Chapter 390

"Well, that's good! Then you go to the classroom now, I'm going to report too!"

"Sister Yunyao, goodbye!"

"See you!"

After Peng Jiang left, Yun Yao returned to her desk!
Yun Yao turned on the computer and started doing homework!
Peng Jiang walked into the classroom and saw Yun Yao who was buried in her homework. Peng Jiang smiled and said, "Sister Yun Yao, I'm back!"

"Oh, Peng Jiang, sit down!"

"Well, thank you sister Yunyao!"

Peng Jiang sat next to Yunyao, then took out his textbook and started reading, and he was also listening to the class very seriously!

Seeing that Peng Jiang was listening to the class seriously, Yun Yao couldn't help thinking that Peng Jiang was very interesting!

Hearing Yun Yao's sniggering, Peng Jiang felt even more uneasy!
Seeing Peng Jiang looking up and seeing Peng Jiang's expression, Yun Yao couldn't help laughing!
"Peng Jiang, what, what are you looking at?"

"Sister Yunyao, how do you know I'm looking at you!"

"Hehe, Peng Jiang, your thoughts are written all over your face!"

Peng Jiang scratched his head in embarrassment!

Seeing Peng Jiang's cute appearance, Yun Yao couldn't help smiling!

Seeing Yun Yao smile, Peng Jiang felt hot on his face!
"Peng Jiang, what book are you reading?"

"Well, it's the professional book I read before!"

"Oh, really?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, this major is one of my best majors!"

"It's amazing!"

"That is, I have loved reading since I was a child!"

"You are so talented, why don't you go to a good university and go to graduate school!"

"Oh, I'm just lazy and have no ambition!"

"Then how can you have ambition if you don't work hard, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will be able to achieve something!"

"Well, I see!"

"Peng Jiang, let's go to the library!"


The two went to the library!
The two of them rummaged through the bookshelves looking for all kinds of books!

Seeing Peng Jiang looking for books, Yun Yao felt warm in her heart!
"Sister Yunyao, these books are ordinary books, why are we looking for so many books!"

"Of course I'm looking for some information!"


The two of them started to read it!

Peng Jiang is like a good baby looking for something he is interested in, and from time to time he will make a "creak creak!" sound!

Seeing Peng Jiang's cute appearance, Yun Yao felt warm in her heart!
This is what a child should be like!
"Sister Yunyao, I'm done looking!"

Peng Jiang put all the books in Yunyao's hands!

"Well, okay! Peng Jiang, you go back to the classroom for class first, I will go to the classroom in a while!"

"Okay, I'll wait for Sister Yunyao to go!"

Peng Jiang turned around and left. Peng Jiang returned to his seat, looked at his laptop, and felt excited!
I finally found my favorite book!

Ever since being rejected by Sister Yunyao, Peng Jiang has never touched this computer again!
Now you can finally start a new day in your life!
Peng Jiang opened his mailbox, sent a few emails, and then turned off the computer!

After class in the afternoon, Peng Jiang was about to pack up his things and leave, but he didn't expect to be stopped by a group of people as soon as he walked to the door of the classroom!

"Peng Jiang, stop for me!"

Peng Jiang stopped in his tracks!
"I am the nephew of your class teacher, please tell me if you have anything to do!"

"Whose nephew are you taking care of us!"

"If you block the way again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

"Hit us? Well, I'm going to try it today!"

"You are courting death!"

"Hey, you still want to be rough! Brothers, surround him and beat him to death!"

A group of punks surrounded Peng Jiang!
Peng Jiang didn't expect that he had just returned to normal, and someone came to provoke him again, and there were so many people here!
Peng Jiang quickly took out the dagger he was carrying with him!

"Peng Jiang, lost the knife to me, get out of here, or I will be rude!"

"Hey, come here if you have the ability!"

"Peng Jiang, you are still stubborn, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

While avoiding, Peng Jiang got entangled with the other party, while Yun Yao stood watching them fight from a distance!

"Peng Jiang, Peng Jiang" Yun Yao called twice, but Peng Jiang ignored her!

Peng Jiang has been dealing with each other!

Seeing that Peng Jiang didn't respond to her, Yun Yao rushed over to help Peng Jiang!

