Chapter 402

"Okay, if you have any difficulties, call Uncle Zhang directly. You are welcome. You also know that Uncle Zhang's family conditions are very poor!" said the other end of the phone.

"Enen, Uncle Zhang, you are right. Your family's conditions are indeed not very good. After that, I will definitely respect you a lot! I won't talk about it, I have something to do, so I will hang up first!" Peng Jiang hurriedly said Said on the phone.

"Well, go ahead!" Uncle Zhang said into the phone.

"Well, goodbye, Uncle Zhang!" Peng Jiang hung up the phone.

Peng Jiang put down the phone and looked at the pancakes on the table.

"Oh! My teacher is so kind, he even made me breakfast!" Peng Jiang thought.

Ye Qianying tidied up, changed her clothes and came out of the bathroom.

Peng Jiang looked at Ye Qianying and said with emotion: "My teacher is so beautiful, this is a fairy! I must study hard to earn money to support my teacher!" Peng Jiang thought in his heart.

"Xiaoying, hurry up and eat!" Peng Jiang shouted at Ye Qianying.

"Well, I got it! Eat quickly!" Ye Qianying replied when she saw that Peng Jiang had already sat down and waited for her meal.

Peng Jiang and Ye Qianying ate pancakes together.

After Ye Qianying and Peng Jiang had breakfast, they went to class together.

Ye Qianying walked into the classroom.

"Teacher Qianying, you are back!" Li Nana said to Ye Qianying.

"Good morning, Nana!" Ye Qianying said, looking at Li Nana with a smile.

"Mr. Qianying, good morning!" Li Nana replied.

As soon as Ye Qianying sat on the seat, Peng Jiang came over.

"Mr. Qianying, when I was in the park yesterday, my parents asked me to give you the things I picked up. I never had a chance to bring them to you, so I asked my friend to bring them to you!" Peng Jiang said to Ye Qianying Said.

"Well, don't tell me I forgot, hand me the bag quickly!" Ye Qianying said.

"En!" Peng Jiang handed the bag to Ye Qianying after finishing speaking.

"You don't know what you picked up. I thought you lost something valuable. It turned out to be a bracelet!" Ye Qianying said to Peng Jiang with a smile.

"Hehe, I don't know what I picked up. Anyway, I thought it was very expensive at the time, so I took it home. When my parents saw it, they asked me who picked it up. I just said it. They also believed the gift given to me by an old man!" Peng Jiang said to Ye Qianying with a smile.

"Oh, that's it!" Ye Qianying said after hearing Peng Jiang's words.

"Enn, teacher, you haven't told me what your bracelet is, how could you give it to me, we are not familiar with each other, and I picked this thing up to buy some gifts for my parents, but I I don't know what they like, so I thought of you! Don't dislike the cheap gift I gave you!" Peng Jiang said to Ye Qianying.

"Hehe, you are too sensible a child, don't worry, I like your gift very much, but I don't understand, why did you give this to me?" Ye Qianying looked at Peng Jiang curiously and asked.

Hearing Ye Qianying's question, Peng Jiang said with a blushing face: "Actually, I don't know. At that time, I thought this necklace was very suitable for you. It must look good on you, so I wanted to give it to you. As for the necklace I gave you The reason for the necklace, I don't think I need to explain too clearly!"

Ye Qianying smiled slightly when she heard Peng Jiang's words.

"Hehe, Peng Jiang, you are really good at talking!" Ye Qianying said appreciatively.

"Hey, Teacher Qianying, I'm not good at talking, I'm just telling the truth! However, if you like it, you can wear it a few more times in the future! I also like the way you wear the necklace. It's very beautiful and very Cute, but I don't know what my parents like, just help me, I'll treat you to a good meal next time, thank you!" Peng Jiang said to Ye Qianying.

"Hehe, don't be so polite. Since you like this necklace very much, then keep it with you. If you don't dislike it, you can wear it around your neck. I promise it looks better than those jewelry!" Ye Qianying turned to Peng Jiang Said.

"Is what Teacher Qianying said true? Do you really want to give me a beautiful necklace?" Peng Jiang became excited when Ye Qianying said this.

