Chapter 247
"No, no, I can't go back, I can't see people in the village being hurt because of me, I can't let them die because of me." Peng Jiang said struggling.

"Peng Jiang, why are you doing this!?" The corners of Wang Mengyao's eyes were wet, and tears kept falling.

"I can't go back, I want revenge! I must revenge!" Peng Jiang's face showed a ferocious expression, his eyes widened.

"I want to kill them all!" Peng Jiang roared.

"Peng Jiang, come back!" Wang Mengyao cried.

"No, I won't go back! You don't need to persuade me!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he turned around and walked deep into the forest.

Liu Jiaqi and Wang Mengyao looked at Peng Jiang's stumbling back, and their hearts were filled with pain.

Peng Jiang's body was covered with blood, his body was covered with knife marks, and his legs were so swollen that they couldn't see their original color.

Wang Mengyao and Liu Jiaqi looked at each other, their hearts were full of pain, they knew that Peng Jiang's blow this time was fatal.

Peng Jiang's psychological defense has always been relatively poor, and now his psychological defense has been broken, and his spirit has collapsed.

"Pengjiang. Pengjiang" Wang Mengyao and Liu Jiaqi watched Pengjiang disappear into the forest.

The two of them walked towards the village supporting each other.

In Pengjia Village, Peng Jiang took care of him like his father.

The villagers of Pengjia Village respect him very much, and they all regard him as their pride.

After Peng Jiang walked out of Pengjia Village, he felt the surrounding scene, and everything around him became familiar.

A smile appeared on Peng Jiang's face, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Every plant and tree in Pengjia Village is deeply engraved in his mind. Every detail and every little thing is his most cherished memory.

"Haha. I'm back!!! I'm back!!!" Peng Jiang looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter pierced through the clouds and resounded throughout the valley.

Peng Jiang stepped into the village and walked to the door of a house.

The house looks old, but exudes a warm smell.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!" Peng Jiang knocked lightly on the door, but there was no sound in the house.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Peng Jiang knocked a few more times, but there was still no response.

"Peng Jiang, it's me, I'm Wang Mengyao!" Liu Jiaqi shouted anxiously from the side.

"Oh, you are Liu Jiaqi?" Peng Jiang asked suspiciously.

"Well, I am! Peng Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just fell on the road and it hurts a bit."

"Oh, then hurry up and sit in the room." Liu Jiaqi said with concern.

Peng Jiang walked into the room obediently. After entering the room, Peng Jiang was frightened by the scene inside.

A wrinkled granny lies on a bed with a cigar dangling from her mouth, sleeping with her eyes closed and snoring.

"Grandma? Grandma? Wake up!" Peng Jiang shook the old grandma.

The old grandma opened her eyes when she heard the sound, looked at the person in front of her in confusion, and then went back to sleep.

"Grandma, grandma?" Peng Jiang continued to call the old grandma, but she still didn't respond.

"Peng Jiang, this old lady is dying. She is probably dying. I think you should leave here earlier." Liu Jiaqi said.

"No, I'm not leaving here!" Peng Jiang said firmly, he couldn't leave grandma alone.

"You can't help if you stay here. Look at how many people here have been beaten and disabled. What can you do if you stay?" Liu Jiaqi persuaded.

"I can't just watch my grandma being beaten and disabled by them. If something really happened to her, how can I face her!" Peng Jiang said, tears of regret flowed from Peng Jiang's eyes after speaking.

Liu Jiaqi was silent. She didn't know how to comfort Peng Jiang. She knew that Peng Jiang had fallen into despair, and no matter how much she tried to persuade him, it would be futile unless he was brought back to normal, to the previous state.

"I see, don't worry, I will try my best to treat grandma. After I cure grandma, you can come back to us, maybe then you will be able to find your parents!" Liu Jiaqi said.

"Really?" Peng Jiang raised his head and looked at Liu Jiaqi expectantly.

"Well, I will do my best to save your grandma." Liu Jiaqi said, seeing the expectation on Peng Jiang's face, she couldn't bear to refuse Peng Jiang's request.

"Thank you! Jiaqi!" Peng Jiang hugged Liu Jiaqi excitedly.

"Fool!" Liu Jiaqi said softly.

Peng Jiang and Liu Jiaqi hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to integrate each other into their bones.

"Peng Jiang, go back and rest. You can take over the shift tomorrow. I will help your grandma heal." Liu Jiaqi said softly.

"Okay!" Peng Jiang let go of Liu Jiaqi.

Peng Jiang walked slowly out of the village.

