Chapter 264
"Oh, it's really pissing off."

"That's right, he's pretending to be b."

"His leg is injured, so what, I don't think he came to participate in the assessment at all."

"Yes, his legs are fake."

Everyone said angrily.

Zhang Yifan looked at Peng Jiang who was leaving, and frowned slightly, this guy was really worried.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you care about the people around you? Look at him, he is simply too arrogant." A male student said angrily.

Zhang Yifan ignored him, he continued to eat breakfast.

He already knew about Peng Jiang's arrogance.

"Mr. Zhang, you should take care of him." A male student said angrily.

"Are you all full? Peng Jiang is my guest. Of course I have to defend him. Whoever dares to provoke him, I will fight with all my might. If you are not convinced, come to me. I will accompany you at any time." Zhang Yifan Said seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, this Peng Jiang is simply crazy. He doesn't look like someone who came to take the exam." A male student said.

Zhang Yifan said: "Peng Jiang is here to learn, and he also has this ability. As for his piano art, I think I know it better than you."

After everyone listened, they became quiet and did not speak again.

"Peng Jiang, what's wrong with you, your complexion doesn't look very good, did you not sleep well last night, you should pay attention to your health." Li Mengyao asked concerned.

"No, I'm fine, my legs are fine." Peng Jiang smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Li Mengyao's kind attitude towards Peng Jiang, Zhang Yifan felt a little unhappy, but he didn't express it.

Peng Jiang is a person with great potential. If he hadn't been injured, he might have become famous all over the world.

He wasn't targeting Peng Jiang either, but he didn't want Li Mengyao and Peng Jiang to get too close.

"Well, it's fine if your legs are fine." Li Mengyao said with concern.

"Sister Mengyao, what is the topic of this assessment?" Peng Jiang asked.

Li Mengyao said: "The subject of this assessment is Guzheng."

"Wow, that's great." Peng Jiang said excitedly.

"Peng Jiang, this assessment is not easy, because Guzheng is very difficult to learn. If your piano skills are not good, it will be dangerous." Li Mengyao instructed.

"It doesn't matter to me, even if I fail the assessment, I will admit it." Peng Jiang said firmly.

He was ready to fail.

He didn't want Li Mengyao to worry.

Although Peng Jiang is not the material to learn guzheng, but he is very eager to learn guzheng.

In the past few months, he has put in a lot of effort to learn the guzheng, and his legs have been worn out in the process of learning the guzheng.

In the past few months, he has hardly cultivated for a quarter of an hour.

"Okay then, take care of yourself." Li Mengyao glanced at Peng Jiang worriedly.

Zhang Yifan looked at Peng Jiang's leg. There was a thick layer of bruises on his leg. Although his injury had almost recovered, he was still running on the playground in slippers.

Looking at his strong figure and healthy complexion, he should exercise regularly.

"Peng Jiang, what's the matter with your leg? Why did it hurt?" Zhang Yifan asked with concern.

"Hehe, it's okay." Peng Jiang smiled bitterly. He didn't know who did it. Anyway, he fell by himself, and fell from a three-meter-high cliff.

"Your physical fitness is really good." Zhang Yifan sighed.

"Is my physical fitness poor? I can tell you that my physical fitness is very strong." Peng Jiang said confidently.

"Peng Jiang, I think so, you don't come to school to study, stay in the college first, when we graduate, I will help you heal your leg." Zhang Yifan suggested.

Most of the candidates who came this time were ordinary students. Maybe they didn't know it, but Zhang Yifan knew that in this case, many candidates would choose to drop out. After all, this exam is an international level assessment, and ordinary students cannot participate.

Peng Jiang looked at Zhang Yifan, and he said gratefully: "Teacher Zhang, don't worry, I will not let you down, I will definitely pass this test."

"Well, do your best." Zhang Yifan smiled.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll go back to class first." Peng Jiang smiled and left.

When Peng Jiang returned to the classroom, he saw some students in the class talking about him and pointing fingers at him. He felt angry in his heart. His body is very powerful, and his legs have experienced many times of wear and tear. It takes practice to wear it down.

"Peng Jiang, why don't you take a few more days off?" the class teacher asked concerned.

