Chapter 238
She is really more charming than a flower!Peng Jiang kept staring at the back of the woman in white, thinking and following her.

The woman in white walked to a stall and looked at the things on it. They were all strange things.

"Boss, do you have anything special here? For example, medicinal materials?"

"Girl, the things here are all ordinary goods, what do you think you want?"

"Let me take a look." The woman in white walked into a shop that sold all kinds of elixirs and magical instruments.

Peng Jiang also came in, and saw that the shop was full of low-level instruments and low-level medicines, he couldn't help but frowned, and curled his lips in disdain.

"Boss, do you have refining materials here?"

"Miss, I'm sorry, there are no refining materials here!" said the boss.

When the woman in white heard the boss's words, she said displeasedly: "Boss, there are obviously refining materials here, why didn't I see it?"

The boss smiled awkwardly and said: "We don't have refining materials here, you should go to other places to have a look!"

"Sorry, I found the wrong place!" After the woman in white finished speaking, she turned and left the shop.

Peng Jiang walked to the boss's side, looked at the boss, and said, "Boss, isn't the refining material sold in your shop just now really a magic weapon or a elixir?"

The boss glanced at Peng Jiang, shook his head, and said: "We don't sell anything related to refining equipment here. You can also go to other places to ask, but our things really don't have refining materials!"

Peng Jiang didn't say anything after hearing the boss' explanation.

He also didn't believe that the things in this shop were magic weapons or elixirs for refining, but he just felt a little itchy looking at these refining materials.

After wandering around the street for a long time, the woman in white found that she hadn't found any materials for making talismans. She went back to the shop just now and saw that Peng Jiang was still there. She sat next to Peng Jiang and said to Peng Jiang: " Brother, we really don’t have refining materials here!”

"Oh~" Peng Jiang glanced at the woman in white and responded lightly.

"Girl, I don't know why you are looking for refining materials?" Peng Jiang asked.

The woman in white thought for a while and said, "I want to find some refining materials."

Peng Jiang looked at the woman in white and said: "With your cultivation base, it is impossible to refine any pills and magic weapons. Even if I help you refine them, there is no way to exert the strongest effect, so you just give up." Bar!"

The woman in white looked at Peng Jiang, smiled faintly, and said nothing.

"Hey, there are no refining materials here, why are you here?" Peng Jiang asked anxiously when he saw that the woman in white was silent.

"I'm here to buy refining materials."

"Buy?" Peng Jiang asked suspiciously.

"En!" The woman in white nodded slightly.

"What are you buying?" Peng Jiang continued to ask.

"Character seal!"

"Fu Zhuan? Are you sure you want to buy Fu Zhuan?" Peng Jiang looked into the eyes of the woman in white and asked seriously.

The woman in white nodded affirmatively: "Yes!"

Peng Jiang was silent, looking thoughtful.

After waiting for a while, the woman in white asked, "How is it?"

"There are really no talismans here! But I can take you elsewhere to try and see if there are any."


Peng Jiang led the woman in white through the bustling commercial districts and came to a quiet alley.

This is a dead end alley, with no people around at all, it looks particularly eerie.

Walking in this deep and quiet alley, Peng Jiang suddenly stopped and said, "Okay, there is no way ahead, and you don't need to follow me anymore."

After speaking, Peng Jiang turned around and was about to leave.

"Brother, why don't you leave yet!" The woman in white grabbed Peng Jiang's sleeve.

"Why?" Peng Jiang asked coldly.

"Brother, help me, look for it and see if there are any talismans for sale, you can choose the price you want!" the woman in white begged.

"Do you really want to buy a talisman?" Peng Jiang asked again.

"Well! Brother, I know you must have a talisman, please help me!" The woman in white begged.

Peng Jiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I'll help you find it, but you have to promise me one thing!"

"Brother, please tell me!" the woman in white said happily.

"I found it for you, but the price can't be lowered, otherwise I won't do it!" Peng Jiang said.

"I promise you!"

"Okay, you wait for me here for a while, I'll be back soon!"

Peng Jiang explained a few words to the woman in white, and left in a hurry.

Seeing Peng Jiang's disappearing figure, a sly look flashed in the eyes of the woman in white.

After Peng Jiang left the alley, he went directly to a shop.

There is a recruitment notice posted on the door of this shop, which says that it is recruiting craftsmen, craftsmen and tailors.

Peng Jiang walked in and looked at the recruiting place.

