Chapter 392

"Yunyao, why do you eat so much, are you reincarnated from a pig?"

"Why do I eat so much, these are from the school cafeteria! Why did you suddenly think of eating these?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course it's because I want to see you!"

"Hehe, do you have any plans, are you going to find my brother again?"

"Yun Yao, you are right!"

"Who is my brother? Do I know him?"

"Your brother is Yunyang, you forgot, he even asked you out today!"

After thinking about it carefully, Yun Yao realized that it was Yun Yang who was the one who invited the guests that day, so she said, "Yes, he asked me out! But, Peng Jiang, how do you know that my brother asked me out for dinner?"

"The place where your brother invited you to dinner is my dormitory building, and I told him that it was my treat, that's why he invited you!"

"You are so bad that you secretly told my brother!"

"Yunyao, you can ignore me, but you have to promise me and give me a chance to pursue you!"

"Okay, I promise, then go and change your clothes!"

Peng Jiang happily ran to the dormitory building!
Seeing Peng Jiang so happy, Yun Yao smiled.

"Is this Peng Jiang quite cute? He doesn't look like the kind of person who can lie!"

Yun Yao eats in the school cafeteria, and eats with great relish!
Because Yunyao grew up in the countryside, she never ate any meat, so Yunyao's food was delicious!

While eating the food in the cafeteria, Yun Yao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.

Yun Yao clutched her chest and retched a few times, then hurried to the toilet and vomited!

Seeing Yunyao's embarrassed appearance, Peng Jiang hurriedly stepped forward to pat Yunyao's back, and said, "Yunyao, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Yunyao's pale face and sweat all over her forehead, Peng Jiang knew that Yunyao must have eaten something wrong!

After Yun Yao vomited, she stood up, rubbed her stomach, and said to Peng Jiang: "Thank you for the breakfast, but I'm not hungry, you go first!"

Peng Jiang ignored Yun Yao, but took Yun Yao's arm and walked to the classroom!

"You let me go!"

"Don't let it go! I can't let it go. I have to take you to the infirmary for a checkup. If you really get some disease, it will be miserable!"

"Oh, I'm not sick!"

"Yunyao, I'm serious, I'm worried about you like this!"

"Peng Jiang, just let me be quiet for a while, let me calm down, okay?"

"Okay then! I'm going to class first, I'll come to you later, remember not to run around, don't you keep saying you want to exercise, so just obediently listen to the teacher in the classroom!"

"Well, I see!"

Seeing Peng Jiang leave, Yun Yao relaxed and sat on the seat!

Yun Yao felt that she was very tired and wanted to sleep for a while, but she didn't dare to sleep, for fear that she would not know what to do after falling asleep.

"Forget it, don't think so much, go to sleep, anyway, it's not like I haven't slept before!"

Yun Yao closed her eyes and fell asleep!
After an unknown amount of time, Yun Yao was awakened by Peng Jiang's call.

"Yunyao, wake up, Yunyao, wake up, Yunyao!"

Yun Yao opened her hazy eyes, looking at Peng Jiang's anxious face, Yun Yao's heart was full of sweetness!
"Peng Jiang, what's the matter with you, is there something wrong?"

"Yunyao, that's not the case. Are you unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, I really have nothing to do, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, don't worry, I've almost slept now!"

Peng Jiang felt relieved when he heard Yunyao say that, "Yunyao, if you still feel uncomfortable, you must tell me!"

"Well, I see!"

After the two chatted a few more words, Peng Jiang turned around and returned to his seat!
"Peng Jiang, were you calling classmate Yunyao just now?"

Hearing the voice, Peng Jiang turned his head to look at the teacher who was speaking.

"Yes, she is Yunyao!"

"Oh! Peng Jiang, is this your love letter to her?"

"Hmm!" Peng Jiang took out a note from his bag and handed it to the teacher!

The teacher opened the note and looked at it, "Wow, so romantic, Peng Jiang, you are so romantic!"

While the teacher praised, he also handed the note to the girls in his class!

"Look, this is a love letter from Peng Jiang to Yunyao. Tell me, after receiving this love letter, will Yunyao fall in love with Peng Jiang?"

