Chapter 384

Peng Jiang left the office and walked towards Li Wanting's office building. When he reached Li Wanting's office building, Peng Jiang suddenly saw Li Wanting's colleague. Peng Jiang walked to her desk and shouted at her colleague. :

"Hi beauty, is your chairman here?"

"Oh, Chairman Li just went out, what's wrong?" Li Wanting's colleague asked.

"Then when will she come back?"

Peng Jiang asked again.

"Maybe it will take a while. Chairman Li said that she is going to accompany our company's new project team today, so I don't know when she will come back. If there is something to do, just wait!"

"Oh well!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he sat next to Li Wanting's seat, waiting for Li Wanting's arrival in the afternoon.

Peng Jiang sat quietly in Li Wanting's seat, looking at the scenery outside the window, feeling a little emotional in his heart!

Li Wanting's colleague also sat down beside him and looked at Peng Jiang. Peng Jiang's clothes showed that he was not a child of ordinary people, but why did this young and handsome man know Li Wanting?

After Li Wanting came back, Peng Jiang stood up and followed Li Wanting's colleagues to her office.

"Hello Chairman Li!" Peng Jiang said to Li Wanting.

"Well, Peng Jiang, why don't you tell me in advance when you come here?"

Li Wanting said to Peng Jiang.

"Ha ha!"

Peng Jiang smiled.

"By the way, here is your information. I have already done it for you. Take it to the manager of the finance department, and the manager will arrange it for you!"

As Li Wanting said, she took out a document and handed it to Peng Jiang.

"Thank you, Wanting, you are so kind to me!"

Peng Jiang said moved.

"Okay, we are all friends! I'm busy now, and I'll look for you when I come back at night!"

Li Wanting said.

"Okay, go, go!"

Peng Jiang waved his hand and said.

Li Wanting turned around and returned to her office, continuing to do her work.

"Peng Jiang, you seem to be very valued by Li Wanting!"

"Yes, Wanting is a good girl, I like Wanting very much!" Peng Jiang said.


Wang Hao also sighed.

Peng Jiang returned to his office.

Peng Jiang has been in his office for the past few days, waiting for news from Li Wanting, and Peng Jiang has not been idle. He has been practicing his inner skills, although he has stagnated since he practiced inner skills However, Peng Jiang did not give up on cultivation.

Peng Jiang began to practice inner skills, hoping to reach a higher level as soon as possible, and then help his girlfriend. When Peng Jiang thought of his girlfriend, he couldn't help but think of his father and mother, himself and his girlfriend. Peng Jiang couldn't help crying.

Peng Jiang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, took the information that Li Wanting gave him on his desk, went to the finance department, and found the head of the finance department.


"Hello, are you here to see President Li? Please follow me!"

"Ok, thanks!"

Peng Jiang followed the head of the finance department towards the president's office.

The head of the finance department took Peng Jiang into the president's office. As soon as Peng Jiang entered the office, he saw Li Wanting who was looking at the documents.

Li Wanting raised her head when she heard the knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Wanting, you are looking for me!" Peng Jiang walked to Li Wanting's side and said to Li Wanting.

"Peng Jiang, you are here, here is your document, please sign!"

"Oh well!"

Peng Jiang took the document and signed his name on it, and Peng Jiang saw Peng Jiang's name on the document.

Peng Jiang didn't care that Li Wanting was reading the materials, so he just sat on the sofa.

"This is the new professional job I prepared for you! See for yourself! Tell me if you don't understand anything!"

Li Wanting threw the information in front of Peng Jiang and said to Peng Jiang.

"Oh well!"

Peng Jiang picked up the materials and began to read the materials.

"Here are the recruitment regulations of some companies that I found on the Internet. See if there is anything you are not satisfied with. I will change some of them!" Li Wanting said to Peng Jiang.

"Okay, thank you Wanting, I will take a closer look, and if there is any problem, I will tell you!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he continued to look at the information carefully.

After reading the information, Peng Jiang picked up a pen and wrote down what he didn't quite understand on the paper, handed it to Li Wanting and said.

“You see something is wrong with this place!”

Li Wanting took a look at the paper and said.

"Well, some places need to be revised!"

After Li Wanting finished speaking, she revised it on the paper.

"Okay, I have modified it, you can see for yourself!"

Li Wanting handed the paper to Peng Jiang and said.

"It's really good, it's great! Thank you Wanting, you are so amazing, I don't even know what to say now!"

"Thank me for what? Do you want me to give you my body?"

"Uh, I wouldn't do that! I still prefer the beautiful, kind and gentle Wanting!"

"That's good, I don't like people thinking about me all the time!"

"Okay, I won't delay you from reading the file, I'll go first!"

"See you!"

Peng Jiang watched Li Wanting leave his office, and then continued to look at the documents on the table.

Li Wanting came upstairs to the president's exclusive elevator, pressed the elevator button, and waited for the elevator to reach the top floor.


There was a knock on the door of Peng Jiang's office.

"Come in!"

Li Wanting pushed open the door and walked in.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Li? I'm the deputy manager of the finance department!"

"Well, please sit down! I'm Li Wanting!"


The deputy manager was sitting opposite Li Wanting.

"Mr. Li, I called you here today to tell you that someone has signed up for the job today!"

"What, someone signed up today?"

Li Wanting looked at the deputy manager in surprise.

"Yes, because this new company is under your name, I didn't dare to say anything, I don't know if you have a look!"

"Okay, show me!"

Li Wanting took the information handed over by the deputy manager and read it.

Li Wanting carefully looked at the information on the document, and frowned after reading it.

"Sorry, I can't agree!"

"Why? Didn't you want them to share your responsibilities?"

"I want them to share my burden, but I can't use them, they are too young, I can't bear to use them, I want to cultivate a company that can be independent, let them take all my responsibilities, they They are still young and not suitable to take over the company's affairs. The most suitable time for them to take over the company is when they graduate from university or are their family successors. They are still too young to take on the responsibility. Responsibility, if this responsibility is handed over to their parents, grandparents, they will only cause them more trouble, so I can't promise them, I can only hand over the company to Peng Jiang!"

"Mr. Li, you really love them. I think they will be very happy. You won't let you down. Don't worry, give Pengjiang to me!"

"Then thank you, I believe in your vision! I hope my company will become more and more prosperous, and I will use these people to help Peng Jiang!"

"Okay, Mr. Li, don't worry, I will make the company the best! Let your company become the largest company in China and even in the world!"

"Thank you!"

"Mr. Li is polite, this is what I should do, I will go to work first!"

"Okay, I won't send it away!"

"Then I'll go first!"


Li Wanting stood up and watched the deputy manager leave her office.

After the deputy manager walked out of Li Wanting's office, he went directly to Peng Jiang's office.


"Come in!"

"Director Peng Jiang! I have something to discuss with you!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"It's about the company's recruitment of employees! We have notified the heads of each company about your registration, and we will select employees based on their performance!"


Peng Jiang nodded.

"Then I will trouble you! I want you to be in charge of all matters related to this recruitment. Do you have any requirements!"

"No, my request is that as long as the character is good!"

"Okay, then it's decided!"

"Okay! Then I'll arrange it!"

"Well, let's go!"

"Yes! Then I'll go!"

Peng Jiang left after finishing speaking.

Peng Jiang came to his desk, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, I'm Peng Jiang!"

"It's me, any instructions?"

"It's like this. I've discussed it with Li Wanting. We will start the company's shareholders' meeting within two months to select a group of elite employees to help me! You go to prepare for this matter, and then put some of the company's internal processes into consideration. and notes to me!"


"Well, hang up!"

"Okay, hang up!"

(End of this chapter)

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