Chapter 290
Ever since he knew that his father's death had something to do with Li Xiaoyu, Peng Jiang wanted to avenge his father, but he was not from the world of cultivating immortals, and he had no power, so he kept living with the humiliation, thinking that one day in the future He must be able to take revenge and avenge his father.

"Do you know why you didn't grow up in the world of cultivating immortals? You are a person with mediocre talent. I once thought that you would disappear from everyone in this world." Wang Zhiyuan said suddenly.

"I don't know why, maybe there are many things in this world that we can't think of! Father! Are you a cultivator? Do you know the fairy world?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Of course I know! Aren't you always curious about why ordinary people are not allowed to enter the world of cultivating immortals? Because people in this world are not qualified to enter the world of immortals. I can tell you clearly that there is no law in the world of cultivating immortals. As long as you If you are strong enough, you are the emperor here!" Wang Zhiyuan said proudly.

"Then I have to work hard to become stronger!" Peng Jiang said excitedly.

"Don't worry, as long as you practice according to the cultivation method I taught you, you will definitely be faster than others! Your aptitude is the best. Everyone in our Peng family is a cultivator of immortals. The ancestral motto of our Peng family is Those of us in the world of cultivating immortals are not allowed to intervene in the struggles of the mundane world! We just need to ensure the safety of mortals and prevent them from being killed."

"But...but your father and mother are not here anymore?" Peng Jiang said with some doubts.

"That is the fate of your father and mother. They are immortal cultivators, so they naturally have their fate. We mortals just need to follow our own destiny and don't have to worry so much. You are still young and don't understand the rules of the cultivation world. Waiting for you When I grow up, I will naturally understand." Wang Zhiyuan said.

After listening to Wang Zhiyuan's words, Peng Jiang no longer entangled in this matter.

There was a smile on his face, and he said to Wang Zhiyuan: "Father! Mother in the sky must hope to see that our Peng family can do something, so I will definitely work hard!"

"Okay! My good boy, I am very pleased that you have such awareness." Wang Zhiyuan patted Peng Jiang on the shoulder and said.

"Then I'll go back first, you and grandpa talk slowly."

After speaking, Peng Jiang turned around and walked away.

Peng Zhenhai, Peng Jiang's father, felt a little melancholy watching his son disappear from his sight.

Although Peng Jiang is the orphan he picked up, he has never treated this child badly. For so many years, Peng Jiang has been very obedient and obedient, and he is also very satisfied with his son. He was killed by that woman named Li Xiaoyu.

"You still don't get out! Do you still have to wait for me to drive you away?"

When Wang Zhiyuan was still immersed in grief, he suddenly heard Peng Jiang's voice resounding through the sky.

"Peng Jiang, why are you so rude!"

Peng Zhenhai frowned and looked at his son, and said displeasedly.

Peng Jiang listened to his father's words, not only did not refute, but lowered his head, his eyes were slightly red.

Wang Zhenhai was also very surprised to see his son crying. Although his son was docile, he had never shed tears in front of him.

"Peng Zhenhai, you are really cruel! My mother loves you so much, she even gave up her life, just so that you can live a good life! But you, you actually killed your only son for your benefit. up!"

"Nonsense! My wife is not the kind of rich and vain woman you imagined. Our Peng family is a well-cultivated family. Our Peng family is a responsible immortal cultivator. Your mother is just a mistress. It's all about coveting our family's property! It's good that I didn't let her be the mistress! Don't provoke our father and son anymore, or I will be rude to you!" Wang Zhiyuan said angrily.

"You are a coward! My mother jumped off the cliff desperately to give birth to me, and you even ignored her for your benefit! You are not worthy to be the head of our Peng family!" Peng Jiang roared loudly.

Wang Zhiyuan looked at his son with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Peng Zhenhai, do you want to kill me!" Peng Jiang yelled and asked.

"Kill you? You are not worthy!" Wang Zhiyuan snorted coldly.

"I'm going to duel with you today!"

"Duel? Hehe, I want to see what you can use to fight me!" Wang Zhiyuan rushed towards Peng Jiang as he spoke.

The two fought, and Peng Jiang kept attacking Wang Zhiyuan's vital parts with his fingers.

Seeing Peng Jiang's attack becoming more and more fierce, Wang Zhiyuan was very puzzled.

