kill you." Let you disappear forever, let you be completely erased from my memory!" The eyes of the girl in white became cold, she said coldly.

Peng Jiang couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, what a ridiculous reason.

Isn't the dream of most people all about finding a girl they like to be their wife, and then live happily ever after?Why does this little girl think she is her enemy?Do you have any grudge against her?

Impossible, I and this little girl are strangers at all, and have no connection at all!
Is she really my enemy?Or is she lying to me?
Peng Jiang thought to himself.

"In this case, let's fight to find out!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he rushed towards the girl in white.

Seeing Peng Jiang rushing forward, the girl in white smiled contemptuously, and with a flick of her arm, an invisible force threw Peng Jiang back.

Peng Jiang was slammed against the wall so hard that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Hmph! Just because you still want to fight with me! It's just a dream!" The girl in white sneered.

"Really? Since you are so powerful, let's try, how did you kill me!" Peng Jiang struggled to get up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said to the girl in white.

"Hmph! Then I will let you know our strength today!" After the girl in white finished speaking, she made a seal with her hands on her chest, and then, the air around her suddenly twisted, and then turned into a giant white dragon , roaring and pounced on Peng Jiang.

Seeing this, Peng Jiang quickly took out his long sword to block the dragon. The dragon hit the long sword, and Peng Jiang was knocked out and fell to the ground.

After Peng Jiang saw that the dragon was cut off by himself, he was relieved. Fortunately, this was just an illusion, and he was not injured.

"Little girl, you just used a cover-up just now! If you really show your strength, I can't resist at all." Peng Jiang said after standing up and patting the dust on his body.

"Blindfolding? Hahahaha, you, a brat like me, can't see through my illusion. Let me tell you, it's a real illusion!" the girl in white laughed arrogantly.

Seeing the arrogant attitude of the girl in white, Peng Jiang curled his lips in disdain, and said disdainfully, "Cut, I'm not a fool!"

After speaking, Peng Jiang rushed towards the girl in white again.

The two clashed again and again, no matter how hard Peng Jiang tried, he couldn't hurt the girl in white at all.

"Little girl, don't force me to do a trick!" Peng Jiang couldn't help roaring.

After Peng Jiang's voice fell, the girl in white showed a treacherous smile on her face. She glanced at Peng Jiang contemptuously, and said disapprovingly, "A trick? Hmph, you brat, are you trying to fight my old lady? Are you still trying to fight?" Be tender, wait for your strength to become stronger, then tell me!"

After the girl in white finished speaking, she waved her arms fiercely, and saw a thin barrier around Peng Jiang.

Seeing this, Peng Jiang quickly launched an attack to break through the barrier.

It's a pity that Peng Jiang's attack was bounced back when it touched the film, and he couldn't attack the girl in white at all.

The girl in white sneered and said: "I advise you to save some effort, you are not my opponent at all!"

When Peng Jiang saw the girl in white, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Stinky girl, I will definitely defeat you, I will definitely surpass you! I will definitely trample you on the soles of my feet!"

"Hehe, do you only have these words to show off your strength now? Do you have any other moves? Hurry up and let me see! Otherwise, you will lose later~" the girl in white said jokingly.

"Hmph, don't be too pretentious. I will defeat you sooner or later, you little girl. Then you will kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he took out a spell and crushed it it.

I saw white light flickering, and there were tens of meters high mountains around Pengjiang, and the tens of meters high mountains wrapped the girl in white inside.

"Peng Jiang, I didn't expect you to have such a means. It's a pity that your skills are useless to me. Your strength has not yet reached that level. These mountains are just your illusions. However, this illusion is very interesting. There will be someone who will cultivate the secrets of the phantom array here, yes, this person should be you, right?" After the girl in white finished speaking, she stretched out her index finger and thumb to clamp the tens of meters high mountain.

"What? It took me a long time to make this mountain. How could it be useless to you? You must be lying, and I will never believe it!" Peng Jiang bit it open after finishing speaking My own fingers sprayed on the mountain, and in an instant, the mountain emitted a dazzling golden light.

"What's going on? How is it possible?" Peng Jiang looked at his mountain in shock and said.

"How is it impossible? I can do it. I am a god! I am the only god in the world! You are like an ant!" The girl in white said arrogantly.

Peng Jiang looked at the golden mountain unwillingly.

He couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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