Chapter 417

"Peng Jiang, thank you, I like you too! You are the purest and kindest boy I have ever seen. I believe that as long as I study hard, one day I will stand on the top of the pyramid overlooking the world!" Lin Yuxin said proudly .

"Well, I believe you, Yuxin!" Peng Jiang nodded and said.

"Then let's go quickly! It's getting late!" Lin Yuxin took Peng Jiang's arm and walked into the elevator.

Peng Jiang followed behind Lin Yuxin, who kept silent all the time, secretly vowed in his heart that he would take good care of the girl in front of him and make her happy!

"Peng Jiang, how old are you this year?" Lin Yuxin suddenly thought of a very important thing.

"I'm 17 years old this year!" Peng Jiang replied.

"Oh! That's it! I'm a few years older than you, I'll call you brother!" Lin Yuxin said with a smile.

"Is it okay?" Peng Jiang asked in disbelief.

"Of course, my parents also hope that I can find a good home, so you can just be my brother!" Lin Yuxin said jokingly.

"Well, okay!" Peng Jiang nodded.

Peng Jiang and Lin Yuxin took the elevator to the first floor while chatting.

After the elevator door opened slowly, Lin Yuxin stepped out of the elevator.

This is a large shopping supermarket with a wide variety of commodities.

After Lin Yuxin glanced at these products, she sighed in her heart: "It's really too extravagant! The prices of these things are simply staggering!"

"Peng Jiang, I think the clothes here are pretty good! Just buy this!" Lin Yuxin pointed to a dress and said.

"Okay! Then buy this dress!" Peng Jiang nodded.

After shopping for clothes, the two of them went shopping again and bought some daily necessities. The last thing they bought was almost four or five bags.

"Wow, Peng Jiang, I can hardly carry all the things you bought!" Lin Yuxin complained.

"Hey! Don't you know my weight? With my body, this thing is a piece of cake for me. Don't worry! It's okay. When I get to my house, I will lift it for you so that you won't be tired. I'm following you!" Peng Jiang said as it should.

"Yeah! Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Lin Yuxin said with a smile.

Peng Jiang's family lives in an old house in the urban area. The real estate certificate has Peng Jiang's father's name written on it. Lin Yuxin took out a white Lamborghini sports car from the garage and drove Peng Jiang back to the old house.

The servants in the old house had long known that Peng Jiang had a beautiful girlfriend, but they didn't know who this girl was. They never thought that she would be such a beautiful girl. Peng Jiang was so lucky to be with such a beautiful girl. Together, and also his fiancée.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!" Peng Jiang started shouting as soon as he entered the house.

"Hehe, it's Peng Jiang! Come in!" Peng Jiang's father greeted him from the living room and said with a smile.

"Peng Jiang, this is your girlfriend, she looks so beautiful!" Peng Jiang's mother also came out of the kitchen and said with a smile.

"Hello, Auntie!" Lin Yuxin greeted politely.

"Okay! So good!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile while touching Lin Yuxin's head.

"Hello! Auntie, you are really gentle! Peng Jiang, I'll pack up first!" Lin Yuxin turned her head and said to Peng Jiang with a smile.

Peng Jiang's father and mother were very happy after hearing Lin Yuxin's praise.

"Yu Xin! How did you and Peng Jiang meet? Where is he from? What kind of work does the family do?" Peng Jiang's mother asked.

"We are in the same class, and we only got to know each other later!" Lin Yuxin explained.

"You are in the same junior high school, is it a coincidence or fate!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"This is fate!" Peng Jiang said.

"Okay! I'm going to be busy, let's talk about it another day!" Lin Yuxin waved to Peng Jiang's parents, and then entered her room.

"Dad, do you think I'm a good match for her!" Peng Jiang said happily with his arms around his father.

"You are very happy with her!" Peng Jiang's father said happily.

"Yeah! We really match each other!" Peng Jiang said with a smile.

"Peng Jiang, you can rest at home first! I'll prepare dinner, and you two can eat later!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work! Mom!" Peng Jiang said with a smile.

Peng Jiang's mother walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Peng Jiang returned to his room. He lay on the bed and looked at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling thinking.