"Hey! You woman, dare to spoil my good deed!" A gangster was punched in the face by Yunyao, and his nose bleeds!
"You bastards are bullying my friends. If I don't teach you a lesson today, my surname will not be Lin!"

"Haha, what kind of onion are you!"

"Listen to me, all of you. I am Lin Yunyao, the heir of Yun's enterprise. It is better for you to get familiar with my name earlier. Otherwise, when my father finds out, you will be miserable!"

"You, you are the only heir to the Yun family, that little witch of the Yun family!"


"I'll see how you save him this time, this time he's dead!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Peng Jiang quickly said to Yunyao, "Sister Yunyao, run!"

"Peng Jiang, you run first, don't worry about me, run!"

Peng Jiang didn't listen to Yun Yao's words, instead he stood where he was, because he had already heard the roar of the motor coming from behind!

"Peng Jiang, why don't you run away, run quickly, you won't be able to leave when they come!"

"Sister Yunyao, I can't leave you alone, if you want to leave, let's go together!"

Peng Jiang looked deathly at home!

"Peng Jiang, don't be stupid! They are coming after me! Run for your life and leave me alone!"

"Sister Yunyao, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself, run for your life, I'll wait for you here!"

"Peng Jiang."

"Yunyao, hurry up, I will definitely protect myself!"

Peng Jiang's words made Yun Yao shed tears!

"Sister Yunyao, hurry up, if you don't leave, I really have nothing to do!"

Seeing Yunyao crying, Peng Jiang urged her to run!

Yun Yao wiped her tears and ran towards the school gate!

Seeing Peng Jiang standing at the gate of the school, Yun Yao slowed down!

"Peng Jiang, you leave school quickly, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself!"

"Sister Yunyao, leave me alone, I will not abandon you, unless I die, otherwise I will never leave you for the rest of my life!"

"You stupid!"

Peng Jiang didn't speak, he was afraid that if he spoke, he would lose control of his urge to cry!


"Brother Peng Jiang, just listen to me, run away, and leave me alone!"

Peng Jiang ignored Yunyao, but kept watching Yunyao!

"Peng Jiang, are you stupid? Run, they are all here, what are you still looking at, it will be too late if you don't run!"

Peng Jiang didn't hear Yun Yao's advice, and still watched her!
"Peng Jiang, you fool, we are people from two worlds, you go! I will take care of myself!"

As Yun Yao said, her eyes were full of guilt!
"Sister Yunyao, I already have someone I like, but he is still studying, can you give me some time to pursue him?"

Yun Yao didn't say a word, and acquiesced to Peng Jiang's proposal. After all, Peng Jiang wasn't to blame for this matter!
Yun Yao can only accept this reality!
Yun Yao glanced at Peng Jiang, then ran out of the school!

After Yunyao ran out, Peng Jiang walked slowly towards the school!

"Brother Peng Jiang and sister Yunyao are gone, why don't you run away!"

"I won't run away, because you are the beautiful princess in my heart, I want to take you to my kingdom!"

Peng Jiang said silently in his heart!

Peng Jiang came to the door of his class, and saw that all the students in the class had left!

"Huh? Strange, where are people? Where did they go?"

“We got into a fight by the back door and they all ran away!”


"Well, let's go, don't stay in our class anymore!"

Peng Jiang walked out of the back door of the class and found no one outside the back door, so Peng Jiang walked out of the school gate and came to the playground!
The playground is very quiet!

Peng Jiang walked in the direction Yunyao left!
Peng Jiang walked to the direction Yunyao left, and Peng Jiang saw Yunyao running on the playground!

Peng Jiang quickened his pace and ran towards Yunyao!

"Peng Jiang, leave me alone, get out of here quickly, this place is too dangerous, these bastards are bullies, they are not like me, they still have a conscience, but they are desperadoes, they can do anything! "

Peng Jiang stopped and glanced at Yunyao!
"Sister Yunyao, you don't have to be afraid of them, I will never let anyone who hurts you go, I won't give up on you!"

Peng Jiang looked at Yunyao, then turned around and ran away!

Seeing Peng Jiang's back disappear, Yun Yao breathed a sigh of relief!

Peng Jiang ran and saw a car in front of him!

The glass window of the car slowly fell, revealing the exquisite face of Sister Yunyao!
(End of this chapter)

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