Chapter 406

Peng Jiang sighed, turned around, and prepared to drive home.

Ye Qianying's smile appeared in Peng Jiang's mind.

"Peng Jiang, what are you thinking, why do you suddenly think of such nympho feelings?" Peng Jiang said to himself.

Ye Qianying just returned to the dormitory.

The three girls in the dormitory surrounded Ye Qianying as soon as they saw Ye Qianying coming back.

"Qianying, why is it so early today?" Lin Yuxin said with a smile.

"I got up early to make breakfast today, so I came earlier!" Ye Qianying said.

"Oh, so it's like this! The rice you cook is so delicious, I want to try it!" Lin Yuxin said.

"I want to eat too!" Liu Jiajia said.

"Hehe, when I'm done, you will definitely fall in love with my cooking skills!" Ye Qianying said proudly.

"Then do it quickly!" Lin Yuxin said.

"Well, I know, when I do it well, everyone will be full of praise!" Ye Qianying said confidently.

Peng Jiang returned home and opened the door.

There was a musty smell in the room, Peng Jiang frowned and walked into the room.

Peng Jiang's house is an ordinary residence without decoration, so the room is very simple.

Peng Jiang sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

What was broadcast all the time was certain programs or movies, or news broadcasts. Peng Jiang closed his eyes after watching it, leaned his head on the sofa, and fell asleep.

Peng Jiang in his sleep seemed to hear something.

"Ah!" Peng Jiang woke up from the dream, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and opened them.

Peng Jiang's pupils dilated for a while, and a white kitten lay beside the bed.

This kitten is very strange, with pale pink fur, round eyes, red nose tip, oval mouth, and tawny tail.

The kitten has a sharp horn on its head.

"Meow~~" the kitten meowed, as if dissatisfied with Peng Jiang's waking up.

The kitten raised its paw and pointed at Peng Jiang, its eyes full of warning.

Seeing the appearance of the kitten, Peng Jiang's heart trembled.

Peng Jiang was so frightened that his face turned pale and he trembled all over.

He knew the horror of this kitten. If this kitten bit him, he would die completely.

The kitten stood up and rubbed Peng Jiang's leg with its sharp horns.

"Don't, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it doesn't mean anything malicious!" Peng Jiang hurriedly begged for mercy.

Hearing Peng Jiang begging for mercy, a trace of disdain flashed in Kitty's eyes.

"Meow~~" the kitten meowed.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me!" Peng Jiang was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Kitten's mouth, and he patted Peng Jiang with his sharp claws.

"Meow! Meow! Meow~~" the kitten continued to threaten.

"Meow meow meow~~" the kitten continued to yell, cold sweat was already oozing from Peng Jiang's forehead, and he felt a little wet in his crotch.

"Don't be afraid, it doesn't dare to kill you, get up, get up!" Peng Jiang said tremblingly.

"Yeah, okay, I'll get up right away!" After that, Peng Jiang stood up, but he didn't dare to leave the house, he was afraid that he would be attacked by the kitten again.

"Meow!" the kitten meowed a few times.

Seeing that the kitten had no intention of attacking him, Peng Jiang walked slowly towards the bedroom.

After walking a few steps, Peng Jiang suddenly felt a tingling pain between his legs.

Looking down, his underpants had been torn into pieces at some point, and blood was still flowing from the crotch, and there was a piece of meat in the gap in the middle of the underpants.

Peng Jiang was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, clutching his lower body and crying bitterly.



"Ah! Help! Help!" Peng Jiang wailed with snot and tears.

When Peng Jiang cried, the whole floor was noisy, and the neighbors knocked on the door to ask what happened.

"Peng Jiang, what's going on, who bullied you, I'll avenge you!" the neighbors asked.

"WhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL L LvL

"What, kitten, is it a cat demon?!"

Peng Jiang shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know the cat demon!"

"You don't know it, that's too strange, haven't you seen the cat demon?"

"No! I've never seen a cat demon. When I went shopping in the supermarket a month ago, I saw a cat demon?! But today I didn't see a cat demon!" Peng Jiang cried.

