Chapter 399

After more than an hour, Peng Jiang's father and Peng Jiang got into the car and came to a western restaurant.

Peng Jiang's father and Peng Jiang sat down in a relatively remote corner in the lobby of the western restaurant. The waiter came over and asked what they wanted to order. Peng Jiang's father handed the menu to the waiter.

Peng Jiang ordered a foie gras and a steak, a bottle of red wine and a glass of lemon juice, and the waiter left.

Peng Jiang's father looked at Peng Jiang and said, "Son, do you still remember that I once told you that I want to find you a beautiful girlfriend?"

"Hmm!" Peng Jiang said.

"Son, what do you think of this beautiful female teacher? I think she has a crush on you!" Peng Jiang's father looked at Peng Jiang and said.

"She is excellent!" Peng Jiang said.

"Yeah, she is very good, and her family background is also very strong. I think that if you marry such a girl, you will definitely live a very comfortable life. Think about it, your current grades and education are not particularly high. If you get married in the future, you can live a good life!" Peng Jiang's father said.

After hearing what his father said, Peng Jiang fell into deep thought.

I and that beautiful female teacher are indeed a good match, and my grades are also very good, and my piano attainments are also very high. If I marry that female teacher, then I may become a pianist, then I can married her.

You don't have to be an apprentice anymore.

The more Peng Jiang thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

"Father, since you think she's good, I'll try dating her!" Peng Jiang said after thinking everything through, looking at his father.

Peng Jiang's father smiled when he heard Peng Jiang's words. He knew that Peng Jiang would definitely agree.

"Son, it's good if you figure it out. After a while, you can get along well with him. I think you have a good impression of him!" Peng Jiang's father said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Peng Jiang nodded with a smile.

"Okay, then Dad will bless you, and when you two meet, have a good talk!" Peng Jiang's father said.

"Okay! Thank you!" Peng Jiang said happily.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Peng Jiang kept guessing what clothes he should wear on a date with Ye Qianying tonight.

"Dong dong~~~~~" Peng Jiang's father rang the table.

"Come in!" Ye Qianying's voice came.

Peng Jiang's father opened the door and walked in.

Ye Qianying looked up, and it turned out that it was Peng Jiang's father.

"Hehe, it's Xiao Jiang, please sit down!" Ye Qianying said as she got up.

"Hehe, Mr. Ye, sit down, you are my head teacher, so just call me Xiao Jiang!" Peng Jiang's father laughed.

"Xiao Jiang, come and try the foie gras in this shop, it tastes really good!" Ye Qianying said with a smile.

Ye Qianying's father poured Peng Jiang a glass of wine.

"Thank you!" Peng Jiang thanked with a smile.

Ye Qianying looked at Peng Jiang, thinking that this young man was pretty handsome, and he looked gentle and polite.

Peng Jiang picked up his glass and took a sip of the red wine, then looked at Ye Qianying.

Ye Qianying also picked up the wine glass in front of her and clinked glasses with Peng Jiang.

"Well, it really is good wine!" Peng Jiang praised.

Ye Qianying couldn't help showing a bright smile when she heard Peng Jiang's praise.

"Hehe, Xiao Jiang, I called you here today because I wanted to discuss something with you!" Ye Qianying said.

"Oh? What's the matter? Teacher Ye, just tell me!" Peng Jiang said.

Ye Qianying smiled and said: "Hehe, it's about your tuition fee, because you got a good grade in the top five of the school in this monthly exam, the school decided to give you a generous tuition fee and return it to you Arrange the place to live, where do you think you live now?"

"Oh! Thank you, Teacher Ye, I have already bought a house, which is near our school!" Peng Jiang said.

"Really?" Ye Qianying asked in surprise.

Peng Jiang nodded.

"That's really great! But Xiao Jiang, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me. Although I am not the principal of the school, I can help you solve many problems." Ye Qianying said.

"Okay!" Peng Jiang said with a smile.

"Okay, then you sit down first, I'll go back to the office first!" Ye Qianying stood up after speaking, and walked towards the door.

"Go slowly, Teacher Ye!" Peng Jiang said with a smile.

Peng Jiang looked at the back of Ye Qianying leaving, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Peng Jiang's father looked at Peng Jiang's nympho expression and shook his head.

After eating and drinking enough, Peng Jiang went back to school.

As soon as Peng Jiang arrived at the teaching building, he saw Li Xiaoling waiting for him on the stairs.

After Li Xiaoling saw Peng Jiang, she hurried down the steps and took Peng Jiang's hand.

"You're back, let's go eat!" Li Xiaoling said.