This shop is not big, and it doesn't look like a high-end shop, it just has a few shelves, and there is nothing inside, just a row of tables and chairs, filled with books, jade slips, pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

After Peng Jiang walked in, he found a stool and sat down.

"Xiao Er, come here and pour a cup of tea for the guest officer!" said a very elegant looking man in a blue satin robe.

"Yes!" A middle-aged woman in a gray linen dress with a double bun came over with a pot of tea.

Peng Jiang picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a sip of tea.

"Where is the thing you want to buy?" A middle-aged man wearing a red gown and looking very delicate walked over and said.

"Brother, hello!" Peng Jiang stood up and said politely.

"You're welcome, my name is Liu Dahai!" Liu Dahai said with a smile.

"Brother Liu, my surname is Peng, you can call me Peng Jiang, or you can call me Peng Jiang!"

"Brother Peng Jiang, I'm Liu Dahai. You can just call me Big Brother Liu. I know Brother Peng Jiang is a capable person at first glance. What do you want to buy?" Liu Dahai said.

"I'd like to buy some materials for refining array talisman seals, do you have them in your store?"

"Yes! These are the best things in our store. They are all here. Please take a look!" Liu Dahai picked up a copy of "Art of Refining Artifacts" from the table and handed it to Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang turned a page and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, put "Smelting Art" aside.

"I want to buy some talisman books and talisman paper." Peng Jiang said.

"Fuzhuan, we have a lot of talisman seals and talisman brushes in our store. If Brother Pengjiang needs anything, I'll get it for you!" Liu Dahai said with a smile.

Peng Jiang shook his head.

Liu Dahai was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Brother Peng Jiang, what do you need?"

"I want to buy some talisman seals and talisman pens."

"We also have a lot of talisman seals and talisman pens here. I'll bring you any type of talisman seals and talisman pens Brother Peng Jiang wants!"

Peng Jiang shook his head and said, "I don't know what kind to choose. You can take it out for me, and I'll see if there are any suitable talisman seals and talisman pens for me!"

"Since the Pengjiang brothers want to choose talisman seals and talisman pens, then I will help you find them!"

Liu Dahai opened the counter as he spoke, and took out a bunch of various talisman seals, as well as some talisman pens and talisman seals.

Peng Jiang took out a notebook and looked at it, and then recorded some things that needed to be purchased on the paper.

"I want to buy some offensive talismans. The more aggressive talismans the better, the more defensive talismans are also good."

"Strong offensive talisman, offensive talisman, offensive talisman."

After reading it for a while, Peng Jiang put away the paper and said to Liu Dahai: "I need these few copies, please give them to the boss for me!"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go right away!"

"Thank you, Brother Liu!"

Liu Dahai walked behind the counter and shouted to the boss: "Old Wu, how many talisman seals does a guest want!"

"Oh, good!" The boss heard it and ran over quickly, "Sir, I want some talismans, please come with me!"

Liu Dahai led Peng Jiang towards the interior of the shop.

After arriving at the Fuzhuan area, Peng Jiang pointed to the price list of Fuzhuan.

The boss looked at the price and frowned.

"We have many such talismans in our store, and the prices are relatively low. If you want talismans, sir, you can give them a discount." The boss said.

"No, I don't want to buy expensive ones, the most common ones are fine." Peng Jiang said.

"Okay, the most common ones in our store are the cheapest talisman seals. Sir, here are the talisman seals you want to buy. There are five copies in total. Take a look and see which ones are suitable for you!" The boss held the Fu Zhuan pushed to Peng Jiang's side.

"No, I want both!" Peng Jiang said.


Liu Dahai was stunned for a moment, thinking that this young man is really rich.

"Why do you need so many talismans?" Liu Dahai asked strangely.

Peng Jiang said: "This is a treasure made by a friend for me. This time I came here to give it to her. Don't let it go to waste!"

"That's it!" After hearing this, Liu Dahai nodded, expressing his understanding. After all, it was his secret, and he was too embarrassed to ask too much detail.

After Peng Jiang paid the money, he left.

After Peng Jiang left, the store returned to its original appearance.

Peng Jiang came to the foot of a mountain behind the shop. This mountain was the only mountain in Yunwu Town, and it was called Mihun Peak.

The mountain is very high and there are many trees on the mountain.

There are many beasts on Mihun Peak, but none of them dare to enter the cave above Mihun Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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