"That's weird! Let's go and see!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll take a look with you!" Peng Jiang wiped away the tears on his face, followed the neighbors, and went to a nearby hospital to treat his injuries.

More than an hour later, Peng Jiang's wound has been bandaged.

When Peng Jiang returned home, he felt terrified and couldn't help shivering.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that there is a cat demon by my side!" Peng Jiang said to himself.

The next day, when Peng Jiang went to school, he found a note under his desk, which said: "Don't forget the reminder I gave you last night!"

Peng Jiang picked up the note and observed it carefully, and found that the handwriting on it was very similar to that of a kitten, so he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"Is it really a cat demon?"

"No, I have to go to a teacher and ask for clarification. I can't let that kind of thing happen again, otherwise I will really die!" Peng Jiang shuddered when he thought of being bitten by a kitten.

Thinking of this, Peng Jiang immediately ran out of the classroom and ran to the school's public toilet.

"Hey, teacher, I have something to ask you!" Peng Jiang ran to the dean's office and shouted out of breath.

"whats the matter?"

"There was a cat demon last night, I wonder if you saw it?" Peng Jiang asked.

"No, what's the matter?" said the dean.

"I didn't see its appearance clearly, but I just felt that its eyes were very sharp. When it bit me, my pants were almost torn by it. And its sharp claws, it was not a normal cat at first glance. Monster, I am worried that I will be eaten by it!" Peng Jiang said in fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, it won't eat you, it's a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks, it won't eat people at will!"

Seeing the old professor's confident expression, Peng Jiang felt a lot more at ease.

"That's good, thank you teacher, I'll go first."

Peng Jiang walked out of the teaching office, returned to his seat, and thought with lingering fear: "I don't know if I will be eaten by the cat demon this time!"

"Hmph, I don't believe you didn't eat me!"

"Student Peng Jiang!"

Hearing someone yelling at him, Peng Jiang immediately turned his head away.

Peng Jiang's gaze met a pair of eyes.

"It's you, thank you so much just now!" Peng Jiang said gratefully.

As soon as Peng Jiang's words fell, those eyes shifted and looked in another direction.

"I don't need your thanks, I just don't want to see you being attacked by the cat demon again!" After speaking, the eyes shifted again.

"Thank you!" Peng Jiang thanked again.

"Well, you can get out!" The owner of those eyes said to Peng Jiang.

"Okay, thank you!" Peng Jiang finished speaking and walked out of the classroom.

After walking outside, Peng Jiang thought to himself: "It's really a mysterious cat demon. I don't know what kind it is, but it should not be an ordinary cat demon."

Thinking of this, Peng Jiang couldn't help but think of the identity of the cat demon.

"I remember it, I remember it!"

Peng Jiang suddenly remembered that he had seen a cat demon before. It was a big white cat with a huge body and very fierce eyes.

After Peng Jiang met the cat monster on the street, he was scared to death by it.

At that time, Peng Jiang just thought that the cat demon was very beautiful, but he never thought that the cat demon would be a mysterious fairy!

Goblins, the impression that has always been in the hearts of human beings, is that those monsters not only have a strong and powerful body, but also possess terrifying spells and sorcery.

Peng Jiang couldn't help worrying, if he annoyed that cat monster, would it suddenly go crazy and kill him?

The more Peng Jiang thought about it, the more flustered he became. He decided not to bother that cat demon. He just had to avoid it and not be stared at by it!
Thinking of this, Peng Jiang decided to leave the school and stay away from the threat of the cat demon.

Peng Jiang walked aimlessly on the campus, not knowing where to go, but felt chilly all over his body, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Suddenly, Peng Jiang stepped on a soft object, and Peng Jiang quickly kicked the soft object away, but unexpectedly, the soft object stuck to his ankle again, and he fell forward involuntarily. go.

Peng Jiang fell to the ground, and couldn't help raising his head, and found a white kitten lying on the ground, struggling on the ground at this time, trying to get up.

Peng Jiang was taken aback, and thought: "Hey, this kitten is about the same age as me. It looks pretty cute. It shouldn't know how to eat people, right?"

Thinking of this, Peng Jiang slowly stretched out his hand to help the kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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