"Lin Yuxin, what kind of person are you?" Peng Jiang said softly.

The next morning, the sunlight fell on Peng Jiang's bed through the glass window, and Peng Jiang was awakened by the sunlight.

"It's so comfortable!" Peng Jiang said stretching his waist.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Peng Jiang said.

"Peng Jiang, get up and eat! Your breakfast!" Peng Jiang's mother walked in with breakfast.

"Thank you, Mom! I'll get up right away!" Peng Jiang said with a smile after taking the job.

"Get up quickly! Look, you slept until the sun was drying your ass!" Peng Jiang's mother urged.

"Got it! Get up right away!" Peng Jiang agreed with a smile.

After Peng Jiang finished washing, he came to the dining table and sat down.

"Come on, Peng Jiang, try Mommy's craft!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"Mmm! It's so delicious!" Peng Jiang picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth, and exclaimed after taking a bite.

"Peng Jiang, why do you always like to praise other people's craftsmanship! No wonder people say you are a big eater!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"Mum, your cooking is the best in the world, even if you eat it every day, you won't get tired of it!" Peng Jiang said with a smile.

"Hahaha, you brat! You can talk poorly!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a hearty laugh.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's have breakfast!" Peng Jiang's father said kindly.

"Enen, Dad, Mom, hurry up and eat too!" Peng Jiang started to eat breakfast.

"Oh! Why are there so many fillings for this dumpling? Is it because Yu Xin's craftsmanship is too good?" Peng Jiang raised his head and said in doubt.

"Yu Xin, hurry up and try it! This is the best bun in our family!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"Enen! It's delicious!" Lin Yuxin exclaimed.

"As long as you like to eat!" Peng Jiang's mother said with a smile.

"Peng Jiang, I went to work in the company today! Stay at home with your parents! Call me if you need anything, don't worry!" Lin Yuxin said with a smile.

"Well, okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road! Call me if you have anything to do!" Peng Jiang said with concern.

"Okay, Peng Jiang! Then I'm leaving!" Lin Yuxin said with a smile.

After Lin Yuxin left, Peng Jiang chatted with his parents again, and then went to play with his deskmate Li Mengling.

Peng Jiang and Li Mengling are in school, they often go to class together, go back to the dormitory together, have lunch together, and go to the library together.

Peng Jiang was a famous figure in school.Because he is very handsome and has excellent grades, many girls in the school like him.

Peng Jiang is a lively and cheerful child in school. No matter whether he has a feud with others or not, as long as others don't provoke him, he will take the initiative to show weakness, but he will not make himself appear particularly weak. Therefore, in school, Many girls like Peng Jiang, not only because of his good looks and superior family background, but also because of his good figure and well-developed muscles.

"Peng Jiang, why did you go last night?" Li Mengling asked, walking in front.

"I'm at home with my parents!" Peng Jiang said confidently.

"Cut! I don't believe it!" Li Mengling gave Peng Jiang a blank look.

"Hey. Believe it or not!" Peng Jiang said proudly.

Li Mengling turned her head and gave Peng Jiang a hard look. How dare this little bastard play tricks!snort!

Li Mengling's parents are doing agricultural sidelines at home. Li Mengling has followed her mother to her hometown since she was a child. Although she is studying outside, she has no restrictions at home.

Peng Jiang and Li Mengling came to the library together. They read books for a long time in the library together.

"Peng Jiang, I think these books are boring! Why don't we go shopping! I want to buy a new dress!" Li Mengling suggested.

"Okay! Let's go shopping in the mall!" Peng Jiang said.

"Let's go! Let's go!" After speaking, the two ran downstairs, shouting as they ran, "Let's go, let's go!"

"Hey! Slow down! Wait for me!" Peng Jiang's mother shouted from behind.

"Father, Mom, hurry up too!" Peng Jiang said.

"Peng Jiang, can't you walk a little slower? You're already so big, you're still like a child!" Peng Jiang's mother chased after him and shouted.

"Oh! Mom, stop chasing me! I know I'm wrong!" Peng Jiang said.

The two were making noise while running.

(End of this chapter)

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