Chapter 282
"Peng Jiang, if you don't tell me, I'll tell my father about it and let him clean up your Pengjiabao, hum!" Seeing that Peng Jiang ignored him, Li Dahai snorted coldly.

"Li Dahai, don't go too far! I warn you not to talk nonsense!" Peng Jiang said, glaring at Li Dahai viciously.

Li Dahai laughed loudly after hearing Peng Jiang's words.

"Little bastard! I think you should tell me obediently!" Li Dahai looked at Peng Jiang and said coldly.

"Peng Jiang, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai and said.

"I, Li Dahai, have experienced many years outside and experienced many storms. Just because you are a young boy, it is not worth my fear of you!"

After hearing Li Dahai's words, Peng Jiang sneered a few times, and said, "Since you are so powerful, go find it yourself, don't pretend to be aggressive in front of me!"

"Peng Jiang! I'm going to kill you!"

Li Dahai was furious after hearing Peng Jiang's words.

"Li Dahai, what do you want!" Peng Jiang said nervously, seeing Li Dahai's angry expression.

"You two go to me, kill him! How can the majesty of my Pengjiabao be tarnished by any junior!" Li Dahai pointed at Peng Jiang angrily, and said to the two guards.

The two guards heard Li Dahai's order, glanced at each other, and then attacked Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang watched Li Dahai's two guards attacking him, and he immediately hid behind Li Dahai.

Peng Jiang's two guards stopped attacking immediately when they saw Peng Jiang running to Li Dahai's side.

"What? Don't you two want to defeat me? Why don't you continue to attack?" Peng Jiang sneered when he saw the two guards stop attacking.

"Hmph! Master Peng Jiang, don't hide anymore, you can't escape!"

Peng Jiang immediately sneered and said, "If you can't escape, you won't escape. I just want to escape. I don't believe that you can catch up with me?"

"Little bastard, today we will depose you!"

After all, the two guards attacked Peng Jiang together.

Seeing this, Peng Jiang immediately ran out.

Seeing that Peng Jiang dared to run away, Li Dahai immediately became angry. While chasing Peng Jiang, he shouted to Peng Jiang's guards: "Stop that little bastard!"

When Peng Jiang heard Li Dahai's words, he stopped immediately, turned his head and said to the three guards behind him, "You three quickly help me stop him!"

After listening to Peng Jiang's order, Li Dahai immediately accelerated and ran forward.

Seeing that Li Dahai was chasing him in a hurry, the three guards rushed towards Peng Jiang quickly, blocking Peng Jiang's retreat.

Peng Jiang looked at the three people standing in front of him, and his expression changed drastically.

They are all Peng Jiang's personal guards, and they are very powerful. He is no match for them at all. What's more, his cultivation base is only at the sixth level of Qi Refining, and behind him stands a more powerful Li Dahai.

"Peng Jiang, you can't escape, you will die!" Li Dahai looked at Peng Jiang and said arrogantly.

After listening to Li Dahai's words, Peng Jiang gritted his teeth and said, "Li Dahai, even if I die, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

Seeing that Peng Jiang still wanted to fight him, Li Dahai burst out laughing.

After Li Dahai laughed, he immediately said to Peng Jiang: "Peng Jiang, let me tell you, I will definitely not hold back today, because I want to return today's shame to you!"

"Peng Jiang, just accept your fate, I will definitely destroy you!" Li Dahai raised the sword in his hand and slashed towards Peng Jiang.

Li Dahai attacked Peng Jiang with a sword in his hand.

Li Dahai saw that Peng Jiang was still standing there stupidly, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Li Dahai raising the sword in his hand, Peng Jiang turned pale with fright, and immediately dodged to the side.

However, Peng Jiang's speed was still a step slower, and his arm was cut by the sharp blade.

Bright red blood flowed down from the wound, Peng Jiang gasped in pain, then immediately closed his breath and covered the wound with his hands.

However, the blood poured out more and more, and finally dyed Peng Jiang's entire cuff red.

"Peng Jiang, is that all you have? How dare you say you want revenge!" Li Dahai looked at Peng Jiang proudly and said mockingly.