When Ye Qianying heard Peng Jiang's words, she secretly scolded the child for being stupid!

But he said in his mouth: "Of course! How could I lie to you? We are classmates now, and I will treat you to dinner in the future! We are friends!" Ye Qianying said.

"Okay! I knew you were a good person, and I will be friends with Teacher Qianying from now on!" Peng Jiang jumped up happily when he heard Ye Qianying say this.

"Okay, stop smirking there, sit down quickly, everyone is watching you!" Ye Qianying said to Peng Jiang.

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot as soon as I was happy! I'll sit down right away." Peng Jiang said hurriedly when he heard Ye Qianying's words.

"Okay, sit down quickly!" Ye Qianying said to Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang sat on the seat.

Ye Qianying took out the paper and pen, and started writing what she had written.

"Peng Jiang, I wrote a few places, please take a look, you go back and send the things to your parents according to this address!" Ye Qianying said as she handed the paper to Peng Jiang.

"Teacher Qianying, where is this?" Peng Jiang looked at Ye Qianying and asked.

"Oh, don't worry, it's where I live. I live there now, and it won't delay your studies!" Ye Qianying explained.

"That's great. From now on, I can leave school at around 05:30 every afternoon, and then go to see Teacher Qianying, and then go to eat near the school together, so that I can deliver the food to the teacher's house earlier!" Peng Jiang said happily Said.

"Yeah, ok, then we'll make an agreement in three chapters, no more barking!" Ye Qianying said to Peng Jiang.

"Teacher Qianying, I remember!" Peng Jiang heard Ye Qianying say this.

"Well, you go back first, it's not safe to put this thing on you, take it back!" Ye Qianying said to Peng Jiang.

"No need, Teacher Qianying, I don't dare to take such a precious necklace on my body. If others see it, I will be miserable. It's better to put it on your body. When I get my exam results, I will Bring it to my parents again!" Peng Jiang insisted on saying to Ye Qianying.

"That's fine, then please put your things here with me, but I can guarantee that your things will not be stolen by others, so please take them!" Ye Qianying said.

"Well, I will definitely put it on your bedside when I get home, and I would also like to thank you for giving it to me, otherwise my parents don't know when they will see it, maybe they will I hate that I didn't buy them gifts!" Peng Jiang said.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations of me!" Ye Qianying looked at Peng Jiang and said.

"Well! Thank you, I'm going back to the classroom first!" Peng Jiang said to Ye Qianying.

"Well, you go back to the classroom!" Ye Qianying said.

After Peng Jiang returned to his seat, he found that all the students in the class looked at him with contempt. Peng Jiang felt the strange eyes around him, and continued to work on his own problems with his head down.

After the get out of class bell rang, the students dispersed and returned home, packing their schoolbags. After Peng Jiang finished packing his schoolbags, he hid the necklace in his pocket and walked outside the classroom, ready to go home.

Walking to the door of the classroom, he suddenly remembered an important thing, that is, he forgot to give the necklace Ye Qianying gave him to her parents.

"Oh, what Teacher Qianying gave me, I should send it home to her personally, but I don't know the way, what should I do? Do you want to go home and ask my parents? But my parents definitely won't I promised, and they don't know my necklace, what should I do?" Peng Jiang stood in front of the classroom door and said tangled.

Peng Jiang thought about it, but he didn't come up with a result.

Just when Peng Jiang was worrying, Peng Jiang saw a familiar figure appearing in front of Peng Jiang. Peng Jiang looked up at this figure, wondering in his heart: "Mr. Qianying, how could it be you? Could it be that I went out today? Didn't look at the almanac, but met Teacher Ye Qianying?"

When Peng Jiang thought of this, he wanted to avoid Ye Qianying, and just turned around to run away, but saw Ye Qianying had already walked to Peng Jiang's side.

"Teacher Qianying, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here!" Peng Jiang greeted Ye Qianying.

"Student Peng Jiang, so you are Ye Qianying's friend? My name is Ye Qianying, you can call me Ye Qianying!" Ye Qianying looked at Peng Jiang and said.

(End of this chapter)

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