"Jiaqi, can you really heal grandma? I really can't believe it!" Peng Jiang looked at Liu Jiaqi and said.

"I will do my best to treat grandma. As long as grandma is willing to cooperate, I am [-]% sure that I can be cured!" Liu Jiaqi said with certainty.

"Okay! I believe you can do it! I'll go back first, and you have to pay attention to your health. I'll go first." Peng Jiang said.

"Well, go back and rest first." Liu Jiaqi turned and left after speaking.

Peng Jiang walked home, step by step, every step, Peng Jiang felt a pain in his heart, he knew that his life was coming to an end.

With a "bang", Peng Jiang's head hit the wall, and bright red blood dripped from Peng Jiang's forehead.

"Peng Jiang, your head is injured. Hurry up and bandage it, otherwise you will get an infection." Liu Jiaqi said worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, you can go back to the house quickly." Peng Jiang said, wiping the blood off his forehead.

After seeing Liu Jiaqi's back disappear, Peng Jiang turned around and looked at the night sky outside the window.

"Grandma, your grandson is about to leave you. Please persevere. Your grandson will come back to accompany you soon. Please wait for your grandson."

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he turned around and walked home. His back looked very bleak.

"Peng Jiang!" Liu Jiaqi shouted suddenly.

Peng Jiang paused and stopped.

"You haven't eaten yet, why don't you come to my place for dinner!" Liu Jiaqi said looking at Peng Jiang's back.

"I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself." Peng Jiang said lightly.

"Eat something even if you're not hungry. You haven't eaten for several days. If you don't eat, I'm afraid you'll be exhausted!" Liu Jiaqi said.

"I'm not hungry." Peng Jiang still didn't look back, he continued to walk home.

"I said I'm not hungry. How can I cure grandma if you don't eat!" Liu Jiaqi ran out after speaking, blocking Peng Jiang's way and blocking his way.

Seeing Liu Jiaqi's figure, Peng Jiang had a bitter smile on his face.

"Jiaqi, what are you doing!?" Peng Jiang looked very embarrassed.

"I said, I want you to eat together!" Liu Jiaqi said stubbornly looking at Peng Jiang.

"But, I've already eaten, so you don't have to worry about it." Peng Jiang said lightly.

"Do you still hate me? Do you think I killed your parents!" Liu Jiaqi questioned.

Peng Jiang was stunned, he didn't expect Liu Jiaqi to guess what he was thinking.

"I didn't! I didn't! Don't think about it." Peng Jiang explained in a panic.

"Peng Jiang, I know that you are a filial child, so you don't care about your own life to protect grandma, but it's not your fault. You have tried your best, and grandma has lived to this day, so you should thank yourself hard work." Liu Jiaqi persuaded.

"Jiaqi, stop talking. This matter has nothing to do with you. It's grandma's fate. You are not to blame." Peng Jiang said.

Liu Jiaqi felt distressed seeing Peng Jiang like this.

Peng Jiang looked at Liu Jiaqi with very warm eyes.

"Peng Jiang, stop blaming yourself. This matter has nothing to do with you, so stop blaming yourself!" Liu Jiaqi said.

Seeing Liu Jiaqi defending herself like this, Peng Jiang's eyes became moist, and tears rolled down from them.

"Jiaqi, you are so kind to me! I know this matter has nothing to do with you, but I still feel very guilty. After all, it was because of my willfulness that my grandma had an accident. If I told you earlier, even if grandma had Dangerous, you can stop her in time, and it won't cause grandma any accident." Peng Jiang said guiltily.

"No, you're wrong. If you had told me earlier, grandma would not have gotten sick at all, let alone be in danger! If you had told me about this, I would have stopped you in time to rescue grandma, so this matter I can't blame you!" Liu Jiaqi comforted.

"Well, if this is the case, then I won't blame myself anymore, let's go home!" Peng Jiang said.

Liu Jiaqi looked at Peng Jiang and nodded slightly.

After returning to Peng's villa, Liu Jiaqi cooked a bowl of egg custard for Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang took a sip of Liu Jiaqi's egg custard, and it tasted really good.

"This is the most delicious soup I have ever cooked, and it is also my favorite food. I hope you can always drink the soup I cooked myself." Liu Jiaqi looked at Peng Jiang and said softly.

"Well, I see, I will definitely keep drinking." Peng Jiang nodded.

"Okay, sit down first, I'll clean up the kitchen!" Liu Jiaqi went to the kitchen after speaking.

After Liu Jiaqi washed the dishes, she returned to the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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