"Hmph! Who said that! I will definitely take revenge! Just wait and see!" Peng Jiang said coldly, wiping off the blood on his wrist.

"Oh! How do you take revenge?" Li Dahai asked with a smile.

"Just wait for me!" Peng Jiang said through gritted teeth.

"Peng Jiang, let me tell you, you'd better go back with me honestly, don't even think about running away, because I've already set up a net, as long as you step out of the hall, I can know you Where did you go!" Li Dahai said coldly.

"Really? Do you think I will let you succeed easily? Let me tell you, I'm ready!" Peng Jiang sneered.

"Get ready! Peng Jiang, do you think you can resist my offensive?"

"How do you know if you don't try!"

"Okay, I'll abolish you first, and then take you back!"

"How dare you! If you hurt me, my father will definitely not spare you!" Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai angrily and said.

"Hehe! I'm afraid of what your father will do. Your father is just a useless piece of trash. Do you really think he can do anything to me?"

"Peng Jiang, go to hell!" Li Dahai looked at Peng Jiang and shouted, then raised the sword in his hand and stabbed at Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai's stabbing sword, his heart was pounding, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

Peng Jiang suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light shot out from his eyes. This eye is Peng Jiang's best different pupil!
A pale yellow light shot out from Peng Jiang's pupils, hitting Li Dahai's eye sockets.

Li Dahai felt severe pain coming from his eyes, and immediately covered his eyes and cried out.

Seeing Li Dahai's reaction, Peng Jiang secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had practiced how to use different pupils just now, otherwise today would be miserable.

Li Dahai saw that Peng Jiang in front of him could still use the different pupils, and he looked at Peng Jiang in surprise and said, "Peng Jiang, you have learned the different pupils! You have secretly learned the different pupils of our family!"

"Stealing? You deserve me to steal too!"

Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai with a sneer and said.

"Peng Jiang, you not only stole the different pupils of our Peng family, but also the treasures of our Peng family! I want to kill you and avenge my brother!" The sword rushed towards Peng Jiang.

"You kill!" Peng Jiang mocked Li Dahai.

As soon as Peng Jiang finished speaking, a light blue light hit Li Dahai instantly.


Li Dahai's chest collapsed immediately from the beating, and his body also flew upside down several meters away.

Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai who was lying on the ground coughing continuously, and snorted coldly.

"Li Dahai, now you know how powerful I am, you want to hurt me! How ridiculous!"

"You..." Li Dahai covered his chest and pointed at Peng Jiang, speechless.

Li Dahai didn't expect Peng Jiang to learn different pupils. He never thought that his younger brother was defeated by Peng Jiang. It's really shameful!
Peng Jiang walked up to Li Dahai and looked down at Li Dahai who was lying on the ground.

"Peng Jiang, don't bully people too much!" Li Dahai looked at Peng Jiang and said viciously.

"Hmph! Li Dahai, don't put on airs here. Let me tell you, if you refuse to admit defeat, I will continue to abolish your cultivation. You can choose to continue hiding, but you'd better not let me find a chance, otherwise, I'll make your death embarrassing!" Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai and said.

"Hmph!" Although Li Dahai knew that he could never be Peng Jiang's opponent, his pride did not allow him to bow his head and admit defeat!
"Okay, no more nonsense, you all go to hell!"

Peng Jiang looked at Li Dahai, and after speaking, he raised his palms and launched a vision around him. Peng Jiang's limbs and palms were all wrapped in a cloud of light blue mist, and even his body was light blue. , looks very weird.

Peng Jiang's limbs and palms instantly emitted light blue light, and then quickly grew in size, turning into two giants in the blink of an eye, rushing towards Li Dahai.

Li Dahai felt two powerful forces attacking him, and quickly blocked himself with the sword in his hand.


The sword in Li Dahai's hand collided with Peng Jiang's fists, and they were sent flying at the same time.

Li Dahai drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and then landed on the ground.

Peng Jiang's figure also landed firmly on the ground.

Li Dahai's feet sank into the ground.

"Pfft~" Li Dahai spat out a big mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha! I just said that you Li family members are not very good! This little guy can beat you to the ground!"

Peng Jiang looked at the embarrassed Li Dahai and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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