Peng Jiang smiled and said, "I'm fine, teacher, I want to pass this assessment."

The head teacher nodded after listening, he knew the difficulty of this assessment.

"Well, how about this, you hand over these test papers to me, and then go home and take a good rest for a while." The head teacher said.

"Thank you teacher." Peng Jiang smiled, took out the test paper and handed it to the head teacher.

The teacher in charge took the test paper and after reading it, he said in surprise: "Peng Jiang, your piano skills are very good. You must pass this test."

He didn't expect that Peng Jiang's piano skills are so good, and he can play such a beautiful piece of music, which is really rare.

"Thank you teacher for your compliment." Peng Jiang said modestly.

"Peng Jiang, this exam is very difficult, I think you can think about it in another place." The head teacher persuaded.

Peng Jiang was slightly taken aback, then smiled, looked at the head teacher and said, "Thank you teacher for your concern, but I want to learn guzheng, I want to pass this test, and I also want to prove myself, I don't want to be ridiculed by others, saying that I It's just a rookie who is learning Guzheng."

He wanted to pass this assessment and prove it to everyone.

His piano skills are definitely higher than Zhang Yifan.

"Okay, since you have decided, then you should study hard." After seeing this, the head teacher said nothing, turned and left.

Peng Jiang looked at his back with an indifferent smile on his lips.

After Peng Jiang sat back in his seat, he began to review the exam papers.

When Peng Jiang just turned on his laptop and wanted to start reviewing.

Suddenly a text message came.

Peng Jiang opened the text message and took a look.

Sender: Wang Yuze.

"Hmph." Peng Jiang smiled coldly.

"Wang Yuze, you bitch, what do you want to do?" Peng Jiang said angrily.

He already guessed who sent the text message, except for the lingering woman, there was no one else.

Wang Yuze said in the text message: "Don't worry, I just want to treat you to a meal."

"Fuck off, I don't want to meet you today, let alone a woman like you." Peng Jiang scolded.

"Do you hate me that much? You don't want to see me. Don't tell me I'm so ugly. A handsome guy like you doesn't even want to pay attention to me when he sees me." The text message continued.

"You bitch, I feel like throwing up when I see you." Peng Jiang cursed angrily.

"Haha." After laughing wildly for a while, Wang Yuze continued to send text messages: "Don't be angry, I just want to see you, you don't have to be so angry, and I don't want to be your enemy, after all, you are also a handsome guy , I also hope that we can get along well."

"Bah." Peng Jiang spat and said disdainfully: "Wang Yuze, who do you think you are, want to be friends, I bah, I think you are just a bitch."

"Peng Jiang, don't go too far. I just want to chat with you. I didn't provoke you, and I don't want to. If you are insulting me, don't blame me for being rude to you. You also know me, Wang Yuze. Personality, I will do what I say." Wang Yuze said coldly.

"Fuck, what kind of onion are you? You deserve to threaten me." Peng Jiang roared angrily.

Wang Yuze ignored him.

At this time, several other boys in the class also surrounded him.

They all want to get to know the new handsome guy.

Peng Jiang is a man of the hour in their class, he is the first in every exam, and he is their idol.

Peng Jiang is a very handsome boy, but his face is always so pale, he looks sick and lack of energy, his cheeks are uneven, and the lines on his face are thick and terrifying.

"Boy, your name is Peng Jiang, right?" A boy said at this time.

"Yes." Peng Jiang nodded slightly.

"Hey, are you a freshman at our school?" another boy said.

"Yes." Peng Jiang nodded.

"Are you abandoned by your family, so you came to our school to suffer, don't worry, we will help you after our school results come out." The boy said.

Peng Jiang shook his head and said, "I don't need your help, you can just study with peace of mind."

"Well, since you insist on taking the exam by yourself, you should take the exam well and tell us if you have any difficulties, don't push yourself." A boy said.

"Thank you for your kindness, I know." Peng Jiang nodded.

"Okay, let's all break up." The group said.

"Okay, thank you, you go slowly." Peng Jiang said politely.

"No need to send it away, kid, work hard and try to pass this assessment." A boy said.

"Well, you go slowly."

When all these people left.

(End of this chapter)

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