"This kid is able to practice all these things! It seems that he has been lazy in the past few years! That's good! I just take this opportunity to let you experience what despair is! What is pain!" Wang Zhiyuan I thought viciously in my heart.

Wang Zhiyuan and Peng Jiang fought inextricably.

Peng Jiang kept retreating while resisting Wang Zhiyuan's attack.

Suddenly Peng Jiang stopped, and then spat out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale, his figure swayed a few times, and he almost fell down.

Seeing that Peng Jiang was injured, Wang Zhiyuan had a smug smile on his face. This is my purpose. I will use this child to force him to find the way of cultivation, so that he can become a promising monk as soon as possible!
Wang Zhiyuan walked to Peng Jiang's side and said contemptuously: "Peng Jiang, this is the end of the duel between you and me. You are too weak. If you can't even touch the corner of my clothes, you will be defeated by me! I advise you You might as well go back to practice obediently and strive to reach the foundation building stage as soon as possible! I will continue to practice! You also have to work hard to practice, so that you can surpass me as soon as possible and become the strongest in this world!"

Wang Zhiyuan raised his palm as he spoke.

"I'm not reconciled! I want revenge!" Peng Jiang shouted.

"You are too weak!" Wang Zhiyuan slapped him.

Peng Jiang fell into a coma immediately.

"Hmph, you reckless bastard, since you don't know how to repent, then I'll take care of you for your mother!" Wang Zhiyuan said viciously.

Wang Zhiyuan picked up the unconscious Peng Jiang, then quickly left the room and ran out of the villa.

There were bursts of gloomy and cold aura exuding from Peng Jiang's body, and the pedestrians along the way couldn't help shivering.

This breath is really terrifying!

Wang Zhiyuan put Peng Jiang in the back seat of the car, then drove quickly to the suburbs, came to a desolate grassland, and put Peng Jiang on the ground.

Wang Zhiyuan took out a long whip from the car, and then waved the long whip several times.


Peng Jiang's buttocks immediately had several whip marks of different shades, and a clear whip mark immediately appeared on his buttocks.

Peng Jiang was in pain and immediately woke up from the coma.

Seeing Peng Jiang wake up, Wang Zhiyuan stared at him coldly with a mocking expression on his face.

Peng Jiang looked up at Wang Zhiyuan, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but then he returned to his original state.

"Who are you! Why are you kidnapping me!"

"Peng Jiang, let me tell you, you can't escape today! Because I have given you a choice! Either follow me, learn my skills, and become a cultivator! Or, I will kill you, and your body will be Mine! Haha!" Wang Zhiyuan said wildly.

When Peng Jiang heard Wang Zhiyuan's words, a firm expression appeared in his eyes.

"Impossible! I can't betray my parents! You don't want me to be your puppet!" Peng Jiang said coldly.

"Peng Jiang, if you don't want to, you have to do it obediently. I have already chosen a path for you. If you dare to resist, I will directly abolish the spells you practice! I will do what I say!"

After Wang Zhiyuan finished speaking, he turned and left. Peng Jiang stared blankly at Wang Zhiyuan's disappearing back, with deep hatred in his eyes.

Wang Zhiyuan returned to the room, closed the door, and then lay on the bed with his eyes closed, thinking about how to make Peng Jiang subdue, and then let him obey his orders.

Peng Jiang waited for Wang Zhiyuan's appearance while healed.

"Bang Bang Bang"

There was a knock on the door, and Peng Jiang knew that it was Wang Zhiyuan who had come, so he stood up quickly and opened the door.

As soon as Wang Zhiyuan came in, he saw Peng Jiang standing in the middle of the room waiting for him with a faint smile on his lips.

Wang Zhiyuan frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Why! I'm not welcome! You little bastard, I tell you, you'd better be obedient! Otherwise, I will abolish your dantian, so that you can no longer cultivate true energy!" Wang Zhiyuan threatened Peng Jiang viciously.

Peng Jiang showed no expression of fear, but said very calmly: "Then I would like to thank you, Uncle Wang, for your fulfillment! But, I hope you don't hurt my mother! I don't want to see her being beaten to pieces by you." It looks like it's flying!"

Wang Zhiyuan glanced at Peng Jiang coldly, and said with a sneer in his heart: "You still have your mother in your heart! Hmph! Since you insist on this, I will let you taste that life is worse than death!"

Peng Jiang looked at Wang Zhiyuan, whose eyes were full of resentment, and couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

(End of this chapter)

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