Li Xiaoling grabbed Peng Jiang's arm, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Li Xiaoling's hand was very warm, which gave Peng Jiang an inexplicable sense of happiness, but he also felt very embarrassed, but he didn't dare to break free, so he could only let Li Xiaoling lead him to the teaching building.

Peng Jiang's parents didn't object after seeing it. After all, their son has grown up and has the right to pursue his love.

Peng Jiang and Li Xiaoling came to the school cafeteria.

There were quite a few people in the cafeteria, because the school was a noble school, so every student had a fixed lunch and afternoon tea.

Peng Jiang and Li Xiaoling chose a seat in the cafeteria to sit down, and then ordered a few dishes.

Peng Jiang's father looked at Li Xiaoying, smiled and said, "Hehe, Xiao Jiang, is this your girlfriend?"

"En!" Peng Jiang nodded.

"Hehe, not bad! Xiao Jiang, I will trouble you to take care of Xiao Jiang during this time, and come to me anytime if you need anything." Peng Jiang's father said with a smile.

"Uncle, you are too polite, I will definitely take good care of Xiao Jiang!" Li Xiaoling said.

Peng Jiang's father smiled when he heard Li Xiaoling's words.

Soon after, Peng Jiang's father and Li Xiaoling finished eating.

"Xiaojiang, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to the dormitory to rest, I'll go first!" Li Xiaoling said.

"Well, okay, Mr. Ye, go slowly!" Peng Jiang said.

Li Xiaoling walked out of the cafeteria, looked at Peng Jiang, smiled, turned and left.

Peng Jiang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, watching Li Xiaoling disappear in the direction of his sight.

Seeing Peng Jiang's expression, Peng Jiang's father couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

"You brat, if you like a beautiful woman so much, you didn't say it earlier. How about I arrange it for you and just abduct her to be your daughter-in-law at home, so I don't have to worry about your life-long event!" Peng Jiang The father looked at his son and joked.

When Peng Jiang heard his father's words, he lowered his head shyly and said, "I don't want to get married yet, I still want to study!"

"Okay, our little Jiang has grown up and has to decide for himself!" Peng Jiang's father laughed.

"Okay, Xiao Jiang, let's go back to the dormitory!" Peng Jiang's father said.

The two father and son returned to the dormitory, Peng Jiang's father went to work, Peng Jiang also returned to his bedroom, turned on the computer and logged in to QQ.

Peng Jiang's friend is a very cute girl [Meng Meng].

"Mengmeng, why are you logging into QQ now? Didn't I tell you? Leave me a message every time you log on to QQ!" Peng Jiang said to Mengmeng.

"Oh, Xiaojiang, I forgot, I'm sorry, what are you doing now?" Mengmeng asked.

"I read books on the Internet, how about you?" Peng Jiang asked.

"I'm writing a script. You know I've loved writing scripts since I was a child!" Mengmeng said.

Peng Jiang felt a sudden pain in his heart when he heard Mengmeng's words.

Mengmeng liked to write scripts since she was a child, and she never had to worry about it by herself. She is so independent and can support a family by herself.

Over the years, I have relied on her funding and help to live until now. She is really a very kind and beautiful person. Peng Jiang also hopes to be as independent and strong as her.

"Mengmeng, I saw a sister on the street today, do you know her?" Peng Jiang said suddenly.

When Mengmeng heard Peng Jiang suddenly mentioning her sister, she immediately regained her spirits.

"Really? Where is she?" Mengmeng asked.

"She lives upstairs opposite my house, and her family loves her very much, and her parents dote on her very much.

She is beautiful and has a good personality. "Peng Jiang recalled Ye Qianying's appearance.

When Mengmeng heard Peng Jiang say that Ye Qianying was beautiful, she wanted to see Ye Qianying even more.

"Really? Is your home far from hers?" Mengmeng asked.

"I don't know where it is, it's quite far anyway." Peng Jiang said.

"I want to visit her, okay?" Mengmeng asked expectantly.

"Okay then! I'll take you there after get off work!" Peng Jiang said.

"Well, then go to class quickly, I won't delay your class!" Mengmeng turned off QQ after finishing speaking, and continued to code words.

Peng Jiang packed up his things after one class, and was about to pick up Li Xiaoling from school, so he took his mobile phone and walked out of the classroom. When passing by Li Xiaoling's classroom door, Peng Jiang suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Peng Jiang hesitated for a while, but finally he didn't have the courage to knock on Ye Qianying's door.

"Knock knock!"

Peng Jiang stood outside and knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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