Listening to the teacher's words, Yun Yao was really ashamed. The love letter Peng Jiang gave turned out to be a love note, and it was written with a red pen!
Is this Peng Jiang's style, Yun Yao couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"No, I must find a way to tear up the love letter!"

Yun Yao wanted to use scissors to remove the handwriting written on the note, but Yun Yao found that she could not use her strength at all!

"Peng Jiang, you idiot, why did you give me the love letter!"

"Yunyao, what's wrong with you, didn't you say you're going to the infirmary, don't hurry up, don't you want to go to the infirmary!"

"Oh! I'll be right there!"

Peng Jiang supported Yunyao, Yunyao felt Peng Jiang's warm body temperature, Yunyao felt even more embarrassed, "Peng Jiang, I will walk by myself, I can walk by myself!"

"Don't move, look at how you walk like this, you can see that your foot is sprained, otherwise, you can ask Peng Jiang to help you to the infirmary!"

"But, do you still have classes?"

"I'm fine, I'll just take half a day off!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he supported Yun Yao and walked to the infirmary!

After Peng Jiang and Yunyao left, the girls in the classroom gathered together!
"Oh my god, this is too romantic! Our classmate Peng Jiang is so handsome!"

"I feel so too!"

"Peng Jiang is so gentle and considerate. I have never seen a boy so gentle to a girl since I was a child!"

"Look, our classmate Peng Jiang expressed such deep friendship to Yunyao, he really envies us!"

A group of girls chattered about Peng Jiang's feelings for Yunyao!

"Peng Jiang, Yunyao, we haven't had any new students in our class for a long time. The girls in our class have always been so lonely, and the boys in our class are more philandering than the other!"

Peng Jiang frowned when he heard the girls say that the boys in the class are all playboys, "Girls, you are not allowed to insult the boys in our class casually, they are all good! You can't slander Yunyao just because she is jealous, Yunyao is a good girl, unlike you, she has no shame at all!"

Seeing Peng Jiang defending his shortcomings like this, Yun Yao was very moved!

"Yunyao, don't get me wrong, we don't mean to slander you, we're just telling the truth!"

Yun Yao smiled and didn't say anything else, Peng Jiang's character is like a sunny boy!

As soon as Peng Jiang and Yunyao entered the class, the boys in the class surrounded them.

"Wow, Peng Jiang, you brat, you actually pursue Yunyao, you are really a toad who wants to eat swan meat, Yunyao, tell me about you, look at Peng Jiang, how responsible and outstanding he is Ah, you don't even know how to cherish it!"

"Yunyao, there are so many good boys in our class, you have to choose carefully!"

"Yunyao, although there are many boys in our class, if you choose Peng Jiang, you don't need to worry!"

Listening to what the boys said, Peng Jiang pushed himself to the forefront!

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, Yunyao is my favorite girl, we are at the same table, the relationship between us is beyond your comprehension!"

"Cut, who would believe you, you two never knew each other before, how could you have such a relationship!"

Hearing these boys' nonsense, Peng Jiang couldn't help being furious!
At this moment, Yun Yao pulled Peng Jiang's arm!

"Peng Jiang, the boys in your class are really rude!"

"Yes, Yunyao, if someone speaks ill of the boys in our class in the future, you should stop being friends with us!"

"I support you!"

"Thank you!" Yun Yao looked at Peng Jiang standing on the same front as herself, and couldn't help smiling at them!
"Hmph, you're considered acquainted!" Peng Jiang felt even more proud when he heard Yun Yao praise him!

"Yunyao, how are you feeling today?"

Peng Jiang asked Yun Yao.

"I'm fine, just take a rest, don't bother you to worry about it!"

"Okay then, I still have to go to class, so I'll leave first!" Peng Jiang looked at Yunyao's attitude and felt a little disappointed. He thought that Yunyao would touch him very much, but unexpectedly, Yunyao's reaction was unexpectedly Being so indifferent, could it be that he didn't attract Yunyao's attention enough?

(End of this chapter)

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