Chapter 236

After hearing this, Peng Jiang quickly took two steps back and avoided the carriage.

The carriage stopped and the curtains were drawn.

A woman in a white robe poked her head out.

Seeing this, Peng Jiang was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

"Hey, why do you have such an expression? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?" The woman looked at Peng Jiang curiously.

Peng Jiang opened his eyes and carefully looked at the woman in white.

I saw her face like a jade plate, with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, straight nose, red lips, smooth and tender skin.

The figure is graceful and graceful, the body is light, and the two balls in front of her are soft and straight, ready to come out!

Peng Jiang was stunned, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Peng Jiang sighed: "I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life! No, it should be said that it is the unique temperament exuded by this woman!"

Peng Jiang was fascinated by it.

The woman in white looked at Peng Jiang and thought to herself: "This fool, I was just testing him. He believed me so easily, but I still have some doubts. Who is he? The one who killed my sister sent someone to test me?"

Thinking of this, the woman in white decided not to let Peng Jiang follow her.

"Hey, why don't you go?"

Peng Jiang asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I saw you sneaking around here just now, so I asked you to come over and see who was so wicked and tricked you here, but I didn't find anything after looking around, so I let you go. "

"So that's the case, thank you girl." Peng Jiang thanked quickly.

"En." The woman in white nodded, turned around and sat back in the carriage.

Peng Jiang looked at the carriage going away, and thought of the scene just now, and the woman in white he saw just now.

There was a surge in my heart, and an intoxicated smile appeared on my face.

Peng Jiang patted himself on the head and said, "Oh, it's so embarrassing. I was bewildered by such a beautiful woman. I'm so damned! No, this matter must not be known to others. No matter what method is used, it must be Keep this matter hidden."

Peng Jiang turned and left, and ran towards the inn.

After Peng Jiang left, the woman in white got out of the carriage and snorted coldly as she looked at the direction Peng Jiang was going away.

"What an impolite guy. Just now I kindly reminded him not to peek, but he didn't appreciate it!" the woman in white said angrily.

"Master, how is that Peng Jiang?"

"Yes, although the strength is not too strong, but he is relatively simple, not like a bad person, and has a tough heart, so he is a good seedling."

"Master, if you appreciate him so much, aren't you afraid that he will be abducted?" White Cat said worriedly.

"No, he can't be deceived."

"Master, are you overestimating this Peng Jiang? Anything can happen in this world, and people's hearts are sinister!"

"I don't think so. Peng Jiang is a very smart and simple person. I'm sure." The woman in white said firmly. "

The woman in white continued: "I can be sure that people like Peng Jiang will not be used by anyone, so I dare to be so sure."

"Peng Jiang will not be used by anyone? Master, how do you say that?"

"Because he doesn't need anyone's help at all, he can grow very quickly. His talent is extremely outstanding. I am looking forward to what kind of person he will grow into when he reaches my height!" The woman in white said with a smile.

"Master, although Peng Jiang seems to be only 20 years old now, according to his growth rate, his realm has improved very quickly! Moreover, he has no bottleneck in cultivation. Once he reaches the demigod realm, his cultivation path will be smooth. !” said the white cat.

"I know this. Not only do I want Peng Jiang to cultivate to the level of Martial King, but I will also hand over everything I have learned to him! I want to train a super master!" said the woman in white.

"Master, are you really going to let Peng Jiang practice the martial arts you have learned? Then when Peng Jiang becomes a master at the level of Emperor Wu, won't he be even stronger?" the white cat said in surprise.

"Of course! His talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. As long as he is allowed to practice the martial arts I taught him, I believe he will be able to become a peerless powerhouse!" said the woman in white.

"That's it!" The white cat opened its mouth wide in surprise.

After thinking for a while, Bai Miao continued: "Master, since you are going to teach all the martial arts you have learned, why do you let me guard you? Aren't you distracting me?"

As soon as Bai Miao's voice fell, the woman in white disappeared in place.

Peng Jiang panicked when he saw the woman in white suddenly disappear in front of him.

"What's going on? Why is there no trace suddenly? Could it be that the woman suddenly used space magic to transfer me to another place?"

"No, I must find her and ask who she is and why she wants to kill me!"

Thinking in his heart, Peng Jiang searched for traces of the woman in white.

After walking for a certain distance, Peng Jiang finally stopped, because he saw a city, which was very magnificent.

After Peng Jiang thought for a while, he decided to take a rest in this city first, eat and drink enough before heading on his way.

Peng Jiang casually bought a few steamed buns and bowls of side dishes in the city, planning to eat while waiting for the woman in white to appear.

Peng Jiang sat on the street, ate a bun, and drank the wine gourd. Soon after, a familiar figure came into Peng Jiang's sight.

Seeing the woman in white walking towards him, Peng Jiang couldn't help feeling excited.

"Peng Jiang, I finally found you. Where did you go? It's hard for me to find you!" The woman in white looked at Peng Jiang and said.

"I'm looking for you too, Miss Bai, why are you here?" Peng Jiang asked.

"This is my hometown!" The woman in white said confidently.

"Oh, so that's the case, can I live here in the future?" Peng Jiang said expectantly.

"Of course there is no problem! My house is very luxurious!" the woman in white said proudly.

Peng Jiang was overjoyed and thought to himself: "Now I can finally share a room with my sister Bai!"

Seeing the excited expression on Peng Jiang's face, the woman in white felt strange.

"Hey, Peng Jiang, what's the matter with you?"

"Sister Bai, I'm so happy that I can finally live with you!" Peng Jiang said happily.

"Peng Jiang, are you stupid? We are not lovers, why live together! Let me tell you, don't think about it, I am your sister Bai, not your white lady." Bai Yi The woman said seriously.

"Sister Bai, why am I thinking wildly! I am very decent, I am your savior, don't forget!" Peng Jiang said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, I admit your life-saving grace! You saved my life, I should thank you, I can treat you to dinner, right?"

Peng Jiang thought for a while and said, "Well, I will reluctantly agree."

"Peng Jiang, you are so kind, I love you so much!" Peng Jiang laughed happily when he heard the woman in white praise him.

"By the way, sister Bai, why are you in this city? Are you also the one trapped in this city?"

"Yes, Peng Jiang, I was trapped in this city, but this city is not under your jurisdiction, so I came out, I have to hurry now, I will go first!"

When Peng Jiang saw the woman in white leave, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Oh! If I had known, I wouldn't have come out." Peng Jiang sighed.

Peng Jiang sat on the street, took a sip of herbal tea, then stood up, ready to continue on his way.

Just when Peng Jiang raised his foot to leave, a carriage passed by him, and there was a scream from inside the carriage.

Peng Jiang was taken aback and almost fell to the ground.

Peng Jiang looked at the carriage, and there was a person in the carriage who looked exactly like the woman in white!
Peng Jiang was surprised to find that he couldn't control his eyes and stared at the people in the carriage uncontrollably. Peng Jiang felt strange in his heart, as if something was about to break through his brain.

Peng Jiang thought to himself: "Oops, I must be bewitched, my consciousness is out of my control! I must be bewitched!"

"Oops, not good!"

Peng Jiang suddenly thought that he was a person trapped in this world. There was another person's soul in his body. That person would definitely not allow him to do such a thing against his will!

Thinking of this, Peng Jiang immediately closed his eyes, then clenched his fists tightly, suppressing his desire!

But Peng Jiang's eyes still shed tears!

Peng Jiang opened his eyes and saw that the woman in white was no longer in front of him. Peng Jiang felt extremely lost.

"Peng Jiang, what's the matter with you?" The woman in white looked back at Peng Jiang and asked.

"Nothing nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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